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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
Journal Information
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine is the official journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine, the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies and the Paediatric Intensive Care Society UK and the Latin American Society of Pediatric Intensive Care. This exciting new journal is the first scientific, peer-reviewed publication to focus exclusively on pediatric critical care medicine and critical care neonatology.

Pediatric Critical Care Medicine is written for the entire critical care team: pediatricians, neonatologists, respiratory therapists, nurses, and others who deal with pediatric patients who are critically ill or injured. International in scope, with editorial board members and contributors from around the world, the Journal includes a full range of scientific content, including clinical articles, scientific investigations, solicited reviews, and abstracts from pediatric critical care meetings. Additionally, the Journal includes abstracts of selected articles published in Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish translations - making news of advances in the field available to pediatric and neonatal intensive care practitioners worldwide.

Instructions to Authors
Author & Reviewer Resources

Pediatric Critical Care Medicine is the official journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine, the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies and the Paediatric Intensive Care Society UK. It is an international, peer-reviewed journal that is interested in publishing the highest quality scientific studies in the fields of pediatric critical care medicine and critical care neonatology.

Manuscripts are submitted through Manuscript Central?, a web-based manuscript tracking system in use by SCCM. This system allows authors to add a new manuscript or check the status of a submitted manuscript, while shortening the time needed for processing manuscripts in the Editorial Office and through peer review. To submit manuscripts for consideration into this system, go to www.sccm.org and select "Submit Manuscripts Online." Once in this section it is necessary to log on to the system and select Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. The Author Center is where all manuscript submission is accomplished.

Manuscript Central? will easily guide authors through the manuscript submission process. Required information pertaining to the manuscript includes the name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address for the first author and all contributing authors; affiliated institutions; title of the manuscript; abstract; and key words. If authors wish, they may provide optional information that includes author's suggested reviewers and author's nonpreferred reviewers. A manuscript number will be assigned to each submitted manuscript, which will be used in all correspondence. The Editorial Office will automatically be notified of the submission and will send an e-mail confirming the submission of the manuscript to the author(s).

Each manuscript submission should designate one corresponding author and all contributing authors. The numbers of authors should be restricted to only those persons who have truly participated in the conception, design, execution, and writing of the manuscript. Authors must disclose any potential financial or ethical conflicts of interest regarding the contents of the submission.

SCCM accepts no responsibility for manuscripts that are lost or destroyed through electronic or computer problems. Authors are encouraged to keep copies of submitted manuscripts, including figures. If an author does not receive confirmation of submission into Manuscript Central? within ten days, he or she should contact the Editorial Office at (847) 827-6869.

Copyright. Copyright ownership is to be transferred in a written statement, which must accompany all manuscript submissions and must be signed by all authors. The agreement should state, "The undersigned authors transfer all copyright ownership of the manuscript (title of article) to the SCCM and the WFPICCS in the event the work is published. The undersigned authors warrant that the article is original, is not under consideration by another journal, and has not been published previously." A complete copyright form can be obtained in Manuscript Central? in the Author Center and should be completed, signed, and faxed to (847) 827-6886 at the time of manuscript submission. The manuscript number should be noted.

Furthermore, if the work and preparation of the manuscript was completed during the time the author was an employee of the US federal government, the copyright cannot be transferred. The copyright is not protected by the Copyright Act and the author must sign a statement disclosing this information. This statement can also be obtained in the Author Section of Manuscript Central? and should be completed, signed, and faxed to 847-827-6886 at the time of manuscript submission. The manuscript number should be noted.

Financial Disclosure. Any author who has a financial involvement with any organization or entity with a financial interest in or in financial competition with the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript should disclose that affiliation. The author should prepare a statement revealing the financial affiliation and include it with the manuscript submission. The manuscript should also clearly identify the financial support of the research. A financial disclosure statement can be obtained in the Author Section of Manuscript Central? and should be completed, signed, and faxed to 847-827-6886 at the time of manuscript submission. The manuscript number should be noted.

Human and Animal Subjects. All studies of human subjects must contain a statement within the Materials and Methods section indicating approval of the study by the Institutional Review Board, that subjects have signed written informed consent or that the Institutional Review Board waived the need for informed consent. All animal studies must contain a statement within the Materials and Methods section that the study was approved by the Institutional Review Board for the care of animal subjects and that the care and handling of the animals were in accord with National Institutes of Health guidelines or some other internationally recognized guidelines for ethical animal research.

Statistical Review. Any study containing quantitative data and statistical inference should be reviewed by a consultant with formal statistical training and experience.

