

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
Aims and scope

Landslides are gravitational mass movements of rock, debris or earth. They may occur in conjunction with other major natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Expanding urbanization and changing land-use practices have increased the incidence of landslide disasters. Landslides as catastrophic events include human injury, loss of life and economic devastation and are studied as part of the fields of earth, water and engineering sciences. The aim of the journal Landslides is to be the common platform for the publication of integrated research on landslide processes, hazards, risk analysis, mitigation, and the protection of our cultural heritage and the environment. The journal publishes research papers, news of recent landslide events and information on the activities of the International Consortium on Landslides.

- Landslide dynamics, mechanisms and processes

- Landslide risk evaluation: hazard assessment, hazard mapping, and vulnerability assessment

- Geological, Geotechnical, Hydrological and Geophysical modeling

- Effects of meteorological, hydrological and global climatic change factors

- Monitoring including remote sensing and other non-invasive systems

- New technology, expert and intelligent systems

- Application of GIS techniques

- Rock slides, rock falls, debris flows, earth flows, and lateral spreads

- Large-scale landslides, lahars and pyroclastic flows in volcanic zones

- Marine and reservoir related landslides

- Landslide related tsunamis and seiches

- Landslide disasters in urban areas and along critical infrastructure

- Landslides and natural resources

- Land development and land-use practices

- Landslide remedial measures / prevention works

- Temporal and spatial prediction of landslides

- Early warning and evacuation

- Global landslide database

Instructions to Authors
Instructions for Authors

Legal Requirements
The author(s) guarantees(guarantee) that the manuscript will not be published elsewhere in any language without the consent of the copyright owners, that the rights of third parties will not be violated, and that the publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation.

Authors wishing to include figures or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.

All authors are required to complete a copyright transfer form assigning all rights to the International Consortium on Landslides (ICL). Copyright transfer forms are available from the Editor, or on the web site of ICL.
Contributed articles must suit one of five categories.

1) Original papers: Length is 6-10 printed pages.

2) Recent Landslides: Length is 1-4 printed pages.

3) Technical Development: Length is 1-4 printed pages.
Progress of technology and best practices in monitoring, testing, investigation and mitigation measures.

4) ICL/IPL Activities: Usually less than 1 page.
Progress of IPL projects and ICL Committee activities.

5) News/Letters: Less than 1 page.
News and reports of meetings, discussion on published articles, and other information.
Manuscript Preparation
The instructions for manuscript preparation of “Original Papers?are stated in this section. The manuscripts for the “Recent Landslides”and “Technical Development”categories should also follow the instructions for the title page and the references, illustrations and tables. However, other parts in the manuscript can be flexible depending on their content and page lengths.

Title page

The title page should contain:

A concise and informative title

The name(s) of the author(s)

The affiliation(s) and address(es) of the author(s)

The e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers of the communicating author


Each paper must be preceded by an abstract presenting the most important results and conclusions in not more than 150 words.


Three to five key words should be supplied after the Abstract for indexing purposes. The key words must be supplemented by geographic definitions: Country, Region (State, Province), Locality.

Abbreviations and units

Abbreviations should be defined on first mention in the abstract and again in the main body of the text and used consistently thereafter. The international system of units (SI units) should be used.


Footnotes should be avoided whenever possible. Footnotes essential to the text should be numbered consecutively and placed at the bottom of the page to which they refer.


The Introduction should state the purpose of the work described and give a short review of the pertinent literature.

Methods and equipment

The methods and equipment section should follow the Introduction and should provide enough information to permit repetition of any experimental, theoretical or field work.


The Results section should describe the outcome of the study. Data should be presented as concisely as possible, if appropriate in the form of tables or figures, although very large tables should be avoided.


The Discussion should be an interpretation of the results and their significance with reference to work by other authors.


The Conclusions section should describe the major results and new findings obtained from the study and their significance for the progress of landslide study as concisely as possible.


These should be as brief as possible. Any grant that requires acknowledgement should be mentioned. The names of funding organizations should be written in full.


The list of references should only include works that are cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication. Citations in the text should be identified by the first author’s last name and the date of the publication in parentheses, for example,

for one author: James (1997);

for two authors: James and Sanford (1998);

for three and more authors: James et al. (1999);

and the list of references at the end of the paper should be ordered alphabetically under the first author’s last name.

