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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Fish and Fisheries - A leading fish and fisheries reviews journal

Fish and Fisheries adopts a broad, interdisciplinary approach to the subject of fish biology and fisheries. It draws contributions in the form of major synoptic review papers and synthesis that lays out new approaches, methods or theory, discussion papers and commentaries from diverse areas. A paper in Fish and Fisheries must make general points which make it compelling to a wide range of readers whatever their geographical location. In short, we aim to publish review articles, articles that make new syntheses of old or synoptic, long-term data, introduce fresh concepts or theory, or may briefly outline preliminary ideas or new ideas. Submissions not meeting this mandate are likely to be directed to the primary literature.


Aims and Scope


Fish and Fisheries is a refereed academic journal which exists to benefit all involved with the broad field of the biology of fish and their exploitation and conservation at a professional level, whether in government, university or international agency research, the fisheries industry or the conservation movement. The purpose of the journal is to provide critical overviews of major physiological, molecular, ecological and evolutionary issues in the study of fish, and to establish a forum for debate of issues of global concern in world fisheries, by publishing cutting edge reviews and discussion of internationally important topics of relevance.

Fish and Fisheries adopts a broad, interdisciplinary approach to the subject of fish biology and fisheries. It draws contributions in the form of major review papers, synthesis that lays out new approaches and methods, discussion papers, letters and commentaries from diverse areas, including palaeontology, molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, physiology, ecology, behaviour, evolutionary studies, conservation, assessment, population dynamics, mathematical modelling, ecosystem analysis and social, economic and policy aspects of fisheries.

Though Fish and Fisheries aims to enable the wider consideration of significant and sometimes controversial issues, its ethos is one of impartiality and non-partisanship. It therefore strives to provide balance and, in so doing, encourages all sides of a debate to submit their views to the wider examination of the journal's readership.



behaviour, conservation, ecology, ecosystems, evolution, fish, fisheries, genetics, modelling, molecular biology, physiology, assessment, population dynamics

Abstracting and Indexing Information


  • Academic Search (EBSCO)
  • Academic Search Premier (EBSCO)
  • AgBiotech News and Information (AgBiotech)
  • AGRICOLA Database (National Agricultural Library)
  • ASFA: Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries Abstracts (CSA/CIG)
  • BIOBASE (Elsevier)
  • BIOSIS Previews® (Thomson ISI)
  • CAB Abstracts® (CABI)
  • CABDirect (CABI)
  • CSA Biological Sciences Database (CSA/CIG)
  • CSA Environmental Sciences & Pollution Management Database (CSA/CIG)
  • CSA Sustainability Science Abstracts (CSA/CIG)
  • Current Abstracts (EBSCO)
  • Current Contents® (Thomson ISI)
  • Current Contents®/Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences (Thomson ISI)
  • Ecology Abstracts (Elsevier)
  • Embiology (Elsevier)
  • Environmental Issues & Policy Index (EBSCO)
  • GEOBASE/Geographical & Geological Abstracts (Elsevier)
  • Index Veterinarius (CABI)
  • InfoTrac ()
  • Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition (Thomson ISI)
  • Leisure Recreation and Tourism Abstracts ()
  • LEIsure Tourism Database (LEIsure)
  • Oceanic Abstracts (CSA/CIG)
  • Proquest 5000 (ProQuest)
  • Proquest Research Library (ProQuest)
  • Science Citation Index Expanded (also known as SciSearch®)
  • SCOPUS (Elsevier)
  • Soils and Fertilizer Abstracts (CABI)
  • Veterinary Bulletin (CABI)
  • Zoological Record™ (Thomson ISI)

Instructions to Authors


Before submitting your manuscript, please discuss it with the appropriate Editor, Associate Editor or member of our Editorial Board. Manuscripts should then be submitted electronically using the link to be found at www.fishandfisheries.org. Please put attachments in MIME format and compress large files with WinZip; we prefer Word to Word Perfect.

Contributions should not ordinarily exceed 40 pages (10 000 words) in manuscript. We are happy to consider longer, review articles, but shorter articles are easier to schedule and will ordinarily be published faster. There are no page charges, although authors are asked to cover the cost of colour printing.