Manuscripts must conform to Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Instructions for Authors and/or the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals," which can be found on the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors web site, www.icmje.org. Manuscripts must be double-spaced with pages numbered consecutively, beginning with the title page. Each paragraph should be indented with a tab. MS Word fonts or the Symbol font should be used for special characters. It is important to remember not to use the "Insert Symbol" function, since other fonts may not convert correctly during the manuscript submission. All text and tables should be saved in Rich Text Format (RTF) in order to upload into Manuscript Central?. All figures should be saved as separate files and uploaded after the text upload is complete. There are specific guidelines on how to save figures listed in the "Figures" section under Manuscript Content. Manuscript Central? converts word processing files and electronic figure image files into an HTML-based file for viewing on any Web browser by the Editorial Office and assigned reviewers.

Title Page. The title page should contain: a) the title; b) first name, middle initial, and last name of each author; c) highest academic degrees, fellowship designations, and institutional affiliation for each author; d) name of the institution(s) where the work was performed; e) the address for reprints and a statement regarding whether reprints will be ordered; and f) financial support used for the study, including any institutional departmental funds. The authors should also provide six key words for indexing, using terms from the Medical Subject Headings list of Index Medicus. Structured abstracts are required for all manuscripts (except editorials, letters, and book reviews) submitted to Pediatric Critical Care Medicine.

Manuscript Central? will prompt authors to input the above information into specific fields as they are submitting their manuscript. It is also important to note that if there is formatted text or Greek letters or symbols in the title or abstract, special coding is necessary and the Character Palette in Manuscript Central? will need to be used. It is not necessary to code special characters and formats in the actual manuscript.

Abstracts. Abstracts should be no more than 300 words in length and must have the following headings: Objective, Design, Setting, Patients (for Clinical Investigations) or Subjects (for Laboratory Investigations), Interventions, Measurements and Main Results, and Conclusions. Review papers and special articles should use these headings in the abstract: Objective, Data Sources, Study Selection, Data Extraction, Data Synthesis, and Conclusions. For details regarding the preparation of structured abstracts, refer to the American Medical Association Manual of Style, Ninth Edition (pp. 19-23).

Text Material. The text should be organized into the following sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions followed by Acknowledgments, References, Figure Legends, and Tables. Secretarial and editorial assistance is not acknowledged. Results may be presented in the text, in the figures, or in the tables. The Discussion section should interpret the results without unnecessary repetition. References to related studies should be included in the text section.

In addition, the following should be observed:

1. The full term for which an abbreviation stands should be used at its first occurrence in the text unless it is a standard unit of measure. The abbreviation should appear in parentheses after the full term. Abbreviations should not be in the title, figure legends, or table titles.

2. For standard American units, do not use values that are more significant than your analysis is capable of accurately measuring (e.g., PaO2 84 torr [11.2 kPa], not 83.7 torr).

3. Hemodynamic measurements for pressure (e.g., MAP) should appear in mm Hg and gas tension measurements (e.g., PO2) should appear in torr with SI units in parentheses. The units of vascular resistance are dyne?sec/cm5.

4. Please provide r2 values for parametric data.

References. All references should be cited in sequential order in the text and typed on a separate sheet of paper. References should be identified in text, tables, and legends by full-size Arabic numerals on the line and in parentheses. Do not use word processing footnote, endnote, or paragraph numbering functions to make a list of references. Titles of journals should be set in italics and abbreviated according to the style used in Index Medicus. If journal titles are not listed in Index Medicus, they should be spelled out. Unpublished data or personal communications should be noted parenthetically within the text but not in the References section. Inclusive page numbers (e.g., pp. 1-10) should be used for all references. Listed below are samples of standard references; however, a complete listing of references can be found on the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors web site, www.icmje.org.

Standard Journal Article: Bone RC, Fisher CJ, Cemmer TP, et al: Sepsis syndrome: A valid clinical entity. Crit Care Med 1989; 17:389-393

Standard Book with Authors: Civetta JM, Taylor RW, Kirby RR: Critical Care. Third Edition. Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1996

Standard Book with Editors: Norman IJ, Refern SJ (Eds): Mental health care for elderly people. New York, Churchill Livingstone, 1996

Standard Chapter in a Book: Phillips SJ, Whisnant JP: Hypertension and stroke. In: Laragh JH, Brenner BM (Eds). Hypertension: Pathophysiology, diagnosis and management. Second Edition. New York, Raven Press, 1995, pp 465-478

Standard Web Site/Electronic Format: Marion DW, Domeier R, Dunham CM, et al: Practice management guidelines for identifying cervical spine injuries following trauma. Available online at: http://www.east.org. Accessed July 1, 2000

Equations. Equations should be created as normal text or as images. The use of equation editors or utilities may not convert correctly during the manuscript submission process and their use is discouraged.

Tables and Figures. The number of figures and tables should be appropriate for the length of the manuscript; do not use superfluous illustrations. Materials reproduced from another published source must be labeled "Reproduced with permission from ... ." In addition, a letter granting permission to reproduce the materials from the copyright holder must be received by SCCM when the manuscript is submitted for review. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, it will not be able to be printed unless this permission letter has been submitted. Adapted figure or table materials must be labeled "Adapted with permission from ... ." Letters of permission are also required for adapted materials. A sample of a permission request can be found on Manuscript Central? in the instruction section.

