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变更情况:Formerly (until 2005): American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists. Journal (美国) (1074-3804)

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology, formerly titled The Journal of the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists, is an international clinical forum for the exchange and dissemination of ideas, findings and techniques relevant to gynecologic endoscopy and other minimally invasive procedures. The Journal, which presents research, clinical opinions and case reports from the brightest minds in gynecologic surgery, is an authoritative source informing practicing physicians of the latest, cutting-edge developments occurring in this emerging field

To order this journal online, and for more information, go to http://www.elsevierhealth.com

Instructions to Authors

Guide for Authors

The Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology is a bimonthly periodical devoted to the health care of women.

When submitting an article, e-mail is preferred. For any questions, you may telephone the journal office at (800) 554- 2245 or (562) 946-8774, Facsimile (562) 946-9204 or e-mail: journal@aagl.org.

For any questions, you may telephone the journal office at (800) 554-2245 or (714) 503-6200, Facsimile (714) 503-6202 or e-mail: journal@aagl.org.

Please submit all manuscript to our EES site at External link http://ees.elsevier.com.jmig . All submitted papers must be line numbered. Unnumbered manuscripts will not be sent for review and will be returned to the corresponding author for modification. By publishing a manuscript in the JMIG, the authors(s) agree to transfer copyright authorization to the JMIG. This authorization will provide the widest distribution of your paper under established publication guidelines.

Manuscript Processing
When a manuscript is received, the corresponding author will be sent a verification letter. Any manuscript submitted must be original material that has not been published previously and is not under consideration by another journal. The journal will not accept a manuscript that contains material that has been published elsewhere.

Manuscripts are reviewed by three to four ad hoc reviewers. Reviewers have 3 weeks to complete their evaluations and send them to the Editor-in-Chief for a final decision. Manuscripts that require revisions are returned with reviewers' recommendations. The average length of time between manuscript acceptance and publication is approximately 3 to 6 months.

When a manuscript is published, it becomes the sole property of the AAGL, and the copyright will be held in the name of the AAGL. The editor and publishers accept no responsibility for opinions expressed by contributors.

For manuscripts that have more than one author, each author must qualify by having made substantial contributions to the concept and design, analysis and interpretation of data, and drafting and revisions. The cover letter that accompanies a submitted manuscript must include confirmation that each author has fulfilled these conditions.

Please provide no more than two professional affiliations for each author. These will appear as a footnote on the first page of the article. Please include a complete mailing address and fax number on the title page. Also on the title page, please specify what, if any, financial interest you may have in any aspect of the work (e.g., instrument manufacturer) or financial support you may have received (e.g., grants).

Manuscript Preparation, General
All elements of manuscripts--abstracts, references, tables, legends, and figures--must be typed double-spaced on one side of the paper. Scientific (generic) names of drugs should be used at all times. Weights and measures must be expressed in metric values and temperatures in Celsius (centigrade). Prior presentation as an abstract or at a professional meeting should be described fully in a footnote.

It is your responsibility to obtain permission to reproduce figures, tables, and text from published material. Written permission must be obtained from the original copyright holder (generally the publisher, not the author or editor) of the journal or book concerned and a copy of the permission sent with the manuscript. An appropriate credit line should appear at the end of a figure legend or in a table footnote; for example, "Reprinted with permission from reference 17." Full publication data must appear in a numbered entry in the reference list. Written permission must be obtained from the author of unpublished material that is cited.

Manuscripts should be in the following format: title, précis, abstract, text (this may, but does not have to, consist of Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion), references, tables, and figure legends. The precis is a one-sentence synopsis of no more than 30 words that describes the basic findings of the article. It appears in the table of contents under the author(s)' name(s). All submitted manuscripts must include e-mail address, phone and fax numbers on the title page and page numbering with first author last name in upper right corner of all pages.

Journal style now reflects JAMA Manual of Style, 9th edition. Numbers are Arabic, not spelled out. Delete zeros before decimal point when reporting p-values. p-values should not be carried out past 3 decimal places.

Manuscript Preparation, Specific

Original Articles: The Original Articles section of the journal is reserved for manuscripts that represent original research. Abstracts for these manuscripts must appear in structured format, as follows: Study Objective, Design, Design Classification, Setting, Patients, Interventions, Measurements and Main Results, and Conclusion. All of these abstract sections must be complete.

The Design portion of abstracts (for Original articles only) are to be classified by the author according to the Canadian Task Force Classification of study designs (see table next page).

Other sections: Manuscripts that do not contain original research are placed in the section of the journal that is most appropriate; for example, Review Articles, Case Reports, Instruments and Techniques, Special Articles, Clinical Opinion, and Complications. These manuscripts require abstracts in paragraph form.

