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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Cover image for Vol. 58 Issue 5

Molecular Nutrition & Food Research

Edited By: Hans-Ulrich Humpf

Impact Factor: 4.31

ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: 2012: 4/124 (Food Science & Technology)

Online ISSN: 1613-4133


Aims and Scope

Aims & Scope

Molecular Nutrition & Food Research is a primary research journal devoted to health, safety and all aspects of molecular nutrition such as nutritional biochemistry, nutrigenomics and metabolomics aiming to link the information arising from related disciplines:

  • Bioactivity & Safety - Nutritional and medical effects of food constituents including integrated risk/benefit evaluations.
  • Immunology - Understanding the interactions of food and the immune system.
  • Microbiology - Food spoilage, food pathogens, chemical and physical approaches of fermented foods and novel microbial processes.
  • Chemistry - Isolation and analysis of bioactive food ingredients while considering environmental aspects.

Your Benefits as a Reader

  • Short Publications Times
  • First class international editors

Molecular Nutrition & Food Research

  • investigates the correlation between nutrition and health
  • focuses on safety aspects of food constituents
  • reveals food functionality at the molecular level

Upcoming topics in 2012
Carotenoids, Artherosclerosis, Folate

ISI Impact Factor: 4.713*
* Thomson Reuters Citation Report 2010

ISSN: 1613-4125 (print), 1613-4133 (online)

Volume 54. 12 Issues in 2011.

How to cite: To make sure that references to this journal are correctly recorded and resolved (for example in CrossRef or ISI Web of Science), please use the following abbreviated title in any citations: "Mol. Nutr. Food Res." (punctuation may vary according to the style of the citing journal).


Nutritional Biochemists, Nutrigenomicists, Toxicologists, Healthcare Professionals, Medical and Food Chemists, Microbiologists, Immunologists


Health, Food Safety, Biochemistry, Allergy, Bioactivity, Chemistry, Immunology, Microbiology, Nutrition, Molecular Nutrition, Food Research, Vitamins, Nutrients, Food Intolerance
Abstracting and Indexing Information

  • Abstracts on Hygiene & Communicable Diseases (CABI)
  • AgBiotech News & Information (CABI)
  • AgBiotechNet (CABI)
  • AGRICOLA Database (National Agricultural Library)
  • Agricultural Engineering Abstracts (CABI)
  • Agroforestry Abstracts (CABI)
  • Animal Breeding Abstracts (CABI)
  • BIOBASE: Current Awareness in Biological Sciences (Elsevier)
  • Biochemistry & Biophysics Citation Index (Thomson Reuters)
  • Biofuels Abstracts (CABI)
  • Biological Abstracts (Thomson Reuters)
  • BIOSIS Previews (Thomson Reuters)
  • Biotechnology & Bioengineering Abstracts (ProQuest)
  • Botanical Pesticides (CABI)
  • CAB Abstracts® (CABI)
  • CABDirect (CABI)
  • CAS: Chemical Abstracts Service (ACS)
  • Chemical Abstracts Service/SciFinder (ACS)
  • ChemWeb (ChemIndustry.com)
  • COMPENDEX (Elsevier)
  • CSA Biological Sciences Database (ProQuest)
  • CSA Environmental Sciences & Pollution Management Database (ProQuest)
  • CSA Microbiology Databases (ProQuest)
  • Current Contents: Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences (Thomson Reuters)
  • Dairy Science Abstracts (CABI)
  • Field Crop Abstracts (CABI)
  • FIRI: Fishing Industry Research Information Database (NISC South Africa)
  • Food Science & Technology Abstracts™ (IFIS)
  • Forest Products Abstracts (CABI)
  • Forestry Abstracts (CABI)
  • Global Health (CABI)
  • Helminthological Abstracts (CABI)
  • Horticultural Science Abstracts (CABI)
  • Index Medicus/MEDLINE (NLM)
  • Index Veterinarius (CABI)
  • Irrigation & Drainage Abstracts (CABI)
  • Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition (Thomson Reuters)
  • Leisure Tourism Database (CABI)
  • Leisure, Recreation & Tourism Abstracts (CABI)
  • Maize Abstracts (CABI)
  • MEDLINE/PubMed (NLM)
  • Nutrition Abstracts & Reviews Series A: Human & Experimental (CABI)
  • Nutrition Abstracts & Reviews Series B: Livestock Feeds & Feeding (CABI)
  • Ornamental Horticulture (CABI)
  • PASCAL Database (INIST/CNRS)
  • Pig News & Information (CABI)
  • Plant Breeding Abstracts (CABI)
  • Plant Genetic Resources Abstracts (CABI)
  • Plant Growth Regulator Abstracts (CABI)
  • Postharvest News & Information (CABI)
  • Potato Abstracts (CABI)
  • Poultry Abstracts (CABI)
  • Protozoological Abstracts (CABI)
  • Review of Agricultural Entomology (CABI)
  • Review of Aromatic & Medicinal Plants (CABI)
  • Review of Medical & Veterinary Entomology (CABI)
  • Review of Medical & Veterinary Mycology (CABI)
  • Review of Plant Pathology (CABI)
  • Rice Abstracts (CABI)
  • Rural Development Abstracts (CABI)
  • Science Citation Index (Thomson Reuters)
  • Science Citation Index Expanded (Thomson Reuters)
  • SCOPUS (Elsevier)
  • Seed Abstracts (CABI)
  • Soils & Fertilizer Abstracts (CABI)
  • Soybean Abstracts Online (CABI)
  • Sugar Industry Abstracts (CABI)
  • Tropical Diseases Bulletin (CABI)
  • Veterinary Bulletin (CABI)
  • WATERLIT (NISC South Africa)
  • Web of Science (Thomson Reuters)
  • Weed Abstracts (CABI)
  • Wheat, Barley & Triticale Abstracts (CABI)
  • World Agricultural Economics & Rural Sociology Abstracts (CABI)

