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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aims & Scope

Prehospital Emergency Care publishes peer-reviewed information relevant to the practice, educational advancement, and investigation of prehospital emergency care, including the following types of articles: Special Contributions - Original Articles - Education and Practice - Preliminary Reports - Case Conferences - Position Papers - Collective Reviews - Editorials - Letters to the Editor - Media Reviews

Official Journal of the:

Instructions to Authors

Instructions for Authors

Printable PDF Version

***Note to Authors: please make sure your contact address information is clearly visible on the outside of all packages you are sending to Editors.***

Official Journal of the National Association of EMS Physicians, the National Association of State EMS Directors, the National Association of EMS Educators, and the National Association of EMTs.

PREHOSPITAL EMERGENCY CARE publishes peer-reviewed information relevant to the practice, educational advancement, and investigation of prehospital emergency care, including the following types of articles: Special Contributions - Original Articles - Education and Practice - Preliminary Reports - Case Conferences - Position Papers - Collective Reviews - Editorials - Letters to the Editor - Media Reviews

SEND MANUSCRIPTS TO or obtain more detailed information from:

James J. Menegazzi, PhD
Editor-in-Chief, Prehospital Emergency Care
230 McKee Place, Suite 400
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Phone: (412) 647-7992 Fax: (412) 647-1111
E-mail: menegazz@pitt.edu

Designate an author for correspondence and provide his or her phone number, fax number, e-mail address, and mailing address. Manuscripts are received with the understanding that they are not under consideration by another publication and that they are not duplicative of material(s) published or submitted elsewhere by the author(s). Provide copies of the manuscripts under review or published elsewhere when submitting material from an investigation previously published in part or related to other published materials.

Submitted manuscripts will not be returned. Upon advance request, original artwork, photographs, and similar materials will be returned. Accepted manuscripts become the permanent property of PEC and may not be published elsewhere in whole or in part without permission from the publisher, Taylor & Francis.


Writing should conform to acceptable English usage and syntax. Avoid slang, medical jargon, obscure abbreviations, and abbreviated phrasing. Give measurements in SI units, with values and units using other measurement systems in parentheses where appropriate. Use generic drug names unless the trade name is relevant. With rare exception, surveys should have 75% or greater response rate.

Submit two high-quality hard copies of the manuscript, along with identical Word files on a 3.5-inch floppy or zip disk or CD (no e-mail). The file name on the disk should begin with the words First Submission followed by a brief title. Submit one camera-ready original and one high-quality copy of all artwork, along with the files on 3.5-inch floppy or zip disks or CD. More than one floppy disk may be used as needed. Print all copy, including references, legends, and tables, double-spaced with 1-inch margins on one side of 81/2 x 11- inch white bond paper. The entire manuscript should appear in 12- point size or larger. Do not submit the manuscript or art via e-mail.

Original article submissions should contain sections in the following order:
1) title page, 2) study group authorship and/or acknolwedgments page if any, 3) abstract, 4) introduction, 5) methods, 6) results, 7) discussion, 8) conclusions, 9) references, 10) tables, and 11) figures and figure legends. Start each section on a new page, beginning with the title page, and number the pages consecutively.

1) Title Page. The title should not exceed 80 characters, including punctuation and spaces. Do not use abbreviations. Include the full names, degrees, and affiliations of all authors or identification of a collective study group; the address, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address to which requests for reprints and author correspondence should be sent; a short running title; and six or fewer key words from the medical subjects headings book of Index Medicus. If an author's affiliation has changed since the work was done, list the new affiliation too. Describe each author's contribution to the conception, performance, analysis, and writing of the manuscript in a cover letter to the Editor. If the manuscript was presented at a meeting, provide the name of the organization and place and date of the meeting.
2) Study group authorship and acknowledgments page. When authorship is attributed to a group, all members must meet the criteria for authorship. Identify the members by responsibility or by institution on a study group authorship page. Acknowledge individuals who have provided assistance or support in a study or manuscript preparation. Identify financial support of the investigation or manuscript development. Describe any financial arrangement that might represent a conflict of interest.
3) Abstract. The abstract should contain 250 words or fewer. An investigation requires a structured abstract, defining Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. Abstracts for other articles need not be structured. Outline the purpose of the article, major points covered, and recommendations developed. Abstracts for literature reviews and annotated bibliographies must specify how the literature was searched and how cited articles were chosen.
4) Introduction. Give a brief explanation of the background and rationale for the study. Include hypothesis statements when appropriate.
5) Methods. Incorporate headed subsections that detail the study design, population and setting, human subject or animal use committee review, experimental protocol, measurements or key outcome measures, analytical methods, and sample size determinations. Manuscripts reporting the results of investigations of human subjects must indicate approval by an institutional review board (human subjects committee). State that written informed consent was obtained from all patients or that this requirement was waived by the IRB. Manuscripts reporting the results of investigations of animal subjects must indicate approval by an animal use committee. State that the care and handling of the animals were in accord with NIH guidelines or other internationally recognized guidelines for ethical animal research.
6) Results. Provide descriptive and comparative statistical analyses. Tables and figures that summarize the data should also be introduced in this section. It is appropriate to identify any significant differences that were objserved, but interpretation and relevance should be discussed in the next section.
7) Discussion. Highlight the most important findings of the study. Discuss the clinical ramifications, any unexpected results, and how the investigation relates to previous publications. Identify any limitations to the study, and mention potential areas for future investigation.
8) Conclusion. The conclusion should reiterate the answers to the study questions (matching the objectives and/or hypotheses).
9) References. List references in consecutive numerical order (not alphabetically). All citations to a reference should be to the original number. Every reference must be cited at least once in the text or a table. References to journal articles should include, in the following order: a) all authors up to seven; b) title and subtitle if any; c) journal name; d) year; e) volume number; f) issue number (or month), for journals such as JEMS that do not number pages consecutively throughout the year; g) year. Include volume and edition, specific pages, and translators when appropriate. The author is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the references and text citations.
10) Tables. Tables must be referenced in the text in sequential order. Each table should be on a separate page, with an Arabic table number and descriptive title. Identify all table abbreviations in the footnotes. Reference footnoted information using italicized superscript lowercase letters.
11) Figures and figure legends. Figures must be referenced in the text in sequential order. They should clarify and augment the text. Put legend (each 40 words or fewer) on a new page.

