

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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主题范畴:BIOCHEMICAL RESEARCH METHODS;    Mathematical & Computational Biology

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aims & Scope

Current Bioinformatics aims to publish all the latest and outstanding developments in bioinformatics. Each issue contains a series of timely, in-depth reviews written by leaders in the field, covering a wide range of the integration of biology with computer and information science.

The journal focuses on reviews on advances in computational molecular/structural biology, encompassing areas such as computing in biomedicine and genomics, computational proteomics and systems biology, and metabolic pathway engineering. Developments in these fields have direct implications on key issues related to health care, medicine, genetic disorders, development of agricultural products, renewable energy, environmental protection, etc.

Current Bioinformatics is an essential journal for all academic and industrial researchers who want expert knowledge on all major advances in bioinformatics.

Instructions to Authors

Instructions for Authors

Online Manuscript Submission: Manuscripts must only be submitted online to the Bentham Science Editorial Office. It is preferable that authors first send an abstract to the editor, prior to submitting the full manuscript. The submitted abstract should outline the intended contents and coverage of the article. Abstracts may be sent either by e-mail to the editorial office at cbio@bentham.org or alternatively by the Internet at www.bentham.org/onlAbsSub.htm
After approval of your abstract by the editor, you may submit your full manuscript either by e-mail (file size restricted) or by online submission.
For short review manuscripts these may be submitted as an e-mail attachment (maximum file size 512 KB) to the editorial office at cbio@bentham.org
For online submission of manuscripts, these should be submitted via our online manuscript submission service available at www.bentham-mps.org or by FTP submission at www.bentham-ftp.org
For all online submissions, please provide your complete manuscript in the form of a single zipped folder containing soft copies of all the material (main text in MS word format, figures / illustrations, scanned photographs, tables, chemical structures drawn in ChemDraw) as separate files, while a PDF version of the entire manuscript must also be included with all the figures / illustrations / tables / chemical structures etc. embedded in the text exactly in the manner as they should appear in print.
Authors are required to proofread the PDF version of their manuscript before submission. The Publishers will not be responsible for any error occurring in the manuscript in this regard.

Manuscript Length: There is no limit on the number of pages that may be submitted, however, page lengths can vary for mini-reviews of up to 12 journal pages and for longer reviews up to 30 journal pages. A printed journal page is ca. 900 words (excluding diagrams and figures).

Manuscript Organization: The manuscript should be divided as: Title page, abstract and the main text. The text may be subdivided further according to the areas to be discussed. The Acknowledgements (if any) and Reference sections must then follow.

Conflict of Interest: Financial contributions to the work being reported should be clearly acknowledged, as should any potential conflict of interest.

Title Page: The first page should contain the title, the author's full names, institutional affiliations and location, with an asterisk in front of the name of the principal author. The corresponding author should be designated and their full address, business telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address must be stated to receive correspondence and galley proofs.

Abstract: The abstract should not exceed 200 words and should condense the essential features of the review article.

Key Words: Authors must supply up to six key words along with their manuscript.

Text: The main text should begin on a separate page and it may be subdivided into separate sections. The reference numbers should be given in square brackets in the text. Acknowledgements should be kept to a minimum..


  • Data Tables should be submitted in Microsoft Excel or in Microsoft Word table format.
  • Each table should include a title/caption explaining what the table shows. Detailed legends may then follow.
  • Tables should be given on separate pages with indications on the left hand margin to the text, as to the appropriate placement of the tables.
  • Tables should not contain vertical rules.
  • Columns and rows of data should be made visibly distinct by ensuring the borders of each cell display as black lines.
  • Tables should be numbered consecutively in order of their citation in the body of the text, with Arabic numerals.
  • If a reference is cited in both the table and text, insert a lettered footnote in the table to refer to the numbered reference in the text.
  • Tabular data provided as additional files can be submitted as an Excel spreadsheet.

Figures / Illustrations:

All authors must strictly follow the guidelines below for preparing illustrations for publication in Current Bioinformatics.