Instructions to Authors

Author Guidelines

Last update: March, 2014


Instructions and Forms
Language Assistance
Style of References
Conflict of Interest Statement
Online Submission of Manuscripts
Reprint Permissions
OnlineOpen Licenses, Funding requirements and Copyright

Instructions and Forms

To ensure fast publication we kindly ask you to follow our Instructions to Authors when preparing your manuscript. To be sure that all relevant items are considered for the submission, please use the Checklist for Authors - here all essential information is summarized.

Instructions to Authors (html)
Instructions to Authors (pdf)
Checklist for Authors (pdf)

Forms: If your paper is accepted, the author identified as the formal corresponding author for the paper will receive an email prompting them to login into Author Services; where via the Wiley Author Licensing Service (WALS) they will be able to complete the license agreement on behalf of all authors on the paper.

In addition, please return the signed Color and Page Charge Agreement form) as soon as your manuscript has been accepted.

Color and Page Charge Agreement (pdf)

Language Assistance

Should authors who are not native English speakers have problems writing their papers, assistance is available with style, grammar and vocabulary. Improvement of the English can maximize the accuracy of the submission and help to communicate clearly and concisely the contents to the readers, editors and reviewers of MNF.

Please note: Wiley provides a new professional language and manuscript editing service.

English Language Editing
Translation Service
Manuscript Formatting
Figure Preparation

For detailed information and instructions please go to:

Japanese authors can also find a list of local English improvement services at www.wiley.co.jp/journals/editcontribute.html.

Conflict of Interest Statement

All authors must declare financial/commercial conflicts of interest. Even if there are none, this should be stated in a separate paragraph following on from the acknowledgements section. This is a mandatory requirement for all articles.

Online Submission of Manuscripts

Molecular Nutrition & Food Research offers a web-based manuscript submission and peer review system. Using this system is obligatory; conventional submission of manuscripts is not accepted.

Online Submission to Molecular Nutrition & Food Research

If you have any questions concerning the online submission, do not hesitate to contact Editorial Support at


Page Charge
Research articles up to 7 printed pages and reviews up to 15 printed pages are free of charge. For each additional page beyond these limits, the corresponding author will be charged 196 EUR +VAT.

Please note that these charges will also apply to invited authors of e.g. special issues, if applicable.

To calculate the number of printed pages your manuscript will have, count the number of text pages, tables and figures and divide the total by three. This will give you a rough estimate. Important: This formula only works if the manuscript is prepared according to the general guidelines of the journal.(e.g. double spaced formatting etc.)
No page charge will be levied for educational papers.

Color Charge
We do ask our authors to contribute towards the extra costs incurred for the reproduction of color.
The prices (excl. VAT) are listed below.

 1 color figure     500.00 Euro
 2 color figures    832.00 Euro 
 3 color figures    1248.00 Euro
 4 color figures    1664.00 Euro

For 5 and more color figures please contact our Production Department for an individual offer at: ariesenk@wiley.com

Please note that these charges will also apply to invited authors of e.g. special issues, if applicable.

