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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Aims and Scope

The IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC) is a bimonthly journal for publishing archival research results related to mobility of users, systems, data, and computing as well as issues in information organization and access, services, management, and applications. It emphasizes various areas of nomadic computing, multimedia applications, mobile data and knowledge management, and mobile communication systems and networking.

Instructions to Authors

On this page you will find detailed information about submission requirements for IEEE TMC.

Manuscript Central: Login Instructions
Uploading Materials for Peer Review

Manuscript Types & Formatting
Comments Paper/Correspondence Item
Keywords/Index Terms
Supplemental Material

Author Contact Information
Author Affiliation
Author Responsibilities Concurrent/Duplicate Submissions
Preliminary/Conference Version(s)

IEEE Review Process Statement
Requesting/Excluding Reviewers
Double-Blind Review
Length of Review Process

Mandatory Overlength Page Charges
Voluntary Page Charges and Reprints
Pre-order an Issue

Copyright Information
Copyrights and Author Responsibilities

Submitting Final Publication Materials
Non-Technical Material
Style Files
Style Guide

Frequently Asked Questions
Contact Us

Manuscript Central: Login Instructions

To submit a manuscript to TMC please use Manuscript Central.

Sign in using your User ID and password. If you already have an account but have forgotten your login or password, click "check for existing account". Enter your email address and the system will send your account information to you if it already exists. If you do not receive that email, or if you do not already have an account, click "create a new account". The bold fields are required information.

We ask that you enter some keywords in the "keyword" text box. Our system links keywords to the names of potential reviewers, a feature that expedites the review process. Also, if you anticipate that you will need to be notified by more than one email address, please include it in the "2nd email (CC)" field. You may mark this email address "active" or "inactive" as appropriate.

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Uploading Materials for Peer Review

You can upload your materials by using Manuscript Central. After you sign in, click "author center" in the main menu. Then click "submit first draft of a new manuscript". The system will guide you through the process.

Editing Uploaded Files (Prior to Submission)

Files may be edited after uploading.

  • Order: Please be sure to keep your main manuscript as number 1 in the list. Click on the pull-down menu in the "order" column and select the appropriate number. For example, if you want a file that is third in the list to appear second, then change the 3 to a 2.
  • Category: To change the category of a file, click on pull-down menu next to the category name and select a different category from the list.
  • Change Description: To change the description of a file click on the "i" button and type a new description into the field.
  • Delete: To delete a file you have uploaded click the "x" button. If you are deleting a file that was converted into PDF format, please be sure to delete both the original file and the file for review.

Proofing and Submitting Files

It is imperative that you carefully proofread your uploaded files before completing the submission process, as we do not allow duplicate submissions. Please check all special characters, mathematical symbols, Greek letters, equations, tables and images, to ensure that they appear properly.

Errors can be corrected by going to the original document located on your computer and making any necessary changes. Then, return to the file upload center ( screen 10), click "uploaded file ID", and re-upload the corrected manuscript, again making sure to proofread it carefully. You may delete any previously uploaded files by clicking on the trashcan icon.

You may leave files in the file manager and return to them later; however, please be aware that your paper is not entered into the system and we cannot begin the review process until you click the "submit your manuscript" button on screen 12.

Emailing Corrected Files (After Submission)

If you find that you have made an error in the submission of your manuscript (e.g,. uploaded the wrong file, left one or more files out, etc.), please email the TMC Assistant. Do not attempt to delete and/or resubmit it into Manuscript Central, as this will only produce duplicate entries of the paper.

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Manuscript Types & Formatting

TMC manuscript types and submission length guidelines are as follows:

  • Regular paper ?35 double-spaced pages (including reasonably-sized figures and references)*
  • Comments paper ?4 double-spaced pages, single column (including reasonably sized figures and references)

* Special Issue papers must adhere to the same page limit as regular and short papers. Please contact our Peer Review Manager for more information regarding Special Issue papers.

A double-spaced page is defined as an 8.5" x 11" page with 12-point type and 24-point vertical spacing, single column, containing approximately 250 words. All margins should be one inch (top, bottom, right and left). These length limits are taking into account reasonably-sized figures and references.

