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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Published twice monthly, this leading and frequently cited scientific journal features extensive coverage of the most important advances in transplantation surgery. Areas covered include experimental and clinical transplantation, immunobiology, immunogenetics, histocompatibility and tissue antigens. Issues also contain overviews, analyses and commentaries, rapid communications, brief communications, letters to the editor, and announcements.

For more information, visit www.transplantjournal.com.


Instructions to Authors


Manuscripts dealing with completed research and brief or preliminary reports will be considered for publication in Transplantation?/SUP>. Manuscripts that address exclusively pharmacokinetics issues will not generally be considered.

Transplantation is now using Manuscript Central, a web-based system for the electronic submission and tracking of all manuscripts. Authors with no Internet connection should contact the North American or European Editorial offices.

For details on how to submit your manuscript online, please go to http://transplant.manuscriptcentral.com. For manuscript formatting guidelines, please read below.

Based on your selection, your online submission will be directed to one of the two Central Editorial Offices:

North American Editorial Office
Manikkam Suthanthiran, M.D., Editor
New York-Presbyterian Hospital
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
525 East 68th Street, Box 310
New York, NY 10021
Phone: 212-746-4422
Fax: 212-746-8091
E-mail: txpl@med.Cornell.edu

European Editorial Office
Professor Kathryn J. Wood, Editor
Nuffield Department of Surgery
University of Oxford
John Radcliffe Hospital
Headington, Oxford OX3 9DU, U.K.
Phone: 44 1865-221310
Fax: 44 1865-763545
E-mail: transplantation@nds.ox.ac.uk

IMPORTANT: Each manuscript must be accompanied by a submission form (signatures not required), to be completed during the online submission process. The submission form is a Word document that can be found at http: transplant.manuscriptcentral.com by clicking on the "Instructions and Forms" icon at the top right hand corner of the site. Complete and save the submission form as a Word document, to be uploaded along with your manuscript files. During online submission, upload the completed form along with your manuscript files, designating it as a "Supporting Document" which is "not for review". The Editors assume that each manuscript is an original contribution and that it has not been, and will not be, submitted elsewhere while it is under consideration for publication in Transplantation. Manuscripts dealing with material that has appeared or is in press in brief or preliminary form in other publications will not be considered if the publication elsewhere exceeds one printed page.


Types of Papers Published

Article: Full-length reports of completed research in experimental or clinical transplantation. The Article should not exceed 4,000 words of text, with an abstract of not more than 250 words, no more than 30 references and a combined total of no more than 6 tables or figures.

Rapid Communication: Articles of high originality and interest. If deemed appropriate by the Editors, the Rapid Communication will be reviewed within 4 weeks of submission and published within 3 months from the time of acceptance. Non-acceptance as a Rapid Communication does not preclude publication as a regular Article. The Rapid Communication should not exceed 3,000 words of text, with an abstract of not more than 250 words, no more than 30 references, and a combined total of no more than 6 tables or figures.

Brief Communication: Brief or preliminary reports of new techniques or significant new findings. Single case reports are more suitable as Letters to the Editor (see below). The text of the Brief Communication is not divided into sections. The Brief Communication should not exceed 1,500 words of text, with an abstract of not more than 150 words, no more than 10 references, and a combined total of no more than 3 tables or figures.

Analysis and Commentary: These are invited reviews, highlighting studies appearing in the same issue, which have been deemed by the editors to be of special interest. The goal of these reviews is to put the study into context with other relevant publications and to analyze its significance and potential impact on the field. Commentaries must be submitted by the requested date, as inclusion of a commentary must never hold up publication of the article. Authors will be given considerable freedom in the organization of their Analysis and Commentary contributions, but the finished product should be no more than 1000 words in length and should contain no more than 10 references and a single table or figure.

Forum: Forum articles identify and discuss important issues related to transplantation, which might not otherwise be appropriately dealt with in the other available article formats. Forum articles may contain reports on seminars, consensus conferences and timely communication on any topic of interest to the transplant community, as well as analyses of social, ethical, and political issues. Authors wishing to contribute to the Forum section are encouraged to contact the Editorial Office prior to formal submission. Authors will be given considerable freedom in the organization of Forum articles, but the finished product should normally not be more than 2,500 words in length and should contain no more than 25 references, with an unstructured abstract of no more than 100 words, and a combined total of no more than 4 figures or tables. The Editors, at their discretion may request additional Forum articles from other experts in the field, to be published together in the same issue.

