

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Risk analysis is the science of evaluating health, environmental, and engineering risks resulting from past, current, or anticipated, future activities. The use of these evaluations include providing information for determining regulatory actions to limit risk, presenting scientific evidence in legal settings, evaluating products and potential liabilities--within private organizations, resolving World Trade disputes amongst nations, and for educating the public concerning particular risk issues. Risk analysis is an interdisciplinary science that relies on epidemiology and laboratory studies, collection of exposure and other field data, computer modeling, and related social and economic and communication considerations. In addition, social dimensions of risk are addressed by social scientists. Methods of risk analysis and the outcome of particular evaluations are regularly presented in scholarly papers that are published in Risk Analysis: An International Journal and topics are as diverse as quality of drinking water, air and land contamination, the safety of foods and drugs, automobile and infrastructure safety, and risk associated with weapons of mass destruction.

Risk Analysis - ranked among the top 10 journals in the ISI Journal Citation Reports under the social sciences, mathematical methods category - is designed to meet the need for organization, integration, and communication and provide a focal point for new developments in the field. The analysis of risk is being increasingly viewed as a field in itself, and the demand for a more orderly and formal treatment of risk is great. This international journal is committed to publishing critical empirical research, conference proceedings, and commentaries dealing with risk issues. The topics covered include:

Health risks



Risk characterization

Risk communication

Risk management

Laws and regulatory policy

Risk perception, acceptability, and ethics

Ecological risk

TopIndexed / Abstracted in


Instructions to Authors

For style guidelines and detailed submission instructions, please visit http://www.sra.org/journal.php.

Risk Analysis uses an electronic manuscript submission and review management system called ScholarOneManuscripts. With this system, authors submit papers and reviewers submit reviews electronically over the Internet, and correspondence between authors and editors, and reviewers and editors is via email. To submit a manuscript, please follow these instructions: (a) log onto http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/riskanalysis, (b) click on Check for Existing Account. If you do not have an account, click on Create an Account to set up a username and password, (c) Manuscripts may be submitted as Adobe Acrobat PDF format, rich text, or postscript, although PDF is strongly preferred. The site provides a tool to convert documents to PDF, if you do not have Adobe Acrobat software. As the journal has a blind review process, please do not include a title page or any other designation of author names in the electronic submission. You will be asked to provide this information elsewhere, (d) after preparing your manuscript, click on Author Center, (e) click on Submit First Draft of New Manuscript, and (f) follow the instructions on the screen to formally submit the manuscript.

After submitting a manuscript, you should receive an e-mail confirmation that the paper was received. When the reviews are complete, the area editor will send an e-mail to you with further instructions on how to proceed. If you have any questions about this system, or are unable to submit a manuscript via the Internet, please contact the Managing Editor:

Karen Lowrie
Rutgers University
33 Livingston Ave.
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1958
FAX: 732-932-0934

Submission of a manuscript is a representation that it has not been published previously and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. It is also an assurance that all persons listed as authors have made significant (not merely administrative, technical, or supervisory) contributions to the content of the paper and that they each concur with the paper as initially submitted and with all revisions.

As a result of the 1978 Copyright Law, a statement transferring copyright from the authors(s), or their employers (if they hold the copyright), to the Society for Risk Analysis will be required before the manuscript can be accepted for publication. The form can be downloaded from the Manuscript Central website.

NEW: Risk Analysis employs a plagiarism detection system. By submitting your manuscript to this journal, you accept that your manuscript may be screened for plagiarism against previously published works.

NEW: Online production tracking is now available for your article through Blackwell's Author Services

Author Services enables authors to track their article -- once it has been accepted -- through the production process to publication online and in print. Authors can check the status of their articles online and choose to receive automated e-mails at key stages of production. The author will receive an e-mail with a unique link that enables them to register and have their article automatically added to the system. Please ensure that a complete e-mail address is provided when submitting the manuscript. Visit http://authorservices.wiley.com/bauthor/ for more details on online production tracking and for a wealth of resources including FAQs and tips on article preparation, submission and more.


Editorial Board

Michael R. Greenberg
Professor and Associate Dean
Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and
Public Policy
Rutgers University


Managing Editor
Karen Lowrie
Rutgers University


Contact information for the Editorial Office
Michael R. Greenberg
E. J. Bloustein School
33 Livingston Ave.
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
phone: 732-932-0387 (ext. 673)
fax: 732-932-0934

Area Editors
Primarily responsible for decisions about publication of the manuscripts they handle (generally in the indicated or related areas) based on input from peer reviews.

Alberto Alemanno, HEC-Paris (Policy)
L. Anthony Cox, Jr., Cox Associates Inc. (Mathematical Modeling)
Charles Haas, Drexel University (Microbial Risk Assessment)
Wayne Landis,Western Washington University (Ecological & Environmental Risk Assessment)
Suresh Moolgavkar, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Institute (Health Risk Assessment)
Warner North, NorthWorks Inc. (Decision Sciences)
Michael Siegrist, Institute for Environmental Decisions (Risk Perception and Communication)
Kimberly Thompson, Kid Risk, Inc. (Engineering)

Editorial Board
Mark Andersen, New Mexico State University
Terje Aven, University of Stavanger
Vicki Bier, University of Wisconsin
Kenneth Bogen, Exponent
Ann Bostrom, University of Washington
Robert Budnitz, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Caron Chess, Rutgers University
Peg Coleman, Coleman Scientific Consulting
Rory Conolly, EPA
Alison Cullen, University of Washington
Robin Dillon, Georgetown University
Adam Finkel, University of Pennsylvania
Baruch Fischhoff, Carnegie Mellon University
Bernard Goldstein, University of Pittsburgh
John Graham, Indiana University
Seth Guikema, Johns Hopkins University
William Huber, Quantitative Decisions
Branden Johnson, Decision Research
Carmen Keller, ETH Zurich
Howard Kunreuther, Wharton School
James Lambert, University of Virginia
Roger McClellan, Consultant
William McGill, Pennsylvania State University
M. Granger Morgan, Carnegie Mellon University
Jeryl Mumpower, Texas A&M
Greg Paoli, Risk Sciences International
M. Elisabeth Paté-Cornell, Stanford University
Rick Reiss, Exponent
Ortwin Renn, University of Stuttgart
Lisa Robinson, Consultant
Lennart Sjoberg, Stockholm School of Economics
Wout Slob, Dutch National Institute of Public Health and Environment
Paul Slovic, Decision Research
Peter Teunis, RIVM
Craig Trumbo, Colorado State University
Jay Turim, Exponent
Katherine von Stackelberg, Harvard University
Jonathan Wiener, Duke University
Henry Willis, RAND
Felicia Wu, University of Pittsburgh
Rae Zimmerman, New York University



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