Submissions must include the following elements: title page, abstract, index terms, illustrations, and bibliography. References should appear in a separate bibliography at the end of the paper, with items referred to by numerals in square brackets.

Figures and tables must be sized as they are to appear in print. Figures should be placed exactly where they are to appear within the text. We ask that you embed the figures in order to provide a smoother review process for the editors and reviewers. Figures not correctly sized will be returned to the author for reformatting.

Our Vice President for Publications has asked us to strictly enforce these guidelines. So although we may have allowed papers to be submitted in different formats in the past, we are no longer doing so.

For further style or formatting information, please see the style files, consult the IEEE Computer Society Style Guide, or direct questions to the TMC Assistant.

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Comments Paper/Correspondence Item

A comments paper is a paper commenting on an error one has found in, or a disagreement one has with, a previously published paper.

When submitting a comments paper, you must include the title and/or log number of the previously published paper. The assistant will retrieve as much information as possible about the paper being commented on, and will forward the appropriate materials to the editor-in-chief (EIC). If the editor who was assigned to the previously published paper is no longer available, the EIC will assign the comments paper to another editor whose expertise areas closely match the paper's topic.

For more information regarding this type of submission, please contact the TMC Assistant.

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Keywords/Index Terms

Keywords should be taken from the taxonomy. Using the keywords from the keyword list is essential to the review process because Manuscript Central links them to names of potential reviewers who are associated with that area of expertise, thereby expediting the review process.

We encourage all users to include keywords as part of their account information. If you currently do not have keywords included as part of your account information, you may add them by clicking the "edit your information" button on the main menu. Scroll down the page until you reach the "keywords" box. You may then select the keywords that apply to you from the list provided.

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An abstract must clearly state the nature and significance of the paper and is required at the head of the manuscript. Abstracts must not include mathematical expressions or bibliographic references.

Word limits for abstracts are:

  • Regular/Special Issue paper?100 to 200 words
  • Comments paper?50 words

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Supplemental Material

IEEE Computer Society Transactions accepts supplemental materials for review with regular paper submissions. Types of supplemental material can include: proofs, code, experimental data, short movies, appendices, animations and audio files. These materials may be published on our Digital Library with the electronic version of the paper, where they can be accessed for free. A pointer to the supplemental material will be included in the printed version.

If an appendix makes a manuscript exceed the page limit, you will be asked to designate the appendix as supplemental material. If the paper's appendix is not designated as supplemental material, you must reduce the paper in order to fit the page limit. As an example, Appendix F in this guide has been posted as supplemental material.

All materials must follow US copyright guidelines and may not include material previously copyrighted by another author, organization or company. Please see our guidelines below for file specifications and information. Any submitted materials that do not follow these specifications will not be accepted.

  • Movies/Animations: .MOV, .AVI, .QT files acceptable, QuickTime 3 format preferred, under 4 minutes in length, 320x240 pixels. File size must be minimized and download time must be considered. We recommend files not exceed 10 MB. Files larger than this may be returned for modification to make them smaller.
  • Audio: .AIFF, .AIFC, .WAV file formats acceptable, MP3 files preferred.

All downloadable media and files that require plug-ins, viewers, or other special software not typically included in a default browser configuration should include a link to the appropriate helper application.

If portions of your manuscript or supplemental files contain material that is the legal property of another party, you must retain pre-authorized written permission for reuse. Without proper clearance, your files will not be reviewed or published. If you do have clearance, please fax the documentation to 714.821.9975, to the attention of the TMC Assistant, and mail the original along with your signed and dated IEEE copyright transfer form to:

TMC Assistant
IEEE Computer Society
10662 Los Vaqueros Circle
Los Alamitos, CA 90720-2513

In order to avoid delays, we recommend that authors outside of the USA use a courier express service to send the form.

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Author Contact Information

Manuscript Central requires authors to enter a name and email address while registering. Email is our primary means of communication, so it is very important to verify that all information submitted is correct.

To update your account information at any time, click the "edit your information" button in the main menu. Enter the new information in the appropriate fields and click "submit information".

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Author Affiliation

Additional institutions that contributing authors may be affiliated with can be included in the "comments to editor-in-chief" box on screen 9 of the submission process. You can also make any necessary changes to the affiliation(s) when or if you upload a revised version. Use the "previous" button until you reach screen 2 in order to make changes.

