

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版频率:Continuous publication
出版社:SPRINGER, ONE NEW YORK PLAZA, SUITE 4600 , NEW YORK, United States, NY, 10004

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The AAPS Journal is an electronic-only publication wholly owned by the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS). The journal covers all areas dealing with drug discovery, development, and therapy. Its goal is to disseminate scientific information worldwide, taking full advantage of the electronic publication medium; this includes the publication of articles with multimedia features, encompassing 3D graphics, video, interactive figures and databases, and sound.

The AAPS Journal is Open Access publication and freely available to the entire science community.

The AAPS Journal is guided by Editor-in-Chief, Ho-Leung Fung, PhD. Submitted manuscripts are assigned to reviewers with relevant expertise. High standards of the referee system are maintained in order to enhance the value of the published information, and all scientists are invited to participate. Those wishing to serve in this capacity should contact the AAPS editorial office and provide a list of five keywords that defines their area of expertise.

The assignment of referees and the processing of manuscripts is performed at the AAPS editorial offices in Arlington, Virginia, using a computerized editorial tracking system that relies on keyword selection and automatic time lines for review. In addition, submitting authors can suggest editors and referees of their choice. Our intent is to complete the review process expeditiously, using strictly electronic communication between the editorial office, editors, referees, and authors. Once an article is accepted, a final version is sent to the author for approval. The article is published on the The AAPS Journal web site shortly thereafter. Authors retain the use of their own published articles for most non-commercial purposes.

Although The AAPS Journal is an electronic publication medium, reprints will be available in printed form upon request. However, not all electronic features can be reproduced in this format. Authors requesting reprints will receive information on the pricing of reprint delivery, and this will also be available in the Instructions to Authors.

Links to abstracts accepted by the AAPS Annual Meeting Screening Committee will be placed in each volume.

The AAPS Journal has been accepted for indexing by PubMed/Medline, Index Medicus, Institute of Scientific Information's Science Citation Index, and Chem Abstracts. Indexing covers all articles retroactive to the first issue. This will be enhanced by library consortia, enabling the rapid dissemination of The AAPS Journal.

The AAPS Journal is continuously being reviewed and improved. We invite the active participation of all; comments and/or suggestions are welcome. Please contact the Editor-in-Chief:

Ho-Leung Fung, PhD
SUNY at Buffalo
School of Pharmacy
513 Hochstetter Hall
Buffalo, NY 14260
Tel: (716) 645-2842
Fax: (716) 645-3693
Email: Hlfung@acsu.buffalo.edu

Instructions to Authors

1. Types of Manuscripts. The AAPS Journal publishes Original Research Articles, Special Feature Articles, Commentaries, Reviews, and Mini-Reviews in all areas of the pharmaceutical sciences on the advances in drug discovery, development, and therapy. Reviews and Mini-Reviews are principally by invitation of the Editors, but reviews can also be unsolicited (all are subject to peer review). Research Articles will be judged by originality, soundness, and presentation to determine their acceptability for publication. There are no page limitations for Research Articles, however authors must strive to present their results as clearly and concisely as possible. Special Feature Articles contain highly interactive features or large databases. Commentaries, on topical issues of public and scientific interest, are usually published by invitation only, but authors may contact the Editor to suggest topics. Mini-Reviews are to be concise, with no more than 10 references. Authors may suggest topics for reviews and mini-reviews. Commentaries, Reviews, and Mini-Reviews must follow the formats outlined below, but not the structure. All authors are encouraged to take full advantage of the Web-only capabilities of online publishing, including 3-D, video, and interactive graphics. If a desired technical feature is not covered in the Author's Instructions, please contact the The AAPS Journal Editorial Office for assistance.

2. Manuscript Submission. Manuscripts and all manuscript materials should be submitted via email to: manuscripts@aaps.org.

The AAPS Journal also accepts manuscripts on 3.5" disks, Zip disks, and CD-ROMs; PC (Windows) and Macintosh formats are supported. Mail disks to:


AAPS Editorial Office
Attn: Editorial Production Coordinator
2107 Wilson Blvd., Suite 700
Arlington, VA 22201

Tel. 703-248-4768
Fax. 703-243-9650

Each manuscript submission should include a cover note stating that the manuscript has not been published in the past in either print or electronic format and is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

3. Review. Two independent referees review each manuscript anonymously. Authors may request up to four referees to review their manuscript. Authors may also request that up to four referees be excluded from reviewing their manuscript. These requests should be included with the manuscript submission.

4. Copyright. At the time of submission, the corresponding author is responsible for signing a copyright agreement and faxing or mailing it to the The AAPS Journal Editorial Office. If The AAPS Journal does not publish the submitted manuscript, the copyright reverts to the author. A manuscript will not be published without a signed copyright form on file. The signed form is required to help the AAPS Editorial Office produce and maintain the publication more effectively, not to inhibit the author's fair use of his/her material.