Editorials: Manuscripts submitted for this section of the journal must pertain to the topic assigned by the Editor-in- Chief and must contain references as necessary, not to exceed 6 pages, not including references. All elements of the manuscripts, including references in the journal's format, must be typed double-spaced.

Continuing Medical Education Articles: Manuscripts submitted for this section of the journal must contain the following: objectives, 5 pretest questions, 10 post-test questions with answers relevant to the material presented, references, tables, and figure legends, not to exceed 20 typed pages, not including references. All elements of the manuscript, including references in the journal's format, must be typed double-spaced.

Images in Endoscopy: This section of the journal is one page in length and does include one color photo and text of no more than 150 words. Please submit four copies of high quality color photos for consideration. The Editor-in-Chief will choose one or two color photos per issue.

Review Articles: Manuscripts submited for this section of the journal must contain references, tables, and figure legends, not to exceed 20 typed pages, not including references. All elements of the manuscript, including references in the journal's format, must be typed double-spaced.

Letters to the Editor are openly solicited. The Journal supports this as a forum to convey comments and opinions regarding recently published articles. Original material such as preliminary data may also be published at the discretion of the Editor.

Classification Definition
I Evidence obtained from a properly designed, randomized, controlled trial
II-1 Evidence obtained from a well-designed controlled trial without randomization
II-2 Evidence obtained from well-designed cohort or case-control studies, preferably from more than one center or research group
II-3 Evidence obtained from several timed series with or without the intervention. Dramatic results in uncontrolled experiments, such as the results of the introduction of penicillin treatment in the 1940s, could also be regarded as this type of evidence
III Opinions of respected authorities based on clinical experience, descriptive studies, or a report of an expert committee

Adapted from Arch Intern Med, Volume 152, May 1992

Manuscripts dealing with comparisons between groups-- cohort, case-control and/or prospective randomized trials-- must utilize proper statistical analysis; failure to do so may result in return of the manuscript to the author(s) without peer review. Means or medians, depending on distribution of the data, must be accompanied by standard deviations. Confidence intervals are mandatory where applicable. Use of "p" values for comparisons between groups is not sufficient; use of probability ratios, odds ratios or hazard ratios, where appropriate are necessary. Consultation with a medical statistician prior to submission is advised.

Figures, Illustrations
The editors reserve the right to establish a reasonable limit on the number of black and white illustrations that will be reproduced free of charge. Illustrations must be submitted in duplicate and must not be mounted. Each figure should have an adhesvie label on the back designating the top of the figure, the number of the figure, and the lead author's name.

Black and white figures should be in the form of glossy prints with a minimum size of 3" x 4" and a maximum size of 5" x 7". Computer-generated figures must be printed in black ink on heavy coated paper. Any patterns or shadings must be dark enough for reproduction and distinguishable from each other.

Figures printed from a laser printer will not be accepted. Electronic figures must be submitted as a TIFF or EPS file. All photographic images should be submitted at a resolution of 300 dpi. All line-art images should be submitted at a resolution of 800-1200 dpi. Image mode for color images should be CMYK; for black and white photographic images it should be gray scale and bit map for line-art images. Do not embed figures within documents. If supplied artwork needs to be enhanced by the journal office in order to make the art publishable, the author will have the option to provide publishable art work, pay the journal office $250.00 or pull their figure from publication.
Color figures are acceptable, but must be submitted in their original form. The colors must be dark enough and have enough contrast for reproduction.

Lettering and identifying characters must be clear and consistent on each figure. Titles, explanations, and definitions of abbreviations must be noted in the legends, not on the figures themselves. A separate typewritten sheet of legends should be included with the manuscript. If figures are not in line with these guidelines and do not appear to be clearly reproducible, they will be returned to you with a request for new ones. In order to maintain a clear separation between the author and any other agency, the editors request that all figures, tables, and photographs must be submitted directly by the contributing author and no other source.

There is no limit of references for Original, Review, or CME articles; however, Case Reports are limited to 8. Entries must be cited in order in the text as superscript numerals. Every entry must have only one number; if it is cited a second time, it should have the first (original) number, not a new number, ibid, or op cit. If a new entry is inserted into an established list, it must be numbered consecutively (not, 10a, 10b, etc.), with subsequent entries renumbered both in the text and in the reference list. If it beomes clear that in long reference lists (>20 entries) the entries (1) are cited incorrectly or (2) are single-spaced, incomplete, unclear, or otherwise in unacceptable format, they will be returned to you to be corrected. This will delay publication of the article. You are responsible for the accuracy of references, and are reminded that inaccurate references are highly frustrating to the reader, the cited author, and indexing services. Footnotes are not acceptable journal style.