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Author Responsibilities

The IEEE outlines publication principles including authorship and author responsibilities in the IEEE Policy 6.4.1 A—Authorship, and B—Responsibilities of Manuscript Authors. Items specific, but not limited, to these principles are highlighted here:

  • Authorship credit and technical contribution
  • Coauthor awareness and approval of submission (or any revised version)
  • Ordering of authors on manuscript
  • Role of the corresponding author
  • Author conduct regarding plagiarism, dual submission, previous related work, and discussion of manuscript with reviewers
  • Citing the submitted paper in other relevant work under consideration for publication
  • Author responsibility for obtaining written permission to use material (i.e., charts, photographs, or other graphical or textual material) copywritten by other parties

Authors are responsible for reading and adhering to these guidelines. You must withdraw your submission immediately if you are unable to comply with any of them.

Please note that you may make any necessary changes to the list of contributing authors when or if you upload a revised version. To do so, you must click the "previous" button until you reach screen 3 of the submission process.

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Concurrent/Duplicate Submission

Submissions to TMC must represent original material.

Papers are accepted for review with the understanding that the same work has been neither submitted to, nor published in, another journal or conference. If it is determined that a paper has already appeared in anything more than a conference proceeding, or appears in or will appear in any other publication before the editorial process at TMC is completed, the paper will be automatically rejected.

Papers previously published in conference proceedings, digests, preprints, or records are eligible for consideration provided that the papers have undergone substantial revision, and that the author informs the Transactions Assistant at the time of submission.

The question regarding concurrent submission appears on screen 1 in Manuscript Central. Concurrent submission to these Transactions and other publications is viewed as a serious breach of ethics and, if detected, will result in immediate rejection of the submission.

We do not accept duplicate submissions of manuscripts. If you need to notify us of significant changes to the paper, please email the TMC Assistant. Please do not attempt to upload modified versions of papers that are already in Manuscript Central. Identical submissions will be immediately rejected.

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Preliminary/Conference Version(s)

If any portion of your submission has previously appeared in or will appear in a conference proceeding, you should notify us at the time of submitting, make sure that the submission references the conference publication, and supply a copy of the conference version(s) to our office. Please also provide a brief description of the differences between the submitted manuscript and the preliminary version(s).

You must select the appropriate designation for the files on screen 11, step 2 of the uploading process. The proper designation of files will help the assistant, editors, and reviewers with differentiating between the files

Please be aware that editors and reviewers are required to check the submitted manuscript to determine whether a sufficient amount of new material has been added to warrant publication in TMC. The IEEE Computer Society's guidelines specify that authors should only submit original work that has neither appeared elsewhere for publication, nor which is under review for another refereed publication. If you have used your own previously published material as a basis for a new submission, then you are required to cite the previous work(s) and clearly indicate how the new submission offers substantively novel or different contributions beyond those of the previously published work(s). Any manuscript not meeting this criteria will be rejected. Copies of any previously published work affiliated with the new submission must also be included as supportive documentation upon submission.

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IEEE Review Process Statement

The IEEE shall not accept or publish manuscripts in an archival journal without prior peer review. There shall be a review process of manuscripts by two or more independent referees who are conversant in the pertinent subject area.

Editors of all regular technical periodical IEEE publications, except IEEE SPECTRUM and Society newsletters, shall follow the review process which shall be defined in the Publications Services and Products Board (PSPB) Operations Manual.

Reviewers shall treat the contents of papers under review as privileged information not to be disclosed to others before publication. It is expected that no one with access to a paper under review will make any inappropriate use of the special knowledge which that access provides. Contents of abstracts submitted to conference program committees shall be regarded as privileged as well, and handled in the same manner.

Periodicals which are published in cooperation with non-IEEE organizations shall be encouraged to have a review policy that ensures the quality of papers. This policy should be generally consistent with the IEEE review policy contained in Policy 6.10 and procedures which shall be specified in the PSPB Operations Manual.

The review process shall ensure that all authors have equal opportunity for publication of their papers. Acceptance and scheduling of publication of papers in these periodicals shall not be impeded by added criteria and procedures beyond those contained in the review process.

