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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Marine Drugs Publishes reviews, regular research papers and short notes on the research, development and production of drugs from the sea. Our aim is to publish as much as possible the experimental detail, particularly synthetic procedures and characterization information for bioactive compounds. There is no restriction on the length of the experimental section.


Subject areas include:

  • Marine natural product
  • Drug medicinal
  • Medicine analysis
  • Marine pharmacology
  • Pharmaceutical biology
  • Marine biotechnology or biomedical engineering
  • Molecular biology
  • Enzymatic engineering
  • Marine glycobiology and glycochemistry
  • Clinical trial
  • Biological and biomedical material
  • Marine drugs development

Marine Drugs is covered by following indexing and abstracting databases:

Instructions to Authors

Manuscript Preparation

  • Manuscripts should be prepared in English using a word processor. The MS Word template file should be used. MS Word for Macintosh or for Windows .doc or .rtf files are preferred. Manuscripts may be prepared with other software, provided that the full document (with figures, schemes and tables inserted into the text) is exported to a MS Word format for submission. Times or Times New Roman font is required. The font size is 12 pt and the line spacing "at least" 17 pt. Although our final output is in .pdf format, authors are asked to not send manuscripts in this format as editing them is much more difficult.
    Special Notes regarding MS Word files:
    • Please do not insert any graphics (schemes, figures, etc.) into a movable frame which can superimpose the text and make the layout very difficult.
    • Most formatting codes will be removed or replaced on processing your article so there is no need  to use excessive layout styling. In addition, options such as automatic word breaking, double columns, footnotes or automatic numbering should not be used. However, bold face, italic, subscripts, superscripts, etc. may be used for emphasis as needed. Authors from countries where right-to-left writing is used should ensure their manuscripts have Western style (left-to-right) formatting.
  • The standard style of Marine Drugs should be followed. Prospective authors should consult any current issue of Marine Drugs for examples of this style.
  • Authors' full mailing addresses, homepage addresses, phone and fax numbers, e-mail addresses and homepages can be included in the title page and these will be published in the manuscripts and the Table of Contents. The corresponding author should be clearly identified. It is the corresponding author's responsibility to ensure that all co-authors are aware of and approve of the contents of a submitted manuscript.
  • All authors who contributed significantly to the manuscript (including writing a section) should be listed on the first page of the manuscript, below the title of the article. Other parties, who provided only minor contributions, should be listed under Acknowledgments only. A minor contribution might be a discussion with the author, reading through the draft of the manuscript, or performing English corrections.
  • A brief (about 200 words) Abstract should be provided. The use in the Abstract of numbers  to identify compounds should be avoided, unless these compounds are also identified by name.
  • A list of three to five keywords must be given, and placed after the Abstract. Keywords may be single words or very short sentences.
  • Although variations in accord with a manuscript's contents are permissible, in general all papers should have the following sections: Introduction, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments (if applicable), Experimental and References (or References and Notes, if applicable).
  • Authors are encouraged to prepare figures and schemes in color. Full color graphics will be published free of charge. Conference slides, video sequences, software, etc., can also be included and will be published as supplementary material.
  • Tables should be inserted into the main text, and numbers and titles supplied for all tables. All table columns should have an explanatory heading. To facilitate layout of large tables, smaller fonts may be used, but in no case should these be less than 10 pt. in size. Authors should use the Table option of MS Word to create tables, rather than tabs, as tab delimited columns are often difficult to format in .pdf for final output.
  • Figures and schemes should also be placed in numerical order in the appropriate place within the main text. Numbers, titles and legends should be provided for all schemes and figures. These should be prepared as a separate paragraph of the main text and placed in the main text before the figure or scheme.
  • Chemical structures and reaction schemes should be drawn using an appropriate software package designed for this purpose. As a guideline, these should be drawn to a scale such that all the details and text are clearly legible when placed in the manuscript (i.e. text should be no smaller that 8-9 pt.). To facilitate editing we recommend the use of any of the software packages widely available for this purpose: MDL® Isis/Draw, ACD/ChemSketch®, CS ChemDraw®, ChemWindow®, etc. Free  versions of some of these products are available for personal or academic use from the respective publishers. If another less common structure drawing software is used, authors should ensure the figures are saved in a file format compatible with of one of these products.
  • Experimental data. To allow for correct abstracting of the manuscripts all compounds should be mentioned by correct chemical name, followed by any numerals used to refer to them in the paper. The use of the IUPAC nomenclature conventions is preferred, although alternate naming systems (for example CAS rules) may be used provided that a single consistent naming system is used throughout a manuscript. For authors perhaps unfamiliar with chemical nomenclature in English we recommend the use of compound naming software such as AutoNom. Full experimental details must be provided, or, in the case of many compounds prepared by a similar method, a representative typical procedure should be given. The general style used in the Journal of Organic Chemistry is preferred. Complete characterization data must be given for all new compounds. For papers mentioning large numbers of compounds a tabular format is acceptable. For known compounds appropriate literature references must be given.
  • References. See the Reference Preparation Guide. References should be numbered according to the order in which they appear in the text.
  • Reference Preparation: References should preferably be prepared with EndNote®, ReferenceManager™ or a similar bibliography software package. If references are prepared manually they must be checked for integrity and correctness (you may use ISI Web of Knowledge, PubMed/MEDLINE or Google Scholar). The Editorial Office will charge additional CHF 10 per citation for which extensive corrections must be made.
  • Abstract/Table of Contents Graphic: Authors are encouraged to provide a graphical representation of the paper (in either JPEG, GIF, PNG or PDF format) to be used as a graphic of the paper, along with the abstract, on the Table of Contents. The graphic should not exceed 500 pixels width/height. As an example, authors may review the abstract graphic of following papers:
    - http://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/9/1/490
    - http://www.mdpi.com/1420-3049/14/1/378
  • Electronic Supplementary Information (ESI): Conference slides, video sequences, software, etc., can be included with the submission and published as supplementary material. Please read the information about Supplementary Material Deposit beneath.


Review / Referees

Authors should suggest at least 5 potential referees with the appropriate technical expertise, although the Editor will not necessarily approach them. Their addresses, homepage addresses, phone and fax numbers and e-mail addresses should be provided as fully as possible. At least two of the suggested referees must be from a different country than the author's one. At least two of the suggested referees must be from a western country (USA, Canada, Japan, Australia or western European country). You may choose appropriate ones from the Marine Drugs  Editorial Board.


English Corrections

This journal is published in English, so it is essential that for proper refereeing and quick publication all manuscripts are submitted in grammatically correct English. For this purpose we ask that non-native English speakers ensure their manuscripts are checked before submitting them for consideration. We suggest that for this purpose your manuscript be revised by an English speaking colleague before submission. Authors can also use the services of American Journal Experts (AJE) for this purpose. Authors of articles submitted to MDPI journals benefit of a one-time 10% discount on AJE's charges. Simply follow the above link to make use of the referral discount.

Copyright / Open Access

Articles published in Marine Drugs will be open-access articles distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license. MDPI will insert following note at the end of the published text:

© 200... by the authors; licensee Molecular Diversity Preservation International, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open-access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/).


