

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Advances in Applied Ceramics provides international coverage of high quality peer-reviewed research on functional ceramics, engineering ceramics (including ceramic matrix composites and glass ceramics), and bioceramics. Although coverage is broad, the journal has a particular interest in the development of novel materials and the tailoring, through innovative processing, of structure across a range of scales to meet the requirements of specific applications.

There is particular interest in areas such as nanotechnology and biomaterials where materials science is progressing and evolving through interdisciplinary collaboration, although good work on 'traditional' ceramics is also welcomed. 

Instructions to Authors


Types of contribution include:

- papers reporting research and practice, typically 3500 words in length plus figures and tables

- short communications (letters), providing a rapid publication route for preliminary announcements of the results of current work, or short accounts of new techniques, typically 1000-1500 words in length with, at most, four figures and/or tables

- critical assessments/reviews/overviews, should deal with their subject in a broad perspective, examining the current position critically and comprehensively; these are typically 4000-5000 words in length plus figures and tables, and well referenced

- Prospective authors of critical assessments or reviews should, in the first instance, submit an abstract for consideration and comment to: aac@materials.org.uk



By submitting to Advances in Applied Ceramics, authors acknowledge and accept that papers are considered for publication on the basis:

1) that the paper presents original work that is not being considered or reviewed by any other publication, and has not been published elsewhere in the same or a similar form

2) that all authors are aware of, and have consented to, the submission of the paper to Advances in   Applied Ceramics

3) that due regard has been paid to ethical considerations relating to the work reported

4) that the paper contains no libellous or unlawful statements.



Authors will be required, before publication, to transfer copyright of their article to the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (this condition may be waived if Crown (or equivalent) copyright is involved and a licence to publish given). The standard copyright form may be viewed here. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any material or illustrations for which they do not hold the copyright.


Under Maney's open access policy, authors will receive a PDF file of the published version of their paper. This PDF may be forwarded to co-authors without separate permission being required from the publisher. The PDF cannot be used for commercial purposes. Advances in Applied Ceramics must be cited as the original source of publication and a link to www.ingentaconnect.com/content/maney/aac included with any listing. This PDF may be posted on authors' individual websites or that of their institution. Authors are entitled to make copies of the article for reasonable personal use only.



Articles must be submitted online at http://aac.edmgr.com. If you have not already done so, you will need to register to obtain a username and password. (Select the 'REGISTER' option from the main navigation bar at the top of the homepage.)

Information on the submission procedure is provided online, but you will be asked to provide the information and files listed below.

Failure to conform to these requirements may delay processing and subsequent publication of your paper. Authors will be asked to submit their work according to the requirements of the journal.


The submitted manuscript must contain:

- a title page giving full contact details, including email addresses, for all authors. Pages should be numbered consecutively with the title page as page 1

- an abstract of no more than 150 words, giving a concise summary of the aims, content, and conclusions of the paper

- up to six keywords to be used for indexing purposes

- text: section and subsection headings should be clearly differentiated, using a structured numbering system if necessary

- appendices (if any)

- acknowledgements

- references (see below)

- tables and list of figure captions. Each figure should have a caption that is intelligible without reference to the text; discussion of figures should appear in the text of the paper, not the caption. Where appropriate, scales or magnifications must be provided.

- use of SI units is mandatory. Journal style is to use the form ms-1, Wm-1K-1, not m/s, W/m.K

The abstract is an important part of the article and will be used in databases, searched by Google and other search engines, and freely available on the website. Abstract should be succinct but sufficiently comprehensive to provide a comprehensible summary of the paper. The required length for abstracts varies according to the journal so please check the Notes for Contributors of the journal you are submitting to carefully to ascertain the correct information. Medical journals, and some Materials Science journals require structured abstracts.

Key Words
Key words are also important as they facilitate searching and accurate identification. The more accurate the choice of key words, the more likely the article will be found, read and referenced.