Tables. Tables can be saved within the text of the manuscript and should be typed single-spaced and numbered sequentially using Arabic numbers. Do not use tabs to create tables and do not use table editors. Table building utilities will convert, providing that no special images were inserted. Do not reiterate tabular data in the text. Do not use abbreviations in table titles. Do not use all capital letters in table headings and text. Do not use center, decimal tab, and justification commands. Do not use spaces to separate columns. Use a single tab, not a space, on either side of the ? symbol. Do not underline or draw lines within tables. Footnoted information should be referenced using italicized, superscript, lower case letters (i.e., a, b) in alphabetical order (reading from left to right). Avoid lengthy footnotes and insert descriptive narratives in the text.

Figures. Do not save images as part of your text file. They must be saved as separate files and loaded into Manuscript Central? after the text has been loaded. Although many file formats are acceptable, .jpg, .gif, and .tif are the most well known formats. It is important to keep in mind that, when images are converted in Manuscript Central?, the resolution is set to 72 dpi, which is the standard for viewing on a monitor. However, for printing purposes final images are required to be 266 dpi. Images can be as large as 15 megabytes in size.

Because the figures will be uploaded separately from the text, figure tags need to be created to link them. Four types of figure tags can be used: a) images displayed within the body of the text; b) a link to an image; c) display an image located on another server; or d) display a link to an image located on another server. The figure tags will be placed in the body of the manuscript at the approximate area where the figure relates to the text. Space does not need to be created for the figure, however the exact reference must be typed and two pound signs (##) must be included at the beginning and the end of the reference.

For captions and variables, use Helvetica (or Arial) font, if possible, in upper and lower case letters. Radiographic prints must have arrows (if applicable) for clarity. Color photographs will occasionally be published in the journal if use of color is vital to making the point; authors will be charged the cost of color reproduction.

Figure legends should contain enough information for the reader to understand the illustration without referring to the text, but should be concise and should not repeat information already stated in the text. Figure legends should be typed on a separate page. Figures must be referenced sequentially in the text. Authors must assume charges for changes made to figures after manuscripts are accepted.

Units of Measure. Authors should provide units of measurement in SI units. Authors should refer to the American Medical Association Manual of Style, Ninth Edition (p. 481) for details regarding SI units for laboratory data.

Manufacturer. Provide in parentheses the model number, name of manufacturer, city, and state or country for all equipment described in the paper.

Drug Names. Only generic drug names should be used. Trademark or brand names should not be used except in specific cases where the brand name is essential to reproduce or interpret the study. These exceptions should be noted in accompanying correspondence. The manufacturer with the city, state, and country must be provided for any brand name drugs.

Permissions. Any submitted materials that are to be reproduced (or adapted) from copyrighted publications must be accompanied by a written letter of permission from the copyright holder. Accepted manuscripts will be delayed if necessary permissions are not on file. A sample of a permission request can be found on Manuscript Central? in the instruction section.

Guidelines for the most frequent types of articles submitted to the journal are summarized below.

Original Articles. These include randomized controlled trials, intervention studies, laboratory and animal research, outcome studies, cost-effectiveness analyses, and case-control series. The objective and hypothesis of these articles should be clearly stated. Information should be included about study design and methodology, including study setting and time setting; participants, including inclusion and exclusion criteria; any interventions; main outcome measures; main study results; discussion that puts the results in the context of other published literature; and conclusions. The recommended length for original manuscript is 2000 to 4000 words (8 to 16 typed, double-spaced pages) not including references, tables, or figures.

Review Articles. These consist of critical assessment of literature and data pertaining to clinical topics. In these review articles, emphasis should be placed on cause, diagnosis, therapy, prognosis, and prevention. Information concerning the type of study or analysis, population, intervention, and outcome should be included for all data used. The selection process used for all data should be described. Meta-analyses will be considered as review papers. The recommended length of review articles is 2000 to 3000 words (8 to 12, typed double-spaced pages).

Brief Reports. These should be short reports of original studies or evaluations. They should contain a short, structured abstract and no more than 10 references and 1 to 2 figures or tables. Brief Reports should be no more than 1500 words (6 typed, double-spaced pages).

PCCM Perspectives. These include articles that may fall outside the realm of formal clinical or basic science research, such as social policy, professional education, ethical dilemmas, delivery of compassionate care, and patient safety. PCCM perspectives provide a forum for discussions of important issues in the field. They should contain a structured abstract and be no more than 1500 words (6 typed, double-spaced pages).

Case Reports. Case reports should be approximately 1000 to 2000 words (up to 8 typed, double-spaced pages). The number of references, tables, and figures should be appropriate for the overall length of the paper. In general, no more than 2 tables or 2 figures are necessary.