Reprint Permissions

Please note that if you are submitting material which has already been published elsewhere, you must also send to the Editorial Office permission in writing that this material may be reprinted in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research.
You can use the Copyright Permission Request Form (pdf) for this purpose.

If you want to request permission to use material published by Wiley you can use our Online Permission Request From.

OnlineOpen Licenses, Funding requirements and Copyright

If your paper is accepted, the author identified as the formal corresponding author for the paper will receive an email prompting them to login into Author Services; where via the Wiley Author Licensing Service (WALS) they will be able to complete the license agreement on behalf of all authors on the paper.

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Instructions to authors

Molecular Nutrition & Food Research
March 2014

Authors are requested to follow these instructions carefully.
Manuscripts not prepared accordingly will not be accepted.

1 Aims and scope
2 General terms of publication
3 Online submission of manuscripts
4 Types of contributions
5 Organization of manuscripts
6 Proofs and reprints
7 OnlineOpen Licenses, Funding requirements and Copyright
8 Reporting specific data
9 Standard abbreviations

1 Aims and scope

Molecular Nutrition & Food Research (MNF) is a primary research journal devoted to health, safety and all aspects of molecular nutrition such as nutritional biochemistry, nutrigenomics and metabolomics aiming to link the information arising from the related disciplines Bioactivity & Safety, Immunology, Microbiology and Chemistry.

MNF is published in 12 issues per year, including regular issues as well as topical issues. Four categories of scientific contributions are accepted for publication:
(i) research articles,
(ii) reviews,
(iii) educational papers, and
(iv) food & function articles.

Introducing 'Food & Function' - a new section in MNF:
Manuscripts in which the individual components responsible for any biological activity have not been chemically characterized (e.g. animal studies with an uncharacterized extract of fruits) will not be accepted as full research articles. However, in these cases,authors may submit their manuscript in a shortened form for the new section "Food & Function". In this section, concise contributions describing the functional effects of food without a detailed characterization of the bioactive components will be considered for publication (for further details see Section 4 -Types of contributions).

Our Early View online publication is updated weekly and enables papers to be available online and citable before going into print.

2 General terms of publication

The author vouches that the work has not been published elsewhere, either completely, in part, or in any other form and that the manuscript has not been submitted to another journal. The submitting author (listed under "Correspondence") accepts the responsibility of having included as coauthors all appropriate persons. The submitting author certifies that all coauthors have seen a draft copy of the manuscript and agree with its publication.

Scientific contributions will be peer-reviewed on the criteria of originality and quality. Following an initial assessment by the Editors, those papers with a high priority rating are sent for external review to experts in the field. To aid in the peer review, we invite authors to suggest potential reviewers for their paper during the online submission procedure. Authors also have the option of naming non-preferred reviewers. Those manuscripts failing to reach the required priority rating or not fitting within the scope of the Journal are not considered further and are returned to authors without detailed comments. On acceptance, papers may be subjected to editorial changes. Responsibility for the factual accuracy of a paper rests entirely with the author.

Upon acceptance of the manuscript the author is required to fill in the "Copyright Transfer Agreement" and the "Color and Page Charge Agreement" forms (please see the journal's For Authors page for current charges), sign and submit them to:

Molecular Nutrition & Food Research
Editorial Office
Wiley-VCH Verlag
Boschstrasse 12
D-69469 Weinheim
E-mail: mnf@wiley.com
Fax: +49-6201-606-172

These mandatory forms can be found on the journals For Author's page. Please note that if you are submitting material which has already been published elsewhere, you must also send to the Editorial Office permission in writing that this material may be reprinted in MNF. Authors are expected to carry any costs arising from permissions.

MNF publishes articles in English. Manuscripts must be grammatically and linguistically correct, and authors less familiar with English usage are advised to seek the help of English-speaking colleagues. American spelling is preferred.

Please note that the Ethical Guidelines for Publication of Chemical Research issued by the American Chemical Society are followed and applied by the Editors of MNF.

All instances of publishing misconduct, including, but not limited to, plagiarism, data fabrication, image/data manipulation to falsify/enhance results etc. will result in rejection/ retraction of the manuscript.

MNF endorses the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines and will pursue cases of suspected research and publication misconduct. In such cases, the journal will follow the processes set out by COPE. For more information about COPE please visit the COPE website at http://publicationethics.org.uk. The Journal also participates in the new CrossRef service CrossCheck (http://www.crossref.org/crosscheck.html), a plagiarism screening tool that allows the comparison of authored work against the content in the internet database of published work to highlight matching or similar text sections. Please be aware that manuscripts submitted to MNF will be subject to random testing using the CrossCheck software.

