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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Waste Management & Research provides essential information of practical application for managers, administrators, research workers, regulators and operators working within national and local government, industry, construction engineering, chemical engineering, management science, planning and public health.

Current Issue Cover

Instructions to Authors


For submitting papers to "Waste Management & Research"please follow the Instructions to Authors as shown below.

Instructions to authors

Send 2 print copies and a clean CD or disk containing the manuscript, tables and figures to:

Waste Management & Research/ ISWA Editorial Office
Vesterbrogade 74, 3 Floor
DK-1620 Copenhagen V
Tel: +45 32 96 15 88
Fax: +45 32 96 15 84


Waste Management & Research (WMR) is the official journal of the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA). WMR publishes original work in the form of papers and short communications on solid wastes, sludges, and special wastes dealing with the technical, managerial, environmental or socio-economic aspects of waste generation, collection, recovery, treatment and disposal. Both original research work and well documented case histories will be considered. Papers based on previously reported materials, such as disserations, reports published in other than the English language, or essential information difficult to find for an international audience may be accepted, provided that the original presentation is clearly referenced.

Manuscripts should be in English.
Translations should be carefully checked for conformity with current English idiom.
All papers will be peer-reviewed.

Authors submitting a manuscript do so with the understanding that the information contained therein can be freely distributed. It is the authors¡¯ responsibility to ensure that no proprietary information is contained in the submitted manuscript. In addition, authors submitting a manuscript do so with the understanding that, should it be accepted for publication, exclusive copyright of the paper shall be assigned to ISWA.

In consideration for the assignment of copyright, the publisher will supply 25 offprints, without covers of each paper to the corresponding author. Further offprints at an extra cost, and a free copy of the .pdf file of the article may be ordered at the proof stage. ISWA will not put any limitation on the personal freedom of the author to use material contained in the paper, in other works.

Submission of manuscripts

Prospective authors should always submit both:

1 CD or disk containing the manuscript, with separate files for the text, tables and artwork. Ensure that software and version number are stated to aid file importation and to remove the opportunity for errors to occur.

Clearly label the media with the journal name, author(s), the title of the paper, the name of the file(s) (.doc, .txt, or .rtf), computer operating system (Windows or MAC), and the word processing program and version used (Word, WordPerfect, etc.). Do not convert the file(s) to ASCII format, but include only the file(s) corresponding to the manuscript.

2 printed copies of the manuscript. The manuscript must be typed (with the lines double spaced), including the abstract, keywords and references in full and all pages must be numbered. This is to assist referees and editors and is essential for clarity.


The first page must contain the title of the paper, author name(s), and the address, phone number, fax number and email address of the corresponding author.

Each manuscript must be introduced with an abstract summarising the major findings. The abstract must be limited to between 100 and 200 words (maximum) and is used as a summary ¡®check¡¯ of the content of the manuscript.

Immediately following the abstract the author must list 5 to 10 keywords that identify the main topics of the paper. This assists for referencing purposes and online searches.

The manuscript must be divided into numbered sections (e.g., ¡®4. Total solids and leachate¡¯). Each of the main sections can be further subdivided into 2 levels (e.g., ¡®4.1 Organic content of leachate¡¯ or ¡®4.1.1 Volatile organic acids¡¯). This assists when typesetting - weighting and emphasise of headings, sub-headings, etc.

If abbreviations are used, please adhere to the following: metric units (SI units) must be used with standard abbreviations. English units may be given in parentheses. The first time that the name of legal bodies, laws, institutes, professional concepts, chemicals, etc. appear in the text, they must be given in full. After the first appearance, the standard abbreviation may be used.

Authors should provide a conclusion that re-emphasises the major findings, and indicates the future relevance for practical waste management.

Identify all Greek letters and symbols etc. in the margin. This is essential for typesetting as Greek letters can be lost during formatting.

Original line drawings and photographs must accompany the manuscript and must be twice the desired size. Colour plates will only be printed at the authors¡¯ expense. Figures should be planned so that they can be reduced to a maximum width of 130mm. They should be submitted on separate sheets, and must be suitable standard for reproduction. Figures should be saved as a separate file on the CD and must be submitted as .tiff, .eps or .jpeg format. Photographs and scanned images should also be saved as .tiff, .eps or .jpeg, saved at a resolution of at least 300dpi (dots per inch). Digital artwork, supplied embedded within the manuscript text only cannot be used. All figures should be numbered consecutively, with Arabic numerals. They should have descriptive captions and be clearly referenced in the text.

Tables must accompany the manuscript. They should be submitted on separate sheets, and be reproducible. Tables and charts should be saved separately on the CD, preferably in Microsoft Excel (as .xls, .csv or .txt), and must not be embedded in the text file. All original data should accompany charts and graphs in the event they require re-drawing. Avoid the use of vertical rules. All tables should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. They should have descriptive captions, appearing on a separate sheet and be referenced in the text.

References should be listed in alphabetical order and appear at the end of the paper. The following should be used as a guide when formatting the list of references:

Doggat, R.M., O¡¯Farrell, M.K. & Watson, A.L. (1980) Forecasts of the quality and composition of solid waste. EPA-60015-80-001 Cincinatti, OH, US: US Environmental Protection Agency.

Farquhar, G.J. & Rovers, F.A. (1973) Gas production during refuse decomposition. Water, air and soil pollution 2, pp. 483-495.

