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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

ISSN Print: 1201-3080
Published by IWA Publishing

Water Quality Research Journal of Canada

Official Journal of the Canadian Association on Water Quality

ISI Journal Impact Factor for 2012: 0.25

Editors: R. Droste, University of Ottawa, Canada
P. Vanrolleghem, Université Laval, Canada

The Water Quality Research Journal of Canada is a forum for original research dealing with the aquatic environment. The journal publishes peer-reviewed, scholarly articles dealing with the aquatic environment. Articles from outside of Canada are welcome provided that they are of interest to the Canadian water quality research community.

Note to contributors: All manuscripts should be submitted electronically through our Online Submission and Peer Review System.

Indexed/Abstracted in:
Applied Science & Technology Abstracts, Applied Science & Technology Index, ASFA Indexing, BIOSIS, CAB International, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts Services, Current Contents, Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences, ISI, Elsevier GeoAbstracts, Engineering Information Inc., International Academy at Santa Barbara

Most Accessed Papers
A list of the top 10 downloaded papers from 2011 is available on our Most Accessed Papers page; the top paper is free to view.

Acknowledgement to Reviewers
The high scientific standards maintained by the journal in its papers owe much to the continuing dedication of the journal's reviewers, who give freely of their time and expertise. IWA is pleased to pay tribute to this contribution by recognizing those who have participated in the review process. A full list of those who reviewed papers for the journal last year can be found here.

Aims and Scope

The Water Quality Research Journal of Canada publishes peer-reviewed, scholarly articles on the following general subject areas:

  • Impact of contaminants on aquatic ecosystems
  • Contributions of pollutants from the gas and solid phases to aquatic systems
  • Drinking water, wastewater and stormwater treatment technologies and strategies
  • Exotic species, biodiversity, and aquatic species at risk
  • Groundwater remediation
  • Assessment of surface and subsurface water quality
  • Regulations, strategies and policies related to water pollution
  • Conservation and protection of aquatic environments
  • Social science issues in relation to water quality
  • Review articles on all aspects of water quality and pollution control

The Water Quality Research Journal of Canada is a quarterly publication. It is a forum for original research dealing with the aquatic environment, and should report new and significant findings that advance the understanding of the field. Articles from outside of Canada are welcome provided that they are of interest to the Canadian water quality research community.

Instructions to Authors

1. General Policy

Water Quality Research Journal of Canada is a peer-reviewed quarterly publication. It is meant to be a forum for original research dealing with the aquatic environment. Articles from outside of Canada are welcome provided that they are of interest to the Canadian water quality research community.

Papers should normally be between 6,000 and 8,000 words in length, including text, tables, figures and references.

Papers may be submitted in English or in French. In either case, the quality of writing should be of a high level consistent with acceptable technical writing expected by native speakers of the language, to avoid rejection on the grounds of poor grammar and style. Manuscripts written in French must also include an English translation of the title, abstract and keywords.

All papers in should be submitted electronically to https://www.editorialmanager.com/wqrjc

Where requested to do so by the Editor, authors must revise their papers within one month of the request; otherwise the contribution will be considered withdrawn. No page charges apply for papers published in the journal. The journal can accommodate colour figures, at a cost to the author of GBP350 per figure.

Submission of a paper implies that it has not been published previously, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that if accepted it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language, without the written consent of the publisher.

Upon acceptance of a paper, authors will be asked to sign a Transfer of Copyright Agreement releasing copyright of the paper to IWA Publishing. Provision is made on the form for work performed for the United States Government (for which Copyright cannot be assigned) and other extenuating circumstances.

Proofs will be sent by e-mail to the listed corresponding author. Any corrections must be returned within two days of receipt and should only cover typesetting errors. Proofs should be returned to Emma Gulseven at IWA Publishing in London.

Issues of the journal are made open access 3 years after publication. In addition, authors may choose to make their paper open access immediately upon acceptance at a cost of USD800/GBP490/EUR557. Please contact Emma Gulseven at IWA Publishing for details (egulseven@iwap.co.uk).

2. Article content and format

(a) General. All pages in papers must be numbered consecutively. The main text should be typed flush left with no indents and double line spaced. Do not add line numbers. Insert one return between paragraphs, and a double return between paper title, and authors' names and addresses on the first page.