Letters to the Editor. Letters to the Editor are encouraged. Letters may discuss a recent Pediatric Critical Care Medicine article or may report original research. They should be no more than 500 words (2 typed, double-spaced pages) with 5 references.

Expedited Review and Publication
Original studies of significant scientific importance will be considered for an expedited review process. Manuscripts must conform to journal style and must require only light copyediting. Request for expedited review must be stated in the Author's Comments to the Editor-in-Chief section in Manuscript Central? during submission of the manuscript. Manuscripts must be no more than 3000 words (12 typed, double-spaced pages). Only manuscripts that conform to these guidelines will be considered for expedited review. Manuscripts will be either accepted or rejected and the authors will receive a decision within 6 weeks of manuscript submission into Manuscript Central?. Publication is promised as soon as possible after the date of acceptance. If an expedited manuscript is rejected, but the paper is deemed potentially acceptable with revision, the authors will be notified that they may choose to submit a suitably revised manuscript.

All manuscripts will be reviewed by Editorial Board members or consultants selected by the editor-in-chief. Initial editorial reviews usually are completed within 8-10 weeks of manuscript submission, except for expedited reviews. The time required for review of revised manuscripts is variable.

All information regarding the accepted manuscript and its publication date are confidential. No information regarding the manuscript can appear in print, on the television or radio, or in any electronic form until the day before its publication date. It cannot be released to the media until the day before the publication date as well.

Manuscripts accepted for publication are copyedited and returned to the author for approval. Authors are responsible for all statements published in their work, including any changes made by the copy editor. Authors are encouraged to proofread all edited manuscripts carefully. The journal reserves the right to charge authors for excessive changes made to the text and figures at the page proof stage.

Manuscripts that are written in a word processing program such as Microsoft Word or Corel Word Perfect will need to be converted to a format that is web compatible for uploading into Manuscript Central? The entire text and all tables must be saved in Rich Text Format (RTF). This can be done by selecting "Save As" from the list of file names. Macintosh users will need to type the extension .rtf manually behind the name of the document.

Figures should be saved as separate files, not as part of the text file. Figures should be uploaded after the text has been loaded. Figures can be saved in many formats, however the recommended formats are .jpg, .gif, and .tif. Figure tags must be incorporated into the text in order to link the text file and the figure files during the upload.

Further instructions regarding file formats can be answered in Manuscript Central? in either the instruction section or the FAQ section.

Reprints are available four weeks after the publication of the journal through the publisher. For information and prices, call 800-341-2258.

Questions regarding the status of submitted manuscripts are best answered by logging on to the FAQ section of Manuscript Central?. The assigned manuscript number will allow authors to view the status of their manuscripts. If authors need to speak to someone directly, please call 847-827-6869 Monday through Friday, from 0830 to 1700, Central Standard Time, or send an e-mail to pccm@sccm.org.
All correspondence can be sent to:
Patrick M. Kochanek, MD, FCCM
Editor, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
Society of Critical Care Medicine
701 Lee Street
Suite 200
Des Plaines, IL 60016

Editorial Board
Editorial Board & Publication Staff




Patrick M. Kochanek, MD, FCCM
Professor and Vice Chairman, Department of Critical Care Medicine; Director, Safar Center for Resuscitation Research; University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA



Andrew C. Argent, MD
Senior Specialist Paediatrician
Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital
University of Cape Town, South Africa


Xun-mei Fan, MD
Professor, Pediatrics
Beijing Children's Hospital
Beijing, China

Hirokazu Sakai, MD
Department of Anaesthesia/Intensive Care
National Children's Hospital
Tokyo, Japan

Sunit C. Singhi, MD
Professor, Pediatrics
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research
Chandigarh, India

Masanori Tamura, MD, PhD
Director, Department of Neonatology
Nagano Children?s Hospital
Nagano-ken, Japan

James Tibballs, MD
Associate Professor
Deputy Director, Intensive Care Unit
Royal Children's Hospital
Melbourne, Australia


Thor WR Hansen, MD, PhD
Department of Pediatrics
Oslo, Norway

Jan A. Hazelzet, MD, PhD
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Sophia Children's Hospital
Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Francis Leclerc, MD
Professor, Pediatrics
Director, Department of Pediatrics Hospital Jeanne de Flandre
Lille, France

Giuseppe A. Marraro, MD
Director, Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care
Fatebenefratelli and Ophthalmiatric Hospital
Milano, Italy

Jean-Christophe Mercier, MD
Professor, Pediatrics
Hopital Robert-Debr?BR>Paris, France

Georg Simbruner, MD
Professor, Pediatrics
University Children's Clinic
München, Germany

Robert C. Tasker, MBBS, MD
Consultant University Lecturer in Pediatric Intensive Care
Addenbrooke's Hospital
Cambridge, United Kingdom


Jefferson P. Piva, MD
Associate Director, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Professor, Pediatrics
Hospital São Lucas da PUCRS
Porto Alegre, Brazil