Gerking, L. (1979) Seperation of unmilled municipal refuse by drum sleeve and horizontal air classifier. In: Jäger, B. & Thome-Kozimensky, K. J. (eds) Material Recycling aus Haushaltsbfall. Berlin, Germany: Technische Universität Berlin. pp. 215-230.

Hagerty, D.J., Pavoni, J.L., & Heer, J.E. (1973) Solid waste management. New York, NY, US: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company. pp. 163-167.

Citations in the text should be by the authors surname, then year of publication (e.g., ¡®¡­using the data obtained by Smith (1999)¡¯ or ¡®¡­using data from literature (Smith 1999, Thomas 2001)¡­¡¯. If the text contains 2 or more papers written by the same author in the same year, the citations should be differentiated by a letter (e.g., ¡®(Smith 1999a)¡¯ or ¡®Smith (1999b)¡¯). If a cited work has more than 2 authors, et al. should be used (e.g., ¡®Jones et al. (2000)¡¯). Journal name should be give in full and should not be translated. Titles of papers should be given in their original language and, if possible, they should be followed by a translation in parentheses.


Waste Management and Research is a bimonthly professional publication issued under the auspices of the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA). The aim of the journal is to satisfy the growing demand for essential information, of practical application, by those who are responsible for the management of both municipal and industrial waste.

Waste Management and Research publishes manuscripts on all aspects of solid waste management. The main focus of the journal is on the discussion of solutions to problems that arise primarily with municipal and industrial solid wastes. In order to achieve a balanced coverage, special attention is given to papers which help to bridge the gap between academic studies and practical problems.

The editors do not expect referee to rewrite a manuscript. A manuscript that is not well written or unclear should be returned to the editorial office with a request that the presentation be clarified before its merits can be evaluated. During the review process, the referee should keep in mind the following questions:

Is the abstract informative and does it clearly summarize the manuscript? The abstract should be self-explanatory and should be suitable for reproduction by abstracting services without modification.

Is the primary question or problem clearly stated, and is it significant in the context of solid waste management?

Are the information, data, or theoretical approaches valid and consistent with the overall objectives?

Are the interpretations of the information or approaches sound?

Are the conclusions supported by the information presented in the manuscript?

Should a manuscript be acceptable for publication, a brief comment describing its major contributions should be made. Recommendations for minor improvements should be made if needed. If the manuscript is recommended for rejection, the main reasons should be clearly and concisely stated. Please keep in mind that the comments will be transmitted to the authors. If the manuscript requires major modifications, the main revisions and general areas that require modifications should be indicated.

Authors of manuscripts that are rejected because of extremely poor quality should not be advised to submit the manuscript to another journal.

Referees should not communicate directly with authors and should not disclose their identity without prior editorial permission.

The quality of the manuscripts submitted to Waste Management and Research, as well as the promptness of their publication, are strongly dependent upon the effort and diligence of the reviewers. The editors rely heavily on the opinion and comments of experts in the various areas related to waste management. Copies of manuscripts with completed and properly signed Manuscript Review Forms should be returned to the Editorial Office.

If for any reason you are unable to review the manuscript within the preferred time limit, please assist us by proposing another referee and return the manuscript to the Editorial Office as quickly as possible.

Vesterbrogade 74, 3rd floor
DK-1620 Copenhagen V
Phone: +45 32 96 15 88
Fax: +45 32 96 15 84


Editorial Board



Jens Aage Hansen*, Denmark

Robert B. Dean**, Denmark (USA)

Jens Christian Tjell, Denmark

Karl E. Lorber, Austria

Giovanni Vallini, Italy

P. Agamuthu, Malaysia

* Editor-in-Chief
**Founding Editor



G. E. Blight, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa

Paul H. Brunner, University of Technology, Austria

David Joseph Vere Campbell, AEA Technology plc, United Kingdom

Simo Isoaho,Tampere Technical University, Finland

Juha Kalervo Kaila,YTV Waste Management, Finland

Esi Awuah Kwame, Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana

Stellan Marklund, Umeå University, Sweden

Steven J. Moore, University of New South Wales, Australia

Demetrios Panagiotakopoulos, Democritos University of Thrace, Greece

Hector Mario Poggi-Varaldo, Centre for Advanced Studies and Research (CINVESTAV), Mexico

Tjalfe G. Poulsen, Aalborg University, Denmark

Arne Ragossnig, VA. TECH WABAG GmbH, Austria

Dieter Reimann, Stadt und Landkreis Bamberg, Germany

Asmundur Reykdal ,SORPA, Iceland

Atilio A. Savino, CEAMSE, Argentina

Jurgis Staniskis, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania

Luminita Stefanescu, ICIM Bucharest Waste Department, Romania

Masaru Tanaka, Okayama University, Japan

William K. Townend,Torgam Developments Ltd.,United Kingdom

David C. Wilson, ERM Environmental Resources Management, United Kingdom

Kahraman Ünl¨¹, Middle East Technical University, Turkey

Published by:

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9 Saxon Court,
St Peter's Gardens,
United Kingdom

Tel No: +44 (0)1 604 620 426
Fax No: +44 (0)1 604 604 467

For online ordering please contact: www.iwmpublishing.co.uk

or wmr@ciwm.co.uk

Contact person: Ms. Belinda Bowers, e-mail: belinda.bowers@iwm.co.uk



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