Reprints may be ordered. Please visit http://www.mdpi.org/reprints/ for more information or to order reprints.

Sample Deposit and Exchange

In addition to the payment of Open Access publishing fees, authors are encouraged to register or submit samples of the key compounds and appropriate intermediates from each paper to MDPI in Switzerland for deposit and distribution at a reasonable price to help defray the publication costs. Contributions of starting materials, intermediates or other non-commercially available samples are also acceptable. Sample Availability information should be included after the "References and Notes" section of the manuscript, and before the copyright notice. For details, visit: http://www.mdpi.org/. Samples should be sent to

    Dr. Shu-Kun Lin
    Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI)
    Kandererstrasse 25, CH-4057 Basel, Switzerland
    Tel.: (+41) 79 322 3379, Fax: (+41) 61 302 8918
    E-mail: lin@mdpi.com (http://www.mdpi.org/lin/)

Correct identification of components of natural products

The correct identification of the various components of extracts from natural sources is of key importance, and as publishers we are keenly aware of our responsibility to the scientific community in this area. Consequently, for papers on this topic, we have adopted the recommendations of the Working Group on Methods of Analysis of the International Organization of the Flavour Industry (IOFI), as published in Flavour Fragr. J. 2006, 21, 185. These recommendations may be summarized as follows:

Any identification of a natural compound must pass scrutiny by the latest forms of available analytical techniques. This implies that its identity must be confirmed by at least two different methods, for example, comparison of chromatographic and spectroscopic data (including mass, IR and NMR spectra) with those of an authentic sample, either isolated or synthesized. For papers claiming the first discovery of a given compound from a natural source, the authors must provide full data obtained by their own measurements of both the unknown and an authentic sample, whose source must be fully documented. Authors should also consider very carefully potential sources of artifacts and contaminants resulting from any extraction procedure or sample handling.

Supplementary Material Deposit
  • We wish to encourage the submission of supplementary data in electronic formats, so that important chemical, structural or scientific information is retained in full. Spectral data (NMR, IR, Raman, ESR, etc) can be submitted in JCAMP (.jdx) format.
  • 3D coordinate structures (in pdb, mol, xyz or other common formats), if available, should also be submitted.

Editorial Board

Editorial Office

Prof. Dr. Hartmut Laatsch *
Institute of Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, University of Göttingen, Tammannstrasse 2, D-37077 Göttingen, Germany
Tel. +49 551 393211; Fax: +49 551 399660
Website: http://wwwuser.gwdg.de/~ucoc/laatsch/
E-Mail: hlaatsc@gwdg.de
Interests: anti-bacterial; anti-fungal; anti-parasitic and anti-cancer activity of marine microbial products; marine bacteria; endophytes; dereplication; database-supported structure elucidation
* New Editor-in-Chief of Marine Drugs since September 2009.

Associate Editor
Prof. Dr. Nobuhiro Fusetani
Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University, 3-1-1 Minato-cho, Hakodate 041-8611, Japan
Tel. +81 138 40 8884; Fax: +81 138 40 8884
E-Mail: anobu@fish.hokudai.ac.jp
Interests: marine natural products, drug discovery, antitumor, antimicrobial and enzyme inhibitors

Associate Editor
Prof. Dr. Alejandro M. Mayer
Professor of Pharmacology, Department of Pharmacology, CCOM, Midwestern University, 555 31st. Street, Downers Grove, Illinois 60515, USA
Tel. +1 630 515 6951; Fax: +1 630 515 6295
Website: http://marinepharmacology.midwestern.edu/
E-Mail: amayer@midwestern.edu
Interests: immunopharmacology, inflammation, leukocytes, cytokines, superoxide, eicosanoids, marine toxins, domoic acid

Associate Editor
Prof. Dr. Jordan K. Zjawiony
Department of Pharmacognosy, School of Pharmacy, University of Mississippi, MS 38677, USA
Tel. +1 662 9157290; Fax: +1 662 9156975
E-Mail: jordan@olemiss.edu
Interests: marine biotechnology, pharmacognosy, natural products, semisynthesis, medicinal chemistry

Managing Editor
Ms. Kathy Lai
MDPI Beijing Office, Liyuanbeijie Road 186, Suite 307, Liyuan Town, Tongzhou District, 101101 Beijing, China
Tel. +86 10 59011009; Fax: +86 10 59011089
E-Mail: kathy.lai@em.mdpi.org

Production Editor
Dr. Brietta Pike
MDPI AG, Postfach, CH-4005 Basel, Switzerland. Office: Kandererstrasse 25, 4057 Basel
Tel. +41 61 683 77 34; Fax: +41 61 302 89 18
E-Mail: pike@mdpi.com

Editorial Board

Prof. Dr. Pedro Abreu
DQ-CQFB/REQUIMTE, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal
Tel. +351 212 948354; Fax: +351 212 948550
Website: http://www.dq.fct.unl.pt/qoa/abreu
E-Mail: pma@dq.fct.unl.pt
Interests: natural products; medicinal plants; bioguided isolation
Contribution: Special Issue: Biosynthesis of Marine Natural Products

Prof. Dr. Fernando Albericio
Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona), Parc Científic de Barcelona, Baldiri Reixac 10, 08028 Barcelona, Spain
Tel. +34 93 403 70 88; Fax: +34 93 403 71 26
Website: http://www.pcb.ub.es/fama
E-Mail: albericio@irbbarcelona.org
Interests: marine natural products; bioactive natural products; peptides; solid-phase chemistry; combinatorial chemistry; drug delivery systems
Contribution: In other journals:
Special Issue: Solid Phase Synthesis

Prof. Dr. Mercedes Álvarez
Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona), Parc Científic de Barcelona, Baldiri Reixac 10, 08028 Barcelona, Spain
Tel. +34 93 403 70 86; Fax: +34 93 403 71 26
Website: http://www.pcb.ub.es/fama
E-Mail: mercedes.alvarez@irbbarcelona.org
Interests: marine natural products; bioactive natural products; alkaloids; synthesis; heterocycles
Contribution: Special Issue: Marine Alkaloids

Prof. Dr. Hugo Rubén Arias
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy, Midwestern University, 1955 N. 59th Ave., Glendale, AZ 85308, USA
Tel. (623) 572-3589
E-Mail: harias@midwestern.edu
Interests: acetylcholine nicotinic receptors; structure-function relationship; noncompetitive antagonists; localization of binding sites; fluorescence spectroscopy; equilibrium binding
Contribution: Special Issue: Marine Drugs and Ion Channels

Prof. Dr. Andre S. Bachmann
Cancer Research Center of Hawaii & Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1236 Lauhala Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, USA
Tel. Office: +1 808 586 2962; Cell phone: +1 808 222 1976; Fax: +1 808 586 2970
Website: http://www.crch.org/profiles/ProfileBachmann.htm
E-Mail: abachmann@crch.hawaii.edu
Interests: neuroblastoma; pediatric cancer; natural products; polyamines; DFMO; ornithine decarboxylase; apoptosis; cell cycle regulation; proteasome inhibitors; syrbactins

