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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Journal of Engineering Education is a peer-reviewed international journal published quarterly by the American Society for Engineering Education. It serves as an archival record of scholarly research in engineering education.

Instructions to Authors

The Journal of Engineering Education (USPS 0954-960; ISSN 1069-4730) is a peer-reviewed international journal published quarterly by the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), 1818 N Street, NW, Suite 600, Washington, D.C. 20036.

The journal is listed in the Science Citation Index, Engineering Citation Index, and the Social Sciences Citation Index (Education, Education Research category) by the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) (www.isinet.com), and the tables of contents are reproduced in ISI¡¯s Current Contents/Engineering, Computing and Technology and Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences. The journal is also a member of the Web portal Annals of Research on Engineering Education published by the Center for the Advancement of Scholarship on Engineering Education of the National Academy of Engineering (www.nae.edu).

The Journal of Engineering Education serves as an archival record of scholarly
research in engineering education.

The journal publishes articles on a wide variety of topics relevant to engineering education. Among the topics covered are educational innovations that improve student learning or performance as typified by experiments involving courses, laboratories, experiential activities, and support and intervention programs; expositions synthesizing papers or reports that have influenced engineering education today, where it is headed, or where it should be headed; developments in assessment processes and methodologies used to evaluate the effectiveness of educational experiments or programs; and outreach and transition activities involving elementary and secondary education programs, pre-engineering transfer institutions, intra-campus or inter-campus collaborations, or efforts to improve technical literacy.

Articles are expected to report a significant body of research, whereas unusually significant commentaries or focused research with important results may be published as Research Briefs. Both quantitative and qualitative research is encouraged.
Submitted manuscripts must include the following elements:
- the manuscript title, authors and their affiliations, and a 50-150 word abstract;
- an introduction section following the abstract and preceding the main body of the manuscript;
- the main body of the manuscript, appropriately divided into sections;
- a conclusion or summary section following the main body of the manuscript;
- a section listing the references;
- brief biographical sketches for each author; and
- black and white figures and tables, if any, either embedded at appropriate locations within the manuscript or collected together and appended at the end of the manuscript.

Manuscripts may also include appendices, a glossary of symbols, and acknowledgments, as deemed appropriate by the authors.

A comprehensive reference for considerations of composition and presentation may be found in the Chicago Manual of Style, 14th edition; a more concise source is The Elements of Style, 4th edition, by Strunk and White. Authors are strongly encouraged to carefully proofread their manuscripts before submission. The journal does not use endnotes, and footnotes are discouraged. If the material is important enough for a reader to seek it out, then it is important enough to be included in the body of the text. Footnotes are to be used only if they are deemed essential.

The journal generally discourages the publication of a body of research in a series of dependent parts. Authors should either identify components of the research suitable for publication as independent articles or prepare a condensed manuscript and encourage interested readers to contact the authors for additional information supporting the research reported. If the presentation of the research in a series of dependent parts is deemed essential, authors should first contact the Editor to discuss their approach before submitting their manuscripts.

A detailed Style Guide will be provided to authors of accepted manuscripts to prepare their final versions for typesetting.

Manuscripts submitted must not have been published as copyrighted material nor be submitted for consideration for publication as copyrighted material while in review by the journal, whether in print or electronic form. Other copyrighted material includes that for which ASEE owns or may own the copyright, including ASEE conference proceedings. By submitting a manuscript, the author(s) agree that the copyright will be transferred to ASEE if the manuscript is accepted for publication. The author(s) retain the rights to the fair use of the article published, such as in teaching and other nonprofit uses.

Manuscripts must be submitted in electronic form only at the journal¡¯s Web site: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jee. An automatic and immediate e-mail confirmation is provided if the submission process is completed successfully. The editor subsequently evaluates manuscripts for their compatibility with the journal's mission and ten review criteria. The editor typically is able to complete the evaluation and inform the author within two weeks of the submission of the manuscript. If deemed compatible, manuscripts are forwarded to one of the journal¡¯s associate editors who handle the peer review. The journal is normally able to complete the peer review process and inform the author within two to four months. Membership in ASEE does not influence either the review or publication decision of manuscripts submitted.

The journal seeks to obtain at least three reviews on all manuscripts. Reviewers are asked to evaluate manuscripts according to ten criteria and to provide a narrative summary of their evaluations. Five criteria relate to the scholarly content and contribution of the manuscript, and five to the quality of composition and presentation. Manuscripts are expected to:
1) appeal to a broad readership interested in engineering education;
2) address important questions or propositions of lasting value;
3) build upon relevant references and bodies of knowledge;
4) employ appropriate educational or scientific principles and methodologies;
5) present original ideas or results supported by compelling evidence;
6) exhibit clear, concise, and accurate exposition;
7) demonstrate thoughtful layout and presentation;
8) show careful attention to details;
9) present meaningful illustrations, as needed; and
10) adhere to accepted standards of style, usage, and composition.

Authors of accepted manuscripts are asked to pay page charges of $100 per journal page. A printed journal page of text contains about 900 words. The space required for illustrations should be added to obtain an estimate of the total number of pages. The page charge includes two complimentary copies of the issue in which the article is published and one hundred reprints. Additional reprints may be ordered. The journal can publish a very limited number of articles by authors who are unable to pay page charges, but their publication may be delayed significantly. Questions regarding page charges, additional reprints requested by authors, and reprints of any article in the journal requested by anyone should be directed to ASEE: voice (+1) 202-331-3500; fax (+1) 202-265-8405. Permission to reprint material published in the journal should be directed to ASEE.

Editorial questions and inquiries should be directed to the editor: Dr. Jack R. Lohmann, Vice Provost and Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology, A. French Building, Room 205, Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0740, USA; voice: (+1) 404-894-2966; fax: (+1) 404-385-6940, e-mail: jlohmann@gatech.edu.

Editorial Board

Dr. Jack R. Lohmann
Vice Provost and Professor
Georgia Institute of Technology
A. French Building, Room 205
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0740
Telephone: (+1) 404-894-2966
Fax: (+1) 404-385-6940


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