Duplicated Material

Written permission from the authors and publishers for republication of figures and tables taken from other publications must be provided after acceptance of the manuscript. The sources of such material must be acknowledged in the manuscript.


Acceptance of the manuscript for publication is contingent upon completion of the editing process, including copyediting. Every author is responsible for all statements published in the article, including the changes made in the editing process. After the copyedited manuscript has been typeset, it and the proofs will be sent to the corresponding author for routing to co-authors and final approval.

Editorial Board

Editorial Board


James Menegazzi - University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 email: menegazz@pitt.edu


David C. Cone, MD - Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut


E. Brooke Lerner, PhD, EMT-P - Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Robert E. O'Connor, MD - Christiana Care Health System, Newark, Delaware
Robert A. Swor, DO - William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, Michigan


M. S. Bogucki, MD, PhD - New Haven, Connecticut
Jane H. Brice, MD, MPH - Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Kathleen Brown, MD - Washington, DC
Lawrence H. Brown, EMT-P - Syracuse, New York
John H. Burton, MD - Albany, NY
Todd J. Crocco, MD - Morgantown, West Virginia
Daniel Davis, MD - San Diego, California
Eric A. Davis, MD - Rochester, New York
Norman Dinerman, MD - Bangor, Maine
Marc Eckstein , MD - Los Angeles, California
Douglas Floccare, MD, MPH - Baltimore, Maryland
George L. Foltin, MD - New York, New York
Susan Fuchs, MD - Chicago, Illinois
Marianne Gausche-Hill, MD - Torrance, California
Matthew C. Gratton, M.D. - Kansas City, Missouri
Mark Hauswald - Albuquerque, New Mexico
Jon R. Krohmer, MD - Grand Rapids, Michigan
Alexander E. Kuehl, MD, MPH - New York, New York
Douglas F. Kupas, MD - Danville, Pennsylvania
Ronald B. Low, MD, MS - Brooklyn, New York
Russell D. MacDonald, MD, MPH - Toronto, Canada
Ronald E. Maio, DO, MS - Ann Arbor, Michigan
Juan A. March, MD - Greenville, North Carolina
Gregg S. Margolis, Ph.D., NREMT-P - Columbus, Ohio
Francis Mencl MD MS - Akron, Ohio
Edward A. Michelson, MD - Chicago, Illinois
Michael G. Millin, MD, MPH - Towson, Maryland
Laurie J. Morrison, MD, MS - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Vincent N. Mosesso, Jr., MD - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Deborah Mulligan-Smith, MD - Fort Lauderdale, Florida
J. Brent Myers, MD, MPH - Raleigh, North Carolina
Robert L. Norton, MD - Portland, Oregon
Paul E. Pepe, MD, MPH - Dallas, Texas
David E. Persse, MD - Houston, Texas
Ronald G. Pirrallo, MD, MHSA - Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Edgardo J. Rivera-Rivera, MD - Saginaw, Michigan
Ritu Sahni, MD, MPH - Portland, Oregon
Jeffrey P. Salomone, MD, NREMT-P - Atlanta, GA
Michael R. Sayre, MD - Columbus, Ohio
Manish N. Shah, MD MPH - Rochester, New York
Sandra M. Shneider, MD - Rochester, New York
Daniel W. Spaite, MD - Tucson, Arizona
Karl A. Sporer, MD - San Francisco, California
Stephen H. Thomas, MD - Boston, Massachusetts
Gary M. Vilke, MD - San Diego, California
Bruce J. Walz, PhD - Baltimore, Maryland
Henry E. Wang, MD, MPH - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Craig R. Warden, MD, MPH - Portland, Oregon
Steven J. Weiss, MD - Davis, California
Lynn J. White, MS - Columbus, Ohio
Paula J. Willoughby, DO - Chicago, Illinois
Arthur Yancey, MD, MPH - Atlanta Georgia
Donald M. Yealy, MD - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Brian S. Zachariah, MD - Dallas, Texas


James J. Menegazzi, PhD, Editor PEC
230 McKee Place, Suite 400
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
412-647-7992 Fax 412-647-1111
email: menegazz@pitt.edu


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