

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Realized in cooperation with International Academy Nutrition and Aging (IANA). (See IV)

The Journal of Nutrition Health and Aging is the Journal of the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society.

There is increasing scientific and clinical interest in the interactions of nutrition and health as part of the aging process. This interest is due to the important role that nutrition plays throughout the life span. This role affects the growth and development of the body during childhood, affects the risk of acute and chronic diseases, the maintenance of physiological processes and the biological process of aging. A major aim of "The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging" is to contribute to the improvement of knowledge regarding the relationships between nutrition and the aging process from birth to old age.
64pp, six issues by year

Instructions to Authors

Instructions to contributors of Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging


The JNHA is indexed in MEDLINE/Index Medicus, in Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, in Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, in Science Citation Index Expanded (Sci Search), in EXCERPTA MEDICA (EMBASE and BIOBASE), in Mental Health Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts (CA), Abstracts in Social Gerontology: Current Literature on Aging, Sociological Abstracts and Social.

JNHA WILL BE REQUESTING THAT ALL MANUSCRIPTS BE SUBMITTED ON-LINE (carine.giry@serdi-fr.com).   Reviews by the editors and referees will also be performed online, which will greatly facilitate, hasten, and simplify reviews of all manuscripts and potentially reduce publication costs.  , Authors are encouraged to indicate the names of potential referees as well as those whom they wish not to review the paper, but the editors will make the final choice.  The average time interval for the initial review process, if it involves both editorial and peer reviews, is approximately 1 month; occasionally, there are unavoidable delays, usually because of multiple reviews or several revisions on a manuscript.  Decisions conveyed may be acceptance with or without revision, non-acceptance with encouragement to make revisions and resubmit; non-acceptance with encouragement to resubmit in another format (e.g., letter to the editor), or rejection.  Manuscripts held for revision will be retained for a maximum of 90 days.  Authors who plan to resubmit but cannot meet this deadline should contact the editorial office.

To maximize the number of pages that can be published and yet maintain high quality, there are strict limits on the total number of a) text words, b) graphics (tables, figures and appendices combined ), and c) references. 




JNHA  requires that abstracts of manuscripts submitted for the Clinical Investigations, Brief Reports, and Brief Methodological Reports sections be in a structured form conforming to guidelines published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (1998;280:23¨C24).  See also Annals of Internal Medicine (1990;113:69¨C76).  Abstracts should include the following headings: Objectives, Design, Setting, Participants, Intervention (if any), Measurements, Results, and Conclusion.  Specify the sample size.  Emphasize clinical relevance in the abstract's conclusion.  Failure to adhere to this format will delay or unduly prolong the review process.  Following the abstract conclusion, list 3 to 5 key words to be used for indexing. Editorials, Letters to the Editor and Geriatric Literature do not require an abstract.

Authors should include 3 to 5 key words at the end of the abstract for all papers except Editorials, Geriatric Literature, and Letters to the Editor.

Use or reproduction of materials from other sources (e.g., journal, book) must be accompanied by a statement or document from both author and publisher giving permission to JNHA for reproduction.

Manuscripts accepted for publication should be mailed (preferably by express mail) to the  JNHA Editorial office.  Please submit one original hard copy with one copy of illustrations (if needed) and an IBM-compatible diskette of the paper.  Failure to adhere to these recommendations may delay publication of your manuscript.

Limit the paper to a maximum of 3,500 text words, 5 graphics (tables, figures, appendices), and 50 references.  A structured abstract is required (see under Abstract). However if the article exeed 5 printed pages of the journal (3500 words approximatively), it will be charged Euros: 250 by extra pages.

These are clinical-investigation or clinical-experience reports whose findings are somewhat preliminary or a clinical study reporting on narrowly focused or limited findings.  Brief Reports are limited to 3,000 text words, 3 graphics (tables, figures, appendices), and 30 references, plus a brief structured abstract limited to one double-spaced manuscript page (see under Abstract).

Requests for permission to republish material previously printed in the  JNHA in another journal should be directed to:

All inquiries about the Journal should be addressed to Carine Giry: carine.giry@serdi-fr.com

Editorial Board


Editor-in-Chief: B. Vellas (Toulouse, France)
Editor Geriatric Section: A.J. Sinclair (Luton, UK)
Editor Nutrition Section: P.J. Garry (Albuquerque, USA)
Editor Clinical Neurosciences Section: L. Volicer (Tampa, USA)

Associate Editors: A. Cherubini (Perugia) - A. Cruz (Madrid) - L.J. Fitten (Los Angeles) - C. Sieber (Germany) - A. Ueki (Saitama City)

Editorial Board: E.J. Amella (Charleston), B. Bartali (New Haven), J. Bauer ( N¨¹rnberg), J. Belmin (Paris), H. Bergman (Montr¨¦al), R. Bernabei (Roma), G. Berrut (Nantes), J. Breitner (Seattle), V. Camus (Tours), T. Cederholm (Uppsala), W.C. Chumlea (Kettering), C. Cotman (Irwine), J.F. Dartigues (Bordeaux), L. De Groot (Wageningen), L. Donini (Roma), B. Dubois (Paris), F. Duveau (Paris), D. Evans (Chicago), W. Evans (Little Rock), M. Ferry (Valence), R.A. Fielding (Boston), G. Frisoni (Brescia), S. Gauthier (Montr¨¦al), D. Guez (Paris), T. Harris (Bethesda), S. Hercberg (Paris), C. Jeandel (Montpellier), D. Labadarios (Tygerberg), E. Larson (Seattle), M. Lechleitner (Zirl), R. Maia Guimaraes (Brasilia), J.P. Michel (Gen¨¨ve), J.E. Morley (Saint-Louis), M.C. Morris (Chicago), M. Nydhal (Uppsala), H. Orimo (Tokyo), M. Pahor (Winston-Salem), H. Payette (Sherbrooke), J.M. Ribera-Casado (Madrid), L. Riby (Newcastle Upon Tyne), M.O. Rikkert (Nijmegen), P. Ritz (Angers), P. Robert (Nice), L. Rodriguez Manas (Getafe), I.H. Rosenberg (Boston), R.M. Russel (Boston), A. Salva (Barcelona), M. Sano (Bronx), C. Sieber (N¨¹rnberg), S. Simmons (Reseda), H. Stahelin (Basel), S. Studenski (Pittsburgh), D.H. Sullivan (Little Rock), J. Touchon (Montpellier)


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