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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Limnology and Oceanography: Methods is a companion to ASLO's top-rated journal Limnology and Oceanography, and articles are held to the same high standards. In order to provide the most rapid publication consistent with high standards, Limnology and Oceanography: Methods appears in electronic format only, and the entire submission and review system is online. Articles are posted as soon as they are accepted and formatted for publication. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods will consider manuscripts whose primary focus is methodological, and that deal with problems in the aquatic sciences. Manuscripts may present new measurement equipment, techniques for analyzing observations or samples, methods for understanding and interpreting information, analyses of metadata to examine the effectiveness of approaches, invited and contributed reviews and syntheses, and techniques for communicating and teaching in the aquatic sciences. Exciting features include author updates to their published methods, and both formal and informal discussion of methods described in the journal.

Published by American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. ISSN: 1541-5856.

Instructions to Authors

Manuscript categories

Articles published in Limnology and Oceanography: Methods fall into several categories.

Descriptions of new methods

Many manuscripts will fall into this category and will comply to a large extent with the basic structure of a manuscript as described under Manuscript Organization.

Comparisons and intercalibration studies

Studies dealing with comparison and intercalibration of alternative methods are welcome. Manuscripts should follow the general structure outlined below, emphasizing the assessment section, and discussing the impact of this assessment on any information acquired using one of the alternative methods. Care must be taken to describe the comparative or intercalibration study in reproducible detail. Details of individual methods must be provided, either in the manuscript or by reference to a previous publication with a sufficently detailed description.

Methods evaluations

Re-evaluations of existing methods will focus on testing the assumptions or the interpretation of existing methods. Manuscripts will generally include: 1) an abstract summarizing the problem addressed and the main conclusions; 2) an introduction arguing for the need to re-evaluate some aspect of an existing method; 3) for experimental work, the materials and procedures used; 4) an assessment describing the specific experiments and analyses that were employed to test the existing method, and the conclusions reached from the results of these tests; 5) a discussion focusing on the impact of these conclusions on past work based on the existing method, including 6) recommendations for changes to the existing method for future work.

Reviews and metaanalyses

Critical, objective reviews focused on an assessment of the methodology of a specific topic area are welcome. Reviews should be presented as syntheses of the state of knowledge, and should be directed primarily toward identifying areas in critical need of methods development in order to progress. The objective should be to advance the science by assessing the strengths and weaknesses of methods in a particular topical area. Reviews are published together with other articles, in the order of acceptance and completion of the composition process. Published reviews are labeled as such for the convenience of users, but in all other regards are treated identically to other articles.

Critical reviews will generally include: 1) an abstract summarizing the main conclusions; 2) an introduction arguing for the need to review a topical area; 3) a description of data sources, and the procedures used to select data for inclusion or exclusion; 4) an assessment of the topical area based on these data; and 5) discussion of the impact of these findings on the aquatic sciences.

Some reviews will have a strong metaanalytical component, where the source data are drawn from articles published in Limnology and Oceanography: Methods and elsewhere. Analytical reviews will generally require a more extensive discussion of data sources, data selection, and analytical procedures, but in other respects are similar in structure.

The organization of reviews may be modified as appropriate, in consultation with the Associate Editor handling the manuscript.


Comments are limited to articles published in Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, and are divided into substantive comments requiring peer review, and procedural comments that are limited to specific details of the method (e.g. suggesting a higher incubation temperature).

Substantive comments will be treated as standard submissions, except that their structure may be amended as approprate. Substantive comments that identify a problem or needed modification to a published method should include: 1) a very brief abstract; 2) an introduction describing the problem with reference to the previously published method; 3) data and analyses supporting the need for modification and if possible, demonstrating and supporting a solution to the problem; and 4) a discussion of the impact of the problem or modification on information acquired using the method. When possible, comments should clearly identify how the previously published, detailed procedure should be modified. The original author(s) are encouraged to respond. If warranted, a brief, peer-reviewed update to their original published method will be considered for publication.

Procedural comments are approved at the Editorial level and are not considered part of the peer-reviewed literature. These will be limited to one to a few paragraphs commenting on a specific element of a method published in the journal. Procedural comments will be posted on a web page linked from the original article, and should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief by email.


Authors are invited to submit updates to methods that they previously published in Limnology and Oceanography: Methods. Updates to methods published elsewhere are specifically excluded from consideration and must be submitted as standard articles. Author updates are divided into substantive updates requiring peer review, and incremental updates identifying problems or recommending small changes to a method previously published in the journal.