Prof. Sir Jack E. Baldwin
Dyson Perrins Laboratory, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QY, UK
Tel. +44 1865 275671; Fax: +44 1865 275632
Website: http://www.chem.ox.ac.uk/researchguide/jbaldwin.html
E-Mail: jack.baldwin@chem.ox.ac.uk
Interests: biomimetic synthesis; biosynthesis; antibiotics; penicillin

Prof. Dr. Louis R. Barrows
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, College of Pharmacy, University of Utah, 30 S. 2000 E., Salt Lake City, UT 94112-5820, USA
Tel. +1 801 581 4547; Fax: +1 801 585 5111
E-Mail: lbarrows@pharm.utah.edu
Interests: anti-bacterial; anti-viral; anti-parasitic and anti-cancer pharmacology of marine natural products; biochemical and biological properties of pyridoacridines

Prof. Dr. John P. Berry
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, 354 Marine Science Building, Florida International University, 3000 NE 151st Street, North Miami, FL 33181, USA
Tel. +1 305 919 4569; Fax: +1 305 919 4030
Website: http://www.fiu.edu/~berryj/
E-Mail: John.Berry@fiu.edu
Interests: cyanobacteria; toxins; bioactive compounds; zebrafish embryo model; natural products
Contribution: Special Issue: Algal Toxins
In other journals:
Special Issue: Algal Toxins

Prof. Dr. John W. Blunt
Department of Chemistry, University of Canterbury, PB 4800, Christchurch, New Zealand
Tel. +64 3 3642873; Fax: +64 3 3642110
Website: http://www.chem.canterbury.ac.nz/people/blunt.shtml
E-Mail: john.blunt@canterbury.ac.nz
Interests: marine natural products; bioactive natural products; nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

Dr. Andrea Bourdelais
Center for Marine Science, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, 5600 Marvin K. Moss Lane, Wilmington NC, 28409, USA
Tel. +1 910 962 2365; Fax: +1 910 962 2410
E-Mail: bourdelaisa@uncw.edu
Interests: isolation and structure elucidation of bioactive marine natural products; polyether compounds; bioassay screening; high content screening; quantitative analysis of marine toxins; harmful algal blooms; Florida red tide; marine dinoflagellates
Contribution: Special Issue: Marine Dinoflagellates

Prof. Dr. Bruce F. Bowden
Chemistry, School of Pharmacy and Molecular Sciences, James Cook University, Townsville 4811 Queensland, Australia
Tel. +61 747 814533; Fax: +61 747 816078
Website: http://www.jcu.edu.au/fmhms/school/pms/chem/staff/bowden/
E-Mail: bruce.bowden@jcu.edu.au
Interests: natural products; marine; pharmacologically active; cytotoxic; structure elucidation

Prof. Dr. Robert J. Capon
Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland, Carmody Road, St Lucia 4072, Queensland, Australia
Tel. +61 (0)7 3346 2979; Fax: +61 (0)7 3346 2090
Website: http://www.imb.uq.edu.au/index.html?id=12017
E-Mail: r.capon@imb.uq.edu.au
Interests: biodiscovery; marine and microbial natural products chemistry; biomimetic synthesis

Dr. Guy Carter
Wyeth Research, Chemical Technologies, Discovery Chemical Sciences, 401 N. Middletown Road Pearl River, NY 10965, USA
Tel. +1 845 602 3594
E-Mail: CARTERG@wyeth.com
Interests: antibiotics; actinomycetes; marine microbes; anticancer agents; isolation and structure determination; fermentation; genetic engineering; biosynthesis; stable isotope labeling

Prof. Dr. Patrizia Ciminiello
Dipartimento di Chimica delle Sostanze Naturali, Università di Napoli "Federico II", Via D. Montesano 49, I-80131 Napoli, Italy
Tel. +39 081 678507; Fax: +39 081 678552
Website: http://www.dcsn.unina.it/
E-Mail: ciminiel@unina.it
Interests: marine natural products; marine plankton; structure elucidation; marine biotoxins; dinoflagellates

Dr. Antonio Hernández Daranas
Institute for Bio-Organic Chemistry, Antonio González, University of La Laguna, La Laguna 38256, Spain
Tel. +34 922 318587; Fax: +34 922 318571
E-Mail: adaranas@ull.es
Interests: marine natural products; marine toxins; biosynthesis; NMR spectroscopy; protein-ligand interactions; inhibition of phosphatases

Prof. Dr. Patrizia Diana
Dipartimento Farmacochimico, Tossicologico e Biologico, University of Palermo, Via Archirafi n.32, 90123, Palermo, Italy
Tel. +39 0916161606; Fax: +39 0916169999
E-Mail: diana@unipa.it
Interests: organic synthesis; medicinial chemistry; new synthetic methodologies; heterocycles; antitumor activity; nortopsentin

Dr. RuAngelie Edrada-Ebel
Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, University of Strathclyde, The John Arbuthnott Building, 27 Taylor Street, Glasgow G4 0NR, Scotland
Tel. +44 (0)141 548 5880; Fax: +44 (0)141 552 2562
Website: http://spider.science.strath.ac.uk/sipbs/staff/RuAngelie_Edrada-Ebel.htm
E-Mail: ruangelie.edrada-ebel@strath.ac.uk
Interests: natural products; drug discovery; nmr spectroscopy; metabolomics
Contribution: Special Issue: Terpenoids of Marine Origin

Prof. Dr. Ernesto Fattorusso
Diaprtimento di Chimica delle Sostanze Naturali, Università di Napoli `Federico II`, Via Montesano 49, I-80131 Napoli, Italy
Tel. +39 081 678503; Fax: +39 081 678552
Website: http://www.dcsn.unina.it/Fattorusso.htm
E-Mail: ernesto.fattorusso@unina.it
Interests: marine metabolites; structure elucidation; anticancer agents; antimicrobial agents; immunomodulating agents

Dr. Angelo Fontana
Bioprospecting Lab, Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Pozzuoli (Naples), 80078, Italy
Tel. +39 081 8675096; Fax: +39 081 8041770
Website: http:// www.icb.cnr.it
E-Mail: angelo.fontana@icb.cnr.it
Interests: marine natural products; chemical ecology; biosynthesis; marine invertebrates; marine plankton; marine biochemistry

Dr. Brian M. Gallagher Jr.
Sirtris, a GSK Company, 200 Technology Square, Suite 300, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Tel. +1 617 252 6920; Fax: +1 617 252 6924
Website: www.sirtrispharma.com
E-Mail: bgallagher@sirtrispharma.com
Interests: medicinal chemistry; natural products; drug discovery & development; anticancer drugs; immunological & anti-inflammatory drugs; metabolic drugs

Dr. A. Ganesan
School of Chemistry, University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK
Tel. +44 (0)2380 593897; Fax: +44 (0)2380 593897
Website: http://www.soton.ac.uk/chemistry/research/ganesan/ganesan.html
E-Mail: A.Ganesan@soton.ac.uk
Interests: natural products; drug discovery; medicinal chemistry; combinatorial chemistry; anticancer agents; biosynthesis