Papers are accepted for publication on the understanding that they have not been and will not be published elsewhere. It is a condition of publication that authors transfer to Wiley-Blackwell the copyright licence to publish all articles including abstracts. Papers will not be passed to the publisher for production unless the Copyright Transfer Agreement has been granted. To assist authors a Copyright Transfer Agreement form is available from the editorial office or by clicking here. Authors are themselves responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyright material from other sources.

If a manuscript has been accepted pending minor corrections, the amended manuscript must be returned within one month.  Otherwise, authors will be required to resubmit their papers.

Author material archive policy. Please note that unless specifically requested, Wiley-Blackwell will dispose of all hardcopy or electronic material submitted two months after publication. If you require the return of any material submitted, please inform the editorial office or production editor as soon as possible if you have not yet done so.

Preparation of the manuscript

All pages should be numbered. Omit line numbers.

Title page

  • Give the full title of the paper, with two alternatives. Keep titles short and simple.
  • Give the full names of all authors.
  • Give the name(s) and address(es) of the institution(s) at which the work was carried out. If the present address of any author is different from the above, give it as a footnote.
  • Give the name, address, telephone, fax and e-mail contacts of the author to whom all correspondence and proofs should be sent.
  • Give a suggested running title of not more than 40 characters, including spaces.

Main text
In this order, provide:

  • Abstract, not exceeding 250 words.
  • Key words, list up to six terms, suitable for indexing or web searches, in alphabetical order and separated by commas; keep manuscript specific, e.g. Malthusian overfishing, not fishing.
  • Table of contents, for substantial review papers only, include a detailed table of contents, consisting of all the section headings and subheadings. Omit page numbers..
  • Introduction and other sections as appropriate.
  • Acknowledgements, these should include references to sources of financial and logistic support.
  • References.
  • Tables with their legends above the table body.
  • Figure legends.
  • Figures.

See below concerning references, tables and figures. Do not embed tables or figures in the text; indicate their preferred position in pencil in the left-hand margin on the hard copies.

Spelling, units and mathematics
Follow The Concise Oxford Dictionary or the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary for spelling. Define abbreviations when first used unless they are commonly known and internationally accepted (e.g. DNA). Supply a table defining abbreviations if numerous, e.g. in biochemical contexts.

Use SI (Système International) units and symbols. Do not use obsolete units such as tons, gallons, miles. Do not invent units. Do not use SI abbreviations to denote other units (e.g. use t for tonne, 1000 kg, not ton, 2000 pounds). If obliged to quote data in other units, define these units on first appearance in the manuscript in terms of SI units. Use negative exponents (e.g. t d-1, not t/d). Carefully distinguish 0 (zero) and O (capital oh), 1 (one) and l (el), especially when used as sub- and superscripts. Use L for litres. Use the 24 hour clock: 16.00 hours or 16:00. Format dates as, for example, 31 March 1999.

Scientific names
On first mention of each organism in text, tables or figure legends, give common name, scientific name and family, e.g. Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua, Gadidae). Thereafter the common name will ordinarily suffice. See for example these books (or later editions): American Fisheries Society Special Publications 20, Common and Scientific Names of Fishes from the United States and Canada, Fifth Edition, and 21, World Fishes Important to North Americans, and Nelson, J.S. (1994) Fishes of the World, Third Edition, Wiley, New York. When questions arise, Eschmeyer, W.N. (ed.) (1998) Catalog of Fishes, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, will ordinarily be used for spelling of scientific names of fishes (and for authority of species if used).

Use Harvard style. Cite references by name and date, e.g. Lowe-McConnell (1987), Trumble et al. (1993). Use a, b etc. to distinguish papers from the same author(s) in the same year, e.g. Hughes (1996b).

List references in the text chronologically. Arrange the reference list alphabetically by the first-named author. Ensure that each reference cited is in the reference list.

