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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics

ZAMM is one of the oldest journals in the field of applied mathematics and mechanics and is read by scientists all over the world. The aim and scope of ZAMM is the publication of new results and review articles, book reviews and information on applied mathematics (mainly numerical mathematics and various applications of analysis, in particular numerical aspects of differential and integral equations), on the entire field of theoretical and applied mechanics (solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics) and on mathematical physics. ZAMM is also open to essential contributions on mathematics in industrial applications.

Readership: Scientists in the field of applied mathematics and representatives of the theoretical and applied mechanics as well as of physics, biology, chemistry, and many technical sciences, e.g. mechanical engineering, building and construction, industry

Print ISSN: 0044-2267
Online ISSN: 1521-4001
Volume 89.
12 issues in 2009.
Language of Publication: English

Cover image for product 2233


Instructions to Authors

Instructions to authors

Submission Stage
Only original papers not yet published and not simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere will be accepted. Authors should submit their manuscripts electronically via the manuscript management system http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/zamm. At first a registration is necessary (use the link “Create Account?. Important: Please check whether you already have an account in the system before you try and create a new one. If you have reviewed for ZAMM in the past two years it is likely that you will have an account created. After the login process the link “Authoring Center?appears. Under this link the manuscript can be submitted. After submission, a PDF of the submitted files is created automatically. This PDF needs to be approved by the author and is made available to the referees. After reviewing, the Editors-in-Chief will communicate the decision to the corresponding author.

Revision Stage
Revised papers need to be submitted via http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/zamm. Authors are required to reply to each comment clearly.

Acceptance Stage
An acceptance message will be sent to the corresponding author on behalf of the Editors-in-Chief. At the same time, we will ask for electronic files of text and figures and the signed form of "Copyright Transfer Agreement (CTA)" (see zamm-style). All portions of the manuscript should be uploaded to the manuscript management system http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/zamm. The signed Conditions of Publication can be sent by fax, conventional letter, or as PDF-file to the editorial office.
Preferably, files conforming to the following guidelines will be accepted:

LaTeX files coded with the zamm-style sheets available via http://www.wiley-vch.de/vch/journals/2233/public/zamm.zip (also including all necessary additional information on how to use the style sheets)
figures in Postscript (ps or eps) or tif format should be included as separate files
supplementary material, for example videos or animations (which will only be published in the online version)
Also accepted:

LaTeX files coded with the article class without any particular packages or definitions
doc files (MS Word)
Please note that color figures will generally only remain in color in the electronic version, but will be printed in black/white. Color figures for the printed version can be purchased using the reprint order form.

Proof Correction Stage
Prior to publication, authors will receive page proofs, preferably by e-mail in PDF format. Authors should keep in mind that reading proofs is their responsibility. Corrections should therefore be clear. Corrections listed in an electronic file should be sorted by line numbers. The use of standard proof correction marks is recommended. LaTeX files are sometimes slightly modified by the production department to follow the general presentation rules of the journal. The main aim of proofreading is to correct errors that may have occurred during the production process, and not to modify the content of the paper. The reproduction of art work, the layout of the pages, and breaks in equations introduced by the production staff should carefully be checked. Corrections that may lead to a change in the page layout should be avoided. Note that sending back a corrected manuscript file is of no use. Please correct your galley proofs and return them within 7 days together with the completed reprint order form. The editors reserve the right to publish your article with editors' corrections if your proofs do not arrive in time.

The corresponding author will receive a PDF file (300dpi) for 50 printouts of his contribution free of charge. Hardcopy reprints (at least 50 copies) or a PDF file for an unlimited number of printouts are available for purchase.

Editorial Board

Editorial Office
Redaktion ZAMM
Dr. Beate Platzer
Zentrum für Ingenieurwissenschaften
06099 Halle (Saale)
e-mail: zamm@iw.uni-halle.de
telephone: +49 (0)345/5528438, telefax: +49 (0)345/5527361

Managing Editor
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holm Altenbach
address see Editorial Office

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holm Altenbach
Lehrstuhl für Technische Mechanik
Kurt-Mothes-Str. 1
D-06120 Halle (Saale)

Prof. Dr. Alexander Mielke
Weierstra?Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik
Mohrenstr. 39
D-10117 Berlin
Institut für Mathematik
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Rudower Chaussee 25
D-12489 Berlin

Prof. Dr. Stefan Odenbach
Professur für Magnetofluiddynamik
Technische Universität Dresden
D-01062 Dresden

Prof. Dr. Christian Wieners
Institut für Angewandte und Numerische Mathematik
Universität Karlsruhe
Englerstr. 2
D-76128 Karlsruhe

Honorary Editorial Board
O. Mahrenholtz (Hamburg); R. Mennicken (Regensburg);
G. Schmidt (Berlin); E. Stein (Hanover); H. Unger (Bonn)

Editorial Board
G. Alefeld (Karlsruhe); R. Ansorge (Hamburg); M. Basista (Warsaw); A. Belyaev (St. Petersburg);
F. L. Chernousko (Moscow); L. Grüne (Bayreuth); W. Hackbusch (Leipzig); G. A. Holzapfel (Graz);
U. Kirchgraber (Zurich); A. Klarbring (Linköping); E. Kreuzer (Hamburg); U. Langer (Linz);
J. E. Marsden (Pasadena, CA); P. C. Müller (Wuppertal); R. O'Malley (Seattle, WA);
M. Renardy (Blacksburg, VA); H.-G. Roos (Dresden); T. Roubicek (Prague); J. Scheurle (Munich);
W. Schiehlen (Stuttgart); G. Schneider (Stuttgart); W. Schneider (Vienna);
B. A. Schrefler (Padova); H. Schwetlick (Dresden); T. Sonar (Brunswick); F. Verhulst (Utrecht);
F. Ziegler (Vienna); J. Zierep (Karlsruhe)


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