Overview: Concise reviews of topics of special timeliness and interest to scientists and clinicians in the field of transplantation. Overviews are solicited by the Editors, but author-initiated proposals will also be considered. In this case the author(s) should submit an outline of the proposed paper for an initial review by the Editors before submitting the full version. Overviews should not be used to express the views and hypotheses of the authors. Both solicited and author-initiated overviews will undergo peer review prior to acceptance. The Overview should include a 250-word summary with an unstructured abstract of no more than 100 words, text not exceeding 3,000 words, 50 references, and a combined total of no more than 4 tables or figures; the text is not to be divided into the usual sections.

Letter to the Editor: Letters comment on articles appearing in Transplantation or provide information on other pertinent subjects. Single case reports of high interest are suitable for submission as a Letter. Letters will be reviewed by the editors and/or sent for further review. When a letter consists of commentary on a previous article, it may be sent to the original author(s) for a response, which may also be published. Letters should not exceed 500 words in length, no more than 5 references and a single table or figure.


Organization and Format

Manuscripts must be written in clear, grammatical English. They must conform to the following format Manuscripts not correctly formatted will be returned without further processing.

Page 1: Title page. This page contains the title (preferably not more than 15 words); the title should not be a sentence. Drugs or agents: No proprietary or brand names may be used in article titles. Authors: The full first name, middle initials, and family name of each author, as well as the name(s) of the department(s) and institution(s) to which the work should be attributed, with address(es) including postal codes. Keywords: Please supply 3 - 5 words that are significant to your article. These are to be used for indexing purposes only. Word Count: Word count of abstract and word count of text should appear on this page. Text word count does not include title page, abstract, legends, tables, notes or references. Address for Correspondence: The mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address for the corresponding author should appear in the lower right-hand corner of the title page.

Page 2: Footnotes. These should be designated by superscript arabic numbers and should include the footnotes to the title, giving sources of support, and to authors' names, giving current addresses and an address for correspondence from readers. Authors should indicate clearly any source of funding for work reported in the journal as well as any potential conflict of interest. This page should also include all footnotes to the text, given in numerical sequence.

Page 3: Abbreviations. This page should list abbreviations not likely to be familiar to the reader. They should be listed alphabetically with their meanings. Please do not abbreviate terms unless they are used frequently.

Page 4: Abstract. The abstract page is separate from the text, with a separate word count. The abstract should be no longer than 250 words for Articles and Rapid Communications. The abstract should consist of four paragraphs, labeled Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. They should briefly describe, respectively, the problem being addressed in the study, how the study was performed, the salient results, and what the authors conclude from the results. The abstract for Brief Communications should be no longer than 150 words; it need not be divided into sections.

Organization of Text: Introduction. The introduction contains a statement of the purpose of the work, the problem that stimulated it, and a brief summary of relevant published investigations.
Materials and Methods. These must be presented in sufficient detail to enable other investigators to repeat the work.
Results. The results should be concise, avoiding redundant tables and figures illustrating the same data.
Discussion. This section should interpret results, with minimal recapitulation of findings.

References: References are typed double-spaced starting on a separate page and numbered in the order in which they are cited in the text, where they are designated by full-sized numbers in parentheses. Only published works and manuscripts that have been accepted for publication should be listed in the References. Manuscripts in preparation, unpublished observations, and personal communications should be referred to in parentheses in the text. Completed manuscripts submitted for publication may be cited as footnotes to the text. If these are subsequently accepted, they may be transferred by the author to the reference section in galley proof. Format: No more than six authors should be listed. If there are seven or more, only the first three followed by "et al." should be included. Titles of journal articles must be included, and abbreviation of journal names should conform to the Index Medicus style. The following are examples of the reference style (please note sequence, punctuation, and spacing):

Winearls CJ, Fabre JW, Millard PR, Morris PJ. Use of cyclophosphamide and enhancing serum to suppress renal allograft rejection in the rat. Transplantation 1979; 28: 271.

Weinstein L, Swartz MN. Pathogenic properties of invading microorganisms. In: Sodeman WA Jr, Sodeman WA, eds. Pathologic physiology: mechanisms of disease. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1974: 457.

National Center for Health Sciences. Acute conditions: incidence and associated disability, United States July 1968-June 1969. Rockville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics, 1972. (DHEW publication No. [HSN] 72-1036).