It is most important that references be complete, fully accurate, retrievable and exactly in the Journal's style. Give the full titles of papers, chapters and books.  First and last page numbers should be given if referencing a contribution to a larger work. Indicate the number of pages in theses, reports, etc. Give journal titles in full. Common reference formats are:

Author, A.B. (2000) Book Title in Italics with Upper-case Initials to Nouns etc., 2nd edn (Series Title, Vol. 24). Publisher, City.
Author, A.B. (2001a) Chapter title in full. In: Book Title in Italics, Vol. 1. Subtitle also in Italics (eds J.K. Editor and L.M. Editor), 2nd edn. Publisher, City, pp. 000-000.
Author, A.B. (2001b) Full title of symposium contribution. In: Title of Symposium Volume in Italics (Proceedings of the Full and Exact Name of Symposium, City, 00 Month-00 Month, Year). F.X. Editor, ed. Publisher, City, pp. 000-000.
Author, A.B. (2001c) Thesis title in italics with important capitals only. PhD thesis, University of Wherever, 000 pages.
Author, A.B. and Author, C.D. (1999) Title of article. Full Journal Title in Italics 00, 000-000. [In Japanese.]
Author, A.B., Author, CD., Author, E.F. et al. [if more than 7] (2002) Title of article. Full Journal Title in Italics (in press).
Author, C.D. (1997) Title of ICES document. ICES CM 1997/C 20, 22 pp.
Author, C.D. (1998) Title of published report. Occasional Technical Report of Fisheries Science No. 00, 000 pp. [for complete report] or No. 00, 000-000.

Cite unpublished items as 'in press' only if they are formally accepted for publication. Call items in preparation or submitted, but not yet formally accepted, 'unpublished data', and do not include them in the reference list. Do not cite internal reports, contract reports, conference abstract booklets or other difficult-to-obtain material; if this is unavoidable, give a full, current address from which the document may be obtained.

Websites may be ephemeral, e.g. if their originator changes jobs. Cite them sparingly, stating the date of latest access.

Cite personal communications as such in the text (F.G. Colleague, personal communication). Obtain a letter of permission to include their work as a personal communication, and submit it with your final manuscript.

We recommend the use of a tool such as EndNote or Reference Manager for reference management and formatting.

EndNote reference styles can be searched for here:

Reference Manager reference styles can be searched for here:

Tables and figures
Cite tables or figures in the text in order of appearance, using Arabic numerals: Table 3, Fig. 1. Include them at the end of the document and do not embed them in the text (see Main text, above).  Ensure that they are understandable without reference to the text.

Tables: Please supply these double-spaced in 11 or 12 point type (no small print anywhere). Put each on a separate page or pages (do not photoreduce). Start each with a table number and short caption. Arrange values to be compared in columns, not rows. Align numerical values on the decimal point. Use the tabulator, not the space bar, to arrange entries. Keep the maximum width to 100 characters, including spaces. Do not include boxes, horizontal or vertical lines: use extra white space for clarity between columns or rows. Place units in parentheses in the column heads. Use footnotes to explain abbreviations, statistical findings, etc. Do not use fancy lettering, shading or other decorative flourishes.

Figures: Please save or export your figures as EPS (except for files containing scanned content, see below). Colour figures should be saved in CYMK rather than RGB. Graphics saved using the 'normal' save process of the software program in its native format may not be convertible or readable by the publisher. Please see the detailed instructions on submission of illustrations at http://authorservices.wiley.com/bauthor/illustration.asp If it is not possible to supply figures digitally, please submit three high-quality originals of each figure in hard copy and mark lightly on the back with its number and your name(s). Do not make figures larger than 150 × 250 mm without first consulting the Editors. 

Where materials have been scanned to produce images, the scanning resolution should be as follows to ensure adequate reproduction: >800 d.p.i. for line art; >300 d.p.i. for half-tones (including gel photographs). Files including scanned content should be saved as TIFF files.

Submit photographs and photomicrographs as unmounted glossy prints; do not retouch. Put labelling, including scale bars, on an overlay or photocopy unless you can letter to publication standard. Use scale bars on figures, not magnifications in legends. Make labels, arrows, etc., contrast clearly with their background.

Prepare line drawings on separate pages. Upon reduction, lines become both shorter and thinner: do not use fine lines. If you cannot letter to publication standard, put lettering on an overlay or photocopy. Capital letters should be at least 4 mm high for a 50% reduction. Use an initial capital letter and lower case thereafter, and indicate units in parentheses: Standard length (cm), Catch (thousand tonnes). Put genera and species in italics. Put any key on the figure, not in the legend, but: (1) do not box it, and (2) keep it well away from the data - it may be clearer below the figure (not at the side: this will cause excessive reduction).

