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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aims and Scope

IEEE and SPARC Collaborate to Produce Sensors Journal, a low-priced alternative to commercial sensors journals. The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) is collaborating with IEEE to produce the IEEE Sensors Journal, a low-cost high-quality alternative to Sensors and Actuators, A and B. The IEEE Sensors Journal, a print and electronic journal to be published bimonthly will be a fully-refereed publication with an online peer review system and electronic submission of papers. Sensor researchers and users are invited to submit papers. Papers on sensor applications are of special interest. Overall, the journal will focus on the theory, design, fabrication, manufacturing and applications of devices forsensing and transducing physical, chemical and biological phenomena with emphasis on the electronics and physics aspects of sensors and integrated sensor-actuators.

Instructions to Authors

This guide is for the authors who intend to submit a manuscript for publication in the IEEE  Sensors Journal.

  MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSION. Authors are encouraged to submit complete manuscripts. The IEEE Sensors Journal does not republish papers that have appeared in conference proceedings. In fact, it is IEEE publications policy not to republish papers of any kind. However, the IEEE Sensors Journal does publish expanded, more complete, archival quality versions of ideas and concepts that have been presented at conferences and published in conference proceedings.

Please do not send original submissions or revisions directly to the Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editors.

Submissions to the IEEE Sensors Journal are to be made electronically through the IEEE Manuscript Central, over its Web page, http://sensors-ieee.manuscriptcentral.com/. The site contains instructions on how to proceed with downloading oneís submission.

In exceptional cases, with a prior permission of the Publication Office or the Editor-in-Chief, seven copies of the manuscript (double-spaced, single-column, no more than 30 pages of 9 point font), along with the cover letter that includes a signature, full information on all the authors, and the recommended EDICS identifier (Editorial Information Classification Scheme) may be mailed to the Publications Office: IEEE Sensors Journal, Publications Office,  c/o LEOS, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA.  The signature signifies the author's confirmation that overlength page charges will be paid when billed (see MANDATORY PAGE CHARGES below). Each copy of the manuscript should be stapled.

Authors should be aware of the advantages of electronic submission: it results in a streamlined and in general faster reviewing process, and in the opportunity for the author to monitor  on-line the manuscript's status.

Authors are encouraged to prepare manuscripts employing the on-line style files developed by IEEE (see electronic guidelines for details).

IMPORTANT! Please follow the submission (either electronic or hard copy) with an email message - with paper number, title, author name(s), affiliation, coordinates - to the Administrator, Ms. Linda Matarazzo (732-562-3910), l.matarazzo@ieee.org.

  BEWARE OF MULTIPLE SUBMISSIONS. The IEEE Sensors Council cannot tolerate unfortunate situations when authors submit the same manuscript to more than one journal. In such cases: a) the manuscript in question will be immediately rejected; b) other manuscripts of the same authors/co-authors currently under review will be returned; (3) the authors/co-authors will be prohibited of new submissions to the Journal for at least one calendar year.

  MANUSCRIPTS.  The text of a submitted manuscript may not exceed 30 double-spaced pages (one full blank line between lines of type) using a font size of 11 points or larger, having a margin of at least 1" on all sides, to include: title; authors and their contact information; abstract; text; all images, figures and tables; and all references. Also added to the package should be a completed IEEE copyright form (see below). Do not send original artwork until you are notified to do so, if and when your paper is accepted for publication.

As noted below, manuscripts that exceed eight published pages will incur payment of mandatory overlength page charges. Since changes resulting from the peer review may require additions to the manuscript, it is strongly recommended that authors practice economy in preparing original submissions. Exceptions to the 30-page double-spaced submission limit may be granted by the Editor-in-Chief, under unusual circumstances.

  COPYRIGHT. By policy, IEEE owns the copyright to the technical contributions it publishes on behalf of the IEEE interests. To comply with the United States copyright law, authors are required to sign and submit a completed IEEE Copyright Form with their original submissions, and again with the finalized manuscript prior to publication. Fax the completed Copyright Form to the Publications Office (ATTN: Linda Matarazzo), at fax number (732) 981-1138. The form returns to the authors and their employers full rights to reuse their material for their own purposes. The Copyright Form can be downloaded, for example, from the IEEE site, http://www.ieee.org/about/documentation/copyright/cfrmlink.htm.

  EDICS. Each submission must be classified by the author with one category of the Journalís EDICS - Editorís Information Classification Scheme which classifies the areas covered by the Journal.

  TITLE PAGE AND ABSTRACT. The first page of the manuscript shall comprise: the title, names and contact information for all authors (full mailing address, institutional affiliations, phone, fax, and e-mail), the abstract, and the EDICS category. An asterisk * should be placed next to the name of the Corresponding Author who will serve as the main point of contact for the manuscript during the review and publication processes.

For regular papers, the abstract should be of no more than 200 words. For correspondence, the abstract should be of no more than 50 words. The abstract should indicate the scope of the submission, and summarize the author's conclusions. The abstract should be, in itself, a useful tool for information retrieval.

 VOLUNTARY PAGE CHARGES. Upon acceptance of a manuscript for publication, the author(s) or their company/institution will be asked to pay a voluntary fee of $110 per page to offset the cost of publication of the eight pages that comprise the standard length. Upon such voluntary payment, the author will be entitled to 100 free black-and-white reprints (without covers).