(b) Title page. State the total number of words, including text, tables, figures and references. The title of the paper should be as concise as possible. The title page or section must also state the names and full addresses of all authors. An e-mail address must be included for the corresponding author to whom proofs will be sent. A short title of not more than 50 letters and spaces must be provided for printed page headings.

(c) An Abstract of 50-200 words should appear under the authors' names and addresses in printed papers, briefly specifying the aims of the work, the methods used, the main results obtained and the conclusions drawn.

(d) Under the abstract 4-6 Keywords should be listed in alphabetical order.

(e) Main text: for clarity this should normally be subdivided into: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements (if any), References. A conclusions section is particularly valuable to readers and should always be included in papers. Do not number or letter section headings.

(f) Abbreviations and Notations. Nomenclature must be listed at the beginning of all printed paper contributions and must conform to the system of standard SI units. Acronyms and abbreviations must be spelled out in full at their first occurrence in the text and summarised at the start of the contribution. Write equations in dimensionless form or in metric units.

(g) References: citations in text. Use surname of author and year of publication: Jones (1982) or (Jones 1982). Insert initials only if there are two different authors with the same surname and same year of publication.

Two or more years in parentheses following an author's name are cited chronologically, and two or more references published in the same year by the same author are differentiated by letters a, b, c, etc. For example: Brown (1969, 1972, 1973a, b). Different references cited together should be in date order, for example: (Smith 1959; Thomson & Jones 1982; Green 1990).

(h) List of references. References should be listed alphabetically at the end of contributions and in the case of printed papers should conform to the following styles for a journal or book reference.

Journal: Robson, A.J., Jones, T.A. & Reed, D.W. 1998 A study of national trend and variation in UK floods. Int. J. Climatol. 18, 165—182.

Book: McIntosh, A.C. 2003 Asian Water Supplies. IWA Publishing, London.

Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater 1995 19th edition, American Public Health Association/American Water Works Association/Water Environment Federation, Washington DC.

Edited book: Yoshida, Z. 1963 Physical properties of snow. In: Ice and Snow (W. Kingery, ed.). MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, pp. 124—148.

Report: WWC 2000 A Water Secure World: Vision for Water, Life, and the Environment. Report of the World Water Council. World Water Council, Paris.

(i) Figures All Figures (graphs, drawings, photographs, etc.) must be numbered in sequence with Arabic numerals, in the order they are referred to in the text. All Figures must be cited in the text. Each Figure must have a caption, the general meaning of which can be understood without reference to the text. Figure captions should be concise, and not contain text that should be in the main text.

(j) Tables should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in the order they are referred to in the text. All tables should be cited in the text. Table titles should be concise and not include text that should be in the main text. The rows and columns of Tables should be generated using word-processor tabulation features; do not use text separated by tabs, or graphics of tabulated data.

(j) Equations should be in dimensionless form or in SI units. Use italic letters to denote variables (in the text and in the equations). In Equation Editor, define the font of all Styles (except Symbol) to Times New Roman. Number all equations in parentheses at the right hand margin. Ensure that a given mathematical symbol in an equation and a corresponding symbol in the main text, or in a Figure or Table, are clearly identifiable with each other, i.e. use the same font type, size and style.

Editorial Board
R. Droste, University of Ottawa, Canada
P. Vanrolleghem, Université Laval, Canada
Associate Editors
J.-F. Blais, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Canada
P.-Y. Caux, Environment Canada, Canada
S.C. Courtenay, Fisheries and Oceans Canada at the Canadian Rivers Institute/University of New Brunswick, Canada
A. Daigle, INRS-ETE, Canada
R. Gehr, McGill University, Canada
M. Giddings, Health Canada, Canada
L. Gyürék, EPCOR Utilities, Canada
J. Marsalek, Environment Canada, Canada
L. Masse, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canada
B. Rabinowitz, CH2M HILL Canada Limited, Canada
L. Rieger, EnviroSim Associates Ltd, Canada
T. Viraraghavan, University of Regina, Canada
H. Zhou, University of Guelph, Canada


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