

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Limnology is a scientific journal published three times a year, in April, August, and December, by Springer-Verlag in association with the Japanese Society of Limnology. The editors welcome original scientific contributions on physical, chemical, biological, or related research, including environmental issues, on any aspect of theoretical or applied limnology. The journal publishes research papers, notes, review articles, Asia/Oceania reports, and comments.

The aims and scope of Limnology are to publish scientific and/or technical papers in limnology, to serve as a platform for information dissemination among scientists and practitioners, to enhance international links, and to contribute to the development of linmology, especially in Asia and Oceania.

Instructions to Authors

General information
"Limnology" is an official publication of the Japanese Society of Limnology. The journal accepts contributions from both members and nonmembers.

 Manuscript category
Manuscripts should be in the form of research papers, notes, review articles, Asia/Oceania reports, or comments. Research papers and notes will be accepted on the basis of their originality and contribution to the limnological sciences. Asia/Oceania reports are expected to include descriptive and/or long-term data sets from Asia or Oceania.

Manuscript format
All manuscripts are to be written in clear and concise English. Authors who are not fluent in English must seek the assistance of a colleague who is a native English speaker and is familiar with their field of work. Research papers and reviews should be limited to 12 printed pages, including figures and tables which must not exceed one-third of the total pages. Notes and comments should be no more than 6 printed pages in length. Asia/Oceania reports should be limited to 12 printed pages (one printed page contains approximately 1,000 words). Excess pages are charged to authors at a page rate of US$100.
Manuscript submission
Four neat and clean copies of the manuscript should be submitted by mail to:

Dr. Zen¡¯ichiro KAWABATA (Editor-in-Chief),
c/o Dr. Shin-ichi NAKANO (Managing Editor)
Faculty of Agriculture, Laboratory of Aquatic Food Web Dynamics,3-5-7 Tarumi, Matsuyama, Ehime 790-8566, Japan.
Tel & Fax: +81-89-946-9773
e-mail: shin@agr.ehime-u.ac.jp

Manuscript submission on a PDF file (on diskette or as an attached file in e-mail) is highly appreciated. In this case, one printed copy of the manuscript should be submitted at the same time to Dr. KAWABATA by postal mail.

The submitted manuscript should be accompanied by a signed statement from the corresponding author affirming that all authors listed on the manuscript are aware of the submission to this journal. The submission form is regularly published in this journal or can be obtained from "http://www.springeronline.com" in PDF and RTF format. The manuscript must not be published, accepted for publication, or under consideration elsewhere. The original manuscript will be required after the paper is accepted. Authors are required to send the final version of their manuscript ¨C after acceptance for publication ¨C in electronic form as well as printed form. The technical instructions for manuscripts submitted on diskette will be sent to the author with a letter of acceptance for publication.

Technical instructions
 Review procedure
Manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by two authorized referees, and the Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editors will subsequently notify the corresponding author of the acceptance, rejection, or need for revision of the paper. Manuscripts for revision should be carefully revised and returned within three months of receipt. Failure to do so may require a new submission or, in some instances, may result in rejection of the paper.

Authors transfer the copyright of their articles to the Japanese Society of Limnology, effective when the articles are accepted for publication. The copyright covers the exclusive and unlimited rights to reproduce and distribute an article in any form of reproduction (printing, electronic media, or any other form); the copyright also covers translation rights for all languages and countries. Authors are required to sign the copyright transfer sheet on the submission form to save time.

Manuscripts must be double-spaced with 3-cm margins on one side of A4 (or U.S. letter-size) paper. Pages should be numbered consecutively and arranged in the following order:

Title page (including title of paper; the names and affiliations of all authors; total text pages; numbers of tables and figures; address to which proofs should be sent, including e-mail address, telephone, and fax number)
Abstract (approximately 200 words)
Three to five Key words
Text, including the following sections, if appropriate: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments, References, Tables, and Figure legends. For Notes, combine the sections, "Results" and "Discussion" into one section, "Results and Discussion".
The positions of tables and figures should be marked in the left margin. Genus and species names should be in italics.

References should be cited in the text by the author and year. The reference list at the end of the paper should include only works cited in the text and should be arranged alphabetically by the name of the first author. Unpublished results or papers ¡°in preparation¡± may be mentioned in the text but must not be included in the reference list.

References should be cited as follows: journal papers ¨C names and initials of all authors, year in parentheses, full title, journal as abbreviated in accordance with international practice, volume number, first and last page numbers; books ¨C names and initials of all authors, year, chapter title, names and initials of all editors, full title, edition, publisher, place of publication. Titles of publications written in languages other than English must be translated; the original language should be indicated in parentheses at the end of the title.