3 Online submission of manuscripts

MNF offers a web-based manuscript submission and peer review system. This service guarantees fast and safe submission of manuscripts and rapid assessment. Using this system is obligatory, conventional submission of manuscripts is not accepted.

3.1 General remarks

To submit your manuscript online, please proceed along the following steps:
  • Prepare your manuscript and illustrations in the appropriate format, according to the instructions given below (see Sections 4 to 9). Please also make sure that your paper conforms with the scientific and style instructions of MNF as given herein. Links for English language assistance also provided here.
  • If you have not already done so, create an account for yourself in the system at the submission site, http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/mnf/ by clicking on the "Create Account" button.
  • Let the system guide you through the submission process. Online help is available to you at all times during the process. You are also able to exit/re-enter at any stage before finally "submitting" your work. All submissions are kept strictly confidential. To monitor the progress of your manuscript throughout the review process, just login periodically and check your Author Center.
If you have any questions concerning the online submission program, do not hesitate to contact Editorial Support at mnf@wiley.com.

3.2 Electronic manuscripts

Please follow the instructions in Section 5 "Organization of manuscripts" when preparing the electronic version of the manuscript and ensure that data are given in the order and the correct style for the journal.
  • Main text (incl. front material) as well as figure legends and tables (in this order) should be given in one file, preferably saved in .doc or .rtf format - Word 2007 or older, doc(x).
  • Data should be typed unjustified, without hyphenation except for compound words. Use carriage returns only to end headings and paragraphs; spacing will be introduced by the typesetter.
  • Do not use the space bar to make indents; where these are required (e. g. tables) use the TAB key.
  • If working in Word for Windows, please create special characters using Insert/Symbol.
  • Figures should preferably be in TIFF, EPS, PPT or the original format. See section 5.9 for details.
All submissions will be converted to PDF format during the upload process. The system automatically generates one PDF file which contains all parts of the manuscript apart from supporting information.

3.3 Revised manuscripts

In revised manuscripts the areas containing the major required changes should be marked and the script color changed. The file(s) with the changes visible on screen should be submitted to the online procedure.
Upon acceptance of the manuscript the final uploaded version will be taken as the basis for copy editing and the subsequent production process.

4 Types of contributions

Three types of scientific contributions are considered for publication:
(i) Research articles describing complete investigations. Unsolicited research articles should not exceed 6500 words in total; this includes references, figure legends and tables. Papers of up to 7 printed pages will be published free of charge; for papers exceeding that length a page charge (see the journals For Authors page) will be levied. Please note that the length of an article depends greatly on the type of figures and tables provided. Manuscipts must not have been published previously, except in the form of a preliminary communication.

(ii) Reviews providing an overview on the current research in a specific field. Review articles should not exceed 8500 words in total including references, figure legends and tables. Review articles of up to 15 printed pages will be published free of charge; for papers exceeding that length a page charge (see the journals For Authors page) will be levied.

(iii) Educational papers describing and/or explaining a method or technique used in food and nutrition research. They should be written in continuous style with headings (not numbered). An educational paper may be supplemented by multimedia material (e. g. animations or video sequences) which will be only available online.

(iv) Food & Function articles describing studies of well-documented functional bioextracts/mixtures exhibiting pharmacological, medical and/or physiological effects, where the bioactive component has not been chemically characterized. However, the work reported has be supported by animal and/or human studies. Research based solely on cell culture will not be considered.
They should be written in a concise and continuous style without subheadings with a maximum of 2500 words (including references as well as figure and table legends) and three display elements (figures and tables). For an example of this type of article format click here. Longer articles will not be accepted for this category. Any additional material pertinent to the study should be provided as Supporting Information online only. This includes e.g any detailed Materials & Methods description. Authors submitting in this category should please make sure that they select 'Food & Function' as article type during submission.

Reviews and educational papers will normally be invited by the Editors. Authors wishing to submit a review or an educational paper should send a brief outline of its contents to the Editor-in-Chief (humpf@uni-muenster.de) before the manuscript is drafted.

5 Organization of manuscripts

Manuscripts must be typewritten with double spacing (including references, tables, legends, etc.).

5.1 Contents of first page of manuscript (all types of contributions)

The first page of the manuscript should contain only the following:

1) Title of the paper containing only the keywords pertaining to the subject matter. Standard abbreviations may be used in the title.
2) Full names (including first name) of the authors and the name of the institute. If the publication originates from several institutes the affiliations of all authors should be clearly stated by using superscript numbers after the name and before the institute.
3) Name (and title) and full postal address of the author to whom all correspondence (including galley proofs) is to be sent. E-mail and fax number must be included to speed up communication.
4) A list of abbreviations used in the paper excluding standard abbreviations (see list of "Standard Abbreviations", Section 9).
5) Keywords (max. 5, in alphabetical order).