Substantive updates are expected to be closely related to the previously published article, and therefore do not need to reiterate elements already covered in the previous article. Reviewers and Associate Editors will evaluate the submitted manuscript in the context of the earlier work. Following review and if necessary, revision, accepted updates are published in the order completed.

Incremental updates are approved at the Editorial level and are not considered part of the peer-reviewed literature. These will be limited to one to a few paragraphs commenting on a specific element of a method published in the journal. Incremental updates submitted by authors, if accepted, will be posted on the same web page as procedural comments submitted by others. They should be sent by email to the Editor-in-Chief, rather than submitting them through the online manuscript submission system.

Manuscript organization

A general scheme for the organization of a manuscript is given below. Authors should remain attentive to this basic organization (see the "Manuscript Preparation" link for additional detail), as modified for different categories of manuscript. Before you begin, read the Editorial for a discussion of the reasons for the manuscript structure used in this journal.

Title page
Contains the title, authors and addresses, and a running head.
Contains brief statements about granting agencies, notable aid from individuals and institutions, and potential conflicts of interest.
Briefly summarizes the method and its potential use.
Establishes the need for a new or improved method, and introduces the method in concept.
Materials and Procedures
Provides a detailed set of instructions for implementing the method, including both the materials required and the procedures to be followed.
Presents the critical experiments or studies that were conducted during methods testing, the results of those studies, and the interpretation of those results.
Discusses the degree to which the new method meets the need defined in the introduction, and the potential for this method to lead to new insight. Discusses whether existing data should be reinterpreted.
Comments and recommendations
Comments on particularly critical aspects of the procedure, and suggests adaptations needed for potential applications to other environments.
Figures and figure legends
Multimedia files and other appendices

Manuscript preparation

Articles published in the journal must provide all the information needed for readers to critically assess, adopt and successfully employ the methods described. Therefore, clarity of presentation, and a detailed description of the development and application of the method are all extremely important. Details on procedures for preparing manuscripts are provided under the Manuscript Preparation link.

Manuscript Submission

Original submissions

  1. The manuscript must not be an uninvited resubmission of a manuscript that was previously considered and rejected. Rejected manuscripts will not be considered further.
  2. If any of the data in the paper have been used previously, the extent of overlap must be clearly acknowledged and described. Related manuscripts that are in press or submitted elsewhere, and are cited in the submission, must be provided upon request.
  3. Your cover letter must clearly state that the manuscript contains only original data (i.e., no data in it is in a manuscript currently submitted to another journal).
  4. Before the manuscript can enter the review process, authors must agree to pay publication charges if their manuscript is accepted, as described under Publication Charges.
  5. Authors of accepted manuscripts must submit a publishing agreement form, assigning copyright to ASLO and agreeing to abide by the rules of use of the published article. This form can be returned at any time following manuscript submission (in which case it is conditional upon acceptance), and must be returned before an accepted manuscript will enter the copyediting and composition process. Send the completed form by FAX to 1-702-974-3170, or by postal mail to:
    Dr. Paul F. Kemp, Editor
    L&O:Methods Publishing Agreement
    University of Hawaii
    1000 Pope Road
    Honolulu, HI 96825
    In certain cases copyright in an article will be owned by the author, or the author's employer or institution, rather than by ASLO. Please contact the Editorial Office if your organization requires that it retain copyright.


The Editor-in-Chief may decline to consider a manuscript for several reasons, including inadequate evidence that the method is substantially new and promising, poor preparation, an insufficiently clear and detailed presentation, and a lack of adherence to the journal's guidelines for manuscript preparation. Once a manuscript has been accepted for consideration, it will be assigned to an Associate Editor who will ultimately recommend one of three decisions.
  1. Conditionally accept. These manuscripts are likely to be accepted but require revision. If required revisions are minor in scope, they may be accepted at the Editorial level. Manuscripts requiring more substantial revision will usually undergo a second round of review, often by the same reviewers, to ensure that the reviewers' concerns have been addressed.
  2. Do not accept; resubmission is invited. These manuscripts are potentially worthy of publication, but very extensive revision is needed, and often new data must be obtained. Resubmissions are treated as new manuscripts, and a new round of review will be required.
  3. Do not accept; resubmission is not invited. These manuscripts may contain material worthy of publication but are unacceptable or unsuitable for Limnology and Oceanography: Methods.

Revised manuscripts

  1. Revised manuscripts must be accompanied by the author's detailed responses to the Reviewers and Associate Editor comments. It is extremely important to address all reviewer concerns, whether the author chooses to agree or disagree with them. If the Associate Editor is not convinced the author has made every effort to address the reviewers' concerns, either through suitable revision or by an effective argument that the revisions should not be made, the manuscript may be rejected without further consideration.
  2. With very few exceptions, a revised manuscript that is still not acceptable will not be considered further and resubmission will not be allowed.
  3. Please note that all materials that pertain to a revised manuscript must be resubmitted even if they have not changed from the original version.