Editorial Requirements:

The quality of the illustrations printed in the journal largely depends on the quality of the figures/illustration provided by the author. In preparing artwork or graphics for publication, keep in mind the following points.

  • Submit the original artwork or a photographic print of the original for publication.
  • Do not submit photocopies. (Hardcopy submission requirement).
  • Illustrations should be provided as separate files, not embedded in the text. (Hardcopy submission requirement).
  • Remove all color from graphics except for those illustrations (Greyscale), which are intended to be printed in color.
  • Good quality of hardcopy originals are a requirement.
  • Figures should be referred to as ¡°Fig. (1)¡±, ¡°Fig. (2)¡± etc. in the text with figure numbers in bold within round bracket.
  • Revised manuscripts should contain a complete set of artwork and photographs.

Technical Details:

  • Figures should be provided on high quality, white, smooth opaque paper. (Hardcopy requirement).

Format & Resolution:

  • The following file formats can be accepted. (Preference in order of appearance): PDF, TIFF, JPEG, GIF.
  • Illustrations must fit a single or double column format on the journal page, according to the following guideline below:

24 cm (max)
8.5 cm (max)
24 cm (max)
18 cm (max)

  • Whenever possible, submit graphics that do not have to be reduced to fit the standard figure size.
  • Use the best resolution available (hardcopy submission requirement). For online submission the maximum resolution is 300 dpi.
  • Avoid textures and shadings giving a three-dimensional effect to the illustration.
  • Symbols and lettering in the illustration should be of similar size.
  • Smaller lettering is used.
  • Font: Times New Roman or Helvetica is preferable. Font size: 10pt (maximum).
  • Line drawings should have clear and sharp lines and should be of uniform density. Moreover, lines should be continuous without any breaks.
  • Do not use lines thinner than 1 point.

Color Figures / Illustrations:

  • The cost for the first published page of color figures is US$ 730; the second additional page will be for US$ 535, and each subsequent page for US$ 360.
  • Color figures should be supplied in CMYK not RGB colors.
  • Required resolution for online submission is 300 dpi. In case of hardcopy submission, please use the maximum resolution available. In case the figure(s) are of an inferior quality they will need to be improved either by the author or by the publisher on a charged basis.


Submit high-contrast prints that are of single- or double-column width so that they will not have to be reduced when printed. Negatives are not acceptable. However, in case of hardcopy submission, color illustrations and plates can be published from 35 mm color slides.

Chemical Structures: Chemical structures must be prepared according to the guidelines below.

Structures should be prepared using a suitable drawing program e.g. ChemDraw and provided as separate file, submitted both on disk and in printed formats.

Numbers in bold should identify all chemical structure. If a name is also used to describe the compound, the associated number in bold should be in parenthesis, e.g. ¡°compound (1)¡±.

Structure Drawing Preferences:

[As according to the ACS style sheet]

Drawing Settings:

Chain angle       120¡ã

Bond spacing    18% of width

Fixed length       14.4 pt (0.500cm, 0.2in)

Bold width          2.0 pt (0.071cm, 0.0278in)

Line width           0.6 pt (0.021cm, 0.0084in)

Margin width       1.6 pt (0.096cm)

Harsh spacing    2.5 pt (0.088cm, 0.0347in)

Text settings:

Font                    Times New Roman / Helvetica

Size                    10pt

Under the Preference Choose:

Units                    points

Tolerances          3 pixels

Under Page Setup Use:

Paper                  US letter

Scale                  100%

References: References should be numbered sequentially [in square brackets] in the text and listed in the same numerical order in the reference section.
All references must be complete and accurate. Online citations should include the date of access. Journal titles should conform to the present Index Medicus abbreviations. Use of terminology "et al." is not allowed if the number of authors is up to six. It can be used, however, if the number of authors exceeds 6, in that case the first 3 authors can be cited and for the rest 'et al' can be used. Journal title should conform to the present Index Medicus abbreviations. References should be listed in the following style in numerical order:

Typical Paper Reference:
Pan Y, Pylatuik JD, Ouyang J, Family AJ, Fobert PR. Discovery of functional genes for systemic acquired resistance in Arabidopsis thialiana through integrated data mining. J Bioinf Comput Biol 2004; 2: 639-55.
Shmulevich I, Dougherty ER, Kim S, Zhang W, Probabilistic Boolean Networks: a rule-based uncertainty model for gene regulatory networks. Bioinformatics 2002; 18: 261¨C74

Typical Book Reference:
Bower JM, Bolouri H, Computational Modeling of Genetic and Biochemical Net-works, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 2001.