To read IEEE Policy Section 6—Publication Activities in its entirety, click here.

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Requesting/Excluding Reviewers

You must indicate the reason for requesting or excluding reviewers in the "comments to editor-in-chief" box on screen 9 of the submission process.

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Double-Blind Review

The peer review process assures the anonymity of the reviewers. You can request review in which your identity is also kept from the reviewers. This is called a double-blind review.

Requests for a double-blind review should be clearly indicated on screen 1 of the submission process. It is your responsibility to ensure that all electronic files and materials submitted for double-blind review do not reveal your identity or the identities of contributing authors. This includes files submitted as supplemental material and preliminary/conference versions.

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Length of Review Process

The length of the review process varies between papers, and many factors affect the time it takes to review a paper. The time it takes for an associate editor to be assigned, and for available, qualified reviewers to be located, depends on the complexity and the type of material submitted for review. TMC makes a concerted effort to keep the review time to a minimum that is consistent with keeping TMC's reputation for quality and integrity. Each submission placed into review is sent to at least three reviewers, making one submission correspond to roughly three review requests. The review process may take approximately six months to be completed.

Since we make an effort not to "over use" individual reviewers, we hope that you will make it a priority to help with the review of other TMC submissions when we call upon you.

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Mandatory Overlength Page Charges

In its mission to maintain a consistent and high quality publication process, the IEEE Computer Society follows a strict policy on the lengths of both submitted manuscripts and final papers. Submission length restrictions not only encourage authors to submit concise papers that readers will appreciate, but they help to keep the review process timely. Length limits on final papers help maintain uniform editorial standards and consistency with page budgets.

So that manuscripts meet submission requirements, supporting but nonessential information should be submitted as supplemental material. However, there may occasionally be an accepted (final) paper for which an editor-in-chief determines that an exception to the standard limit is appropriate and that from one to four additional pages are needed. The IEEE Computer Society allows for this possibility within its policy on mandatory overlength page charges.

Independent of any voluntary page charges, the IEEE Computer Society assesses the authors of accepted papers that exceed the regular paper length limit a fee called Mandatory Overlength Page Charges (MOPC). The regular paper page length limit is defined at 14 formatted transactions pages, including references and author biographies. Any pages or fraction thereof exceeding this limit are charged $200 per page. Regular papers may not exceed 18 formatted transactions pages. Authors will be notified of any assessed charges when galley proofs are sent for review. Payment must be sent at the time galley proofs are approved by the author. The Computer Society's policy on page limits as described here is strictly enforced.

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Voluntary Page Charges and Reprints

After a manuscript is accepted for publication, the author's company or institution is asked to pay a charge of $110 per printed page to cover part of the cost of the publication. Page charges for the IEEE Computer Society Transactions are not obligatory—payment is not a prerequisite for publication. However, the author will receive 100 free reprints if the charge is honored. Detailed instructions on paying page charges and ordering reprints are sent to authors at the time the manuscript is prepared for publication. Administration of page charges is handled by the IEEE Computer Society Publications Office in Los Alamitos, California. Please click here for further information about purchasing reprints.

For additional information, please visit the IEEE Computer Society Web site or contact the TMC Assistant.

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Copyright Information

The author is responsible for obtaining copyright releases and corporate and security clearances prior to submitting material for consideration. It is the IEEE's policy to assume that all clearances are granted when a paper is submitted.

The copyright form should be printed out, reviewed, and signed and dated (by hand). To avoid delays and ensure that the form is kept with the correct manuscript, the top potion of the form should be completely filled out with the manuscript title, the names of each author, and the name of the publication to which the manuscript has been submitted.

The original, signed form should be mailed to:

TMC Assistant
IEEE Computer Society
10662 Los Vaqueros Circle
Los Alamitos, CA 90720-2513

In order to avoid delays, we recommend that authors outside of the USA use a courier express service to send the form.

For more information regarding IEEE copyright policies, please see Copyright & Trademark Information.

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Copyrights and Author Responsibilities

This paper by Harold Stone outlines basic author responsibilities in the area of copyright, re-use of material from your own previous publications and as well as publications by others. It also touches on issues of duplicate, simultaneous, and plagiarized publications.

