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变更情况:2010刊名变更为Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy(ISSN :2040-5790 )

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Review of Agricultural Economics is published jointly for the Southern Agricultural Economics Association, the Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association, the Western Agricultural Economics Association, and the American Agricultural Economics Association. It has a problem focus directed specifically toward agricultural economics issues. These issues include extension education, resident instruction, applied economic and policy analysis, and decision support analysis. Articles are valuable to applied economists working in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors, both domestic and international. 

Instructions to Authors

Author Information

The editors invite submission of articles to the Review of Agricultural Economics (RAE).
Articles will be judged on their value to applied economists working in diverse areas of
agricultural economics. Because communication to a broad array of agricultural
economists¡ªincluding those who are not quantitative researchers¡ªis important, emphasis will
be placed on good writing on economics topics rather than on the use of mathematics and
econometrics to communicate ideas.

All articles submitted to the Review of Agricultural Economics (RAE) for consideration and review should be sent through the RAE's electronic submission system (https://gemini.econ.umd.edu/cgi-bin/e-editor/e-submit_d.cgi?dbase=rae). Detailed information on submitting an article, as well as style guidelines are available at http://www.aaea.org/fund/pubs/rae/raesubmissions.cfm#electronicsubmit.

Articles will be sent for review according to the double-blind referee process. To protect their anonymity in the review process, authors should not identify themselves in the manuscript.

Electronic submissions must include: (1) Cover letter. In a separate (from the manuscript) electronic file, include a cover letter in which the author(s) state(s) that: (a) the material in the manuscript has not been published, is not being published or considered for publication elsewhere, and will not be submitted for publication elsewhere unless rejected by the journal editor or withdrawn by the author(s); (b) the material in the manuscript, so far as the author(s) knows, does not infringe upon other published material covered by copyright; (c) the author¡¯s (s¡¯) employer, if any, either does not assert an ownership interest in the manuscript or is willing to convey such interest to the American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA); and (d) submission of the manuscript gives the AAEA exclusive right to publish, to copyright, and to allow or deny reproduction of it, in whole or in part. If the applicability of point (a) is unclear, the author(s) must explain.

(2) Author¡¯s identification. The cover letter accompanying the submission must include the author¡¯s (s¡¯) name, title, organization, address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address. To protect their anonymity in the review process, authors should not identify themselves in the manuscript. Include a separate file that includes names of the author(s) and appropriate biographical information, as well as the title of the manuscript. Include only the title on the first page of the text.

Major support for this journal comes from page charges of $95 per printed page or a fraction thereof, payable by the supporting institution or granting agency. Payment does not affect acceptance, scheduling, or form of publication. Instructions for payment are sent with galley proofs.

Authors will be required to assign copyright in their paper to the Review of Agricultural Economics. Copyright assignment is a condition of publication and papers will not be passed to the publisher for production unless copyright has been assigned.  (Papers subject to government or Crown copyright are exempt from this requirement).  To assist authors an appropriate copyright assignment form will be supplied by the editorial office. These forms can also be downloaded at:


Editorial Correspondence
Questions regarding the Review of Agricultural Economics should be directed to:
Kathryn L. Lipton
Managing Editor
USDA, Economic Research Service
1800 M Street NW, Room 4134
Washington, DC 20036-5831
(202) 694-5006
(202) 694-5757 (fax)

Editorial Board


Dr. Colin A. Carter
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics University of California Davis, California  95616

Dr. Daniel H. Pick
United States Department of Agriculture
Market & Trade Economics Division
1800 M Street, NW
Washington D.C. 20036-5831

Dr. George B. Frisvold
University of Arizona
Dept of Ag & Res Econ
319 Economics Bldg
Tucson, AZ 85721

Teaching and Learning Editor:

Dr. Joan R. Fulton
Purdue University
Dept of Ag Econ
403 W State St
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2056

Managing Editor:

Kathryn L. Lipton
Staff Economist
Office of the Administrator
Economic Research Service
1800 M Street NW, N4134
Washington, DC  20036-5831


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