Eduardo J. Schnitzler, MD
Associate Professor, Pediatrics
Director, PICU
Hospital Italiano
Buenos Aires, Argentina


John H. Arnold, MD
Associate Professor, Anaesthesia
Harvard Medical School and Children's Hospital
Boston, MA

Desmond J. Bohn, MB, BCh
Associate Chief, Department of CCM
Hospital for Sick Children
Toronto, Canada

Joseph A. Carcillo, MD
Associate Director, Pediatric ICU
Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA

Anthony C. Chang, MD, MBA
Chief, Critical Care Cardiology
Director, Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Program

J. Michael Dean, MD, MBA, FCCM
Professor, Pediatrics
Vice Chairman, Finance
Primary Children's Medical Center
Salt Lake City, UT

Niranjan Kissoon, MD
Professor, Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine
Director, PICU, University of Florida and
Wolfson Children's Hospital
Jacksonville, FL

Jacques R. Lacroix, MD
Associate Professor, Pediatrics
University of Montreal, Sainte-Justine Hospital
Montreal, Canada

David G. Nichols, MD, FCCM
Professor, Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine
Director, Pediatric Intensive Care
Vice Dean for Education
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Baltimore, MD

Margaret M. Parker, MD, FCCM
Professor, Pediatrics
SUNY at Stony Brook

Murray M. Pollack, MD, FCCM
Professor, Pediatrics
Chairman, Critical Care Medicine
Children's National Medical Center
Washington, DC


Ann E. Thompson, MD, FCCM
Professor and Vice Chair,
Anesthesiology/CCM and Pediatrics
Director, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and
Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA


Barry P. Markovitz, MD
Associate Professor, Anesthesiology and Pediatrics
Washington University School of Medicine


Jerry J. Zimmerman, MD, PhD, FCCM
Professor, Pediatrics
Director, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center
Seattle, WA


Hector R. Wong, MD
Associate Professor, Pediatrics
Director, Division of Critical Care Medicine
Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati, OH


Denis J. Devictor, MD
Head, Pediatric Intensive Care
Bicêtre Hospital
Bicêtre, France

Alan W. Duncan, MB, BS
Director, Paediatric Intensive Care Unit
Princess Margaret Hospital for Children
Perth, Western Australia

Bradley P. Fuhrman, MD, FCCM

Professor, Pediatrics and Anesthesiology
Children's Hospital of Buffalo
Buffalo, NY

Brett P. Giroir, MD
Associate Professor, Pediatrics
Division Chief, Department of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
Medical Director, Critical Care Services
Children's Medical Center
Dallas, TX

Thomas P. Green, MD
Chairman, Department of Pediatrics
Children's Memorial Hospital
Chicago, IL

George A. Gregory, MD
Professor, Anesthesia and Pediatrics
University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, CA

Peter R. Holbrook, MD, FCCM
Chief Medical Officer
Children's National Medical Center
Washington, DC

Hector E. James, MD, FAAP
Clinical Professor, Neurosurgery and Pediatrics
University of California, San Diego
San Diego, CA

Max Klein, MD
Professor, Department of Paediatrics and Child Health
Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital
Rondebosch, South Africa

Katsuyuki Miyasaka, MD
Director, Department of Anesthesia and ICU
National Children's Hospital
Tokyo, Japan

Christopher J. L. Newth, MB, FRCPC
Professor of Pediatrics
Children's Hospital Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA

Francisco Ruza, MD
Director, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Hospital Infantil "La Paz"
Madrid, Spain

Ashok P. Sarnaik, MD, FCCM
Professor, Pediatrics
Children's Hospital of Michigan
Detroit, MI

Frank A. Shann, MD
Professor, Critical Care Medicine
Director, Intensive Care
University of Melbourne
Royal Children's Hospital
Parkville, Australia

Edwin van der Voort, MD
Director, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Sophia Children's Hospital/University Hospital Rotterdam
Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Dharmapuri Vidyasagar, MD, FCCM
Professor, Pediatrics and Obstetrics and Gynecology
Associate Head, Department of Pediatrics
University of Illinois at Chicago Medical Center
Chicago, IL


Alice D. Ackerman, MD, FCCM
Associate Professor and Head, Division of Pediatric Critical Care
University of Maryland School of Medicine

Robert D. Acton, MD
Assistant Professor of Surgery and Pediatrics
University of Minnesota

Kanwalijeet Anand, MD, MBBS, DPhil, FCCM
Department of Pediatrics
Arkansas Children?s Hospital

Jeffery L. Blumer, PhD, MD, FCCM
Director, Pediatric Sedation Unit
Division of Pediatric Pharmacology and Critical Care
Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital

George Briassoulis, MD, PhD
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Aghia Sophia Children's Hospital
Athens, Greece