5.2 Abstract (all types of contributions)

The second page of the manuscript should contain the abstract only. For research articles it should be structured as follows:

Methods and results
Conclusion (focus on nutritional relevance)

The abstract must be self-explanatory and intelligible without reference to the text. It should not exceed 200 words. Abbreviations, but not standard abbreviations, must be written in full when first used.

5.3 Division into sections (research articles only)

Manuscripts should be divided into the following sections:

"1 Introduction": containing a description of the problem under investigation and a brief survey of the existing literature on the subject.
"2 Materials and methods": for special materials and equipment, the manufacturer's name and location should be provided.
"3 Results"
"4 Discussion"
"5 References"

Sections 3 and 4 may be combined and should then be followed by a short section entitled "Concluding remarks". Subdivisions of sections should be indicated by subheadings.

5.4 References (all types of contributions)

References should be numbered sequentially in the order in which they are cited in the text. The numbers should be set in brackets, thus [2, 18]. References are to be collected in numerical order at the end of the manuscript under the heading "References"; they should also be typed with double spacing throughout. Papers with multiple authors should be limited to listing five authors. Where there are more than five authors, the first four should be listed, followed by et al. Please include the title of the manuscript in full, followed by a full stop. Journal names should be abbreviated according to the practice of PubMed. The abbreviated journal name and the volume number should be in italics. Please note the following examples.

[1] Keppler, K., Hein, E.-M., Humpf, H.-U., Metabolism of quercetin and rutin by the pig caecal microflora prepared by freeze-preservation. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 2006, 50, 686-695.

Other serial publications such as "Advances in Food and Nutrition Research" should be cited in the same manner as journals.

[2] Eisenbrand, G., Dayan, A. D., Elias, P. S., Grunow,W., Schlatter, J. (Eds.), Carcinogenic and Anticarcinogenic Factors in Food, Wiley-VCH Verlag,Weinheim 2003.

Chapter in a book:
[3] Geis, A., in: Heller, K. J. (Ed.), Genetically Engineered Food - Methods and Detection, Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim 2003, pp. 100-118.

Allusions to "unpublished observations", papers "to be published" or "submitted for publication" and the like should be a part of the text, in parentheses. Material "in press" should be entered under references along with the DOI (Digital Object Identifier), if available. Posters and abstracts in meetings books must not be cited unless they are generally accessible. Responsibility for the accuracy of bibliographic references rests entirely with the author. Please note that website addresses must not be included as a reference, but should be inserted in parentheses in the text directly after the data to which they refer.

5.5 Acknowledgements

Acknowledgements as well as information regarding funding sources should be provided on a separate page and will appear at the end of the text (before the "References").

5.6 Conflict of interest statement

Authors are responsible for disclosing all and any financial and personal relationships between themselves and others that might bias their work. To prevent ambiguity, authors must state explicitly whether potential conflicts do or do not exist. Should such a conflict of interest exist, a statement to that effect must be included in a separate paragraph following on from the acknowledgements section detailing - for each author - the nature of the conflict. Even if there is none, this should also be stated. This is a mandatory requirement for all articles.

5.7 Tables

Tables with suitable captions at the top and numbered with Arabic numerals should be collected at the end of the text on separate sheets (one page per table). Column headings should be kept as brief as possible and indicate units (in parentheses). Footnotes to tables should be indicated with a), b), c) etc. and typed on the same page as the table.

5.8 Supporting information

Extensive tables should be published online as supporting information. This material will not be typeset so authors should prepare it in the final form in which it should appear (no further editing will be done). Also for this reason there will be no galley proofs of this material. Supporting information will be made freely available on the web (similar to the table of contents and the article abstracts). Authors are permitted to place this material on their homepages when they are setting up a link to the full-text version of the article in Wiley Onine LIbrary.

Further, other files may be submitted as supporting information (e.g., animations, video sequences). All supporting information will also undergo the peer-review process. Thus, this material has to be submitted electronically along with the main body of the article. It is in the hands of the Editor-in-Chief to decide which part of the manuscript will be published as supporting information.