Conditions of publication

Copyright of any material published in Limnology and Oceanography: Methods is held by ASLO (exceptions may be granted in some cases). Submissions may not contain material published elsewhere. Every person listed as an author of a submission must have: 1) contributed substantially to the study's conception, data acquisition, or analysis; 2) contributed substantially to drafting the manuscript; and 3) approved the final submitted manuscript. All three of these conditions must be met. Acquisition of funding, the collection of data, or general supervision of the research group are insuffient reasons to justify authorship. When a manuscript has many authors, the submitting author may be asked to provide details of the contributions made by each author.

Limnology and Oceanography: Methods places a high priority on repeatability, and the potential for independent verification. If a submission contains results obtained using a strain of microbe or unicellular alga isolated from nature, originating from the author's laboratory, and not available from a public collection, the author is expected to honor in a reasonable time all bona fide requests for samples of the culture or to deposit specimens in a public culture collection. Similar expectations apply to results obtained using new antibodies originating from the author's laboratory. Authors of submissions reporting research that includes new nucleotide or amino acid sequences must submit the sequence information to a publicly accessible archive (e.g., GenBank or EMBL) and provide the accession number(s) in the manuscript. Manuscripts that use existing sequences from GenBank/EMBL must cite accession numbers and original literature references to them (if they exist). Publication of an article implicitly binds the author to these conditions.

Authors are responsible for supplying complete and accurate bibliographic information. Editors do not perform library research. Manuscripts are edited for brevity and clarity. The Limnology and Oceanography: Methods Office is not liable for editorial or printing errors or errors in the technical content of the manuscript. Communication with the Office at all points of the publication process is encouraged.

Editorial Board



Paul F. Kemp (2002-present)
School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology
University of Hawaii

Managing Editor

Susana Feng (2002-present)

Founding Editorial Board

Alan P. Covich, Professor
Department of Fishery and Wildlife Biology
Colorado State University
John Hobbie, Senior Scientist and Co-Director
The Ecosystems Center
Marine Biological Laboratory
Van Holliday, Adjunct Professor of Fisheries Oceanography
University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth
William M. Lewis, Jr., Professor and Director
Center for Limnology
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
University of Colorado at Boulder
Charles S. Yentsch, Research Scientist
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
Robert G. Wetzel, Professor (deceased)
Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering
School of Public Health
The University of North Carolina

