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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Cover image for Vol. 4 Issue 8‐9

Aims & Scope

physica status solidi is devoted to the thorough peer review and the rapid publication of new and important results in all fields of solid state physics and materials science, from basic science to applications and devices.

physica status solidi (RRL) ?Rapid Research Letters is presently the fastest peer-reviewed publication medium in solid state physics. It communicates important findings with a high degree of novelty and need for express publication, as well as other results of immediate interest to the solid state physics and materials science community. All manuscripts enjoy priority handling by the Editorial Office. Published Letters require positive approval by at least two independent referees. The journal covers topics such as preparation, structure and simulation of advanced materials, theoretical and experimental investigations of the atomistic and electronic structure, optical, magnetic, superconducting, ferroelectric and other properties of solids, nanostructures and low-dimensional systems as well as device applications. Rapid Research Letters particularly invites papers from interdisciplinary and emerging new areas of research.

Instructions to Authors

Author instructions

Manuscript preparation

  • Please use one of our template/style file packages for Rapid Research Letters which include further detailed information and author instructions in the typical two-column Letter style. Download here:
  •  Word document template package rrl_word.zip (preferred)
     LaTeX style file package rrl_latex.zip
  • Page limits: Using one of the templates, a maximum length of 2 or 3 printed pages (including all tables and figures) must be adhered to.
  • Note: We do not expect from authors to create the perfect layout of a Rapid Research Letter in their manuscript. The main purpose of the template is to have an accurate length estimate for the paper to be published. Figures may be inserted at the end if embedding within the text is difficult, but they should always appear in their final size, typically one or two-columns wide. All papers will undergo the usual full typesetting after acceptance.
  • You must give a maximum of six relevant PACS codes in numerical order (use the most recent and complete scheme at www.aip.org/pacs).
  • The manuscript must have a short abstract of 5-10 lines. Optionally, an abstract figure (a selected figure from the manuscript or an additional "eye-catching" figure) may be added.
  • Section headings can be omitted in order to save space or, if considered necessary, be written as running heads (followed by the text in the same line), such as:
    1 Introduction In this Letter, we will show for the first time
  • Figures should preferably be submitted in full colour, but should also be easily readable on a black/white printout. All figures will be published in colour in the online version of the Letter. Essential colour figures will also appear in the print edition at no cost for authors.
  • An "eye-catching" abstract figure may be included in the manuscript. Suggestion for attractive cover pictures of the journal are very welcome.
  • Extensive lists of references are discouraged with regard to the limited space. However, the need and justification for rapid publication should be made obvious by putting your submission into context with citations of the most recent and relevant international works.

Online submission

  • Submissions must be accompanied by a statement that the article is original and unpublished, is not being considered for publication elsewhere and is submitted with the consent of all co-authors.
  • Please submit your manuscript through our online submission system at
    Please upload of your entire manuscript containing all figures and tables as a single file. Acceptable file types are: doc, rtf, ps (e.g., created from LaTeX), and pdf.
  • Authors must agree to the Conditions of Publication during online submission.
  • Supporting information, e.g. videos or animations, for online publication at Wiley InterScience should be sent by e-mail to pss.rapid@wiley-vch.de or on a disk by regular mail.
  • Submissions of manuscripts posted on e-print servers (e.g. arXiv.org) can be made by e-mail to pss.rapid@wiley-vch.de, mentioning only the server name, category, and e-print number.

Peer review process

  • Submitted Rapid Research Letters are priority handled by the Editors. After editorial evaluation, they are sent out to three referees selected from a large, continuously updated international panel of scientists within less than 24 hours. The referees are asked to provide their reports within a one-week period. Normally two referee reports are required until a decision is taken.
  • The corresponding author will be informed on the editorial decision (acceptance, request for minor or major revision, or rejection) as quickly as possible, preferably within less than two weeks after submission, by e-mail. (In case the paper cannot be considered for pss (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters, we may encourage the author to resubmit a revised manuscript to pss (a) or (b) as Original Paper.)
  • Status information is available through the Online submission and refereeing system at any time.
  • Further inquiries may be directed by e-mail to pss.rapid@wiley-vch.de.


  • 1-2 days after acceptance, the corresponding author will receive pdf proofs by e-mail, requesting to return any corrections within 24-48 hours.
  • After receipt of your proof corredtions, typically within less than 5 days from acceptance the Rapid Research Letter will be published online in HTML (reference-linked through CrossRefTM) and PDF format at www.pss-rapid.com as part of Wiley InterScience Early View, up to several weeks before a print copy is released.
  • The Rapid Research Letter will be published online at www.pss-rapid.com as part of Wiley InterScience in pdf format and as reference-linked html full text within less than 5 days after acceptance. The published article is the typesetted, proof-corrected and fully citable final version. (No manuscript files or proofs are posted as they may deviate from the final article or still contain errors.)
  • At the time of online publication, the corresponding author will receive a high resolution (300 dpi) pdf file with cover page as electronic reprint of the published paper by e-mail, as well as a cover pdf if a figure from the letter has been used for the journal cover.

Editorial Board

Editor in Chief

Martin Stutzmann
Walter-Schottky-Institut, Technische Universität München,
Am Coulombwall, 85748 Garching, Germany;
Telephone: (+49 89) 2891-2760; Fax: (+49 89) 2891-2737;
e-mail: stutz@wsi.tu-muenchen.de

Regional Editors

Martin S. Brandt
Walter-Schottky-Institut, Technische Universität München,
Am Coulombwall, 85748 Garching, Germany;
Telephone: (+49 89) 2891-2758; Fax: (+49 89) 2891-2737; e-mail: mbrandt@physik.tu-muenchen.de
Shuit-Tong Lee
Centre of Super-Diamond and Advanced Films (COSDAF) and Department of Physics and Materials Science
City University of Hong Kong, 83 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR
Fax: +852 2784 4696; e-mail: st.lee@cityu.edu.hk
Pablo Ordejón
Institut de Ciencia de Materials de Barcelona - CSIC
Campus de la U.A.B., 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain
Fax: +34 93/5805729; e-mail: ordejon@icmab.es
Michael S. Shur
Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering Department and Physics Department
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 110 8th Street, Troy, NY 12180, USA
Fax: +1 (518) 276 2990; e-mail: shurm@rpi.edu
John I. B. Wilson
Department of Physics, Heriot Watt University,
Riccarton, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, UK;
Fax: +44-131-451-3136; e-mail: j.i.b.wilson@hw.ac.uk

Editorial Office

Stefan Hildebrandt (Managing Editor)
Ron Schulz-Rheinländer (Series Editor pss (b))
WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
Bühringstraße 10
13086 Berlin, Germany
Tel: +49 (0) 30 / 47 03 13 31
Fax: +49 (0) 30 / 47 03 13 34
e-mail: pss@wiley-vch.de (pss (a), (b), and (c))
e-mail: pss.rapid@wiley-vch.de (pss Rapid Research Letters)

Editorial Boards

physica status solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters:
Martin S. Brandt, Garching;
Elvira Fortunato, Caparica;
Shuit-Tong Lee, Hong Kong;
Pablo Ordejón, Barcelona;
John Robertson, Cambridge;
Michael S. Shur, Troy;
James S. Speck, Santa Barbara;
Martin Stutzmann, Garching;
Christian Thomsen, Berlin;
John I. B. Wilson, Edinburgh


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