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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
The International Journal of Electronic Commerce is a leading refereed quarterly devoted to advancing the understanding and practice of electronic commerce. It serves the needs of researchers as well as practitioners and executives involved in electronic commerce. The Journal aims to offer an integrated view of the field by presenting approaches of multiple disciplines.

Electronic commerce is the sharing of business information, maintaining business relationships, and conducting business transactions by digital means over telecommunications networks. The Journal accepts empirical and interpretive submissions that make a significant novel contribution to this field. Such contributions may present :

  • experimental, theoretical, or survey-based research, relevant to the progress of electronic commerce
  • paradigmatic designs and applications
  • investigation of organizational, societal, and international issues of electronic commerce

Analytical attention is focused on the following issues:

  • The marketplace and organizational effects of e-commerce
  • Business and organizational transformation with e-commerce
  • Business value in e-commerce
  • The Web-Internet combine as the infrastructure for electronic commerce
  • Internet business models
  • Supply chain management and collaborative commerce
  • E-tailing and multi-channel selling
  • Economics of electronic commerce
  • E-commerce in business globalization
  • E-marketplaces
  • Marketing on the Web
  • M-commerce and pervasive computing
  • Digital product management and property rights
  • Security and privacy of transactions and information
  • Social dynamics of communications on the Internet
  • E-commerce payment systems
  • Advanced electronic data interchange (EDI)

Contributors are invited to submit manuscripts for publication in the International Journal of Electronic Commerce.

Instructions to Authors
The International Journal of Electronic Commerce is the top-ranked refereed quarterly journal devoted to advancing the understanding and practice of electronic commerce. It serves the needs of researchers as well as practitioners and executives involved in electronic commerce. The review process is double-blind.

The Journal aims to offer an integrated view of the field by presenting approaches of multiple disciplines. The Journal accepts empirical and interpretive submissions that make a significant novel contribution to the field of electronic commerce. Such contributions may present:

  • experimental, theoretical, or survey-based research, relevant to the progress of electronic commerce;
  • paradigmatic designs and applications;
  • investigation of organizational, societal, and international issues of electronic commerce.

The Mission describes the scope of the Journal more closely.

Submission of Manuscripts

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to zwass@fdu.edu. The subject line should be "Submission to IJEC".

Correspondence should be directed to:

Contact Information :
Dr. Vladimir Zwass
International Journal of Electronic Commerce
19 Warewoods Road
Saddle River, NJ 07458, USA
Telephone: +1-201-327-9239
fax: +1-201-327-3682

Form of Manuscripts


  1. Manuscripts submitted for review should be sent in as a single, complete Microsoft Word for Windows document, attached to the e-mail. The title should be followed by the abstract and the keywords. To enable double-blind review, the authors should not be identified anywhere in the manuscript.
  2. The other attachment to the submission should be a letter identifying all the authors, with full contact information. The corresponding author should be named. Brief biographical statements of all authors should be included.
  3. At the discretion of the authors, potential reviewers may be suggested, with the proviso that there is no conflict of interest. IJEC relies on a team of expert reviewers and this step is optional.
  4. The text should be double-spaced in the 8.5 * 11 format and 12 point font size, allowing ample margins. All figures and tables should be placed on separate pages at the end of the file and be in common Microsoft formats. Their approximate placement should be indicated in the text. Figures and tables should have numbers and meaningful captions. Manuscript pages should be numbered.
  5. Acknowledgement of any funding sources should be included.
  6. If the work relies on the use of questionnaires or similar research instruments that are not included in the text, the instrument should be submitted as an additional file in Microsoft Word. The authors and their institutions should not be identified.
  7. If the manuscript includes any figure, table, or a longer citation from a previously published material, the author must obtain a written permission form the copyright holder and enclose it for the final submission, if the work is accepted.
  8. All resubmissions should follow the above format. Authors are requested to attach a file explaining the revisions.
  9. The final submission of an accepted paper should be made by postal mail to the address above. It should include three paper copies of the manuscript and a diskette with the complete text, including the full contact information and the biographical statements of all the authors.

The submission of a manuscript for review in IJEC is a certification that the paper is not copyrighted, has not been submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere, and will not be submitted elsewhere until the IJEC review is completed. If the work is accepted for publication, the authors will sign the formal copyright transfer form.


The reference list should be provided at the end of the paper. The references should be arranged alphabetically according to the name of the first author or editor, and numbered. Citations in the text, referring to this list, should be made as numbers in square brackets, e.g., [9]. References to unpublished works should be avoided. References should be provided as follows.

References to items in periodicals

These should take the form: author(s), title, journal (italicized or underlined), volume and issue numbers, date, inclusive pages. For all authors, last names are given first; likewise for editors, with the names followed by "(ed./eds.)". Given names are abbreviated to initials. The name of the last author ends with a period. More than two authors (but not editors) are separated by semicolons. The title has only the first word and proper names (or their derivatives) starting with capital letters, and it ends with the period. The date is given in parentheses. For example:

17. Grover, V. and Davenport, T.H. General perspectives on knowledge management: fostering a research agenda. Journal of Management Information Systems, 18, 1 (Summer 2001), 5-21.