"All ... authors should be familiar with the guidelines summarized in Table 1 of this paper. Also, as recommended at the end of the paper, authors should actually read the copyright agreement that they sign."

–Kevin Bowyer, emeritus EIC, IEEE TPAMI, 19 June 2000

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Submitting Final Publication Materials

When your paper is accepted for publication, you will be sent a detailed guide and an author checklist designed to help you meet the final submission requirements. The guide describes acceptable text editors and specifies style and formatting requirements. Please consult this guide carefully to ensure proper submission format. Please note that all IEEE Computer Society Transactions papers are edited electronically; therefore, electronic materials are required for all final submissions.

Also note that if your manuscript fails to comply with page length requirements, it will be returned for revision and reformatting. Papers that cannot meet the page length limits will be subject to Mandatory Overlength Page Charges.

You will be required to submit your final publication materials by the due date given in the acceptance letter. To avoid delays in the publication process, please refer to the author checklist below when preparing your materials.

Author Checklist

  • one non-editable copy (.pdf or .ps) of your complete manuscript
  • one editable copy (.doc or .tex) of your complete manuscript
    a complete manuscript includes:
    • abstract
    • keywords/index terms
    • author affiliation data
    • main text
    • figures and tables (including captions and titles)
    • footnotes, in any
    • references*
    • photo and biography of each author** (regular or survey papers only)
  • a readme file including:
    • complete contact information for each author, with corresponding author indicated, including
      • mailing address with postal code
      • email
      • phone
      • fax
    • affiliation
    • any notes regarding production
  • signed copyright transfer form***

* Please do not send a .bib file, we only use .bbl files. Please include only those references pertaining to the paper you are submitting.

** We prefer photos in .tif, .jpeg, or .eps format at 300dpi and sized at 1"x1.25".

*** The author, in providing a signed copyright form, understands that all copyrights in and to the above work are assigned to The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. ("IEEE"). All text and figures must be owned and created by the author, except possibly for material such as text passages, figures, and data that clearly identify the original source, with permission notices from the copyright owners where required. Copyright clearance must be provided for the use of commercial or non-public domain images. The author represents that he/she has the power of authority to make and execute this assignment.

Please direct questions to the TMC Assistant.

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Non-Technical Material

It is essential that discussions of the social as well as the purely technical aspects of electrical and electronics engineering work be included in IEEE Publications. The following policies shall be implemented by the Publication Services and Products Board and followed by editors and authors:

  • The subject matter shall be relevant to the field of electrical or electronics engineering, or computer science, and the field’s impact on society.
  • Reasonable efforts shall be made to provide for adequate and timely presentations of differing viewpoints.
  • Materials shall include a statement that the opinions expressed are those of the author, and no endorsement by the IEEE, its officials, or its members is implied.

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Style Files

For submitting to peer review:

Please use this template for submitting to peer review.

For submitting final publication materials:


Microsoft Word

* If you use the LaTex style files, please be aware that the files are not currently set to the specific formatting guidelines detailed above. You must set the font size to 12-point, and override the draft option recommended in the documentation. Overriding the draft option will allow the graphics to remain in the file.

These templates are meant to assist you in correctly formatting your manuscripts that have been accepted for publication. This does not mean that the published paper will appear in this format. The published paper will appear as formatted by IEEE Computer Society publication staff.

Please refer to this guide for style and formatting instructions and examples.

Please direct any questions about submission guidelines to the Peer Review Manager.

If you have trouble unzipping these files, be sure that you have the latest version of WinZip. To view PDF files, download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.

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Contact Us

TMC Assistant
IEEE Computer Society
10662 Los Vaqueros Circle
Los Alamitos, CA 90720-2513
+1 714 821 8380

Editorial Board


ÇETIN KAYA KO?BR> koc@ece.orst.edu
JUAN PIMENTEL jpimente@kettering.edu
RAVI PRAKASH ravip@utdallas.edu
ANDRÁS VALK?andras.valko@ericsson.com
XIANG-GEN XIA xxia@ee.udel.edu
Y.T. ZHANG ytzhang@ee.cuhk.edu.hk


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