References by the same author or team of authors should be listed in chronological order. Here are a few examples for the style of references:

Journal article

Sassa K, Wang GH, Fukuoka H (2003) Performing undrained shear tests on saturated sands in a new intelligent type of ring shear apparatus. Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM, 26(3): 257- 265

Book chapter

Wieczorek GF (1996) Landslide triggering mechanisms. In: Turner AK, Schuster RL (eds) Landslides investigation and mitigation, Special Report 247, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, pp 76-90


Turner AK, Schuster RL (eds) (1996) Landslides investigation and mitigation. Special Report 247, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington

Proceedings with an editor (without a publisher)

Canuti P, Casagli N, Moretti S, Leva D, Sieber AJ, Tarchi D (2002) Landslide monitoring by using ground-based radar differential interferometry. In: Rybar J, Stemberk J, Wagner P (eds) (2002) Proceedings of the first European conference on landslides, Prague, pp 523-528

Proceedings without an editor (without a publisher)

Hungr O, Evans SG (2001) Two examples of rock slide ?debris avalanches from Western Canada. In: Proceedings of Conference on transition from slide to flow ?mechanisms and remedial measures, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, 25 ?26 August 2001, pp 55-72

Article in electronic journal by DOI (no paginated version)

Çevik E, Topal T (2003) GIS-based landslide susceptibility mapping for a problematic segment of the natural gas pipe line, Hendek (Turkey). DOI: 10.1007/s00254-003-0838-6

References such as “personal communications?or “unpublished data”cannot be included in the reference list, but should be mentioned in the text in parentheses: this also applies to papers presented at meetings but not yet published or accepted for publication. A date should be given for both “personal communications”and “unpublished data”.

Papers which have been accepted for publication should be included in the list of references with the name of the journal and “in press”.

Illustrations and Tables

All figures (photographs, graphs or diagrams) and tables should be cited in the text, and each numbered consecutively throughout. Lowercase letters (a, b, etc.) should be used to identify figure parts. If illustrations are supplied with uppercase labeling, lowercase letters will still be used in the figure legends and citations. The placement of figures and tables should be indicated in the left margin. Figure parts should be identified by lower-case roman letters. For submission of figures in electronic form see below.

Line drawings

Please submit good-quality prints. The inscriptions should be clearly legible.

Half-tone illustrations (black and white and colour)

Please submit well-contrasted photographic prints with the top indicated on the back. Magnification should be indicated by scale bars.


Several figures or figure parts should be grouped in a plate on one page.

Size of figures

The figures should either match the width of the column (8.6 cm) or be 13.1 cm or 17.6 cm wide. The maximum length is 23.6 cm.

Figure legends

Figure legends must be brief, containing self-sufficient explanations of the illustrations. Map legends should be placed at the end of the text.


Tables should have a title and a legend explaining any abbreviation used in that table. Footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscript lower-case letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data).
Submission of Manuscript
Manuscripts should be submitted in two hard copies and electronic version on CD-ROM.

1) Hard copies: 2 double-spaced copies and 2 sets of illustrations.

2) Electronic version: text saved in Microsoft Word, and illustrations saved in JPEG or TIFF file.

3) Submission address:

“Landslides”Editorial Office
Research Centre on Landslides
Disaster Prevention Research Institute
Kyoto University
Gokasho, 611-0011, Uji, Kyoto, Japan

Tel: +81-774-38-4112
FAX: +81-774-38-4300
Email: landslides@landslide.dpri.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Please be sure to include your e-mail address and your fax number.

Please follow the instructions below. The manuscripts and the figures will not normally be returned, unless specifically requested by the authors. The author is responsible for the accuracy of the references.
Electronic Submission of Final Version
Authors of accepted papers are requested to prepare the final version of the manuscript according to the requirements requested by the publishing company “Springer-Verlag?

Please only return the final revised version of your manuscript (two hard copies) and electronic version on diskette(s) or CD-ROM to the “Landslides”Editorial Office.

Preparing your manuscript


The template is available:

via ftp:

Address: ftp.springer.de
User ID: ftp
Password: your own e-mail address
Directory: /pub/Word/journals
File names: sv-journ.zip or sv-journ.doc and sv-journ.dot

via browser:

File names: sv-journ.zip or sv-journ.doc and sv-journ.dot
The zip file should be sent un-encoded.

Layout guidelines

Use a normal, plain font (e.g., Times Roman) for text.

Other style options:
1)for textual emphasis use italic types.
2)for special purposes, such as for mathematical vectors, use boldface type.

Use the automatic page numbering function to number the pages.

Do not use field functions.

For indents use tab stops or other commands, not the space bar.

Use the table functions of your word processing program, not spreadsheets, to make tables.

Use the equation editor of your word processing program or Math Type for equations.

Place any figure legends or tables at the end of the article.

Submit all figures as separate files and do not integrate them within the text.

Data formats

Save your file in two different formats:

1. RTF (Rich Text Format) or Microsoft Word.

2. pdf (a single pdf file including text, tables and figures). Make sure that all fonts are embedded.