5. Studies Involving Animals and Human Subjects. Authors using experimental animals must include a statement in the Materials and Methods section that research was conducted in accordance with standard institutional guidelines. Papers describing investigations on human subjects must include a statement that the institutional human experimentation committee, in accordance with all applicable regulations, approved the study and that informed consent was obtained after the nature and possible consequences of the studies were explained.

6. Manuscript Organization. Manuscripts must be in English, typed double-spaced on 8 1/2 ?11 inch (21.59 ?27.94 cm) word processor file with 1 inch (2.54 cm) margins all around, right margins unjustified, and adhere to the American Medical Association (AMA) style. Organize the text into the following sections: Title Page, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements, References, Appendix, Tables, Figure Legends, and Figures.

7. Title Page. The title page should include the following information: title of the article, author names and affiliations, and the corresponding author's contact information. Corresponding author's contact information should include the following: mailing address, telephone number, fax number, and email address.

8. Abstract. Abstracts are to be 250 words or less, one paragraph, and should concisely convey the purpose of the study, methods, results, and conclusions.

9. Keywords. Authors are to provide a list of 3 to 5 keywords describing the content of the manuscript below the manuscript's abstract.

10. Acknowledgements. All acknowledgements, including those for grant and financial support, should appear in the Acknowledgements section. Authors are required to disclose all funding that enabled the research for manuscripts. This does not apply to research performed solely in, and supported by, an industrial laboratory if the company is provided as the author's address.

11. References. References should be typed on a separate page and numbered consecutively in the order cited in the text. The AAPS Journal follows AMA style for references. See examples below*:

  • Journal Article
    Franklin M, Estabrook R. On the inhibitory action of mersalyl on microsomal drug oxidation: A rigid organization of the electron transport chain. Arch Biochem. 1971;143:318-329.
  • Book
    Entire book
    Macomber R. A Complete Introduction to Modern NMR Spectroscopy. New York: John Wiley & Sons; 1998.
    Chapter in a book
    Levy G. The case for preclinical pharmacodynamics. In: Yacobi A, Skelly J, Shah V, Benet L, eds. Integration of Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, and Toxicokinetics in Rational Drug Development, New York: Plenum Press, 1993;7-13.

*Please note: Citations to The AAPS Journal articles must list the article number. To avoid citation errors, do not use the page numbers of the article's PDF, for example:

Youan BC, Hussain A, Nguyen NT. Evaluation of Sucrose Esters as Alternative Surfactants in Microencapsulation of Proteins by the Solvent Evaporation Method. AAPS J. 2003;5(2): article 22.

12. Tables. Tables should be numbered using Arabic numerals and referred to by number in the text of the manuscript. Each table should appear on a separate sheet of paper with the title above it. (Please compose tables using a word processor’s table function. Do not save tables as image files.)

13. Figure Images. Images should be saved as separate, high resolution images and in .jpg, .gif, or .tif formats. For 3-D or interactive images or figures, a static image should also be included. All images, when published, will open in a pop-up browser window roughly 600 pixels (5.08 cm) ?400 pixels (3.39 cm). The AAPS Journal also accepts MDL?Chime files in .pdb (Protein Data Bank) and .mol2 (Rasmol) formats.

14. Ancillary Material. Research data and supporting materials (text, images, videos, and audio recordings) that are not part of the peer-reviewed manuscript can be linked to the article. This material must be stored on a remote server or Web site. Neither The AAPS Journal nor AAPS is the owner or the custodian of such links and is, therefore, not responsible for their content, accuracy, or accessibility.

15. Additional Notes:

  • Embargo Policy. Any material while under consideration for publication in The AAPS Journal shall not be discussed or released to the public or press without the express written permission of the The AAPS Journal Editor-in-Chief.
  • Disclosure Policy. Authors must disclose funding for research from extramural sources. Any possible conflict of interest must be divulged in the cover statement submitted together with the manuscript. Conflicts of interest include, but are not limited to, a contributing author having a substantive share in or being a consultant to the company providing research support.
  • Editor's Note. AAPS is committed to supporting the efforts of its graduate student members. If an author is a student, please indicate his or her graduate student status on the article submission so that AAPS may highlight the work in future issues of the AAPS Newsmagazine.

16. Contact Information. For questions, comments, concerns, or problems contact:


AAPS Editorial Office
Editorial Production Coordinator
Tel. 703-248-4768

Editorial Board


Ho-Leung Fung, Ph.D.