Sample references

Journal paper:
Yoshimura S, Miyadi D (1936) Limnological observation of two crater lakes of Miyake Island, western North Pacific. Jpn J Geol Geogr 13:339¨C352
 Journal paper in languages other than English:
Sugawara K (1936) Studies on the freshly precipitated deposits in Lake Takasuka-numa (in Japanese). Jpn J Limnol 6:102¨C115
Andersen T (1997) Pelagic nutrient cycles: herbivores as sources and sinks. Springer, Berlin
Chapter in a book:
Allen GP, Sauzay G, Castaing P, Jouanneau JM (1975) Transport and depositions of suspended sediment in the Gironde estuary, France. In: Wiley ML (ed) Circulation, sediments, and transfer of material in the estuary. Academic, New York, pp 63¨C81 (Estuarine processes, vol 2)
The author is solely responsible for the accuracy of the bibliographic data.

Tables and figures
Tables and figures must be mentioned in the text and should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.). Tables must be typed on separate sheets with short, informative titles. All parts of each table should be double¨Cspaced. Titles should be placed at the top of tables.

Figures should match the size of either the column width (8.6 cm) or the printing area (17.6 ¡Á 23.6 cm). Several figures may be grouped into a plate on one page (17.6 ¡Á 23.6 cm). If plates are submitted, the figures must be mounted on regular bond paper, not on cardboard.

Each figure except for plates must be on a separate sheet with the author¡¯s name and the figure number written on the back in pencil. Figure legends should be grouped together on a separate sheet.

Figures should be good-quality prints in the size the author wishes to have the figure appear in the final published form. If reduction is necessary, the desired final size should be stated. Capital letters should be about 2 mm high in the final version. The publisher reserves the right to reduce or enlarge figures.

Color illustrations will be accepted. However, authors will be expected to make a contribution toward the extra costs (approx. US$1,000 for the first single-sided page and US$500 for each additional single-sided page).

Original artwork should not be sent until the manuscript has been accepted for publication.

 Units of measurement
The International System of Units (SI) should be used, but Celsius is recommended for temperature.

 Proofs and offprints
Proofs must be corrected upon receipt and returned immediately to the publisher. Fifty offprints of each paper are supplied free of charge. Additional offprints may be ordered at cost when the page proofs are returned.

Original manuscripts will be returned only at the author¡¯s request.

Editorial Board


Zen'ichiro KAWABATA

Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto, Japan

Managing Editor

Shin-ichi NAKANO

Ehime University, Matsuyama, Japan

Associate Editors

Takashi ASAEDA, Saitama Univ., Saitama, Japan

Syuhei BAN, Univ. Shiga Pref., Hikone, Japan

Manabu FUKUI, Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo, Japan

Shuji HINO, Yamagata Univ., Yamagata, Japan

Gea-Jae JOO, Pusan Natl. Univ., Pusan, Korea

Shigeo KONDO, Aichi Medical Univ., Nagakute, Japan

Hidenobu KUNII, Shimane Univ., Matsue, Japan

Wataru MAKINO, Tohoku Univ., Sendai, Japan

Machiko NISHINO, Lake Biwa Environ. Res. Inst., Otsu, Japan

Akifumi OHTAKA, Hirosaki Univ., Hirosaki, Japan

Kenji OKUBO, Okayama Univ., Okayama, Japan

Noboru OKUDA, Kyoto Univ., Otsu, Japan

Shinichi ONODERA, Hiroshima Univ., Higashihiroshima, Japan

Amit TANDON, Univ. Massachusetts, North Dartmouth, USA

Ichiro TAYASU, Kyoto Univ., Otsu, Japan

Oleg, TIMOSHKIN, Limnol. Inst., Irukutsuk, Russia

Hideshige TODA, Shinshu Univ., Matsumoto, Japan

Shigeo TSUJIMURA, Lake Biwa Environ. Res. Inst., Otsu, Japan

Muneoki YOH, Tokyo Univ. Agric. Tech., Tokyo, Japan

Ping XIE, Chinese Academy Sci., Wuhan, China

Editorial Advisors

International: David DUDGEON (China), Bomchul KIM (Korea), Gene LIKENS (USA)

Japan: Kimio HIRABAYASHI, Yu ISHITOBI, Izumi KATANO, Satoshi KITANO, Teruo MURAKAMI, Ryoji NAKAZATO, Kentaro NOZAKI, Tomomasa TANIGUCHI, Akihiro TSUJI, Yoshihiro YAMADA


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