Label multi-panel figures a, b, etc., preferably in the upper left corner, and refer to them as Fig. 1a, etc. Grey tones on computer-generated figures may print confusingly alike: use coarse patterns that are clearly distinct and avoid mirror-image patterns. Make symbols large, dark and clearly distinct (e.g. do not use circles and octagons together). Omit background grids. Omit needless three-dimensional effects. Avoid jagged curves and piled-up symbols. Do not use bold lettering.

A figure that looks acceptable on a computer screen may not be technically adequate. Ensure, for example, that axes and tickmarks are heavy enough, and that axis labels are correctly placed. Always check the hard copy, not just your computer screen.

List figure legends on a separate page after the tables; do not put them on the figures. Figures should be understandable without reference to the text: explain all abbreviations, fitted curves, statistical tests, etc.

If you reproduce any figure from a previously published source, obtain a letter of permission from the publisher or copyright owner (this is not necessarily the author) and submit it with your final manuscript.

Colour illustrations
It is the policy of Fish and Fisheries for authors to pay the full cost for the reproduction of their colour artwork in the journal but to offer free reproduction of colour artwork in the online version.

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Production Editor
Fish and Fisheries
Journal Content Management
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600 North Bridge Road
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'Ghoti' forum contributions
'Ghoti' is a forum section for publishing stimulating letters, commentary and opinion. (It is named for George Bernard Shaw's joke spelling of 'fish' - 'gh' as in 'rough', 'o' as in 'women' and 'ti' as in 'palatial'.) Contributions for Ghoti should be submitted electronically through the link at www.fishandfisheries.org. Ghoti letters will be selected, edited and subject to the normal peer review.'

Book reviews and conference reports
Please send books for review to the Editors. If you are interested in writing a conference report, please contact Tony Pitcher.

If a manuscript is submitted as hard copy, it must be accompanied by a floppy disk (we can also accept zip disks and CD-ROMs). Two accurate, double-spaced hard copies must accompany each disk, together with details of the type of computer used, the software employed (with version number) and the disk system if known.  Disks will not be returned. Do not embed tables or figures in the text  (see Main text, above).

Page proofs and offprints

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World Wide Web site
Additional material (such as multimedia adjuncts, large data sets, extra colour illustrations, bibliographies, or any other material for which insufficient space in Fish and Fisheries is available) may be published via the Journal's World Wide Web site.

NEW: Supporting Information
Supporting Information, such as data sets, movies or additional figures or tables, that will not be published in the print edition of the journal, but which will be viewable via the online edition, can be submitted.

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Editorial Board

Professor Tony J Pitcher
Peter Wall Institute of Advanced Studies,
6331 Crescent Road
V6T 1Z2
e-mail: pitcher.t@gmail.com

Professor Paul J B Hart
Department of Biology
University of Leicester
University Road
Tel: +44 116 252 3348
Fax: +44 116 252 3330
e-mail: pbh@leicester.ac.uk

Professor Gary R. Carvalho
School of Biological Sciences
Bangor University
LL59 2UQ
Fax:  +44 1248 371 644
e-mail:  faf.editormolecular@bangor.ac.uk

Technical Editor
Susan Hart
c/o Department of Biology
University of Leicester
Fax: +44 116 252 3330
e-mail:  smh.faf@googlemail.com

Editorial Board
Dr Kevern Cochrane - Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations - Italy
Dr Lorenz Hauser - University of Washington -USA
Professor Ray Hilborn - University of Washington - USA
Dr Steven Kennelly - Cronulla Fisheries Centre - Australia
Professor Jens Krause - University of Leeds - UK
Professor Mike Kaiser - University of Wales Bangor - UK
Professor John F. Leatherland - University of Guelph - Canada
Dr Ole Arve Misund - Institute of Marine Research - Norway
Professor Joseph Nelson - University of Alberta - Canada
Professor George Rose - Memorial University of Newfoundland - Canada

Professor Daniel Pauly - University of British Columbia - Canada
Dr Yvonne Sadovy - The University of Hong Kong - Hong Kong
Dr Rashid Sumalia - University of British Columbia - Canada

Dr Nick Dulvy - Simon Fraser University - Canada
Professor Axel Meyer - University of Konstanz - Germany
Dr Jennifer Ovenden - Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries - Australia


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