The AAPS Journal Special Theme Issue Editors

Drug Addiction - From Basic Research to Therapies
Rao S. Rapaka, Ph.D., Editor, National Institute on Drug Abuse
Wolfgang Sadée, Ph.D., Editor, Ohio State University

Challenges and Issues in Veterinary Pharmacology and Animal Health: Volume 1
Marilyn Martinez, Ph.D., Editor, Center for Veterinary Medicine, Food and Drug Administration
Stefan Soback, Ph.D., Editor, Kimron Veterinary Institute, Israel

Membrane Transporters: Pharmacological and Physiological Relevance
Jashvant Unadkat, Ph.D., Editor, University of Washington
Gregory Knipp, Ph.D., Associate Editor, Rutgers University
Peter Swaan, Ph.D., Associate Editor, Ohio State University

Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery
Bruce Aungst, Ph.D., Editor, Absorption Systems

Editorial Advisory Board

Michael J. Akers

Sandra R.B. Allerheiligen

Gordon Amidon

Gregory E. Amidon

Bradley D. Anderson

Jessie L.-S Au

Larry Augsburger

Ajay K. Banga

Jean-Paul Behr

Leslie Z Benet

Nicholas Bodor

Kathleen M.K. Boje

Michael B. Bolger

Gayle A. Brazeau

Harry G. Brittain

Kim L.R. Brouwer

Graham Buckton

Diane Burgess

Armin A. Buschauer

Stephen R. Byrn

John F. Carpenter

Pierre-Alain Carrupt

Neal Castagnoli

Kenneth K. Chan

Hongming Chen

Seng H. Cheng

Jeffrey L. Cleland

Wayne L. Cody

Daan Crommelin

Pieter R. Cullis

Robert W. Curley

Meindert Danhof

Patrick P. DeLuca

Robert B. Diasio

Cynthia Edwards

William E. Evans

Kevin C. Farmer

Gerd Folkers

Bradley Gibson

Igor Gonda

David J.W. Grant

Richard C. Graul

Michael J. Groves

Dieter Gruenert

Robert Gurny

Richard Guy

Margareta Hammarlund-Udenaes

Mitsuru Hashida

Gunther Hochhaus

Ian S. Haworth

William L. Hayton

Anthony J. Hickey

Toshio Honda

Ken-Ichi Inui

Fakhreddin Jamali

Alexander Kabanov

Scott D. Kahn

Devendra S. Kalonia

James J. Kaminski

Naoki Kamo

Kazunori Kataoka

Brigitte L. Kieffer

Lemont B. Kier

Thomas H. Kissel

Peter Kleinebudde

Mary Pat Knadler

Gregory Knipp

Joachim Kohn

Jindrich Kopecek

Deanna L. Kroetz

Robert Langer

Vincent H.L. Lee

Fredrick H. Leibach

Claus-Michael Lehr

Russ Lehrman

Kam W. Leong

Robert J. Levy

Earlene E. Lipowski

Dexi Liu

Susan M. Lunte

Vincent Madison

Alexandros Makriyannis

Michael B. Maurin

Jonathan Maybaum

James W. McGinity

Hans Peter Merkle

Ashim K. Mitra

Margie Mohler

Marilyn E. Morris

Richard A. Morrison

Randall J. Mrsny

Rainer H. Muller

Shankar Musunuri

John L. Neumeyer

Masaki Otagiri

Sandy K. Pang

Kinam Park

Rodney Pearlman

Carl C. Peck

Craig A. Pedersen

Catherine E. Peishoff

Nicholas A. Peppas

Bengt-Arne Persson

James E. Polli

David Putnam

Murali Ramanathan

Karen L. Rascati

Regina C. Reszka

Joseph R. Robinson

Diane Carol Roe

C. Satishchandran

Tomi K. Sawyer

Kenneth W. Schafermeyer

John C. Schommer

Christian Schoneich

Steven P. Schwendeman

Danny D. Shen

Steven J. Shire

Brian Shoichet

Ronald A. Siegel

Michael B. Silber

John T. Slattery

David E. Smith

Louis C. Smith

Philip L. Smith

Valentino Stella

Barbra Stewart

John Stobaugh

Robert M. Straubinger

Yuichi Sugiyama

Cynthia Sung

Raj Suryanarayanan

Hiroshi Suzuki

Peter Swaan

Sheryl Szeinbach

Kozo Takayama

Yusuke Tanigawara

Bernard Testa

Felix Theeuwes

Alain R. Thierry

Akira Tsuji

Jashvant Unadkat

Satyam M. Upadrashta

Arto Urtti

Glenn A. Van Buskirk

Ernst Wagner

Joanne Wang

John Y. Wang

Zaijie J. Wang

Guill Wientjes

Robert J. Wills

Manfred E. Wolff

Dale Eric Wurster

Samuel H. Yalkowsky

Yasushi Yamazoe

Victor C. Yang

Peter York



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