Franco Carnevale, RN, PhD
Associate Professor and Head Nurse,
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Montreal Children's Hospital
McGill University
Montreal, Canada

Werther B. Carvalho, MD
Chief, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Department of Pediatrics
Federal University of Sao Paulo
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Juan Casado-Flores, MD
Pediatric ICU
Hospital Universitario Niño Jesus, Universidad
Autonoma de Madrid
Madrid, Spain

Robert S. B. Clark, MD
Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology/CCM
and Pediatrics
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and
Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh

Martha A. Q. Curley, RN, PhD, CCNS, FAAN
Multidisciplinary Intensive Care Unit
The Children's Hospital

Heidi J. Dalton, MD, FCCM
Director, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Children's National Medical Center

Steve Davis, MD
Department of Pediatrics
Cleveland Clinic Children?s Hospital

Ann-Christine Duhaime, MD
Associate Professor, Neurosurgery
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center

James C. Fackler, MD
Associate Professor, Department of
Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Jeffrey R. Fineman, MD
Professor, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
University of California, San Francisco
Medical Center

James Fortenberry, MD, FCCM
Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Egleston

Joel E. Frader, MD
Acting Head of Division of General Academic Pediatrics
Children's Memorial Hospital

Brahm Goldstein, MD, FCCM
Professor, Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Critical Care
Oregon Health Sciences University

Mark A. Helfaer, MD, FCCM
Associate Professor, Anesthesia
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Ronald B. Hirschl, MD, FCCM
Associate Professor, Pediatric Surgery
University of Michigan

Avedis Kalloghlian, MD
Department of Paediatrics
King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Praveen K. Khilnani, MD, FCCM
Director, Pediatric Critical Care and Emergency Transport Services
Institute of Advanced Pediatrics
Max Health Care Hospitals
Saket, New Delhi, India

Lucy Lum Chai See, MBBS, MRCP
Lecturer, Department of Paediatrics
University of Malaya Medical Center
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Duncan J. Macrae, MB, ChB
Director, Paediatric Intensive Care
Consultant Anaesthetist
Royal Brompton Hospital
London, United Kingdom

M. Michele Mariscalco, MD
Section of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
Baylor College of Medicine

Anne Morrison, RN, BN
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
The Children's Hospital at Westmead
Sydney, Australia

David P. Nelson, MD, PhD
Division of Pediatric Cardiology
Children's Hospital Medical Center

Jos?Ramet, MD, PhD
Universiteit Antwerpen
Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen
Edegem, Belgium

Adrienne Randolph, MD
Director of Patient Safety and QI, Med-Surg ICU
Children?s Hospital

Peter C. Rimensberger, MD
Clinical Director, Pediatric Intensive Care
Hopital des Enfants, University Hospitals of Geneva
Geneva, Switzerland

Ricardo A. Ronco, MD
Medical Director, Pediatric Intensive Care
Clinica Alemana Vitacura
Associate Professor
Universidad del Desarrollo

Daniel A. Saltzman, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery and Pediatrics
University of Minnesota

John W. Salyer, RRT, BS, MBA, FAARC
Director of Respiratory Care
Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center

Jorge S. Sasbón, MD
PICU Program Director
Chief Director, Liver Transplant PICU
Hospital de Pediatria Dr. J. P. Garrahan
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Donald Vernon, MD
Divsion of Pediatric Critical Care
Primary Children?s Hospital

Stephen Wisniewski, PhD
Department of Epidemiology and Public Health
University of Pittsburgh

Arno Zaritsky, MD
Division Chief
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
University of Florida School of Medicine


Managing Editor: Kathryn S. Brobst
Periodicals Publications Manager: Mary Ann Branagan
Director of Publications: Deborah L. McBride
Editorial Assistants: Nicki Brouillette (SCCM) and Marci Provins (Pittsburgh Office)
SCCM, 701 Lee Street, Suite 200, Des Plaines, IL 60016. Phone: (847) 827-6869; Fax: (847) 827-6886; E-mail: journals@sccm.org




Joseph E. Parrillo, MD, FCCM
Professor of Medicine, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey; Director, Division of Cardiovascular Disease and Critical Care Medicine; Director, Cooper Heart Institute; Director, Cardiovascular Services, Cooper Health System, Camden, New Jersey, USA

Mitchell P. Fink, MD, FCCM
Chief, Critical Care Medicine
Professor, Surgery, Anesthesiology, and Critical Care Medicine
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

Patrick M. Kochanek, MD, FCCM
Vice Chairman, Department of Critical Care Medicine
Director, Safar Center for Resuscitation Research
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
and Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh

Neil R. MacIntyre, MD
Professor, Medicine
Duke University Medical Center

Henry Masur, MD
Chief, Critical Care Medicine Department
National Institutes of Health

Donald S. Prough, MD
Professor and Chairman
Department of Anesthesiology
University of Texas Medical Branch
at Galveston



