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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
About IJNS: Aims & Scope

The International Journal of Neural Systems is a bimonthly peer-reviewed journal which covers information processing in natural and artificial neural systems. It publishes original contributions on all aspects of this broad subject which involves physics, biology, psychology, computer science and engineering. Contributions include research papers, reviews, short communications and Letters to the Editor.

The journal presents a fresh, undogmatic attitude towards this multi-disciplinary field, aiming to be a forum for novel ideas and improved understanding of collective and cooperative phenomena in systems with computational capabilities.




CSA Neurosciences Abstracts

Zentralblatt MATH

Science Citation Index Expanded

ISI Alerting Services

CompuMath Citation Index

Current Contents®/Engineering, Computing, and Technology


Computer Abstracts

Instructions to Authors
For Authors: Guidelines for Contributors
Contributions should typically be about ten printed pages long, but shorter communications and longer reviews will also be considered for publication. Letters to the Editor—concise papers up to 3,000 words long and intended for rapid publication—are also welcome, and should be marked "Letter to the Editor" on the first page. Manuscripts (four copies) should be submitted to any editorial board member in the relevant discipline, or to:

World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd
5 Toh Tuck Link
Singapore 596224
E-mail: wspc@wspc.com.sg

Only articles which are not being considered for publication in other journals should be submitted. Once a paper is accepted for publication in IJNS, the author is assumed to have transferred copyright to the Publisher.

The manuscript, including the abstract, references, figure captions and labelling, must be written in good English. It should be on good letter- or A4-size paper and be neatly typeset with double spacing and wide margins around the text. Use only one side of the paper.

The abstracts should not normally exceed 200 words.

Number sections with Arabic numerals. Each page of the manuscript should be numbered at the top.

Notation should be legible, compact and conform to standard conventions. Each symbol must be neatly typed, laserprinted or clearly written in ink and, where necessary, identified in the margin. Clear distinction must be made where confusion might arise, i.e., between certain capital and lower-case letters, the letters n and v, the letter O and zero, etc. Superscripts and subscripts should be easily recognisable. If possible, fractions should be typed as  for example, rather than 1/2.

Indicate footnotes in the text with superscript lower-case letters (a, b, c, etc.). References should be complete and contain the title of the paper or book being cited; use standard abbreviations for journal names. References may be organised using the following style:



Superscript Arabic numerals in the text, numbered in order of appearance, corresponding to a numbered list of references, e.g.:
1.   M. Mahowald and R. Douglas 1991, "A silicon neuron," Nature 354, 515-518.
2.   F. Fagin and C. A. Mead 1990, "VLSI implementation of neural networks," in An Introduction to Neural and Electronic Networks, eds. S. F. Zornetzer, J. L. Davis and C. Lau (Academic Press, New York), pp. 275-292.

For figures, original indian ink drawings, glossy prints or laserprinted computer graphics are preferred. Number them with Arabic numerals in order of appearance in the text. Each figure should occupy a separate page, with the author name(s) and the figure number indicated clearly below. All essential details (e.g. labelling) must remain legible if the figure is reproduced at half its original size. A list of figure captions should be provided on a separate sheet at the end of the manuscript.

Tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals in the order of appearance. Each table should occupy a separate page and have a caption above.

Every submitted paper will be acknowledged and refereed, but it will not be returned to the author(s). There are no page charges. The author(s) of each paper published in IJNS will receive 50 offprints of that paper free of charge.

NB: When a paper has been accepted, a submission of TEX or LATEX files for the final version will expedite publication. Figures may be submitted as Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files. IJNS does not provide special style files for manuscripts, but LATEX article style files (with as few special definitions as possible) or plain TEX are acceptable.

Manuscripts can also be sent to the publisher via Web-based submission.

Detailed instructions for preparation of manuscripts are available in:

Copyright Transfer Form

Editorial Board
About IJNS: Editorial Board

Hojjat Adeli
The Ohio State University, USA

Managing Editors
Alan F Murray
University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Editorial Advisory Board
Yaser Abu Mostafa (California Institute of Technology, USA)
Christian Berger-Vachon (Claude-Bernard University Lyon, France)
Julien Bogousslavsky (CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland)
Nik Bourbakis (Wright State University)
Christian Büchel (University of Krankenhaus, Germany)
Gilbert A Chauvet (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, France)
Cihan H Dagli (University of Missouri, USA)
Wlodzislaw Duch (Nicholaus Copernicus University, Poland) (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Rolf Eckmiller (University of Bonn, Germany)
John D Enderle (University of Connecticut, USA)
Colin Fyfe (University of Paisley, United Kingdom)
Erol Gelenbe (Imperial College, United Kingdom)
Leon D Iasemidis (Arizona State University, USA)
Xiaoyi Jiang (University of Münster, Germany)
Michael I Jordan (University of California at Berkeley, USA)
Nik Kasabov (Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand)
Samuel Kaski (Helsinki University of Technology, Finland)
Norman C Moore (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Nikhil R Pal (Indian Statistical Institute, India)
Witold Pedrycz (University of Alberta, Canada)
Kim Plunkett (University of Oxford, United Kingdom)
V S H Rao (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, India)
John C Taylor (University of London, UK)
Marc Van Hulle (University of Leuven, Belgium)
J Wang (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China)
Stephen G Waxman (Yale University, USA)
H Yin (The University of Manchester, United Kingdom)


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