Tables and Illustrations
Tables and illustrations should be submitted on separate pages and numbered sequentially using arabic numerals for figures. Each must have a caption and source. Within the text, figures and tables should be referred to by number (e.g. Figure 1; Table 1), and preferred position and groupings in the text should be clearly indicated. The author will be required to provide images in CMYK format as TIFF or EPS files at high resolution suitable for printing. As a guideline, images should be submitted at a minimum input scanning resolution of 300 dpi for full colour, 350–400 dpi for half tones, 600 dpi for slides or transparencies, 800 dpi for simple line and 1200 dpi for fine line illustrations. Please note that the final reproduction quality is dependent on the quality of the original illustration. The author must obtain written evidence of permission to reproduce images (in all formats, in perpetuity and in all geographical regions worldwide) from the copyright owner for the use of any illustrative matter in the journal and will be liable for any fee charged by the owner of the image. The caption should include relevant credit of the permission of the copyright holder to reproduce the image. For more information please click here.

Some journals use the Editorial Manager™ Online Submission System and others stipulate that submissions should be emailed to the Editor directly. The Instructions for Authors for each journal contain specific details about what kind of system is used and who should be contacted in each case.

A Checklist for Authors has been put together by Maney’s Production Department and can be located in the Production area of the website, along with other useful information, by clicking here.

Editorial Manager™ is the Online Submission and refereeing system that has been adopted by Maney. Authors may submit papers via the web, and can access the system at any time to check the status of their papers, avoiding the need to contact the Editor. Authors can edit their submissions and submit supplementary materials, such as video, audio, supplementary figures/tables. Reviewers can download assigned papers and submit their comments and recommendations online.

A list of journals using EM can be found here. You will be taken to a Welcome Page, which has links to useful tutorials; guidance on how to register to submit your paper; and email addresses should you need help with your submission.

You will find answers to questions regarding Editorial Manager on the FAQs section of the website. Click here to see the full list. Further information is available in the author tutorial.
You may also find it useful to look at the tables of contents and abstracts of recent issues online to see the kind of material published previously. A full list of the journals available online, with links, is available here.

Editorial Board


Editorial Board:

Dr X Bao (Loughborough University, UK)

Dr A Bellosi (CNR-ISTEC, Italy)

Professor S Best (University of Cambridge, UK)

Dr A Bhatti (University of Manchester, UK)

Dr L Black (University of Leeds, UK)

Professor J Binner (Loughborough University, UK)

Professor A R Boccaccini (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany)

Dr W Clegg (University of Cambridge)

Professor P Colombo (University of Padova, Italy)

Dr R Dorey (Cranfield University, UK)

Professor J Evans (University College London, UK)

Professor R Freer (University of Manchester, UK)

Professor L Gauckler (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

Dr L Grover (University of Birmingham, UK)

Dr J Huang (University College London, UK)

Dr A K Jadoon (BP, The Technology Centre, UK)

Dr J Javadpour (Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran)

Professor Kazuyuki Kakegawa (Chiba University, Japan)

Professor M K A Khor (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)

Professor Hyungsun Kim (Inha University, Korea)

Professor W E Lee (Imperial College London, UK)

Professor Xudong Li (Sichuan University, PR China)

Professor S Lombardo (University of Missouri, USA)

Professor K Mallick (University of Warwick, UK)

Dr E Medvedovski (Umicore Indium Products)

Dr B Mondal (Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, India)

Dr N Navaranjan (Scion Next generation Biomaterials, New Zealand)

Dr M Nowotny (University of Western Sydney, Australia)

Dr P Purnell (University of Leeds, UK)

Professor W M Rainforth (University of Sheffield, UK)

Dr M J Reece (Queen Mary, University of London, UK)

Professor Igor Logan Shabalin (University of Salford, UK)

Dr L Sheppard (University of Western Sydney, Australia)

Professor J Song (Brunel University, UK)

Professor D P Uskokovic (Serbian Academy of Sciences & Art)

Professor Ping Xiao (University of Manchester, UK)

Dr K Yamaguchi (Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute)

Dr T Zhang (Kingston University, UK )

Dr Shaowei Zhang (University of Sheffield, UK)


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