Associate Editors

Mark Benfield, Associate Professor
Department of Oceanography & Coastal Sciences
Louisiana State University
Optical and acoustical spatial mapping of zooplankton on fine- to mesoscales; automated identification of zooplankton; acoustic localization of fish and invertebrates; use of ROVs to study mesopelagic and bathypelagic plankton and nekton.
Claudia Benitez-Nelson, Associate Professor
Department of Geological Sciences
University of South Carolina
Biogeochemistry; carbon and nutrient sources, speciation and cycling; particle formation, composition, and export; the application and development of stable and radiogenic isotopic tracers; global climate change in past and present day environments.
Janet W. Campbell, Research Professor
Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space
University of New Hampshire
Estimation of phytoplankton pigments and oceanic primary production from satellite remote sensing measurements; statistical analysis of the spatial and temporal variability in phytoplankton biomass and optical variability of the ocean surface waters; effects of scale on model parameterizations and satellite algorithms.
Karen L. Casciotti, Associate Scientist
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry Department
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Marine nitrogen cycle; nitrate and nitrite stable isotope dynamics; nitrogen cycling in oxygen minimum zones; genetics and physiology of nitrifying and denitrifying microbes; mechanisms of biological trace gas production.
John Crimaldi, Associate Professor
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Colorado
Transport and mixing of passive and reactive scalars; turbulent boundary layer structure; benthic processes; vortex dynamics; physical-biological interactions; laser and acoustic techniques for velocity and scalar concentration measurements.
Greg Cutter, Professor
Department of Ocean, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences
Old Dominion University
Trace element speciation and distributions in natural waters and sediments; air-sea transport and exchange of gases and trace elements; paleoceanographic tracers; analytical methods for aquatic chemistry; computer modeling of geochemical processes.
Michael DeGrandpre, Professor
Department of Chemistry
The University of Montana
Development and application of autonomous chemical sensors for aquatic research; carbon cycling in marine and freshwater ecosystems; surface mixed-layer dissolved gas and inorganic carbon dynamics; air-water gas exchange.
Gerhard J. Herndl, Professor
Head of Department of Biological Oceanography
Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
Microbial ecology; dissolved organic matter in marine and freshwater systems; phylogenetic diversity and link between phylogeny and function of prokaryotes; role of ultraviolet radiation on the transformation of dissolved organic matter by prokaryotes.
Jules S. Jaffe, Research Oceanographer
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
University of California, San Diego
Development of in-situ optical and acoustical sensors; image and signal processing science; biomedical engineering; public outreach.
Todd Kana, Research Associate Professor
Horn Point Laboratory
University of Maryland
Regulation of microalgal photosynthesis; photosynthetic oxygen cycling using 18O techniques; membrane inlet mass spectrometry for dissolved gas analysis; marine denitrification measurements using the N2/Ar technique; Application of variable fluorescence techniques in photosynthesis research.
Maeve Lohan, Lecturer
School of Earth, Ocean & Environmental Sciences
University of Plymouth
Trace element speciation and biogeochemistry in natural waters; phytoplankton trace element requirements and uptake; riverine and sediment transport of trace elements; analytical methods for aquatic chemistry; factors affecting trace metal cycling and productivity in natural waters.
Elizabeth Minor, Associate Professor
Large Lakes Observatory and Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
University of Minnesota
The relationships between the chemical composition of aquatic organic matter and external variables such as water depth, temperature, salinity, and nutrient concentrations; links between molecular-level characteristics (molecular weight, functional group, inorganic or organic matrix) and reactivity in riverine, estuarine, and marine environments.
Adina Paytan, Assistant Professor
Institute of Marine Sciences
University of California- Santa Cruz
Chemical paleoceanography, biogeochemistry, chemical and isotopic tracers in sea water and marine sediments, environmental chemistry including methane emission from wetlands, phosphate, nitrogen and trace metal recycling in seawater and sediments, aerosol chemical composition and water pollution.
Clare E. Reimers, Professor
Director, Cooperative Institute for Marine Resources Studies
Hatfield Marine Science Center, Oregon State University
Sediment biogeochemistry; in situ monitoring of aquatic systems; chemical sensor development and application.
John P. Smol, Professor
Paleoecological Environmental Assessment and Research Lab
Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario
Paleolimnological techniques to track long-term environmental change; development and application of biomonitoring approaches; water quality issues such as acidification, eutrophication, and climatic change.
Gordon T. Taylor, Professor
Marine Sciences Research Center
Stony Brook University, NY
Microbial mediation of biogeochemical processes (particulary carbon cycling); trophic interactions among microorganisms; microbial biofouling; microbiological and chemical exchange processes at interfaces.
Rob Wheatcroft, Associate Professor
Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences
Oregon State University
Interdependence between sedimentological and benthic biological processes in marine environments; the role of episodic sediment transport events on continental margins; organism effects on sediment transport and bottom boundary layer mechanics.
Steven W. Wilhelm, Assistant Professor
Department of Microbiology
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Interactions of viruses and microorganisms in marine and freshwater environments, development of molecular methods for characterizing microbial and viral community composition as well as nutrient bioavailability, and the role of iron and other trace elements as limiting agents in aquatic systems.
Richard Zepp, Senior Research Scientist
Ecosystems Research Division
U.S. EPA, Athens
Interactions of solar UV radiation with biogeochemical cycles. Optics for underwater UV measurements, fluorescence and absorption properties of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), and interactions of UV with CDOM and particles, including humic substances.

Past Associate Editors

Tommy D. Dickey (2002-2004)
University of California Santa Barbara
Lars Peter Nielsen (2002-2004)
Department of Microbial Ecology,Institute of Biology, University of Aarhus
James R. Karr (2002-2004)
University of Washington
Marlon Lewis (2002-2005)
Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University
Robert H. Byrne (2002-2006)
College of Marine Science, University of South Florida
Samantha B. Joye (2002-2006)
Department of Marine Sciences
University of Georgia
Craig Cary (2002-2007)
Director, Center for Marine Genomics
College of Marine Studies, University of Delaware
Sally MacIntyre (2002-2007)
Marine Science Institute and Institute for Computational Earth System Science
University of California at Santa Barbara
Mark Stacey (2005-2008)
Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of California, Berkeley
Heidi M. Sosik (2002-2008)
Biology Department
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Larry Madin (2002-2009)
Director, Ocean Life Institute
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
David Thistle (2002-2009)
Department Chair, Department of Oceanography
Florida State University


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