Typical Chapter Reference:
Riggs AD, Porter TN, Overview of epigenetic mechanisms, In: Russo VEA, Martienssen RA, Riggs AD Eds, Epigenetic Mechanisms of Gene Regulation. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 1996; 29¨C45.

Abstracts, unpublished data and personal communications (which can only be included if prior permission has been obtained) should not be given in the reference section but they may be mentioned in the text and details provided as footnotes.

Page Charges: No page charges will be levied to authors.

Language Editing: Manuscripts submitted containing many English typographical errors will not be published. Authors from non-English language countries are advised to use the services of our professional language editing department prior to submitting their manuscript to the Journal. Please contact Bentham Publishing Services www.bentham.org/bps for a language editing quote at e-mail: bps@bentham.org stating the total number of words of the article to be edited.

Proofs: Authors are sent page proofs. To avoid delays in publication, proofs should be checked immediately for typographical errors and returned within 48 hours. Authors will be charged for excessive changes made at the page proof stage.

Reprints: Each first named author will receive by e-mail a free copy of their article as a PDF file. The PDF file is a watermarked version of the published article which is exclusively for the author's own use and may not be copied or distributed. Reprints may be ordered from the Publisher prior to publication of the article. First named authors may also order a personal print and online subscription of the journal at 50% off the normal subscription rate by contacting the subscription department at e-mail: subscriptions@bentham.org

Bentham Open Access: Accepted articles can be published online for an immediate free open access for all to view. Open access publishing provides the maximum dissemination of the article to the largest audience. Authors must pay for this service. For more information please contact us at e-mail: openaccess@bentham.org

Reviewing and Promptness of Publication: All papers submitted for publication will be immediately subjected to editorial scrutiny, usually in consultation with members of the Editorial Advisory Board. Every effort will be made to assess the papers quickly. The papers will be typeset and the proofs dispatched to the authors normally within 4 weeks of their acceptance.

Copyright: It is a condition of publication that manuscripts submitted to this journal have not been published and will not be simultaneously submitted or published elsewhere. Plagiarism is strictly forbidden, and by submitting the article for publication the authors agree that the publishers have the legal right to take appropriate action against the authors, if plagiarism is discovered. By submitting a manuscript the authors agree that the copyright of their article is transferred to the publishers if and when the article is accepted for publication.

Editorial Board


Satya P. Gupta
Birla Institute of Technology and Science
Pilani (Rajasthan)


Editorial Advisory Board:

P. Aich (University of Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada)
T. Akutsu (Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan)
K.V.R. Chary (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India)
Y.-P.P. Chen (Deakin University, Victoria, Australia)
F. Chin (University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong)
C. Creevey (National University of Ireland Maynooth, Maynooth, Ireland)
I.J. Del-Favero (University of Antwerp, Antwerpen, Belgium)
J. Dickerson (Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA)
G. Etherington (John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK)
J. Fang (University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, USA)
I. Ghosh (University of Pune, Pune, India)
A. Giuliani (Istituto Superiore di Sanit, Roma, Italy)
R. Janardan (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA)
H. Li (Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore, Singapore)
I. Marin (Universidad de Valencia, Valencia, Spain)
M.J. Ondrechen (Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA)
Y. Pan (National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, Canada)
S.C.E. Tosatto (Universita' di Padova, Padova, Italy)
B. Weiss (Schering AG, Berlin, Germany)
D. Wild (Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences, Claremont, CA, USA)
W.J. Zheng (Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, USA)
B. Zupan (University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia)


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