Tables: Photographs are not acceptable. Type each table, double-spaced throughout (including column headings, footnotes, and data), on a separate page. Number the tables in sequence in arabic numerals and supply a concise, informative title for each one. Each column in the tables should carry a concise heading describing the data in the column. Use lowercase superscript letters to designate footnotes, and type the footnotes below the tables to which they refer. Tables are cited in the text in numerical order. Each table should be able to be understood without consulting the text.

Figures ?Black/white and color images: Figures submitted for the review process must be in digital format, appended to the text document. For manuscripts accepted for publication, the publisher accepts digital files of black/white and color images. All figure files must be sent on a disk separate from the text files. The cost of publishing color figures will be borne by the author. The publisher will send a letter to the corresponding author advising of the cost of publishing figures in color. The article will be held until a response is received advising the publisher if color costs are approved. All figures should be submitted as close as possible to their published size. This will help reduce the file size and will improve accuracy when placing the figures in combination with other elements on the printed page. All digital artwork should be submitted as TIFF or EPS files. It is extremely important the proper resolution be used when submitting digital artwork. Monochrome images (images such as line graphs) should be submitted at a resolution of 1200 DPI. Halftones (images only–either black/white or color) should be submitted at a resolution of 300 DPI. Combination halftones (images containing both pictures and text labeling) should be submitted at 600 DPI. Color images must be saved as CMYK. Images saved as RGB are not acceptable for printing. Digital artwork must be accompanied by high-resolution laser prints. We recommend glossy paper but normal clean white laser paper is adequate. The hard copies are needed in case the digital files cannot be used and also the printer needs a model of the figures for comparison. The publisher requires one set of laser proofs but recommends that authors keep a set in their office in case of loss or damage of the files in the mails. The printer always outputs from the digital files unless there is a reason that they cannot be used. Bar graphs of various shades of black do not reproduce well. The use of lines or other symbols within the graphs will result in optimum quality of reproduction. The figures included on author's proofs are high resolution. Please inform the publisher immediately (email the Journal's production manager at trutherf@lww.com) if you have any questions concerning the quality of the figures on the proofs. For additional information on the preparation of digital artwork, please review the printer's website at http://cpc.cadmus.com/da.

Figure legends: Legends should be supplied for all figures. They are numbered to correspond with the figures and typed double-spaced on a separate page.

Supporting information for the Web: Additional substantive material may be submitted for review along with the manuscript, but instead of appearing in the print edition of the journal it will appear in the electronic version on the Transplantation Web site. Authors should clearly state in their cover letter that supporting information for the Web site is being included with their manuscript. Supporting information may take the form of supplemental figures, tables, datasets, derivations. Supporting information is to be referred to at an appropriate point in the text or figure/table legend; this additional material is not to be included in the word count.


Peer Review

All articles published in the journal are reviewed by at least one of the editors. All contributions, except some Letters and Commentaries, will be sent for external peer review by at least two independent reviewers. Authors submitting manuscripts to the journal are invited to suggest up to 5 potential reviewers, of which at least 3 should be chosen from among the members of the Editorial Board.



The Editors expect adherence to the principles outlined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (see http://www.publicationethics.org.uk/).


Changes in Corresponding Author's Contact Information

Please give all new information, including E-mail address, to the editorial office and to the publisher. Authors may contact the publisher's Project Editor, Julie Bartynski, at jbartyns@lww.com or by fax at 410 - 361- 8040. If the journal is unsuccessful in contacting the corresponding author, the author will not receive text nor any proofs for approval and the manuscript might not be published.


Page Charges

Accepted manuscripts are published with the understanding that the author(s) will pay a charge of $70.00 per printed page. Under exceptional circumstances, when no source of grant or other support exists, the author(s) may appeal to the Editors at the time of submission to have the page charges waived.


Changes at Proofs

It is expected that the final manuscript sent to the Editor is indeed the final version, so few changes should be required at proof stage. The journal will pay for the first 15 edits made to a manuscript at proof stage. Additional author edits might be charged to the author at $4 per change.



Reprints are the responsibility of the authors. You will receive a Reprint Order Form with your page proofs. If your article contains color, it is critical you order at that time. If you need a form or want to check on your reprints, please print the Reprints form located in the Links and Resources section at the top of this page or contact the Publisher at reprints@lww.com.