  MANDATORY PAGE CHARGES. The author(s) or their company/institution will be billed $110 per each page in excess of the first eight published pages. These charges are mandatory, and the author(s) will be held responsible for them. Payment of these charges is not negotiable or voluntary. Submission by the author of their manuscript to this Journal signifies acceptance of the requirement to pay mandatory page charges. The Publisher holds the right to withhold publication of the current submission or any future submissions from the author(s) if this charge is not honored. To avoid incurring mandatory page charges, the author(s) are strongly advised to practice economy in the original manuscript submission and restraint in preparation of the final manuscript following peer review.

  COLOR CHARGES. Color reproduction is expensive, and all charges for color are the responsibility of the author. In deciding whether to have figures reproduced in color or in black-and-white, the following estimates should be considered. There will be a charge of $125 for each figure in color (the charge is subject to change without notification). In addition, there are printing preparation charges which may be estimated as follows: color reproductions on four or fewer pages of the manuscript will cost a total of approximately $1000; on five pages through eight pages - approximately $2100; on nine through 12 pages - approximately $3200, and so on.  Payment of fees for color reproduction is not negotiable or voluntary; the author's agreement to publish the manuscript in the Journal signifies the acceptance of this requirement.

  ILLUSTRATIONS AND TABLES. Illustrations and tables may be worked into the text of a newly-submitted manuscript, or placed at the end of the manuscript. However, due to production requirements, for the final submission the illustrations/tables must be submitted separately, and not interwoven with the text. In the printing process, illustrations/tables may be reduced to one-column or two-column width - as much as a 4:1 reduction from the original. In illustrations, all words (as distinct from mathematical symbols) should be in capital letters and in a type size that will reduce to a minimum of 9 points or 3/16 in. high in the printed version. Sharp, laser-printed illustrations are acceptable; illustrations produced on dot-matrix printers should be redrawn. Only the major grid lines on graphs should be indicated. Each figure and table should have a caption that is intelligible without requiring reference to the text. Table and illustration captions should also be provided separately.

  COMPUTER-GENERATED IMAGES. If a manuscript includes computer-generated images, each copy of the submitted manuscript should include originals of these images. These should take the form of glossy, black-and-white photographs for gray-scale images or color photographs for color images. Printing of illustrations in color will be at the expense of the author. Halftones produced by laser printers (300 dpi) generally are not of acceptable quality and are susceptible to moire patterns when re-sized and screened. To conserve space in the publication, most illustrations are reduced to single-column width. However, the quality of the published image is of paramount importance. Author guidance is sought on the image size necessary to discern the level of detail the author believes is required. Thus, for each image, please specify a suggested publication width.

  ABBREVIATIONS. This Journal follows the IEEE practices on units and abbreviations, as outlined in the Institute's published standards; see http://www.ieee.org/organizations/pubs/transactions/information.htm.

  MATHEMATICS. All mathematical expressions must be legible. Do not give derivations that are easily found in the literature; merely cite the reference.

  LATEX AND MICROSOFT WORD TEMPLATES.  http://www.ieee.org/organizations/pubs/transactions/stylesheets.htm

  ELECTRONIC GUIDELINES. The Manuscript Central provides the option of using PDF or PostScript formats; see http://www.ieee.org/organizations/pubs/transactions/information.htm.

To those using TeX/LaTex: to save time, you can change Tex/LaTex from single to double spaced (and back) as follows: If the following two lines are at the top of your file, one can be used for the single-spaced, two-column version and one can be used for the double-spaced, single column version:

For one column version:



For two column version:



An author's template and users guide is available at http://www.ieee.org/pubs/authors.html. (For hard copy: submit your final manuscript on a disk (5 1/4" or 3 1/2"), or on 8 mm or 1/4" tape. Note the operating system, software, and version used to create your disk right on the disk label (use felt tip pen).) Do not import graphics files into the text file of your finalized manuscript (although this is acceptable for your initial submission). Files must be self-contained; that is, there can be no pointers to your system setup. Do not create special macros. Files must be encoded prior to submission. If an EPS graphic calls for fonts directly, please use one of the following Adobe Type 1 fonts: Times Roman, Helvetica, Helvetica Narrow, Courier, Symbol, Palatino, Avant Garde, Bookman, Zapf Chancery, Zapf Dingbats, New Century Schoolbook. Files submitted in EPS format will be converted to TIFF format by the IEEE production staff.

When using TIFF files, the following TIFF tags must be present in each graphic in order for it to be successfully processed:

ImageWidth--in pixels

ImageLength--in pixels

BitsPerSample--should be either 1 (for XResolution of 600 dpi) or 8 (for XResolution of 220 dpi)

Compression--should be 1=no compression

SamplesPerPixel--should always be 1

XResolution--should be either 600 or 200 dpi

YResolution--should match XResolution

ResolutionUnit--should be 2=inches.

In addition, the following three tags should also be present:




TIFF files may be stored in either IBM or MacIntosh formats.

At present, only "paletted color TIFF" format is accepted (it is commonly called a "color map" or "color index" file). If you provide a color PostScript or EPS file, it will be converted to "paletted color TIFF". If you submit a paletted color TIFF file, please ensure that the "PhotometricInterpretation" tag contains a value of 3. The resolution of a paletted color TIFF file should be 400 dpi. If you have any questions regarding these tags, please e-mail graphics@ep.ieee.org.

TO CONTACT US: to contact the IEEE Sensors Journal Publication Office, please send email to Ms. Linda Matarazzo, l.matarazzo@ieee.org.

Editorial Board


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