Dr. Miroslav Gantar
Department of Biological Sciences, Florida International University, University Park, Miami, Fl. 33199, USA
Tel. +1 305 348 4030; Fax: +1 305 348 1986
E-Mail: gantarm@fiu.edu
Interests: microbial ecology; bioactive compounds of cyanobacteria; antimicrobial agents

Dr. Santokh Gill
Toxicology Research Division, Food Directorate, Health Products and Food Branch, Health Canada, Sir Frederick Banting Research Centre, 1 Ross Avenue, Postal Locator: 2202D2, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0L2, Canada
Tel. +1 613 952 9555; Fax: +1 613 941 6959
E-Mail: Santokh_Gill@hc-sc.gc.ca
Interests: glutamate receptors; gene expression; neurotoxicity; biomarkers

Prof. Dr. Hua-Shi Guan *
Ocean University of China, Yushan Road 5, Qingdao 266003, China
Tel. +86 532 2032951; Fax: +86 532 2033054
Website: http://www.ouc.edu.cn
E-Mail: marinedrugs@mdpi.com
Interests: marine drugs; marine natural products; marine glycotechnology; marine glycochemistry
* Founding Editor-in-Chief 2003-2005, Honorary Editor-in-Chief

Prof. Dr. Lise-Lotte Gundersen
Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, P.O. Box, 1033 Blindern, N-0315 Oslo, Norway
Tel. +47 22857019; Fax: +47 22855507
Website: http://folk.uio.no/llotte/
E-Mail: l.l.gundersen@kjemi.uio.no
Interests: organic chemistry; total synthesis; medicinal chemistry; antimicrobial compounds; natural product chemistry

Dr. Kirk R. Gustafson
Molecular Targets Development Program, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, Building 1052, Room 121, Frederick, MD 21702-1201, USA
Tel. +1 301 846 5197; Fax: +1 301 846 6157
Website: http://ccr.cancer.gov/staff/staff.asp?profileid=7125
E-Mail: gustafson@ncifcrf.gov
Interests: natural products chemistry; chemical biology of natural products; NMR spectroscopy
Contribution: Special Issue: Bioactive Compounds from Marine Microbes

Dr. Philipp Hess
Environnement, Microbiologie & Phycotoxines, Ifremer - BP, 21105 Rue de l'Ile d'Yeu Nantes CEDEX 03, France
Tel. +33 2 40 37 42 57; Fax: +33 2 40 37 42 67
Website: http:\\www.ifremer.fr
E-Mail: Philipp.Hess@ifremer.fr
Interests: marine natural products chemistry; marine biotoxins; marine micro-organisms; biodiscovery; risk evaluation

Prof. Dr. F. David Horgen
College of Natural Sciences, Hawaii Pacific University, 45-045 Kamehameha Highway, Kaneohe, HI 96744, USA
Tel. +1 808 236 5864
Website: http://www.hpu.edu/index.cfm?contentID=8460
E-Mail: dhorgen@hpu.edu
Interests: marine natural products; structure determination; non-ribosomal peptides; ion channel assays; modulation of transient receptor potential ion channels; analytical chemistry

Prof. Dr. Susumu Ikegami
Misonou 6967-1, Saijou-cho, Higashi-hiroshima shi, Hiroshima Prefecture 739-0024, Japan
Tel. +81 824 220512; Fax: +81 824 220512
E-Mail: ssssike@vesta-dti.ne.jp
Interests: marine natural products; marine ecology; marine biochemistry; gamete and developmental biology of marine invertebrates; mode of action of marine drugs

Prof. Dr. Chris M. Ireland
Department of Medicinal Chemistry, 307 Skaggs Hall, 30 South 2000 East, Rm 201, Unversity of Utah, SLC, UT 84112-5820, USA
Tel. +1 801 581 8305; Fax: +1 801 585 6208
Website: http://www.pharmacy.utah.edu/medChem/faculty/ireland.html
E-Mail: cireland@pharm.utah.edu
Interests: marine pharmacognosy; natural products chemistry; structure and mechanism of action of antitumor natural products; marine microbiology; structure and neurotoxicity of conotoxins

Prof. Dr. Jee H. Jung
College of Pharmacy, Pusan National University, Busan 609-735, Korea
Tel. +82 8251 5102803; Fax: +82 8251 5136754
Website: http://home.pusan.ac.kr/~jhjung/
E-Mail: jhjung@pusan.ac.kr
Interests: marine natural product chemistry; bioactive compounds; marine sponges; cytotoxicity

Dr. Peter Karuso
Department of Chemistry, Macquarie University, Sydney 2109, Australia
Tel. +61 2 9850 8290; Fax: +61 2 9850 8313
Website: http://www.chem.mq.edu.au/~vislab/karuso.html
E-Mail: peter.karuso@mq.edu.au
Interests: natural products; chemical biology; chemical proteomics; fluorescence

Prof. Dr. Yoel Kashman
School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel
Tel. +972 3 6408419; Fax: +972 3 6409293
E-Mail: kashman@post.tau.ac.il
Interests: marine metabolites; structure elucidation; anticancer agents; antimicrobial agents; biogenesis

Prof. Dr. Russell Kerr
Canada Research Chair in Marine Natural Products, Department of Chemistry and Department of Biomedical Sciences, Atlantic Veterinary College, University of Prince Edward Island, 550 University Avenue, Charlottetown, C1A 4P3, PEI, Canada
Tel. +1 902 566 0565; Fax: +1 902 566 7445
Website: http://www.upei.ca/research/profile/russellkerr
E-Mail: rkerr@upei.ca
Interests: natural products isolation and characterization; bioassay-guided purification of natural products / drug discovery; isolation of natural product producing bacteria and fungi; development of fermentation methods to optimize natural product production; description of microbial communities in marine invertebrates

Prof. Dr. Anake Kijjoa
Departamento de Química, Instituto de Ciências Biomédicasd Abel Salazar and CIIMAR, Universidade do Porto, 4099-003 Porto, Portugal
Tel. +351 222062288; Fax: +351 222062232
Website: http://anakekijjoa.com/
E-Mail: ankijjoa@icbas.up.pt
Interests: characterization and antitumor evaluation of the bioactive compounds from the marine sponges; search for antifungal compounds from the marine sponges; bioactive secondary metabolites from plants, soil fungi and sponge-associated fungi

Prof. Dr. Jun'ichi Kobayashi
Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sapporo 060-0812, Japan
Tel. +81 011 706 4985; Fax: +81 011 706 4989
E-Mail: jkobay@pharm.hokudai.ac.jp
Interests: bioactive marine natural products; structure elucidation; mecanism of action; drug leads; bioprobes; biogenesis

Prof. Dr. Julia Kubanek
School of Biology & School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology, 310 Ferst Dr., Atlanta, Georgia 30332, USA
Tel. +1 404 894 8424; Fax: +1 404 385 4440
Website: http://www.biology.gatech.edu/faculty/julia-kubanek/
E-Mail: julia.kubanek@biology.gatech.edu
Interests: chemical ecology; chemical communication / chemical signaling; marine natural products chemistry; secondary metabolism; harmful algal blooms; plankton ecology