When the manuscript is accepted, authors will be instructed by the Editorial Office to print the Copyright Transfer Form, which can be accessed through the "Instructions and Forms" icon on your ManuscriptCentral Author Center page. We require only the signature of the lead or corresponding author. The completed form is to be sent to the Editorial Office handling your manuscript. The accepted manuscript will not be sent to the publisher without the completed copyright assignment form.


Preparation of Diskettes for Accepted Manuscripts

When a manuscript has been accepted for publication, authors are required to submit the final accepted version to the editorial office as hard copy and diskette to be sent to the publisher. Your acceptance letter will instruct you to send the following to the editorial office processing your manuscript:

2 hard copies of the manuscript

1 set of camera-ready copies of the figures, or high-quality laser proofs suitable for scanning. See also Figures section above.

diskettes (31/2 inch, ZIP disk, or compact disk); identify the diskette(s) by providing journal name, manuscript number, first author's name, manuscript title, name of computer file, type of hardware (e.g., Mac or PC), operating system and version number (e.g., Windows 97), and software program and version number (e.g., Word 98). Please put the manuscript (text, tables, references, and figure legends) in one file, exactly matching the hard copy.

Digital figures, exactly matching the camera-ready copy, must be sent on a separate diskette. Supporting Information for the Web, exactly matching the hard copy, must be sent on a separate diskette.

Preparation of Text on Diskette. Please make certain that all materials are the final, accepted version, as authors may be charged for excessive corrections at page proof stage. Files from most word processing programs for PC and Macintosh computers can be converted and used. Symbols and special characters should not be created graphically; instead, use the "insert symbol" function provided in your word processor.

Preparation of Figures on Diskette. See Figures section above.

Preparation of Supporting Information on Diskette. Supporting information should be saved, preferably in HTML, JPEG, GIF, or PDF, on a separate disk clearly labeled as "Supporting Information for the Web". The material should be unchanged from the final accepted version, and should exactly match the hard copy.



Editorial Board



J. Andrew Bradley
Cambridge, UK

Mark A. Hardy
New York, New York

James Neuberger
, England

David H. Sachs
Boston, Massachusetts

Manikkam Suthanthiran
New York, New York

Kathryn J. Wood
Oxford, England

Emeritus Editors

Ernst J. Eichwald
Herbert Conway
Nathan Kaliss
Leslie Brent

Joseph E. Murray
James G. Howard
Arnold R. Sanderson


David Steinmuller
Mary L. Wood
J. Richard Batchelor

Special Features Editors

Anthony P. Monaco

Peter J. Morris

Editorial Board

M. Abecassis
D. Abramowicz
D. Adams
J. W. Alexander
J. Alsina
P. Amlot
I. Anegon
J. Antin
A. d'Apice
H. Auchincloss
W. M. Baldwin
S. T. Bartlett
W. A. Baumgartner
W. Bechstein
B. N. Becker
E. Bell
D. Bellgrau
M. R. Benfield
G. A. Bishop
J. A. Bluestone
E. Bolton
W. E. Braun
D. C. Brennan
C. Broelsch
J. S. Bromberg
J. Buckels
L. Buhler
G. L. Bumgardner
G. W. Burke, III
W. J. Burlingham
A. Bushell
R. W. Busuttil
J. Chapman
B. Charpentier
L. Chatenoud
J. S. Cheigh
S. I. Cho
F. Claas
P.-A. Clavien
S. Cobbold
P. Cockwell
D. Cohen
J. Collier
R. B. Colvin
C. Conlon
D. K. C. Cooper
A. B. Cosimi
D. V. Cramer
D. Cranston
D. C. Cronin
R. G. Crystal
J. J. Curtis
A. P. Dalmasso
C. Darby
J. Dark
H. J. Deeg
F. L. Delmonico
F. Detterbeck
J. de Ville de Goyet
P. Donaldson
A. Dorling

