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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Centered around multiscale phenomena, Multiscale Modeling and Simulation (MMS) is an interdisciplinary journal focusing on the fundamental modeling and computational principles underlying various multiscale methods.

By its nature, multiscale modeling is highly interdisciplinary, with developments occurring independently across fields. A broad range of scientific and engineering problems involve multiple scales. Traditional monoscale approaches have proven to be inadequate, even with the largest supercomputers, because of the range of scales and the prohibitively large number of variables involved. Thus, there is a growing need to develop systematic modeling and simulation approaches for multiscale problems. MMS will provide a single broad, authoritative source for results in this area.

MMS bridges the growing gap in communication between mathematics, chemistry, physics, engineering, computer science, environmental science, and more.

Instructions to Authors

Submitting a Manuscript: Submissions to Multiscale Modeling and Simulation (MMS) must be in electronic form. Hard-copy submissions will not be considered. Please enter submissions directly into the Journal Submission & Tracking System at http://mms.siam.org. Authors should submit both the manuscript and a cover letter in PDF format. Figures should be embedded in the manuscript.

If you have not used the Journal Submission & Tracking System previously click on "New authors should register for an account." Fill out name, address, e-mail and other contact information requested. You now have a username and password. If you're an author, you can click on the Submit Manuscript link under Author Tasks. The manuscript submission process, including uploading your files, is a straightforward trip through 4 screens and should take no longer than a few minutes.

If you have any questions at any time, e-mail SIAM directly at mms@siam.org.

Submission of a manuscript to MMS is representation by the author that the manuscript has not been published or submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere. If the paper appeared in a preliminary form in a conference proceedings, this must be clearly indicated in both your cover letter and in a footnote on the title page of your manuscript. If your paper contains material (for example, tables or figures) from another published source, the previously published material must be accompanied by written permission from the author and publisher. Complete addresses (including e-mail addresses and fax and phone numbers) should be provided for all authors. To assist referees, two copies of unpublished references should also be submitted with an indication of whether they have been accepted for publication.

Authors may suggest an editor from among those listed on the journal's masthead, but the Editor-in-Chief has the exclusive right to assign papers to members of the editorial board. The editors reserve the right to reject any manuscript that is not completely legible or does not conform to the journal's standards. Authors should retain copies of all manuscripts.

Survey articles: MMS welcomes survey articles that convey the essential information in a subfield to a broad audience and foster cross-disciplinary collaboration. Surveys should be pedagogical and use limited jargon. They should provide the essence of each type of approach in the subfield and explain the most important current issues, challenges and opportunities.

Style of articles: Articles for MMS must be written to be accessible to a broad scientific audience. All papers should have a clear physical motivation, and the results should enhance fundamental understanding of the underlying scientific problem. All non-survey papers must contain substantially new results and relate them as much as possible to existing literature in other disciplines. Because of the broad scope of MMS, authors should provide sufficient introductory material to appeal to a wider readership. All papers should have carefully written introduction and conclusion sections, which summarize and explain the results comprehensively to readers in other disciplines. Furthermore, the scientific importance of the paper and its conclusion should be made clear.

MMS is an interdisciplinary journal, and authors should minimize the use of technical jargon from their subfield. If technical terms are necessary, authors should define them clearly so that the main ideas are understandable to readers across disciplines. This cross-disciplinary understanding will be verified during the review process.

TEX papers: Authors of accepted papers are encouraged to submit their TEX files to SIAM for typesetting. (SIAM cannot accept electronic files for papers produced on any other typesetting or word processing system.)

Accessing SIAM's macros: Macro packages and documentation are available in LaTEX 2e (preferred), Plain TEX, and AMSTEX and can be obtained from SIAM's World Wide Web server or via anonymous FTP (ftp.siam.org; the macros are in directory pub/macros) or e-mail (tex@siam.org). Please note that Plain TEX and AMSTEX files will be converted to LaTEX 2e by the SIAM office.

Marking of non-TEX papers: All variables will be set in italic type and should not be marked. Headings such as Introduction, Theorem, and Proof will be set according to SIAM style and should not be marked. Authors should ensure that all variables and symbols can be easily identified by copy editors and typesetters.

Illustrations: All illustrations must be of professional quality with no handwritten elements. Note that tables and algorithms are not considered figures and should not be treated as such. Illustrations must be numbered consecutively and cited in the text. If your article is accepted for publication, SIAM will accept either electronic (PostScript, TeX) figure files or hard-copy artwork, which must be suitable for scanning. Hand-drawn artwork will not be accepted. SIAM will not redraw figures. PostScript figures must use lines 1 point or thicker; thinner lines may break up or disappear when printed. When choosing line weight and character size, keep in mind that illustrations may be reduced.

