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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A
Aims and Scope

The Journal of Biomedical Materials Research is an international, interdisciplinary, English-language publication of original contributions concerning studies of the preparation, performance, and evaluation of biomaterials; the chemical, physical, toxicological, and mechanical behavior of materials in physiological environments; and the response of blood and tissues to biomaterials. The Journal publishes peer-reviewed articles on all relevant biomaterial topics including the science and technology of alloys, polymers, ceramics, and reprocessed animal and human tissues in surgery, dentistry, artificial organs, and other medical devices. The Journal also publishes articles in interdisciplinary areas such as tissue engineering and controlled release technology where biomaterials play a significant role in the performance of the medical device.

The Journal of Biomedical Materials Research is the official journal of the Society For Biomaterials (USA), the Japanese Society for Biomaterials, the Australian Society for Biomaterials, and the Korean Society for Biomaterials.


Instructions to Authors
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A

1. Manuscripts for the Journal of Biomedical Materials Research should be submitted to Dr. James M. Anderson, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, University Hospitals of Cleveland, The Institute of Pathology of Case Western Reserve University, 11100 Euclid Avenue, Room 306, Cleveland, Ohio 44106-2622.

Articles are welcomed from all scientists. Membership in the Society for Biomaterials is not a prerequisite for submission.

2. Manuscripts (in English) should be submitted in triplicate (original with two copies), typed double spaced throughout on one side only, on heavy grade paper with margins at least 2.5 cm on each side. Authors in Japan please note: Wiley-Japan can provide authors in Japan with a list of recommended services to check and improve the English in their papers BEFORE SUBMISSION. Please contact Masayo Kobayashi in the Wiley-Japan office by Fax: 81 3 3556 9763 or e-mail: editorial@wiley.co.jp for more information. The name(s) and affiliation of the author(s) should appear only on a separate title page. Please do not mark any other parts of the manuscript with name(s) and affiliations(s) of author(s). Use only a short title on the following pages of the manuscript. Author(s) name(s) should not be used. The paper should be subdivided into the expected classical sections and, if necessary, subsections. Manuscripts including references (but not figures or tables) should be no longer than 18 pages.

3. No article can be published unless accompanied by a signed copyright transfer agreement, which serves as a transfer of copyright from author to publisher. A copyright transfer agreement may be obtained from the editor or the publisher. A copy of the copyright transfer agreement appears in most issues of the journal. Only original papers will be accepted and copyright in published papers will be vested in the publisher. It is the author's responsibility to obtain written permission to reproduce material that has appeared in another publication. A copy of the agreement, executed and signed by the author, is now required with each manuscript submission. (If the article is a "work made for hire," the agreement must be signed by the employer.)

4. A short synopsis (200 words or less) is required for all papers. This synopsis should be carefully prepared, for it is the source of most abstracts. The synopsis should be a summary of the entire paper, not the conclusions alone, and should precede the main body of the paper.

5. The author is requested to supply, below the synopsis, a list of five keywords or phrases which most clearly typify the outstanding points made in the manuscript.

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9. Please number and title tables. Tables columns should have an explanatory heading.

10. Authors are cautioned to type, wherever possible, all mathematical and chemical symbols, equations, and formulas and to identify in the margin all Greek or unusal symbols the first time they are used (e.g., k, K, kappa, x, chi). Underline all vector quantities with a wavy line. Use fractional exponents to avoid root signs.

11. When mentioning a material, chemical reagent, instrument or other product, use the generic name only. If further identification (proprietary name, manufacturer's name and address) is required, list it as a footnote.

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12. All references should be numbered consecutively in order of appearance and should be as complete as possible. Sample references follow:

1. King VM, Armstrong DM, Apps R, Trott JR. Numerical aspects of pontine, lateral reticular, and inferior olivary projections to two paravermal cortical zones of the cat cerebellum. J Comp Neurol 1998;390:537-551.

