

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版社:SPRINGER, ONE NEW YORK PLAZA, SUITE 4600 , NEW YORK, United States, NY, 10004

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience publishes review and primary research articles concerned with behavior and brain processes in humans, both normal participants and patients with brain injury. In addition, articles that use animal models to address cognitive or affective processes involving behavioral, invasive, or imaging methods are also strongly encouraged. Articles are appropriate to the journal if they cover topics relating to cognition such as perception, attention, memory, language, problem-solving, and reasoning or topics concerning emotional processes and affective states such as fear, anxiety, anger, and surprise. In all cases, the editors give highest priority to papers that report a combination of behavioral and neuroscientific methods to address these research topics; we also invite synthetic papers that make use of computational and other approaches to modeling.

Instructions to Authors



Behavior Research Methods
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience
Learning & Behavior
Memory & Cognition
Perception & Psychophysics
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review

New Submissions: Submissions should be sent to the Editor of the relevant journal. Note, however, that submission procedures vary among the journals. For specific requirements and addresses, see the inside cover of the journal or click on the journal's title above.

Accepted Submissions: Manuscripts should, in general, adhere to the conventions described in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.). When in doubt, consult a recent issue of a Psychonomic Society journal. See also the Psychonomic Society Publications Guidelines for References.

Printed Manuscript: The printed manuscript, including the abstract, references, and notes, must be double-spaced throughout (2.5? lines per inch), with 1.5-in. margins.

In addition to the main text, manuscripts (whether hard copy or electronic file) should include: Title page—with (a) title, author name(s) and affiliation(s), (b) mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the author contact, and (c) a suggested running head; abstract of 100?50 words; author’s note; list of figure captions; references—complete and correct (with all journal names written out); note(s)—if needed; table(s)–if needed; appendix(es) and listing(s)—if needed. These sections should begin on separate pages, and the pages should be numbered consecutively from the abstract on. Approximate locations of the figures should be noted within the text (e.g. “Figure 1 about here. The figures themselves should be on separate pages.

Brief Reports of experimental work for Psychonomic Bulletin & Review are restricted to a maximum of 4,000 words. This word count includes the main text and references but excludes title page, abstract, figures, and tables. Authors of Brief Reports should be sparing with regard to figures and/or tables.

Manuscript Tracking: Once a manuscript has been submitted, it is assigned a manuscript number, used by the editor of the journal while the manuscript is under review. When a manuscript is accepted for publication, however, it is assigned a production number (e.g., C325, for Memory & Cognition; P436, for Perception & Psychophysics; etc.). From that time on, authors must identify their manuscripts by referring to this production number in any correspondence with the Publications Office or the editor of the journal. The running head on the final copy of the accepted manuscript (both printed and electronic versions) sent to the Publications Office should include this production number.

Permissions: It is the author’s responsibility to determine from the copyright owner whether or not permission is required for quoting text or for reproducing or adapting all or part of a table or figure from a copyrighted source. Authors must obtain any necessary written permission and enclose a copy with the submitted or revised manuscript.

Please note that authors who cite personal communications must obtain permission from their source. This may be done via e-mail, and the permission may be sent to the Managing Editor at the Publications Office: jbellquist@psychonomic.org.

Proof: Proofs are sent to authors via e-mail as pdf attachments. It is incumbent upon authors to check the proof carefully. Authors?responses to the copy editor’s queries, as well as any additional corrections, should be sent via e-mail to the managing editor: jbellquist@psychonomic.org.

Reprints: Reprint order requests are sent via e-mail with the proofs. Reprints should be ordered or rejected at that time using the link provided.

For general questions regarding publication, call or e-mail the Publications Office at (512) 462-2442; frank@psychonomic.org or jbellquist@psychonomic.org. For questions regarding electronic files and figures, see below.

Electronic Files: After a manuscript has been accepted, authors must also submit electronic files containing the text that agrees exactly with the latest printed revision approved by the editor. The printed manuscript must be sent to the Publications Office and, if required, to the journal editor. The electronic files can be sent as e-mailed attachments to newms@psychonomic.org or on CD or disk with the printed copy. If any further changes or additions are to be made, please send to the Publications Office a letter that lists the further changes, or, if the changes are extensive, revised electronic and printed versions of the manuscript with the changes indicated. Such changes must be cleared with the Editor of the journal of course.

Electronic File Requirements:

Please note: Electronic files prepared in TEX or LATEX will not be accepted.

(1) All files must contain the production number at the beginning of the file name.

(2) A Microsoft Word document or other word processing document. Files with the extension .doc for MS Word are preferable, but most others are acceptable.

(3) An ASCII or text only document of the manuscript. From this document, all printing/formatting commands other than paragraph breaks will have been deleted. (Note: Many word processing programs define ASCII as “text onlye.g., in Microsoft Word, simply save the document as “text only.

(4) Graphics. Please provide documents for all figures and illustrations composed on computers, in addition to camera-ready versions. Do not embed graphic boxes within text lines. Please refer to FIGURES section.