Dr. Ipek Kurtboke
Environmental Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Health and Education, University of the Sunshine Coast, Maroochydore DC, Queensland 4558, Australia
Tel. +61 (07) 5430 2819; Fax: +61 (07) 5430 2881
Website: http://www.usc.edu.au/University/AcademicFaculties/Science/Staff/Kurtböke.htm
E-Mail: ikurtbok@usc.edu.au
Interests: microbial diversity; microbial systematics; ecophysiology of microorganisms; functional diversity of microorganisms; microbial ecosystems
Contribution: Special Issue: Bioactive Compounds from Marine Microorganisms
In other journals:
Special Issue: Genetic and Functional Diversity of Microorganisms

Dr. Dominique Laurent
Université Paul Sabatier, Faculté des Sciences Pharmaceutiques, UMR152 IRD-UPS, 31062, Toulouse cedex 09, France
Tel. +33 5 62 25 98 11; Fax: +33 5 62 25 98 02
E-Mail: dominique.laurent@ird.fr
Interests: marine natural products; bioguided isolation; marine biotoxins; ciguatoxins; ecotoxicology

Prof. Dr. Robin J. Leatherbarrow
Biological and Biophysical Chemistry Section, Department of Chemistry, Imperial College, South Kensington, London SW7 2AY, UK
Tel. +44 (0)20 7594 5752; Fax: +44 (0)20 7594 5880
Website: http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/people/r.leatherbarrow
E-Mail: r.leatherbarrow@imperial.ac.uk
Interests: peptide chemistry; enzyme inhibition; molecular recognition; proteases; NMR

Prof. Dr. Ken Liu
School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Shatin, Hong Kong
Tel. +852 2609 6896; Fax: +852 2603 5031
Website: http://www.sbs.cuhk.edu.hk/TeachingStaffDetails.asp?Name=LIU%20Wing%20Keung%20Ken
E-Mail: ken-liu@cuhk.edu.hk
Interests: bioactive natural products; endocytosis and signaling pathways; fungal lectins and melanogenesis

Dr. Paul Long
Pharmaceutical Sciences Division, King's College London, Franklin-Wilkins Building, Stamford Street, London SE1 9NH, UK
E-Mail: Paul.long@kcl.ac.uk
Interests: biochemical adaptations; streptomyces genetics; natural products discovery; bioinformatics
Contribution: Special Issue: Biomedicines from Marine Invertebrate-Microbial Symbioses
Special Issue: Biomedicines from Marine Symbioses

Prof. Dr. Hendrik Luesch
Department of Medicinal Chemistry, University of Florida, P.O. Box 100485, Gainesville, FL 32610, USA
Tel. +1 352 273 7738; Fax: +1 352 273 7741
Website: http://medchem.copwp.copdom.cop.ufl.edu/faculty/luesch/
E-Mail: luesch@cop.ufl.edu
Interests: marine drug discovery; structure determination; mechanism of action; functional genomics

Dr. Venkat R. Macherla
Department of Chemistry, Nereus Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 10480 Wateridge Circle, San Diego, CA 92121, USA
Tel. +1 858 200 8334; Fax: +1 858 200 8356
Website: www.nereuspharm.com
E-Mail: vmacherla@nereuspharm.com
Interests: marine natural products; organic synthesis; medicinal chemistry; drug discovery and development; process chemistry

Prof. Dr. Thomas J. Manning
Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA 31698, USA
Tel. +1 229 333 7178
Website: www.valdosta.edu/~tmanning
E-Mail: tmanning@valdosta.edu
Interests: production of marine natural products using aquaculture methods; ion interactions to natural products

Dr. Stuart J. Mickel
Novartis Pharma AG, Lichtstrasse 35, WKL-684.2.31, CH-4052 Basel, Switzerland
Tel. +41 61 696 29 52
E-Mail: stuart_john.mickel@novartis.com
Interests: Natural product synthesis; anti-cancer natural products; process research and scale-up

Prof. Dr. Jason Micklefield
Director of Research for the School of Chemistry, The University of Manchester, Manchester Interdisciplinary Biocentre, John Garside Building 131, Princess Street Manchester, M1 7DN, UK
Tel. +44 (0)161 306 4509; Fax: +44 (0)161 306 8918
Website: http://www.chemistry.manchester.ac.uk/aboutus/staff/show.html?ea=jason.micklefield
E-Mail: jason.micklefield@manchester.ac.uk
Interests: biosynthesis; biosynthetic engineering; nonribosomal peptides; antibiotics

Prof. Dr. Miguel O. Mitchell
Department of Chemistry, Henson School of Science and Technology, Salisbury University, Salisbury, MD 21801-6860, USA
Tel. +1 410 677 5064; Fax: +1 410 543 6359
Website: http://faculty.salisbury.edu/~momitchell
E-Mail: momitchell@salisbury.edu
Interests: rational design and synthesis of antitubercular; anti-MRSA; anti-VRE and anticholinesterase agents; indole alkaloid natural product synthesis
Contribution: Special Issue: Marine Anti-infective Agents

Prof. Dr. Hiroaki Miyaoka
School of Pharmacy, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, 1432-1 Horinouchi, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0392, Japan
Tel. +81 42 676 3080; Fax: +81 42 676 3073
E-Mail: miyaokah@ps.toyaku.ac.jp
Interests: synthesis of marine natural products; isolation and structural determination of marine natural products

Prof. Dr. Antonio Molinaro
Dipartimento di Chimica Organica e Biochimica, Università di Napoli Federico II Complesso Universitario, Monte Santangelo, Via Cynthia 4, I-80126 Napoli, Italy
Tel. +39 081 674 123; Fax: +39 081 674 393
E-Mail: molinaro@unina.it
Interests: carbohydrates; lipopolysaccharides; polysaccharides; innate immunity; glycoconjugates; NMR

Prof. Dr. Tadeusz F. Molinski
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry/SSPPS MC 0358, University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0358, USA
Tel. +1 858 534 7115; Fax: +1 858 822 0386
Website: http://www-chem.ucdavis.edu/groups/molinski/
E-Mail: tmolinski@ucsd.edu
Interests: marine natural products; synthesis; medicinal chemistry; heterocycles; porifera; cyanobacteria

Prof. Dr. Michio Murata
Department of Chemstry, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, 1-1 Machikaneyama-cho, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043, Japan
Tel. +81 66850 5774; Fax: +81 66850 5774
Website: http://www.ch.wani.osaka-u.ac.jp/lab/murata/welcome-english.htm
E-Mail: murata@chem.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp
Interests: marine biotoxins; seafood poisoning; membrane-active toxins; mechanism of toxicity and solid state NMR

Prof. Dr. Joseph David Ng
Department of Biological Science and Laboratory for Structural Biology, University of Alabama in Huntsville, AL, 301 Sparkman Dr., Huntsville, AL 35899, USA
Tel. +1 256 824 3715; Fax: +1 256 824 3204
Website: http://www.uah.edu/nglab
E-Mail: ngj@uah.edu
Interests: structural and functional biology related to marine proteins; X-ray and neutron crystallography; biomolecular engineering
Contribution: Special Issue: Structural and Functional Biology of Hypothetical Proteins in Marine Life