Thomas P. Bleck, MD, FCCM
The Louise Nerancy Professor of Neurology
Professor, Neurological Surgery and Internal Medicine
University of Virginia Health Sciences Center


Murray M. Pollack, MD, FCCM
Professor, Anesthesiology and Pediatrics
George Washington University


R. Phillip Dellinger, MD, FCCM
Professor, Medicine
Section of Critical Care Medicine
Cooper Health System

William Sibbald, MD, FRCPC, FCCM
Professor, Medicine (Critical Care)
University of Toronto, Canada

Jean-Louis Vincent, MD, PhD, FCCM
Professor, Intensive Care
University Hospital Erasme
Brussels, Belgium

Max Harry Weil, MD, PhD, FCCM
Distinguished University Professor and President
The Institute of Critical Care Medicine,
Palm Springs
Clinical Professor, USC and Northwestern University Medical School


Jerry J. Zimmerman, PhD, MD, FCCM
Director, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
Children's Hospital, Regional Medical Center, Seattle



Carolyn Bekes, MD
Senior VP, Academic Affairs
Cooper University Hospital
Professor, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School


J. Christopher Farmer, MD, FCCM
Professor of Medicine
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine


Bart Chernow, MD, FCCM


William C. Shoemaker, MD, FCCM


Edward Abraham, MD, FCCM
Professor and Chair
Department of Medicine
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Kanwaljeet J. S. Anand, MBBS, Dphil, FCCM
Professor of Pediatrics, Anesthesiology, Pharmacology & Neurobiology
Morris & Hettie Oakley Chair for Critical Care Medicine
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

Robert J. Anderson, MD
Professor, Medicine
University of Colorado-Denver

Peter B. Angood, MD, FACS, FCCM
Vice-President and Chief Patient Safety Officer
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
Joint Commission/International Center for Patient Safety

Derek Angus, MD, MPH
Professor and Vice Chair for Research
Department of Critical Care Medicine
University of Pittsburgh
CRISMA Laboratory

John H. Arnold, MD
Associate Professor, Anaesthesia (Pediatrics)
Harvard Medical School

Philip S. Barie, MD, FCCM
Professor, Surgery
Chief, Critical Care and Trauma
Cornell University Medical College

Anish Bhardwaj, MD
Codirector, Neurosciences Critical Care Division
Associate Professor of Neurology
Neurological Surgery and Anesthesiology/Critical Care Medicine
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Bruce R. Bistrian, MD, MPH, PhD
Professor, Medicine
Harvard Medical School

Roy G. Brower, MD
Associate Professor, Director, Medical ICU
Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Timothy G. Buchman, PhD, MD, FCCM
Edison Professor of Surgery, Anesthesiology, and Medicine
Washington University School of Medicine

Joseph A. Carcillo, MD
Assistant Professor, Critical Care Medicine
Associate Director, Pediatric ICU
Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh

David A. Cook, MBBS, FJFICM, PhD
Senior Specialist in Intensive Care
Intensive Care Unit
Princess Alexandra Hospital
Brisbane, Australia

Craig Coopersmith, MD
Associate Professor of Surgery and Anesthesiology
Washington University School of Medicine

Douglas B. Coursin, MD
Professor, Anesthesiology and Internal Medicine
Associate Director, Trauma and Life Support Center
University of Wisconsin-Madison Medical School

Burke A. Cunha, MD, MACP
Chief, Infectious Disease Division
Winthrop-University Hospital

Marion Danis, MD
Clinical Bioethics Department
Clinical Center
National Institutes of Health

Joseph F. Dasta, MSc, FCCM
Professor, Pharmacy
Ohio State University College of Pharmacy

Bennett P. de Boisblanc, MD, FCCM
Associate Professor, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Louisiana State Medical School

Edwin A. Deitch, MD, FACS
Professor and Chairman, Department of Surgery
UMDNJ Medical School

Antonio DeMaio, PhD
Associate Professor, Pediatric Surgery
Johns Hopkins University

Clifford S. Deutschman, MD, FCCM
Professor of Anesthesia and Surgery
Director, Fellowship In Critical Care
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

John W. Devlin, PharmD, FCCM
Associate Professor, Northeastern University School of Pharmacy
Adjunct Associate Professor, Tufts University School of Medicine

Charles A. Dinarello, MD
Infectious Disease
University of Colorado Health Science Center

Todd Dorman, MD
Associate Dean and Director
Vice Chair, Critical Care
Associate Professor
Department of Anesthesiology/ Critical Care Medicine/Surgery
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

David J. Dries, MSE, MD
John F. Perry, Jr, Professor
Department of Surgery
University of Minnesota

Jay L. Falk, MD, FCCM
Clinical Professor, Medicine
University of Florida College of Medicine

Roy D. GoIdfarb, PhD
Professor, Physiology and Medicine
Sections of Cardiology and Critical Care Medicine
Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center

Brahm Goldstein, MD, FCCM
Professor, Pediatrics
Division of Pediatric Critical Care
Oregon Health Sciences Center

A. B. J. Groeneveld, MD, PhD
Associate Professor
Academisch Ziekenhuis
Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Jesse Hall, MD
Professor, Medicine
University of Chicago Hospitals
The Pritzker School of Medicine

Neil A. Halpern, MD, FCCM
Professor, Anesthesiology and Medicine
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Chief, Critical Care Medicine
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, NY

Maurene Harvey, BSN, CCRN, MPH, FCCM
Consultants in Critical Care, Inc.