The journal requests that the following formats be used for all reference lists, and that they be typed double-spaced.

Journal article
1. Phillips DR, Nathanson HG, Milim SJ, et al. Laparoscopic bipolar coagulation for the conservative treatment of adenomyomata. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc. 1996; 4:20-24.
2. Parker WH, Parker RL. A Gynecologist's Second Opinion: The Questions and Answers You Need to Take Charge of Your Health. New York: Penguin; 1996.
Chapter in a book
3. Steege JF. Persistent or chronic pelvic pain. In: Rock JA, Thompson JD, eds. TeLinde's Operative Gynecology. 8th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven; 1997: 645-656.
4. Wortman M, Daggett A: Serum sodium changes during hysteroscopic endomyometrial resection. Paper presented at: 23rd annual meeting of the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists; October 18-24, 1994; New York, NY.

Unpublished observations must not be included in the reference list.

Page Proofs (Galleys)

You will receive page proofs by e-mail. You will be requested to correct and return them by fax within 48 hours. Changes involving line or page length will be made at your expense. You are fully responsible for the accuracy of all numbers, references, figures, author affiliations, degrees and disclosures, and reprint request addresses as they appear in the page proofs.

Reprints will be supplied at a nominal fee. Order blanks will accompany page proofs. Return orders, together with payment, to Anne Rosenthal, Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology, 360 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010, e-mail reprints@elsevier.com. Reprints ordered after the issue is printed will be charged at a substantially higher rate.
Editorial Board

Stephen L. Corson MD
Thomas Jefferson University School of Medicine, Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Philadelphia, PA

Associate Editors:
Barbara S. Levy MD
Women's Health Center, Franciscan Health System, Federal Way, WA
D. Alan Johns MD
Texas Healthcare, Fort Worth, TX

Managing Editors:
Linda Michels
Cypress, CA
Franklin D. Loffer MD
Cypress, CA

Founding Editor-in-Chief:
Robert B. Hunt MD
(1940-2004) Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

Managing Editor Emeritus:
Jordan M. Phillips MD
University of California, Irvine, CA

Royal Hospital for Women, Randwick, NSW, Australia
Ronald E. Batt MD
School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
Frances R. Batzer MD
Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA
Gary N. Frishman MD
Brown Medical School, Providence, RI
Mark H. Glasser MD
Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, San Rafael, CA
Debra Heller MD
UMDNJ, New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ
William H, Hurd MD
Wright State University School of Medicine, Dayton, OH
Royal North Shore Hospital, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
Dan C. Martin MD
University of Tennessee, Memphis, Memphis, TN
Malcolm G. Munro MD
University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
Farr R. Nezhat MD
The Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY
Douglas R. Phillips MD
State University of New York at Stonybrook, Stonybrook, NY
Togas Tulandi MD, MHCM
McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Rafael F. Valle MD
Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, IL
George A. Vilos MD
St. Joseph's Health Care, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada

Editorial Advisory Board:
Bruce Bateman MD
University of Virginia Medical Center, Charlotteville, VA
Andrew I. Brill MD
University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL
Philip G. Brooks MD
Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA
Brian M. Cohen MBChB, MD
University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX
Ellis Downes MD
Chase Farm Hospital, Enfield, London, UK
Victor Gomel MD
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Harrith M. Hasson MD
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Dennis A. Hidlebaugh MD
Cleveland Clinic Florida, Naples, FL
Volker R. Jacobs MD
Frauneklinik of Technical University, Munich, Germany
Philippe R. Koninckx MD, PhD
University Hospital Gasthuisberg, Leuven, Belgium
Ted T. Lee MD
University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA
Ronald L. Levine MD
University of Louisville, Louisville, KY
Anthony A. Luciano MD
University of Connecticut, School of Medicine, Farmington, CT
†Rene Marty MD
Hospital Jean Verdier, Neuilly-Sur-Seine, France
Charles E. Miller MD
University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL
David L. Olive MD
University of Wisconsin Medical School, Madison, WI
William H. Parker MD
University of California, Los Angeles, CA
David Redwine MD
Bend, OR
Robert M. Rogers, Jr. MD
Reading Hospital & Medical Center, Reading, PA
Richard M. Soderstrom MD
University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA
Edward J. Stanford MD, MS
St. Mary's/Good Samaritan Hospitals, Centralia, IL
Errico Zupi MD
University of Rome 'Tor Vergata', Rome, Italy


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