Prof. Dr. Peter T. Northcote
School of Chemical and Physical Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington, PO Box 600 Wellington, New Zealand
E-Mail: peter.northcote@vuw.ac.nz
Interests: marine natural products; anti-cancer compounds; drug development; nuclear magnetic resonance

Dr. Taiko Oda
Department of Basic Biological Sciences, Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy, Shibakoen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8512, Japan
Tel. +81 3 5400 2497; Fax: +81 3 5400 2497
E-Mail: oda-ti@kyoritsu-ph.ac.jp
Interests: microbial transformation; microtubule; microtubule inhibitor; natural and synthetic estrogen; transcription factor; chemokine; inflammatory cytokine

Prof. Dr. George Perry
College of Sciences, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas 79249-0661, USA
Tel. +1 210 458 4450; Fax: +1 210 458 4445
Website: http://bio.utsa.edu/faculty/perry.html
E-Mail: george.perry@utsa.edu
Interests: Mechanism of formation and physiological consequences of the cytopathology of Alzheimer disease; the mechanism for RNA-based redox metal binding; the consequences of RNA oxidation on protein synthesis rate and fidelity; the role of redox active metals in mediating prooxidant and antioxidant properties; the signal transduction pathways altered in Alzheimer disease that allow neurons to evade apoptosis; mechanism of phosphorylation control of oxidative damage to neurofilament proteins

Prof. Dr. Andrew J. Phillips
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309, USA
Tel. +1 303 7352049; Fax: +1 303 4920439
Website: http://spot.colorado.edu/~aphillip/
E-Mail: andrew.phillips@colorado.edu
Interests: natural products isolation and structure determination; NMR; natural product synthesis; anti-cancer natural products; drug development and discovery

Dr. Emmanuel N. Pitsinos
Natural Product Synthesis & Bioorganic Chemistry Laboratory, Institute of Physical Chemistry, NCSR “DEMOKRITOS”, P.O. Box 60228, GR-153 10 Agia Paraskevi, Greece
Tel. +30 2106503789; Fax: +30 2106511766
E-Mail: pitsinos@chem.demokritos.gr
Interests: organic synthesis; natural products chemistry; chemical biology; bioorganic chemistry

Prof. Dr. Georg Pohnert
Institute for Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Lessingstr. 8, D-07743 Jena, Germany
Tel. +49 3641 948170; Fax: +49 3641 948172
Website: http://www.uni-jena.de/Prof__Dr__Georg_Pohnert.html
E-Mail: georg.pohnert@uni-jena.de
Interests: marine chemical ecology; analytical chemistry; biosynthesis; oxylipins; lipids; terpenoids; phytoplankton

Prof. Dr. Peter Proksch *
Institut für Pharmazeutische Biologie, Universität Düsseldorf, Gebäude 26.23, Universitätsstraße 1, 40225 Düsseldorf, Germany
Tel. +49 211 8114163; Fax: +49 211 8111923
Website: http://www.uni-duesseldorf.de/WWW/MathNat/PharmBio/personen/pproksch.htm
E-Mail: proksch@uni-duesseldorf.de
Interests: marine natural products, marine medicines, chemical ecology
* Prof. Dr. Peter Proksch served as the Editor-in-Chief of Marine Drugs up to August 2009.

Dr. Olga Pulido
1) Specialist in Toxicologic Pathology, Bureau of Science and Policy Integration, Food Directorate, Health Products and Food Branch, Health Canada; 2) Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Ottawa; 3) Corresponding address: Locator 2202C, 251 Frederick Banting Dr., Tunney's Pasture, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0L2, Canada
Tel. +1 613 957 0995; Fax: +1 613 941 6959
Website: http://www.medicine.uottawa.ca/pathology/eng/pulido.html
E-Mail: Olga_Pulido@hc-sc.gc.ca
Interests: food and health products safety/risk assessment; chemical contaminants; toxicologic pathology; food allergies and intolerances, health sciences education and communication

Prof. Dr. Pei-Yuan Qian
Coastal Marine Laboratory (CML) - , Atmospheric, Marine and Coastal Environment Program (AMCE) - , and MSc. Environmental Science Program, HKUST, Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong
Tel. +852 2358 7331 (office in biology), 2358 8395 (office in CML); Fax: 2358 1559 (biology), 2719 9102 (CML)
Website: http://www.ust.hk/~webbo/faculty/Prof.Qian/index.html
E-Mail: boqianpy@ust.hk
Interests: marine mobial ecology; marine bioactive substances; antimicrobial agents; marine biotoxins

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Raabe
Institut für Organische Chemie, RWTH Aachen University, Landoltweg 1, D-52074 Aachen, Germany
Tel. +49 (0)241 80 94709; Fax: +49 (0)241 80 92385
Website: http://www.oc.rwth-aachen.de/gerdraabe/index.html
E-Mail: gerd.raabe@thc.rwth-aachen.de
Interests: quantum chemistry; theoretical and experimental CD spectroscopy; X-ray structure determination; crystallography
Contribution: Special Issue: Circular Dichroism of Marine Drugs

Prof. Dr. Diwan S. Rawat
Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007, India
Tel. +91 11 27667465
Website: http://www.du.ac.in/faculty_member_details.htm?id=1799
E-Mail: dsrawat@chemistry.du.ac.in
Interests: synthetic organic and medicinal chemistry; marine natural products; heterocycles; porphyrines; catalysis; new synthetic methodologies

Dr. Nils Rehmann
Organic Analytical Group, Research and Productivity Council, Fredericton, NB E3B 6Z9, Canada
Tel. +1 506 460 5776
E-Mail: nils.rehmann@rpc.ca
Interests: marine natural products; preparative isolation; structure elucidation; mass spectrometry; analysis; toxins

Dr. Fernando Reyes
Head of Natural Products Chemistry, R&D, PharmaMar, P.I. La Mina Norte, Avda. de los Reyes 1, 28770-Colmenar Viejo, Madrid, Spain
Tel. +34 91 8234527; Fax: +34 91 8466001
E-Mail: jfreyes@pharmamar.com
Interests: marine natural products; bioassay-guided isolation and structure elucidation; antitumour compounds; citotoxicity

Prof. Dr. Vassilios Roussis
University of Athens, School of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry of Natural Products, Panepistimiopolis Zografou, GR 15771, Athens, Greece
Tel. +30 210 7274 592; Fax: +30 210 7274 592
E-Mail: roussis@pharm.uoa.gr
Interests: marine natural products; chemotaxonomy; chemical ecology
Contribution: Special Issue: Bioactive Halogenated Metabolites of Marine Origin
In other journals:
Special Issue: Triterpenes and Triterpenoids

Dr. Peter C. Ruben
Department of Biomedical Physiology & Kinesiology, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6, Canada
Tel. +1 778 782 3497; Fax: +1 778 782 3040
Website: http://www.sfu.ca/bpk/faculty_directory/ruben/
E-Mail: pruben@sfu.ca
Interests: voltage-gated ion channels; toxins; evolution
Contribution: Special Issue: Tetrodotoxin
Special Issue: Ion Channel Inhibiting Marine Toxins