2. Voet D, Voet, JG. Biochemistry. New York: John Wiley & Sons; 1990. 1223 p.

3. Gilmor ML, Rouse ST, Heilman CJ, Nash NR, Levey AI. Receptor fusion proteins and analysis. In: Ariano MA, editor. Receptor localization. New York: Wiley-Liss; 1998. p 75-90.

Please note that journal title abbreviations should conform to the practices of Chemical Abstracts.

13. A reprint order form is enclosed with author's proofs. The form is to be returned, prepaid, with corrected proofs. Reprints are mailed approx. 6-8 weeks post publication.

14. Manuscripts will be sent to reviewers with their title pages indicating authors and their affiliations. If an author wishes to have his contribution blinded, he must make this request in a covering letter and send two title pages without author's names.

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17. JBMR has adopted a policy which requires that authors make a statement concerning potential conflict of interest relating to their submitted articles. They must select one of the following applicable statements as indicated by superscript following the title of their manuscripts.

  1. The author, or one or more of the authors, has received or will receive remuneration or other prequisites for personal or professional use from a commerical or industrial agent in direct or indirect relationship to their authorship.
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  3. No benefit of any kind will be received either directly or indirectly by the author(s).
  4. The author(s) choose not to respond to any of the above listed statements.

Disk Submission Instructions

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The hard copy must match the disk.

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Guidelines for Electronic Submission

(also available at http://www.interscience.wiley.com/jbmr)


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File names. Illustration files should be given the 2- or 3-letter extension that identifies the file format used (i.e., .tif, .eps).

Labels. Label all disks and cartridges with your name, the file names, formats, and compression schemes (if any) used. Hard copy output must accompany all files.

Editorial Board
E d i t o r - i n - C h i e f
James M. Anderson

University Hospitals of Cleveland
The Institute of Pathology of
Case Western Reserve University
11100 Euclid Avenue, Room 306
Cleveland, OH 44106-2622

A S S I S T A N T ¨¢ E D I T O R S

John Brunski
Jeremy L. Gilbert
E-mail: gilbert@ecs.syr.edu
Kevin E. Healy
E-mail: kehealy@socrates.berkeley.edu
Teruo Okano
Robert M. Pilliar
John A. M. Ramshaw
E-mail: John.Ramshaw@mel.dbe.csiro.au
Buddy Ratner

E d i t o r i a l ¨¢ B o a r d

C. Mauli Agrawal
E-mail: agrawal@uthscsa.edu
Toshihiro Akaike
Luigi Ambrosio
E-mail: ambrosio@ds.cised.unina.it
Robert E. Baier
E-mail: baier@acsu.buffalo.edu
Rena Bizios
E-mail: bizios@rpi.edu
Lars M. Bjursten
E-mail: LarsM.Bjursten@expmas.lu.se
Roy D. Bloebaum
E-mail: roy.bloebaum@hsc.utah.edu
Barbara D. Boyan
E-mail: barbara.boyan@bme.ga.tech.edu
John L. Brash
E-mail: brashjl@mcmail.cis.mcmaster.ca
Stanley A. Brown
E-mail: sab@cdrh.fda.gov
Donald M. Brunette
E-mail: brunette@interchange.ubc.ca
Patrick T. Cahalan
URL: www.ibhome.com
Stephen D. Cook
Stuart L. Cooper
E-mail: cooper@admin.iit.edu
John E. Davies
E-mail: davies@ecf.utoronto.ca
Paul Ducheyne
E-mail: ducheyne@eniac.seas.upenn.edu
Elaine Duncan
Jan Feijen
E-mail: j.feijen@ct.utwente.nl
Jean A. Goggins
E-mail: jagoggins@compuserve.com
Steven L. Goodman
Stuart B. Goodman
E-mail: goodbone@leland.stanford.edu
David W. Grainger
E-mail: grainger@lamar.colostate.edu
David C. Greenspan
E-mail: greenspan@usbiomat.com
Ulrich Gross
E-mail: ugross@zedat.fu-berlin.de
Robert Guidoin
E-mail: rguidoin@vml.ulaval.ca
Stephen R. Hanson
E-mail: shanson@emory.edu
Garth W. Hastings
E-mail: mpegwh@leonis.nvs.sg
Michael N. Helmus
E-mail: helmusm@cvg.baxter.com
Larry L. & June Wilson-Hench
Arne Hensten-Pettersen
Anne Hiltner
Allan S. Hoffman
E-mail: hoffman@u.washington.edu
Jeffrey O. Hollinger
E-mail: hollinge@ohsu.edu
Thomas Horbett
E-mail: horbett@cheme.washington.edu
C. Rolfe Howlett
E-mail: R.Howlett@unsw.edu.au
Jeffery A. Hubbell
E-mail: hubbell@biomed.mat.ethz.ch
Samuel F. Hulbert
E-mail: samuel.hulbert@rose-hulman.edu
Jean T. Jacob
E-mail: jjacob@lsumc.edu
Raju G. Kammula
E-mail: rgk@cdrh.fda.gov
Sandra S. Kaplan
E-mail: kapla@a1.isd.upmc.edu

