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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
Current Issue Cover
Instructions to Authors


LABMEDICINE is a monthly periodical that publishes original articles on scientific, technical, managerial, and educational aspects of the clinical laboratory. Articles are to meet the needs and interests of the primary readers: professionals who work in the clinical laboratory.

All manuscripts must be submitted electronically. To submit a manuscript go to the following Web link: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/labmed. If you are a first-time author, you will need to first create an account.

Certain sections of this periodical go through rigorous peer review. These sections and a description of the review process are seen on the table below. The table also details the guidelines for preparing a manuscript for publication. A good "rule of thumb" for preparing manuscripts is to look at an article that has already been published in LABMEDICINE. The author should then try to format his or her submission as closely as possible to the article that has already been published.

Images and figures can be included within the text document as a way of providing context; however, it is imperative for publication that all images and figures be submitted as separate files (either electronically or as a mailed supplement). All authors who submit images electronically need to pay close attention to the guidelines given on the table. Specifically, images need a resolution of 300 dpi. Anything less than 300 dpi compromises the integrity of the image in print and may lead to an editorial decision to not publish the image. When in doubt, hard copies on glossy photo paper or 35 mm slides are often the best way to submit images.

Pages should be numbered consecutively, beginning with the abstract. You must acknowledge financial support. Any possible conflicts of interest must be disclosed when submitting a manuscript. You may also wish to acknowledge technical assistance or other collaboration involved in the manuscript preparation. For example, you should mention whether equipment or procedures are being field-tested at the time of publication or if the manufacturer supported the work.

References should appear at the end of the manuscript prior to the image or figure legends and tables. Each reference should have a separate number corresponding to the text citation. The reference numbers should be in order in which they appear in the text. A particular reference used more than once in the manuscript needs only one reference number in the list at the end of the document. Within the text, the reference numbers should be superscripted. References must be complete and should be verified against the original documents. Authors bear the full responsibility for accuracy of references and other citations. References to unpublished works or verbal communications should appear within parentheses in the text and not in the reference list that follows the text.

Refer to the American Medical Association Manual of Style regarding the formatting of references. Two examples of references are below (1 journal article and 1 book):

Solter NA, Wasserman SI, Austen KF. Cold urticaria: Release into the circulation of histamine and eosinophilic chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis during cold challenge. N Engl J Med. 1976;294:687-690.

Osler AG. Complement: Mechanisms and Functions. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall; 1976:283-291.

When submitting a continuing education article, the author must include a purpose statement for the reader about the article's intended educational objectives. The submission must also include 5 multiple choice questions with accompanying answers. It is encouraged that authors avoid questions that contain either "all of the above" and/or "none of the above" as possible answers.

Letters about articles recently published in LABMEDICINE or about topics of general interest to our readers are encouraged. Submission of a letter constitutes permission for the American Society for Clinical Pathology to edit, abridge, and publish it in LABMEDICINE. Letters must not duplicate other material published or submitted for publication.

Any questions regarding submission of manuscripts can be directed to the editorial staff of LABMEDICINE. Call 312.541.4897, or e-mail to labmed@ascp.org.

Types of Manuscripts Characteristics
Feature Must be a solicited article from the editors about a cover-story topic. (F)
CE Update Provides recent information on a selected topic with 5 multiple choice questions. Typically like a Review article, only shorter and more concise. (CE)
Overview Also known as a Review article, a comprehensive, overview of a particular scientific area. (O)
Rounds Reports on an actual case; however, it does not use the strict question and possible answer format. (R)
Case Study Reports on actual cases with an emphasis toward education; this must be in the question and possible answer format (check previously published case studies for a guide). (CS)
Science Original research article based on clinical laboratory work with an emphasis on practical components of laboratory work to meet the needs and interests of laboratory professionals. (SCI)
Media Review Must be a review of a book or another form of media. (MR)
News Brief Must be an item on a timely, news oriented subject. (NB)
Letters Must be a Letter to the Editor concerning something that has already been published in LabMedicine. (L)
Q and A Must be complete, having both a question portion relating to anything of interest to the readers and also a corresponding answer portion. (QA)
Special Reports A non-scientific paper on any subject, eg, managerial, educational, business related, information technology, etc. (SR)
Content and Sequence
Title Page
List of equipment/instrument manufacturers with complete addresses
Educational Objective (CE Update ONLY)
Materials and Methods
Fig./Illustration Legend
5 Multiple-Choice Questions with Answers (CE Update ONLY)
1200-2400 words, including Abstract and References
Number pages consecutively beginning with the Abstract
Note: Avoid footnotes in text

Item Specifications
Units of Measure SI units whenever possible.
Title Page Title of article
Format of References (Abbreviate journal titles according to Index Medicus) Authors' full names (first, MI, surname), degrees, and/or nationally recognized professional certification designations Institution affiliation with complete mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of corresponding author. Solter NA, Wasserman SI, Austen KF. Cold urticaria: release into the circulation of histamine and esoinophilic chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis during cold challenge. N Engl J Med. 1976;294:687-690. Osler AG. Complement: Mechanisms and Functions. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall; 1976:283-291.
Tables Use sparingly; include explanatory heading on each table (not requiring reference to the text to understand the table) and all columns in table Cite tables in consecutive order in text using arabic numerals (Table 1, Table 2, etc). Use the following symbols for footnotes in the sequence: *, ? ? ? |, ? #; then double the symbols.
Illustrations/Images Professionally drawn, photographed (glossy, high contrast, B/W), or laser printed. All images should be submitted at a high-resolution, of at least 300. Cite figures in consecutive order in the text using arabic numerals (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc). If a figure has been published previously, acknowledge the original source and submit written permission from the copyright holder to reproduce the material.
Cover Letter Containing: A statement that the manuscript has been read and approved by all authors. A statement that the manuscript has not been published, submitted, or accepted for publication elsewhere. A disclosure statement of authors' financial interest or other affiliation with products or companies mentioned in the manuscript.