References to Books, Chapters, and Conference Proceedings

Author(s) are specified in the same style as for periodicals. In the title, all principal words are capitalized and the title is italicized or underlined. The title ends with a period and is followed by city, ":", publisher, year. For example:

33. Nohria, N.; Dyer, D.; and Dalzell, F. Changing Fortunes: Remaking the Industrial Corporation. New York: Wiley, 2002.

References to book chapters take this form: authors, title, "In," names of the editors, "(ed./eds.)", title of the book (all principal words capitalized and the entire title italicized or underlined), city, ":", publisher, year, "pp." inclusive pages. Note the need to include page numbers.

Reference to publications in conference proceedings should be made in a similar fashion as to the book chapters, with the full name of the conference italicized. Page numbers are necessary.

References to Web pages

References to Web pages should begin with the authors (if known) and title of the content (as above), followed by the URL, and by the date of the most recent access ("Accessed on").

Figures and Tables

In preparing an accepted manuscript for publication, high-quality figures and tables should be produced. All lettering and figure elements should be large enough to be readable when the figure has been reduced to fit the journal page. All figures and tables must be specifically referred to in the text. All figures and tables should have numbers, and brief, descriptive captions.

Proofs, Complimentary Copy, and Reprints

Authors will receive page proofs of their papers, which should be returned to the publisher within three working days. Each author will receive a complimentary copy of the issue in which his or her paper appears. Additional copies of the journal
Editorial Board

The following are the members of the editorial board as of March 2004.

Vladimir Zwass
Fairleigh Dickinson University zwass@fdu.edu
Nabil Adam Rutgers University adam@adam.rutgers.edu
SulinBa University of Southern California sulin@usc.edu
J. Yannis Bakos University of California bakos@stern.nyu.edu
Erik Brynjolfsson MIT ebrynjo@mit.edu
Christoph Bussler National University of Ireland Chris.Bussler@DERI.org
Patrick Y.K Chau University of Hong Kong pchau@business.hku.hk
Roger Clarke Australian National University roger.clarke@anu.edu.au
Eric K. Clemons The Wharton School clemons@wharton.upenn.edu
Dorothy E. Denning Georgetown University denning@cs.georgetown.edu
Amitava Dutta George Mason University adutta@som.gmu.edu
Walter A. Effross American University effross@counsel.com
Ravi Ganesan CheckFree Corporation rganesan@checkfree.com
Judith Gebauer University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign gebauer@uiuc.edu
Janis L. Gogan Bentley College jgogan@lnmta.bentley.edu
Martin Goslar E-PHD.LLC info@e-phd.com
Joze Griçar University of Maribor Joze.Gricar@FOV.Uni-Mb.si
Varun Grover University of South Carolina vgrover@darla.badm.scarolina.edu
Donna L. Hoffman Vanderbilt University hoffman@colette.ogsm.vanderbilt.edu
Tomas Isakowitz Janney, Montgomery & Scott tisakowitz@jmsonline.com
Sirkka Jarvenpaa University of Texas sjarvenpaa@mail.utexas.edu
Ajit Kambil Deloitte Research akambil@stern.nyu.edu
P. K. Kannan University of Maryland pkannan@rhsmith.umd.edu
Jahangir Karimi University of Colorado jahangir.karimi@cudenver.edu
Robert Kauffman University of Minnesota rkauffman@csom.umn.edu
Steven O. Kimbrough The Wharton School kimbrough@wharton.upenn.edu
Stefan Klein University College Dublin stefan.klein@ucd.ie
Benn Konsynski Emory University Benn_Konsynski@bus.emory.edu
Ramayya Krishnan Carnegie Mellon University rk2x+@andrew.cmu.edu
Jae Kyu Lee KAIST, Korea jklee@msd.kaist.ac.kr
Ronald M. Lee Erasmus University rlee@fac.fbk.eur.nl
Katherine N Lemon Boston College lemonka@bc.edu
Ting-Peng Liang National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan liang@mis.nsysu.edu.tw
Simha R. Magal
Website Editor
Grand Valley State University simha@magal.com
Tridas Mukhopadhyay Carnegie Mellon University tridas@andrew.cmu.edu
Clifford Neuman Information Sciences Institute bcn@isi.edu
Thomas Novak Vanderbilt University novak@moe.ogsm.vanderbilt.edu
Jay F. Nunamaker, Jr. University of Arizona nunamaker@bpa.arizona.edu
Bob O'Keefe Brunel University Bob.OKeefe@brunel.ac.uk
G. Premkumar Iowa State University prem@iastate.edu
Arik Ragowsky Wayne State University aragowsky@aol.com
Francesco Ricci ITC-irst ricci@itc.it
Beat Schmid University of St.Gallen schmidbeat@sgcl1.unisg.ch
Michael J. Shaw University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign m-shaw2@uxl.cso.uiuc.edu
John Sviokla Harvard University jsviokla@hbs.harvard.edu
Paula Swatman University of South Australia paula.swatman@unisa.edu.au
Kar Yan Tam Hong Kong University of Science & Technology kytam@ust.hk
Yao-Hua Tan Free University Amsterdam ytan@feweb.vu.nl
Jay M. Tenenbaum CommerceNet kristi@viper.eit.com
Michael Wellman University of Michigan wellman@umich.edu
J. Christopher Westland Hong Kong University of Science & Technology westland@ust.hk
Andrew B. Whinston University of Texas abw@uts.cc.utexas.edu
Jerry Wind The Wharton School jwind@wharton.upenn.edu


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