J. Lawrence Katz
E-mail: jlk9@po.cwru.edu
50: Sung Wan Kim
Un Young Kim
E-mail: uykim@kistmail.kist.rc.kr
Joachim Kohn
E-mail: kohn@rutchem.rutgers.edu
Tadashi Kokubo
E-mail: kokubo@sung7.kuic.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Kandice Kottke-Marchant
E-mail: marchantk@po.lab.ccf.org
Martine LaBerge
E-mail: martine.laberge@ces.clemson.edu
Cato T. Laurencin
E-mail: laurencin@drexel.edu
Racquel Z. LeGeros
E-mail: legerosr@is2.nyu.edu
Jack Lemons
E-mail: jlemons@ortho.uab.edu
Roger E. Marchant
E-mail: rxm4@po.cwru.edu
Takehisa Matsuda
E-mail: matsuda@med.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Katharine Merritt
E-mail: kxm@fdadr.cdrh.fda.gov
Antonios G. Mikos
E-mail: mikos@rice.edu
Nobuo Nakabayashi
Peter Neuenschwander
E-mail: pneuen@ifp.mat.ethz.ch
Sharon J. Northup
E-mail: northuprts@aol.com
Joon B. Park
E-mail: jbpark@icaen.uiowa.edu
J. Russell Parsons
E-mail: parsonjr@umdnj.edu
Nicholas A. Peppas
E-mail: peppas@che.utexas.edu
Hanns Plenk
E-mail: hanns.plenk@univie.ac.at
W. M. Reichert
E-mail: reichert@ac.pub.duke.edu
Clare M. Rimnac
E-mail: crimnac@falstaffmae.cwru.edu
Subrata Saha
E-mail: subrata.saha@ces.clemson.edu
Jeff M. Schakenraad
Frederick J. Schoen
E-mail: fjschoen@bics.bwh.harvard.edu
Michael V. Sefton
E-mail: sefton@ecf.utoronto.ca
Viktor L. Sevastianov
Steven M. Slack
E-mail: slacksm@msuvx2.memphis.edu
Myron Spector
E-mail: spector@ortho.bwh.harvard.edu
L.D. Timmie Topoleski
E-mail: topoleski@umbc2.umbc.edu
Michel Vert
Andreas von Recum
E-mail: vonrecum1@osu.edu
William R. Wagner
E-mail: wagner@pittsburg.nb.upmc.edu
Jerome A. Werkmeister
E-mail: jerome.werkmeister@molsci.csiro.au
David F. Williams
E-mail: dfw.ce@liverpool.ac.uk
Ioannis V. Yannas
E-mail: yannas@mit.edu
Yao-Ting Yu
E-mail: yaoting@public1.tpt.tj.cn
Nicholas P. Ziats


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