5.9 Figures and legends

Please prepare your figures according to the following guidelines:
  • Each figure should be given in a separate file and should have the following resolution at their final published size:




    800 -1200 DPI 


    400 - 800 DPI

    Color (only RGB)   

    300 - 400 DPI

  • Use the zoom function to check the resolution of the figures: if an image viewed at 400 percent on screen is blurry (pixellated) then the image will not reproduce well in print. An image viewed at 100 percent on screen may look fine but will not necessarily reproduce well as the screen resolution is much lower (72-96 dpi) than that of a printing press.
  • Crop, or scale, figures to the size intended for publication; no enlargement or reduction should be necessary. Otherwise figures should be submitted in a format which can be reduced to a width of 50-80 mm or 120-170 mm, with symbols and labels to a height of 2.0 mm (after reduction) and a minimum line weight of 0.3 pt for black lines.
  • Photographic images often produce large files. Most software has an option to use LZW compression and this will produce smaller files, especially when the image contains large areas of single color or repeating textures and patterns.
  • In electropherograms presented horizontally, the anode should be on the left while in vertical presentations the anode should be at the bottom. Two-dimensional presentations, e.g. with isoelectric focusing and sodium dodecyl sulfate-electrophoresis in the two dimensions, are thus presented consistently with the standard coordinate system.
  • Figures should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in the order of their appearance.
  • Each figure is to be accompanied by a legend which should be self-explanatory. The legends should not appear under the figures but be included after the references.
By supplying high-quality electronic artwork, delays in production can be reduced as follow-up requests for improvement are no longer necessary.

Color figures can be reproduced, however, authors will be charged for additional costs incurred for the reproduction of color (see Section 2).

5.10 Image manipulation

Manipulation of images is strongly discouraged and all figures must accurately reflect the original data. Information should not be enhanced, eliminated, added, obscured or moved. In cases where manipulation is unavoidable, this should be clearly detailed in the Figure legend. All instruments, software and processes used to obtain the images must be fully detailed in the manuscript either in the Figure legends or the Materials and Methods. Acceptable image manipulation includes uniformly adjusting the contrast of an entire image, and any control images, ensuring that all original data, including the background, remains visible and that no new features are introduced. Cropping of gels, or re-positioning of lanes/fields, is permitted providing that all alterations are clearly indicated by the use of dividing lines in the image itself, vital data are not removed and an explanation of the alterations is included in the Figure legend. Unacceptable manipulation includes, but is not limited to, the enhancement of one feature/band over others, removal of background noise/bands and so on. Authors must be able to produce all data in their raw format upon editorial request.

5.11 Biographic material

Corresponding authors of review articles are invited to submit a portrait photograph of themselves and a short biographical text (no more than 80 words) which will appear at the very end of the article.

5.12 Structural formulae

Structural formulae should be drawn in the manuscript in the position where they belong. They must be numbered in consecutive order with the other figures.

5.13 Equations

Mathematical and chemical equations are to be written in the manuscript at the place in which they belong and should be marked by Arabic numerals in parentheses in the right margin in the order of their appearance.

5.14 Abbreviations

Abbreviations are hindrances to a reader working in a field other than that of the author, and to abstractors. Therefore, their use should be restricted to a minimum. Abbreviations should be introduced only when repeatedly used. Abbreviations used only in a table or a figure may be defined in the legend. Standard abbreviations may be used in the title and keywords. If nonstandard abbreviations are used in the Abstract they should be defined in the Abstract, in the list of abbreviations of the manuscript, as well as when first used in the body of the paper.

Section 9 at the end of these instructions contains the list of standard abbreviations which may be used without definition in the articles published in MNF.

5.15 Ethics

If the manuscript describes experiments using animals, the permission of the national or local authorities (giving the permission or the accreditation number of the laboratory and of the investigator) should be stated. If no such rules or permission are stipulated in the particular country, this must also be mentioned in the paper. In the case of human studies, it should be stated that local ethical committee approval has been received and that the informed consent of all participating subjects was obtained.

6 Proofs and reprints

Before publication authors will receive page proofs via Email in PDF low resolution file format, together with a sheet including instructions and a reprint order form, also as PDF files. The page proofs and the reprint order form should be printed out. The proofs should be carefully corrected following the instructions. In particular, authors should answer any editing queries. The reprint order form should be filled out (even if reprints are not required), and both should be returned as stated in the proof email.

Authors will be charged for extensive alterations of their article. Reprints can be ordered at prices shown on the reprint order form. Upon publication (in print) the submitting author (listed under "Correspondence") will receive a complimentary low-resolution pdf of his/her article.

