

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aims and Scope
An official publication of the American Ceramic Society.  Published by Blackwell Publishing from January 2005.

 The International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology publishes cutting edge applied research and development work focused on commercialization of engineered ceramics, products and processes.    The publication also explores the barriers to commercialization, design and testing, environmental health issues, international standardization activities, databases, and cost models.   Designed to get high quality information to end-users quickly, the peer process is led by an editorial board of experts from industry, government, and universities.  Each issue focuses on a high-interest, high-impact topic plus includes a range of papers detailing applications of ceramics.  Papers on all aspects of applied ceramics are welcome including those in the following areas:

Nanotechnology applications      
Ceramic Armor
Fuel Cells and Batteries     
Ceramic Matrix Composites
Functional Materials  
Thermal and Environmental Barrier Coatings          
Bioceramic Applications
Green Manufacturing
Ceramic Processing
Glass Technology
Fiber optics
Ceramics in Environmental Applications
Ceramics in Electronic, Photonic and Magnetic Applications
Click here to see the society's flagship journal, the Journal of the American Ceramic Society.

Instructions to Authors

Author Guidelines
 Authors publishing in the International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology can:

Reach a  worldwide audience that includes engineers, manufacturers, and R&D scientists through print and online issues and inclusion in major technical publication indexes.
Contribute to advancing product development and applications of ceramics and related materials in engineering applications.
Expect fast turnaround, with most papers published within 6 months of submittal.

TO SUBMIT:  See Author Guidelines at www.ceramics.org/act .  Watch for instructions on submitting your paper online through Manuscript Central...coming this December!


Editorial Board

Editorial Board Chair:

Dr. Hua-Tay Lin, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN
E-mail: linh@ornl.gov

Associate Editors:

Dr. Kristin Breder, Saint-Gobain Abrasives, MA
e-mail: Kristin.Breder@saint-gobain.com

Professor Eldon Case, Michigan State University, MI
E-mail: casee@egr.msu.edu

Professor Yury Gogotsi, Drexel University, PA
E-mail: gogotsi@drexel.edu

Dr. Toshihiro Ishikawa, UBE Industries, Ltd., Japan
E-mail: 24613u@ube-ind.co.jp

Dr. Walter Krenkel, University of Bayreuth
E-mail: walter.krenkel@uni-bayreuth.de

Dr. James W. McCauley, Army Research Laboratory, MD
Email: mccauley@arl.army.mil

Dr. Tatsuki Ohji, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan 
Email: t-ohji@aist.go.jp

Dr. Dongming Zhu, US Army Vehicle Technology Directorate, NASA Glenn Research Center, OH
Email: Dongming.Zhu@grc.nasa.gov

Staff Liaison:
Mark Mecklenborg, Director, Technical Publications and Meetings
E-mail: mmecklenborg@ceramics.org


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