Call or e-mail the Publications Office if you have questions regarding typesetting or electronic files (512-462-2442; kat@psychonomic.org).


The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed., pp. 147?75) gives excellent instructions for constructing tables. The following will emphasize areas that are particularly important and will explain some Psychonomic journal departures from APA style.

Table Software: Tables should be created with your word processing or spreadsheet program. They should never be submitted as graphics files.

General: Make sure the table is necessary. Small tables with few entries can often be dealt with just as effectively in a line or two of text. Do not combine two tables of dissimilar format into one table (e.g., if sections A and B of Table 1 are not of similar format, section A should be Table 1 and section B, Table 2). However, do combine small tables of identical format with few entries (i.e., provide one table with, say, four columns and four rows, one for each experiment, rather than four tables of four columns and one row giving data for each of four experiments).

Keep the material as simple and straightforward as possible. Double-space all tables for easy editing and typesetting. Number all tables in the order in which they are mentioned in the text. Make sure all tables are mentioned in the text.

Table Arrangement: Instead of a column of 0.00 plus or minus .00 entries, use two columns with separate appropriate headings (e.g., M and SE or SD). Arrange tables so that similar numbers fall into separate columns. That is, if possible, do not mix, in one column, such numbers as 0000, 00.00, .0000.

Avoid unnecessary repetitions throughout the table. Columns with the same numerical entries throughout the table or throughout sections of the table can be put in footnotes (e.g., “In Condition 1, n = 20 for each group; in Condition 2, n = 30 for each group?. Units of measurement can simply be abbreviated in headings—“RTs (in msec)”— or explained in footnotes (“RTs are given in milliseconds.

Other Requirements: Define all measurements used for values in the table (e.g., “Thresholds are given in decibels. Define (or avoid using) all abbreviations. Do not use material in tables that should normally be placed in figures (e.g., graphic objects, photographic reproductions).

Define, in the table footnotes, all asterisks, daggers, and other symbols used. General footnotes (denoted by “Note qualify, explain, or provide information relating to the table as a whole or to a major section of the table (e.g., a column or a group of columns). Specific footnotes (denoted by *, etc.) relate to individual entries or give probability levels. Do not use asterisks, daggers, and other symbols to denote anything other than footnotes pertaining to particular entries in the body of the table. Psychonomic journals do not normally use superscripted footnotes (raised a, b, c, etc.) in tables.

All major words of table titles and column headings should be capitalized. Column headings refer only to entries in the column(s) below them. A column heading may never refer to other column headings to its right across the top of the table.

Do not print a table in a visible “cellular?format: Vertical rules are never used in Psychonomic journals; horizontal rules are never used within the body of the table.


High-quality hard copies must be provided for all figures.


AUTHORS MUST OBTAIN PERMISSION FROM THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER TO REPRODUCE OR ADAPT ANY FIGURE FROM A COPYRIGHTED SOURCE, AND A PERMISSION STATEMENT MUST ACCOMPANY THE FIGURE. Please refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed., p. 175) for models of permission statements. The copyright holder’s letter of permission must be submitted to the publications office along with the final copy of the accepted manuscript for production.

Label each figure with the figure number, the manuscript’s production number, and the author’s name. The top of each figure should be clearly indicated.

Figures should be from 3 in. (18 picas) to 6.5 in. (39 picas) wide.

Our house style is for panels within figures to be labeled and read from left to right and then down, rather than vice versa.

Legends and captions should explain the contents of figures as they appear from top down, not from the bottom up.

Type should be proportional to the figure. Type should vary by no more than 4 points within a figure. Helvetica and Times are the preferred fonts.

Graph fills or symbols should be easy to distinguish from one another. Do not use similar shades of gray in graphs.

Avoid hairlines or even thin lines in any type of figure.

Please check that legends (if any) match the figure—that is, that lines and colors in the legend look like the ones they correspond to within the figure.

Digital figures should be high resolution (at least 300 dpi), submitted via emailed attachment with your manuscript files or on 3.5-in. disk or CD.

PDFs or EPS files with the fonts embedded are the preferable formats. Hi res (300 dpi or more) Photoshop files, TIFFs, or JPEGs (at maximum quality) are also acceptable.

Since figures in PowerPoint, Excel, and Word can be problematic, we suggest instead submitting a PDF created from these programs.

Hand drawn originals (except when appropriate) are not acceptable.

With specific exceptions approved by the editor of the journal, figures are printed in black and white. Any color figures converted to grayscale or black and white must be checked for clarity and contrast before they are submitted.

Color figures approved for publication must be high resolution (at least 300 dpi). RGB or CMYK files are acceptable.

Refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed., pp. 176-201) for additional guidelines on the preparation of figures.

E-mail kat@psychonomic.org with figure questions or concerns.

Guidelines for References

Editorial Board

John Jonides, University of Michigan

Editorial Assistant:
Mary B. Mohrbach

Associate Editors:
Stephen Maren, University of Michigan
Elizabeth A. Phelps, New York University
Patricia Reuter-Lorenz, University of Michigan
Paul J. Whalen, Dartmouth College

View Consulting Editors


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