7 OnlineOpen Licenses, Funding requirements and Copyright

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8 Reporting specific data

8.1 Chemical structures

Structures should be produced with the use of a drawing program such as ChemDraw.
Structure drawing preferences are as follows:
As drawing settings select:

chain angle 120°
bond spacing 18% of width
fixed length 14.4 points (0.508 cm, 0.2 in.)
bold width 2.0 points (0.071 cm, 0.0278 in.)
line width 0.6 point (0.021 cm, 0.0084 in.)
margin width 1.6 points (0.056 cm, 0.0222 in.)
hash spacing 2.5 points (0.088 cm, 0.0347 in.)
As text setting select: font, Arial or Helvetica; size, 10 pt.
Under the preferences choose: units, points; tolerances, 3 pixels.
Under page setup choose: paper, US Letter; scale, 100%.

Using the ChemDraw ruler or appropriate margin settings, create structure blocks, schemes, and equations having maximum widths of 11.3 cm (one-column format) or 23.6 cm (two-column format). Note: if the foregoing preferences are selected as cm values, the ChemDraw ruler is calibrated in cm. Also note that a standard sheet of paper is only 21.6 cm wide, so all graphics submitted in two-column format must be prepared and printed in landscape mode.
Use boldface type for compound numbers but not for atom labels or captions.
Authors using other drawing packages should, as far as possible, modify their program's parameters to reflect the above guidelines.

8.2 Physical and other data

It is important that novel compounds, either synthetic or isolated/produced from natural sources, be characterized completely and unambiguously. Supporting data normally include physical form, melting point (if solid), UV/IR spectra, if appropriate, 1H and 13C NMR, mass spectral data, and optical rotations or CD information (when compounds have chiral centers).

Reports on flavor constituents should conform to the recommendations made by the International Organization 5 of the Flavor Industry (IOFI). Thus, substances must be identified using the latest analytical techniques. In general, any particular substance must have its identity confirmed by at least two methods; that means, in practice, comparison of chromatographic and spectroscopic data (which may include GC, MS, IR, and NMR) with those of an authentic sample. If only one method has been applied, the identification has to be labeled as "tentative": This is also valid in case of identification performed only by comparison of literature data.

Equations should be numbered consecutively and referred to the text; e.g. defined as in Eq. (1).

Physical data should be quoted with decimal points (e. g. 25.8 Jk-1 mol-1), and arranged as follows where possible - but in any event in the same order within the manuscript (when measurement conditions remain unchanged they need only be mentioned once, for instance in the column headings): m.p./b.p. 20°C; [α]D20 = -13.5 (c = 0.2 in acetone) 1H NMR (200 MHz, [D8]THF, 25°C, TMS): δ = 1.3 (q, 3J (H,H) = 8 Hz, 2 H; CH2), 0.9 ppm (t, 3J (H,H) = 8 Hz, 3 H; CH3); IR(Nujol): ν̃ = 1790 cm-1 (C=O); UV/Vis (n-hexane): λmax (ε) = 320 (5000), 270 nm (12000); MS (70 eV): m/z (%): 108 (20) [M+], 107 (60) [M+ -H], 91 (100) [C7H7+]. Plane angles in products of units can have either ° or deg as the unit.

Nomenclature, symbols, and units: The rules and recommendations of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), the International Union of Biochemistry (IUB), and the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) should be adhered to.

8.3 Nucleotide and protein sequences

New nucleotide data must be submitted and deposited in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases and an accession number obtained before the paper can be accepted for publication. Submission to any one of the three collaborating databanks is sufficient to ensure data entry in all. The accession number should be included in the manuscript, e. g. as a footnote on the title page: ,Note: Nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under the accession number(s) -'. If requested the database will withhold release of data until publication. The most convenient method for submitting sequence data is by the World Wide Web:

EMBL via Webin:
GenBank via Bankit:
DDBJ via Sakura:

Alternatively, the stand-alone submission tool ,Sequin' is available from the EBI at http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Sequin and from NCBI at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Sequin/.

For special types of submissions (e. g. genomes, bulk submissions etc.) additional submission systems are available from the above sites.

Database contact information:


EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Submissions
European Bioinformatics Institute
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton,
Cambridge CB10 1SD, UK
Tel.: +44 1223 494400; fax: +44 1223 494472
E-mail: datasubs@ebi.ac.uk


National Center for Biotechnology
National Library of Medicine,
Bldg. 38A, Rm 8 N-803
Bethesda, MD 20894, USA
Tel.: +1 301 496 2475; fax: +1 301 480 9241
E-mail: info@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov


Center for Information Biology and
DNA Data Bank of Japan
National Institute of Genetics, 111 Yata,
Mishima, Shizuoka 411-8540, Japan
Tel.: +81 559 81 6853; fax: +81 559 81 6849
E-mail: ddbj@ddbj.nig.ac.jp

Protein sequences which have been determined by direct sequencing must be submitted to Swiss-Prot at the EMBL Outstation - The European Bioinformatics Institute. Please note that we do not provide accession numbers, in advance, for protein sequences that are the result of translation of nucleic acid sequences. These translations will automatically be forwarded to us from the EMBL nucleotide database and are assigned Swiss-Prot accession numbers on incorporation into TrEMBL.