The preferred figure formats are EPS for vector graphics exported from a drawing program and TIFF for halftone illustrations. EPS files must always contain a preview in TIFF of the figure. The file name (one file for each figure) should include the figure number. Figure legends should be included in the text and not in the figure file.

Scan resolution:

Scanned line drawings should be digitized with a minimum resolution of 1200 dpi relative to the final figure size. For digital halftones, 300 dpi is usually sufficient.

Colour illustrations:

Store color illustrations as RGB (24 bits per channel) in TIFF format.

Vector graphics:

Fonts used in the vector graphics must be embedded. Please do not draw with hairlines. The minimum line width is 0.2 mm (i.e., 0.567 pt) relative to the final size.

How to create TIF or EPS files?

To create graphics, please use a standard graphics program. The menus of the programs are all similar. Please use the export function (TIF or EPS) to save your files. EPS is best used for diagrams or graphics with a large proportion of text. Please proceed as follows:

Creating an EPS file:

1. Mark the whole figure (include all elements).

2. Menu Arrange/Order Group.

3. Menu File /Export /select the right file extension EPS (for encapsulated postscript).

4. Insert the name of the figure in the field.

5. Click on: Only marked objects.

6. Click button: Export.

7. Click on: Text to curves/lines (to avoid conflicts in typestyles for later processes).

8. Click on: Preview.

9. To transmit the bitmap: click on greyscale if you do not want the figure to be in colour or on RGB 8 bit for colour figures.

10. (not available in all programs: use the standard resolution (300 dpi) prescribed by the program.)

Please note:

EPS files must always contain a preview of the figure in TIF.

Creating a TIF file (for halftone illustrations: photographs, photographs combined with line drawings, photographs with labelling):

1. Mark the whole figure (include all elements).

2. Menu Arrange/Order Group.

3. Menu File /Export /select the right file extension (TIF for TIF-Bitmap).

4. Choose compression (LZW).

5. Insert the name of the figure in the field.

6. Click on: Only marked objects.

7. Click button: Export.

8. Choose colour mode (for colour figures: RGB 24 bit; for black and white photos: greyscale 8 bits; for black and white drawings: black and white).

9. Click: OK.

General information on data delivery


Please always supply the following information with your data:

journal title

operating system

word processing program

drawing program

image processing program

compression program

The file name should be memorable (e.g., author name), have no more than 8 characters, and include no accents or special symbols. Use only the extensions that the program assigns automatically.
Proofreading is the responsibility of the author. Corrections should be clear; standard editorial correction marks should be used.

Authors should make their proof corrections on a printout of the pdf file or use the online correction facilities provided with the proof. They should check that the text is complete and that all figures and tables are included. After Online First Publication, further changes can only be made in the form of an Erratum, which will be hyperlinked to the article. The author is entitled to formal corrections only. Substantial changes in content, e.g. new results, corrected values, title and authorship are not allowed without the approval of the responsible editor. In such a case please contact the Editor before returning the proofs to the publisher.
Online First Publication
As soon as your paper is accepted and ready to be published, the paper will be first published in Online First with its own Digital Objective Identifier (DOI) number on the web. The paper will definitely appear in the subsequent issues of “Landslides? Online First publication can be cited with a DOI number.

To see examples of Online First Publication, you may visit the link below

Click: Browse by Online Libraries

Click: GeoSciences

Click: “Landslides”to appear after acceptance of the first paper.
Offprint and Free Copy
Two complimentary copies of the Journal will be supplied to the corresponding author for each manuscript. Offprints are available at cost price, provided the order form is returned together with the corrected page proofs. With offprints the last page of the preceding or the first page of the following article may be included.

Editorial Board
Editor in Chief:

K. Sassa
Prof. Emeritus, Kyoto University
UNITWIN Headquarter Bldg.
Kyoto University Campus
Uji, Kyoto 611-0011, Japan
Tel.: + 81-774-38-4834, 4837
Fax: + 81-774-38-4019


Associate Editors:

P. Bobrowsky, Geological Survey of Canada, Canada

E. Bromhead, Kingston University, United Kingdom

P. Canuti, University of Firenze, Italy

J. Corominas, Technical University of Catalonia - UPC, Spain

O. Hungr, University of British Columbia, Canada

O. Maquaire, University of Caen Basse-Normandie, France

R. Sidle, Kyoto University, Japan

G. Wieczorek, U.S. Geological Survey, USA


Advisory Members:

E. Derbyshire, Royal Holloway College, UK

W. Eder, United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

J. Hutchinson, Imperial College, London, UK

K. Ishihara, The University of Tokyo, Japan

N. Morgenstern, University of Alberta, Canada

R. Schuster, U.S. Geological Survey, USA

T. Takahashi, Kyoto University, Japan


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