Mark A. Helfaer, MD, FCCM
Chief, Critical Care Medicine
Endowed Chair, Critical Care Medicine
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Professor, Anesthesia
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

Niranjan Kissoon, MD
Professor, Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, Canada

Ruth Kleinpell, RN, FAAN, FCCM
Professor, Rush University College of Nursing
Teacher-Practitioner, Rush University Medical Center
Nurse Practitioner, Our Lady of the Resurrection<

Marin H. Kollef, MD
Associate Professor, Medicine
Washington University School of Medicine
Director, Medical Critical Care
Director, Respiratory Care Services
Barnes-Jewish Hospital

Gerald Kost
Point-of-Care Testing Center for Teaching and Research, School of Medicine
University of California, Davis

George C. Kramer, PhD
Professor, Department of Anesthesiology & Physiology
University of Texas Medical Branch

Stephen Lowry, MD
Chairman, Department of Surgery
UMDNJ Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

John J. Marini, MD
Professor, Medicine
University of Minnesota-St. Paul

Stanley A. Nasraway, MD, FCCM
Associate Professor of Surgery, Medicine & Anesthesia
Tufts University School of Medicine

Robert M. Nelson, MD, PhD
Associate Professor, Anesthesia and Pediatrics
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
University of Pennsylvania

Michael S. Niederman, MD
Professor of Medicine
State University of New York at Stonybrook

John Mark Oropello, MD, FCCM
Program Director, Critical Care Medicine
Associate Professor, Surgery and Medicine
Mount Sinai Hospital

Luis Ostrosky-Zeichner, MD
Assistant Professor, Division of Infectious Disease
University of Texas Medical School at Houston

Margaret M. Parker, MD, FCCM
Professor, Pediatrics
SUNY at Stony Brook

Robert I. Parker, MD
Professor, Pediatrics
SUNY at Stony Brook

David T. Porembka, DO, FCCM
Professor, Anesthesia, Surgery and Internal Medicine (Cardiology)
Associate Director of Surgical Intensive Care
Director of Perioperative Echocardiology
University of Cincinnati Medical Center

Richard A. Proctor, MD
Professor, Medicine and Medical Microbiology/Immunology
University of Wisconsin-Madison Medical School

Stanley H. Rosenbaum, MD
Professor, Anesthesiology, Medicine, and Surgery
Yale University School of Medicine

Andrew Shorr, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine
Washington Hospital Center

Zoltan Spolarics, MD, PhD
Department of Surgery
UMDNJ Medical School

Charles L. Sprung, MD, JD, FCCM
Professor of Medicine and Critical Care Medicine
Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center
Jerusalem, Israel

Hans Steiner, MD, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Neurosurgery
NeuroCritical Care Unit
University of Heidelberg

Paul Steendijk, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Cardiology
Leiden University Medical Center

Nancy Szaflarski, RN, PhD, FCCM
Program Director, Patient Safety Research
Stanford Hospitals and Clinics

Wanchun Tang, MD, FCCM
Vice-President, Division of Medicine
Institute of Critical Care Medicine

Richard Teplick, MD
Chief of Staff
University of South Alabama Medical System

Christoph Thiemermann, MD PhD
Department of Experimental Medicine and Nephrology
William Harvey Research Institute
London, United Kingdom

Daniel L. Traber, PhD, FCCM
Charles R. Allen Professor of Anesthesiology
Professor, Anesthesiology, Physiology, and Biophysics
University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston

Paul M. Vespa, MD
Associate Professor of Neurosurgery and Neurology
UCLA School of Medicine

Charles L. Webber, Jr., PhD
Professor of Physiology
Loyola University Medical Center

Nigel R. Webster, MD
Professor, Department of Anesthesia
Institute of Medical Sciences

Robert A. Weinstein, MD
Chairman, Infectious Diseases
Cook County Hospital Chicago

Lawrence S. Weisberg, MD
Professor of Medicine
UMDNJ--Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in Camden


Managing Editor: Kathryn S. Brobst
Periodicals Publications Manager: Mary Ann Branagan
Director of Publications: Deborah L. McBride
Editorial Assistant: Nicki Brouillette
SCCM, 701 Lee Street, Suite 200, Des Plaines, IL 60016. Phone: (847) 827-6869; Fax: (847) 827-6886; E-mail: journals@sccm.org


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