Color: SIAM journals are printed in black and white, with art printed in color only when it is deemed by the editor to be scientifically necessary, If it is your wish or expectation that any of the figures in your paper appear in color in the printed version, please inform us immediately. Color art that is not deemed scientifically necessary by the editor can be printed in color at the author's expense.

Title: Titles should be brief and appropriate for indexing and should specifically describe the content of the paper.

Abstract: An abstract not exceeding 250 words that summarizes the principal techniques and conclusions of the manuscript in relation to known results must accompany each manuscript. Because the abstract must be able to stand independently, mathematical formulas and bibliographic references should be kept to a minimum; bibliographic references must be written out in full (not given by number).

Key words: Lists of key words must accompany all articles.

AMS subject classifications: AMS subject classifications are optional but encouraged for those articles that are more mathematical in nature. The subject classifications are listed in the Annual Index of Mathematical Reviews and can be accessed or searched online at http://www.ams.org/index/mathweb/msc2000/index1.html.

Abbreviated title: An abbreviated title, which will be used as a running head, must accompany all articles, must not consist of more than 50 characters (including spaces), and must not contain abbreviations.

References: References should be listed in either alphabetical order or order of citation at the end of the manuscript. The following reference styles should be used:

  • Journal articles (when possible, titles of journals should be abbreviated in accordance with Mathematical Reviews; abbreviations are available at http://www.ams.org/msnhtml/serials.pdf:

    [7] R. T. ROCKAFELLAR, Lagrange multipliers and optimality, SIAM Rev., 35(1993), pp. 183-238.
  • Books, pamphlets, research reports:

    [2] B. MANDELBROT, Fractal: Form, Chance and Dimension, W. H. Freeman, San Francisco, CA, 1977.
  • Paper in a bound collection:

    [4] A. NAGURNEY, Parallel computation of economic equilibria, in Applications on Advanced Architecture Computers, G. Astfalk, ed., SIAM, Philadelphia, PA, 1996, pp. 265-276.

    Acceptable variants on SIAM's references style are:

    [R] R. T. ROCKAFELLAR, Lagrange multipliers and optimality, SIAM Rev., 35 (1993), pp. 183-238.


    R. T. ROCKAFELLAR (1993), Lagrange multipliers and optimality, SIAM Rev., 35, pp. 183-238.
Citations within the text: A consistent style should be used, and the style of in-text citations should conform to the reference style chosen. To refer to a specific page or item in an article or book the following formats may be used: [2, p. 51]; [M, p. 51]; Mandelbrot [2, p. 51]; or Mandelbrot (1977, p. 51).

Page limit policy: Although the journal has no formal limits on manuscript length, papers exceeding 30 journal pages will be reviewed more closely to ensure that the excess is fully justified.

Editorial Board


Thomas Y. Hou
California Institute of Technology

Associate Editors

Gregoire Allaire
Ecole Polytechnique

Randolph E. Bank
University of California - San Diego

Andrea L. Bertozzi

Achi Brandt
Weizmann Institute of Science

Russel Caflisch
University of California, Los Angeles

Emily Carter
University of California, Los Angeles

Vincent Caselles
Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Gedeon Dagan
Tel Aviv University

Ken Dill
University of California, San Francisco

Ron Elber
Cornell University

Bjorn Engquist
Princeton University

Marie Farge
Ecole Normale Superieure

Glenn Fredrickson
University of California Santa Barbara

Ildar Gabitov
University of Arizona

Guila Galli
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

James Glimm
SUNY at Stony Brook

Richard James
University of Minnesota

Ioannis Kevrekidis
Princeton University

Rupert Klein
Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin

Robert Kohn
New York University

Mitchell Luskin
University of Minnesota

Tom Manteuffel
University of Colorado-Boulder

Peter Markowich
University of Vienna

Jerrold E. Marsden
California Institute of Technology

Parviz Moin
Stanford University

Jean-Michel Morel
ENS de Cachan

Stefan Müller
Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences

Wilma Olson
Rutgers University

Stanley Osher
University of California at Los Angeles

Hans Christian Öttinger
ETH Zentrum

Felix Otto
University of Bonn

George Papanicolaou
Stanford University

Linda Petzold
University of California, Santa Barbara

Olivier Pironneau
University of Paris VI

Alfio Quarteroni
EPFL/Switzerland and Poli Milano/Italy

Guillermo Sapiro
University of Minnesota

Tamar Schlick
New York University
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences

Klaus Schulten
University of Illinois

Christoph Schwab
ETH Zurich

Ping Sheng
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Andrew Stuart
University of Warwick

William W. Symes
Rice University

Mary Wheeler
The University of Texas at Austin

John Willis
University of Cambridge

Jack Xin
University of California - Irvine

Sidney Yip
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Yanis Yortsos
University of Southern California

Dongxiao Zhang
University of Oklahoma


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