Results from characterization experiments should also be submitted to Swiss-Prot at the EBI. This can include such information as function, subcellular location, subunit etc.

Contact information:


Swiss-Prot submissions,
European Bioinformatics Institute
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton
Cambridge, CB10 1SD, UK
Tel.: +44 1223 494400; fax: +44 1223 494472
E-mail: datasubs@ebi.ac.uk (for sequence submissions); update@ebi.ac.uk (for characterization information)

9 Standard abbreviations

The abbreviations as listed below may be used without definition in the articles published in MNF. Please refer to Section 5.14 for the correct usage of abbreviations in MNF.

A                                   absorbance
ACN acetonitrile
A/D analog to digital converter
amu atomic mass unit
API atmospheric pressure ionization
BMI body mass index
bp base pairs
BSA bovine serum albumin
CBB Coomassie Brilliant Blue
CE capillary electrophoresis
CEC capillary electrochromatography
CFE continuous flowelectrophoresis
CID collision-induced dissociation
cpm counts per minute
CV coefficient of variation
CZE capillary zone electrophoresis
1-D one-dimensional
2-D two-dimensional
Da dalton (molecular mass)
DAD diode-array detection (or diodearray detector)
2-DE two-dimensional gel electrophoresis
DMEM Dulbecco's modified Eagle medium
DMF N,N-dimethylformamide
DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide
dsDNA double-stranded DNA
DTT dithiothreitol
EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
EGTA ethylene glycol-bis (β-aminoethylether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid
ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
EOF electroosmotic flow
ER endoplasmic reticulum
ESI electrospray ionization
FAB fast atomic bombardment
FAME fatty acid methyl esters
FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate
GC gas chromatography
GMO genetically modified organism
HDL high density lipoprotein
HEPES N-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazine-2'-(2-ethane-sulfonic acid)
HPCE high-performance capillary electrophoresis
HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography
HSA human serum albumin
HTML hypertext mark-up language
id inside diameter
IEF isoelectric focusing
Ig immunoglobulin
IL interleukin
IFN interferon
IT ion trap
kbp kilobase pairs
kDa kilodalton (molecular mass)
LC liquid chromatography
LDL low denisty lipoprotein
LOD limit of detection
LOQ limit of quantitation
LPS lipopolysaccharide
mAb monoclonal antibody
MALDI-MS matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry
Mbp megabase pairs
MHC major histocompatibility complex
MOPS 3-(N-morpholino)propanesulfonic acid
Mr relative molecular mass (dimensionless)
MS mass spectrometry
MS/MS tandem mass spectrometry
MUFA monounsaturated fatty acid
m/z mass-to-charge ratio
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
od outside diameter
OD optical density
ORF open reading frame
PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
PBS phosphate-buffered saline
PCR polymerase chain reaction
PEG polyethylene glycol
pI isoelectric point
PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride
PMT photomultiplier tube
ppm parts per million
PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene
PUFA polyunsaturated fatty acid
PVP polyvinylpyrrolidone
RIA radioimmunoassay
RNA ribonucleic acid
RP reversed phase
rpm rotations per minute
RSD relative standard deviation
RT-PCR reverse transcriptase-PCR
SCFA short chain fatty acid
SD standard deviation
SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate
SEM standard error of the mean
SIM selected ion monitoring
S/N signal-to-noise ratio
SPE solid-phase extraction
ssDNA single-stranded DNA
TFA trifluoroacetic acid
THF tetrahydrofuran
TIC total ion current
TLC thin-layer chromatography
TOF time of flight
Tris tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane
URL uniform resource locator
Vh volt x hours
VLDL very low density lipoprotein

Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board


  Hans-Ulrich Humpf (Münster, Germany)

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  Baukje de Roos (Aberdeen, UK)
  Gerhard Eisenbrand (Kaiserslautern, Germany)
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  Joshua D. Lambert (University Park, PA, USA)
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  Rui Hai Liu (Ithaca, NY, USA)
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