Prof. Dr. Jose A. Salas
Department of Functional Biology (Area Microbiology), Faculty of Medicine, University of Oviedo, 33006 Oviedo, Spain
Tel. +34 985 103652; Fax: +34 985 103652
Website: http://www12.uniovi.es/investigacion/jasalas/
E-Mail: jasalas@uniovi.es
Interests: bioactive natural products; anticancer agents; antimicrobial agents; biosynthesis
Contribution: Special Issue: Marine Actinomycetes: A New Source of Natural Products

Prof. Dr. Christine Salomon
Center for Drug Design, University of Minnesota, MMC 204, 7-146 PWB, 516 Delaware St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA
Tel. +1 612 626 3698; Fax: +1 612 625 8154
Website: http://www.cdd.umn.edu/directory/salomon/home.html
E-Mail: csalomon@umn.edu
Interests: marine microbiology; microbial natural products; microbial ecology; actinomycetes; symbiosis; polyketide synthase; non-ribosomal peptide synthetase

Prof. Dr. Francisco Sarabia
Department of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Malaga, Campus de Teatinos s/n, 29071 Malaga, Spain
Tel. +34 952 134258; Fax: +34 952 131941
E-Mail: frsarabia@uma.es
Interests: antibiotics; anticancer; macrolides; cyclodepsipeptides; carbohydrates; natural products

Prof. Dr. Stefan Schulz
Institute of Organic Chemistry, TU Braunschweig, Hagenring 30, 38106 Braunschweig, Germany
Tel. +49 531 391 7353
Website: http://aks7.org-chem.nat.tu-bs.de/HTML/english/e_akschulz.html
E-Mail: stefan.schulz@tu-bs.de
Interests: chemical communication; marine bacteria; bacterialvolatiles; chemical ecology; pheromones; defense compounds; biosynthesis; structural diversity

Dr. Mark Searcey
Reader in Medicinal Chemistry, School of Chemical Sciences and Pharmacy, University of East Anglia, Norwich, Norfolk NR4 7TJ, UK
Tel. +44 01603 592026; Fax: +44 01603 592003
Website: https://www.uea.ac.uk/cap/people/faculty/ms/
E-Mail: m.searcey@uea.ac.uk
Interests: natural products in medicinal chemistry; higher order nucleic acid structures; new targets for cancer research and protein-protein interactions
Contribution: Special Issue: Marine Drugs as Antitumour Agents

Prof. Dr. David H. Sherman
University of Michigan, Life Sciences Institute and Department of Medicinal Chemistry, 210 Washtenaw Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2216, USA
Tel. +1 734 615 9907; Fax: +1 734 615 3641
Website: http://www.lsi.umich.edu/facultyresearch/labs/sherman
E-Mail: davidhs@umich.edu
Interests: marine microbiology; natural product biosynthesis; chemoenzymatic synthesis; infectious diseases; anti-cancer therapeutics

Prof. Dr. Michael K. Stoskopf
Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, North Carolina State University, 4700 Hillsborough St. Raleigh, NC 27606, USA
Tel. +1 919 5136279; Fax: +1 919 5136528 (direct), +1 919 5136336 (secondary)
Website: http://www.cvm.ncsu.edu/docs/personnel/stoskopf_michael.html
E-Mail: michael_stoskopf@ncsu.edu
Interests: marine metabonomics; environmental pharmacokinetics; glycolipid structure; lipid profiling; marine animal health risk assessment
Contribution: Special Issue: Metabolomic Approaches to Marine Organisms

Prof. Dr. Janice Sufrin
Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Elm and Carlton Streets, Buffalo, NY 14263, USA
Tel. +1 716 845 4582; Fax: +1 716 845 8857
Website: http://www.roswellpark.org/Research/Research_Staff/Sufrin_Janice_PhD
E-Mail: janice.sufrin@roswellpark.org
Interests: molecular targets for drug discovery; tumor-associated methionine auxotrophy; small molecule regulators of the rTS signaling pathway; DNA methylation inhibitors; novel Magnetic Resonance Imaging agents

Dr. Claudiu T. Supuran
Laboratorio di Chimica Bioinorganica, Dipartimento di Chimica, University of Florence, Via della Lastruccia 3, Rm. 188, Polo Scientifico, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (Firenze), Italy
Tel. +39 055 4573005; Fax: +39 055 4573385
E-Mail: claudiu.supuran@unifi.it
Interests: drug design; enzyme inhibitors; carbonic anhydrases; X-ray crystallography
Contribution: In other journals:
Special Issue: Structure-Based Drug Design

Prof. Dr. Roderich D. Süssmuth
Technische Universität Berlin, Institut für Chemie / FG Organische Chemie, Strasse des 17. Juni 124, 10623 Berlin, Germany
Tel. +49 (0)30 314 78774; Fax: +49 (0)30 314 79651
Website: http://suessmuth.chem.tu-berlin.de/cv_overview.html
E-Mail: suessmuth@chem.tu-berlin.de
Interests: structure elucidation; bioactivity profiling; biosynthesis investigation; isotope labelling; gene cluster; protein overexpression; enzyme kinetics; peptide synthesis; non-ribosomal peptide synthesis

Prof. Dr. Orazio Taglialatela-Scafati
Dipartimento di Chimica delle Sostanze Naturali, Università di Napoli Federico II, Via Montesano 49, I-80131 Napoli, Italy
Tel. +39 081678509; Fax: +39 081678552
E-Mail: orazio.taglialatela@unina.it
Interests: natural products; bioassay-guided isolation; stereostructure elucidation; NMR spectroscopy; antitumor compounds; antimalarial compounds

Prof. Dr. Junichi Tanaka
Department of Chemistry, Biology and Marine Science, University of the Ryukyus, Nishihara, Okinawa 903-0213, Japan
Tel. +81 98 895 8560; Fax: +81 98 895 8565
Website: http://www.cc.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/~jtanaka/index.html
E-Mail: jtanaka@sci.u-ryukyu.ac.jp
Interests: marine natural products; biodiversity

Dr. Deniz Tasdemir
Department of Pharmaceutical and Biological Chemistry, Centre for Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy, School of Pharmacy, University of London, 29-39 Brunswick Square, London WC1N 1AX, UK
Tel. +44 20 7753 5845; Fax: +44 20 7753 5909
Website: http://www.pharmacy.ac.uk/deniz_tasdemir.html
E-Mail: deniz.tasdemir@pharmacy.ac.uk
Interests: marine natural product chemistry; sponge; algae; cyanobacteria; structure elucidation; bioactivity; cancer; infectious diseases (malaria; tuberculosis; bacteria; HIV); fatty acid biosynthesis

Dr. Elisabetta Tosti
Laboratory of Animal Physiology and Evolution, Stazione Zoologica “Anton Dohrn”, Villa Comunale, 80121 Napoli, Italy
Tel. +39 081 5833288; Fax: +39 081 7641355
Website: www.szn.it
E-Mail: tosti@szn.it
Interests: marine animals reproduction; marine invertebrates; marine animal health/reproduction; risk assessment; marine natural products; marine biotechnology; ion channels; marine based anticancer research
Contribution: Special Issue: Marine Bioactive Compounds Acting on Animal Reproduction