Submitting Digital Image Files
Help keep the production of your article running smoothly and on time by submitting your digital files as suggested. Here we offer some tips you can use to help digital output jobs run efficiently.

There are many considerations to account for if you want to achieve a quality image. Considerations that are unique to the printing process are resolution, file format, and RGB to CMYK conversion. The following is a brief outline of those considerations for digital images to be printed in AJCP and LABMEDICINE.

General Submission Requirements
The original source file must be high resolution (400 dpi for AJCP and 300 dpi for LABMEDICINE). Unless the digital image is dimensionally very large at 72 dpi when submitted (say 8" ?10"), a digital image that has been resampled in Photoshop from 72 dpi to 400 dpi is not adequate.

Color Space
All work submitted as digital color should be in the CMYK (Cyan/Magenta/Yellow/Black) mode, as this is the mode required for the printing process. Authors must ensure that color saturation/color balance is correct before sending files to us. If an RGB (Red/Green/Blue) file is submitted, dramatic color shifts can occur.

File Format
Use Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) for photographs and photomicrographs and EPS for vector graphics. Although there are many graphic file formats to choose from, it is safest when printing to a PostScript device to use EPS for vector graphics and TIFF for raster/bitmap graphics. Vector graphics are object-oriented files that contain drawing instructions created in applications such as Illustrator. Fonts in these EPS files should be converted to "create outlines" or "convert to paths," as this will eliminate the need to download the fonts for outputting. Raster graphics are bitmapped files such as scans or screen shots. When using TIFF files, be sure to have the correct amount of data in the file for the line screen to which you are printing. Use an image-editing program such as Photoshop or Live Pictured to rotate the TIFF, then bring it into your page as a "straight" image. Don't rotate TIFFs within your page layout application, as the printer will have to recalculate new positions for each pixel. Also crop graphics closely with no unnecessary white borders beyond actual image to help control accurate placement and file sizes.

Try to supply a hard copy produced from the digital files being submitted. This provides a double check of the proper image. In the event that the digital file cannot be accessed, we will scan your proof so no delay is encountered in your deadline. Please supply overlay/description of areas of focus and critical color concerns.

Media and Compression
CD, Zip, or Jaz formats are accepted. Sending images as e-mail attachments can be difficult. Please notify the recipient via e-mail or phone before sending any attachments. Please refrain from submitting compressed files.

Image Size Specifications
Pixel Dimensions (6.9 MB or less)
Width: 1450 pixels
Height: 1250 pixels
Print Size
Width: 3.6 inches
Height: 3.1 inches
Digital Image Specifications
Type Format Mode Resolution
B+W line art EPS Vector N/A
Halftone TIFF Grayscale 400 dpi
Color TIFF CMYK 400 dpi

Editorial Board

Editorial Advisory Board

Frank H. Wians, Jr, PhD, MT(ASCP), DABCC, FACB

Associate Editor
Kevin Land, MD, FASCP

Continuing Education Editor
Gary W. Gill, CT(ASCP), CFIAC

Quality Editor

Information Technology Editor
J. Thomas Molina, MD, PhD

Assistant Editors
Maj. Jude M. Abadie, PhD, DBACC
Jane Colmer-Hamood, PhD, MT(ASCP)
Paul A. Elgert, CT(ASCP)CMIAC, BTP
William G. Finn, MD, FASCP
Anne Walsh-Feeks, MS, PA(ASCP)
Carol A. Gomes, MS, MT(ASCP)HTL
Christa Hladik, HT(ASCP) QIHC
Marisa B. Marques, MD, FASCP
Helen Ogden-Grable, MT(ASCP)PBT
Deborah Payne, PhD
Fred H. Rodriguez, Jr., MD, FASCP

Editorial Review Board

Karen Allen, SCT(ASCP)
Jay Bock, MD, PhD
Geza S. Bodor, MD
Shirley Boyett, MT(ASCP)
James D. Burner, MD, FASCP
Anthony W. Butch, PhD
Barbara S. Caldwell, MS, MT(ASCP)SH
Donna D. Castellone, MS, MT(ASCP)SH
Polly S. Cathcart, MMSc, MT(ASCP)SC
Marian J. Cavagnaro, MS, MT(ASCP)DLM
Dominick Cavuoti, DO
Dale Duca, MT(ASCP)SH
Sharon Ehrmeyer, PhD, MT(ASCP)
Martin Fattig, MT(ASCP)
Rita M. Gander, PhD, ABMM
David W. Glenn, MT(ASCP)
Susan Graham, MS, MT(ASCP)SH
Joanne M. Griffith, MA, MT(ASCP)DLM
Robert W. Hardy, PhD, DABCC
Christine M. Kenar, MA, MT(ASCP)DLM
Robert Klein, MD
William Knape, MT(ASCP), CLS
John A. Koepke, MD
Henry Lee, MT(ASCP)DLM
Ronald Laessig, PhD
Diane S. Leland, PhD, MT(ASCP)SM
Herbert V. Markle, PhD, FCACB
Henry O. Ogedegbe, PhD, BB(ASCP)SC
Dinesh Rakheja, MD
Ann Robinson, PhD, D(ABMM)
J. Jordi Rowe, MD, FASCP
Mohamed E. Salama, MD, FASCP
Katherine Soreng, PhD
Owatha Tatum, PhD, CLSp(MB), MP(ASCP)
Peggy A. Wenk, HTL(ASCP)
Monte S. Willis, MD, PhD
Lynn R. Witherspoon, MD
Elizabeth A. Zeibig, MA, MT(ASCP)


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