C. Dudley
J. S. Dummer
D. L. Dunn
R. J. Duquesnoy
P. Dyer
J. Emond
R. B. Ettenger
J. Fabre
R. L. Fairchild
J. Feehally
R. Filo
R. N. Fine
M. R. First
J. Firth
J. Fishman
S. M. Flechner
J. L. R. Forsythe
E. A. Friedman
P. Friend
A. E. Frost
S. Fuggle
B. J. Fuller
T. C. Fuller
J. Fung
A. O. Gaber
O. J. Garden
M. R. Garovoy
H.-J. Gassel
A. George
P. Gianello
R. G. Gill
D. W. Gjertson
E. Gluckman
R. Y. Gohh
M. Goldman
T. Gonwa
M. Gotoh
J. J. Gozzo
D. Grant
D. Gray
H. Grewal
P. Griffiths
C. Groth
S. A. Gruber
G. A. Hadley
B. M. Hall
P. F. Halloran
C. Hammer
W. W. Hancock
S. Hariharan
W. Harmon
C. Hartono
P. Hyry
P. S. Heeger
J. H. Helderman
B. J. Hering
C. W. Hewitt
D. Holt
J. D. Hosenpud
S. D. Hudnall

S. Hunt
J. Iacomini
S. T. Ildstad
R. F. L. James
N. Jamieson
N. Jones
M. L. Jordan
A. Jurewicz
M. A. Jutila
B. D. Kahan
E. Kaminski
S. Kapur
D. B. Kaufman
T. Kawai
R. H. Kerman
U. Khettry
M. Kinkhabwala
J. A. Kirby
A. D. Kirk
G. B. Klintmalm
S. J. Knechtle
G. Kootstra
O. Korsgren
S. M. Krams
H. Kreis
I. L. Kron
P. C. Kuo
J. W. Kupiec-Weglinski
P. Lalor
J. R. T. Lakey
S. Large
R. Lechler
W. P. A. Lee
G. A. Levy
W. D. Lewis
J. A. Light
T. Littlewood
S. Lobritto
G. Lombardi
M. I. Lorber
J. Lowell
S. V. Lynch
A. Madrigal
J. Madsen
T. Maki
M. J. Mangino
R. Margreiter
I. R. Marino
T. G. Markees
J. F. Markmann
S. Marshall
O. M. Martinez
P. Mason
A. J. Matas
D. Mayer
G. McCaughan
S. McDiarmid
A. McLean
P. McMaster
K. McNeil

R. W. Melvold
S. Metcalfe
J. Miller
C. Miller-Graziano
J. M. Millis
T. Mohanakumar
E. P. Molmenti
R. Moore
P. Morrissey
P. Moss
D. Mutimer
A. Naji
B. Nashan
G. Neild
P. Neuhaus
C. G. Newstead
D. J. Norman
P. O'Connell
J. O'Grady
S. Oluwole
G. Opelz
C. G. Orosz
J. R. Parameshwar
M. Pascual
L. C. Paul
J. Pepper
J. D. Perkins
M. Pescovitz
D. J. Pinsky
J. Pirenne
J. Pirsch
J. L. Platt
R. Pollak
R. Postlethwaite
R. Praseedom
V. K. Rao
L. Ratner
P. Reinke
N. L. Reinsmoen
J. P. Revillard
C. Ricordi
O. Ringdn
J. Roake
S. Robson
X. Rogiers
R. J. Rohrer
D. Roopenian
M. L. Rose
J. C. Rosenberg
B. R. Rosengard
C. Rudge
N. Tolkoff-Rubin
R. H. Rubin
M. E. Russell
S. Saidman
A. K. Salahudeen
D. R. Salomon
O. Salvatierral
M. Sandrin
M. H. Sayegh

H. Schlitt
L. L. Schulman
J. C. Scornik
R. Sells
D. Serur
S. Seshan
A. Shaked
A. M. J. Shapiro
R. Shapiro
P. A. Sheiner
H. Shennib
D. Shoskes
E. Simpson
N. Singh
D. R. Snydman
R. Soave
H. W. Sollinger
J. R. Sonett
J.-P. Soulillou
J. H. Southard
T. Spitzer
J.-P. Squifflet
T. E. Starzl
R. J. Stratta
J. W. Streilein
S. Strober
D. E. R. Sutherland
P. Sweny
M. Sykes
C. Taylor
P. I. Terasaki
J. M. Thomas
A. W. Thomson
N. Thomson
N. L. Tilney
A. Ting
M. Tredger
M. Trucco
S. G. Tullius
L. A. Turka
A. G. Tzakis
D. A. Vallera
F. van der Woude
B. Vaughan
H.-D. Volk
M. Waer
J. Wallwork
A. Warrens
C. Watson
M. R. Weir
D. Wheatley
S. White
J. F. Whiting
K. Williams
R. Williams
W. Wong
N. Young
A. Zachary
A. Zeevi
R. Zhong



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