Dr. Antonio Trincone
Istituto di Chimica Biomolecolare, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Pozzuoli, Naples 80078, Italy
Tel. +39 081 8675095; Fax: +39 081 8041770
Website: http://www.icb.cnr.it/mypages/antonio.trincone/
E-Mail: antonio.trincone@icb.cnr.it
Interests: biocatalysis; marine enzymes; marine glycosidases; marine biotechnology; oligosaccharides
Contribution: Special Issue: Enzymes from the Sea: Sources, Molecular Biology and Bioprocesses

Dr. Mike J. Twiner
Department of Natural Sciences, The University of Michigan, Dearborn, Michigan 48128, USA
Tel. +1 313 593 5298; Fax: +1 313 593 4937
Website: http://www.casl.umd.umich.edu/index.php?id=687730
E-Mail: mtwiner@umd.umich.edu
Interests: phycotoxins; mechanisms of action; toxicology; pharmacologically active compounds; cytotoxicity; gene expression; microbial ecology

Prof. Dr. Daisuke Uemura
Department of Biosciences and Informatics, Keio University, 3-14-1 Hiyoshi Yokohama 223-8522, Japan
Tel. +81 45 5661842; Fax: +81 45 5661842
Website: http://www.bio.keio.ac.jp/labs/uemura/en/index.html
E-Mail: uemura@bio.keio.ac.jp
Interests: marine natural products chemistry; mode of action; isolation and structure determination; spectroscopic analysis; synthesis

Dr. Sylvia Urban
School of Applied Sciences (Applied Chemistry), RMIT University (City Campus), GPO Box 2476V, Melbourne 3001, Victoria, Australia
Tel. +61 3 9925 3376; Fax: +61 3 9925 3747
Website: http://www.rmit.edu.au/browse;ID=a3to28z2wchp1;STATUS=A?QRY=sylvia%20urban&STYPE=ENTIRE
E-Mail: sylvia.urban@rmit.edu.au
Interests: marine and terrestrial natural products chemistry; isolation and structural characterisation; NMR spectroscopy; analytical separation methodologies
Contribution: Special Issue: Marine Natural Products - Advances in Separation, Characterisation and Chemical Profiling Methodologies

Prof. Dr. Yoshihide Usami
Osaka University of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 4-20-1 Nasahara, Takatsuki, Osaka 569-1094, Japan
Tel. +81 726 90 1083; Fax: +81 726 90 1005
E-Mail: usami@gly.oups.ac.jp
Interests: natural product; anti-cancer; bioactive; structure determination; total synthesis; chemical modification
Contribution: Special Issue: Synthesis around Marine Natural Products

Prof. Dr. Sadanandan E. Velu
Department of Chemistry, CHEM-280, The University of Alabama at Birmingham 901, 14th Street South, Birmingham, AL 35294-1240, USA
Tel. +1 205 975 2478; Fax: +1 205 934 2543
Website: http://main.uab.edu/chemistry/show.asp?durki=75828&site=3429&return=69934
E-Mail: svelu@uab.edu
Interests: bioactive marine alkaloids; analogues; synthesis; anti-cancer; anti-infective; enzyme inhibitors; structure based drug design; fragment based drug design; in silico virtual screening; SAR studies; lead optimization
Contribution: Special Issue: Alkaloid Analogs

Prof. Dr. Bin-Gui Wang
Key Laboratory of Experimental Marine Biology, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanhai Road 7, Qingdao 266071, China
Tel. +86 532 82898553; Fax: +86 532 82880645
E-Mail: wangbg@ms.qdio.ac.cn
Interests: natural products chemistry; bioactive compounds; drug discovery; structure determination

Prof. Dr. Peng George Wang
Departments of Biochemistry and Chemistry, The Ohio State University, 876 Biological Sciences Building, 484 West 12th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210, USA
Tel. +1 614 2929884, +1 614 2928704 (L); Fax: +1 614 6883106, +1 614 6884643 (L, phone & fax)
Website: http://cmib.osu.edu/people/faculty/pengwang/index.cfm
E-Mail: wang.892@osu.edu
Interests: natural products; antibiotics; carbohydrates; antioxidants; nitric oxide; sugar; polysaccharides; glycoconjugates

Dr. Sharon M. Watkins
Florida Department of Health, Analytical Environmental Epidemiology Program, Bureau of Environmental Public Health Medicine, 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A08 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1742, USA
Tel. +1 850 245 4444*3939; Fax: +1 850 487 0864
E-Mail: Sharon_Watkins@doh.state.fl.us
Interests: epidemiology; human health effects of HABs; neurotoxic shellfish poisoning; NSP; ciguatera; saxitoxin pufferfish poisoning; human health effects associated with brevetoxin

Prof. Dr. Philip Williams
Department of Chemistry, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2545 McCarthy Mall, Bilger 208B, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA
Tel. +1 808 956 5720; Fax: +1 808 956 5908
E-Mail: philipwi@hawaii.edu
Interests: marine natural products; bioactive natural products; nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

Prof. Dr. Anthony D. Wright
Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Hawaii at Hilo, College of Pharmacy, 34 Rainbow Drive, USA
Tel. +1 808 933 2866; Fax: +1 808 933 2981
Website: http://pharmacy.uhh.hawaii.edu/departments/pharmsci/adwright/adwright.php
E-Mail: adwright@hawaii.edu
Interests: marine natural products; marine macro- and micro-organisms; medicinal chemistry; NMR methodologies; separation methods; structure elucidation; biological testing

Dr. Yang-Chang Wu
Provost for University R&D, Professor, Graduate Institute of Natural Products, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung 807, Taiwan
Tel. +886 7 3121101p2197; Fax: +886 7 3114773
E-Mail: yachwu@kmu.edu.tw
Interests: natural product medicinal chemistry; bioactive compounds

Dr. Lam Yulin
Department of Chemistry, National University of Singapore, 3 Science Drive 3, 117543 Singapore
Tel. +65 6516 2688; Fax: +65 6779 1691
Website: http://www.chemistry.nus.edu.sg/ourpeople/academic_staff/lamyl.htm
E-Mail: chmlamyl@nus.edu.sg
Interests: bioorganic chemistry; combinatorial chemistry; chemical synthesis; heterocycles; antiviral agents; anticancer agents; agents against CNS disorder

Prof. Dr. Sergey B. Zotchev
Department of Biotechnology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway
Tel. +47 73 59 86 79; Fax: +47 73 59 12 83
E-Mail: sergey.zotchev@nt.ntnu.no
Interests: streptomycetes; rare actinomycetes; antibiotics; secondary metabolite biosynthesis; engineering of biosynthetic pathways
Contribution: Special Issue: Marine Antibiotics

Prof. Dr. Eva Zubía
Departamento de Química Orgánica, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar y Ambientales, Apartado 40, 11510 Puerto Real (Cadiz), Spain
Tel. +34 956016021; Fax: +34 956016193
E-Mail: eva.zubia@uca.es
Interests: marine natural products chemistry; isolation and structure elucidation; bioactive compounds; citotoxicity


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