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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Toxicological Sciences

The mission of Toxicological Sciences, the official journal of the Society of Toxicology, is to publish premier peer-reviewed, hypothesis-driven, original research articles that are broadly relevant to assessing the potentially adverse health effects resulting from exposure of humans or animals to chemicals, drugs, natural products, or synthetic materials. Studies may involve experimental animals or human subjects, or they may focus on in vitro methods or alternatives to the use of experimental animals.

senting Articles on


Toxicologic studies which are structural, biochemical, or functional in nature.

Investigations that address mechanisms of toxicity.

Investigations of the effects of dose, route of exposure, metabolism, or species on toxic responses.

Statistical or mechanism-based approaches to risk assessment.

New methods in toxicology.


Research Areas:

Biotransformation and Toxicokinetics


Endocrine Toxicology

Environmental Toxicology

Genetic Toxicology


In Vitro Toxicology and Alternative Testing


Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology

Respiratory Toxicology

Risk Assessment

Safety Evaluation

Systems Toxicology





Instructions to Authors


The following are some basic explanations and instructions for author access and use of Toxicological Sciences Manuscript Central (ToxSci MC). Before submitting your manuscript online, please ensure you have referred to the instructions to authors with regard to preparing your manuscript.

Upon submission of a manuscript to Toxicological Sciences through
ToxSci MC, it is understood that:

All authors have made a significant contribution to the paper and share responsibility for it

All authors have read and approved the final version submitted, and it has been approved by the institution where the work was carried out

The manuscript has not been previously published and is not under consideration elsewhere

Any potential conflict of interest has been disclosed to the Editor.

Note: Before you begin, you should be sure you are using version 4.0 or higher of Netscape or Internet Explorer (these can be downloaded by following the links at the bottom of the Instructions and Forms screen). Mac users will then have to configure your browser (either Netscape or Internet Explorer) to use Acrobat to read .pdf files. You will also have to type the file extension at the end of the file names you choose for all files.

You are welcome to contact the Editorial Office (Tel: +1 302 467 5176, E-mail:
ToxSci@bms.com) with questions or concerns at any time. Alternatively, you can click the Get Help Now link in the top right corner of every screen in ToxSci MC. This link will connect you to ScholarOne FAQs and personnel.

Log In
The Welcome screen for ToxSci MC (
http://toxsci.manuscriptcentral.com) gives you numerous options:

Instructions and Forms contains instructions for authors and Associate Editors. It also contains the Toxicological Sciences License Form and links to other sites.

Create a new account allows you to set up an account with ToxSci MC for the purpose of submitting manuscripts or letters to the Editor of Toxicological Sciences. You will be asked to complete a user profile. Completing the user profile will grant you access to the system, as well as enter you into a database of potential reviewers. In your user profile, there is an option for a second e-mail (cc). It is critical to complete that field if someone other than yourself needs to be copied in on communications from ToxSci.

Check for existing account ¨C Click, enter your e-mail information, and, if an account exists for you in ToxSci MC, your User ID and Password will be emailed to you.

Log in with your known User ID and Password - Enter your User ID and Password to log in to ToxSci MC.

Main Menu
The Main Menu gives you three options:

The Author Center is where you will submit, edit and track manuscripts. You will only have access to manuscripts that you have submitted.

Change your password allows you to do just that. You must know your old password, and you will receive an email confirmation of the change.

Edit your information allows you to update your user profile. Please be sure your user profile is accurate and complete.

Author Center
The Author Center allows you to:

Begin a new submission

Continue a previously started submission

Check the status of a previous submission

Submit a revised manuscript ¨C If/when you receive a request to submit a revised manuscript, instructions for doing so will be included.

Entering Data
To begin a new manuscript submission, click Submit First Draft of a New Manuscript. Each screen of the submission process will have directions for you. Complete the information required and click Save and Continue to move on to the next screen (using the "Back" or "Forward" button in your browser will not save your work).

All manuscripts you begin will be located in your Partially Submitted Manuscripts and will be editable until you hit the final Submit button.

Uploading Documents You will attach all files associated with your submission in the File Manager. This may include:

Text of your paper or Letter to the Editor. Prepare any text documents using a word processing program, and save it as a .doc file.

Tables. Save at the end of the main document (.doc format).

Figures. Save separately in .tif, .doc, .ppt, or .xls format.

Photos and images. Save separately in .tif, .doc, .ppt, or .xls format.

Any other files you wish to have reviewed, including special referenced material and supplemental files. You may upload other file types, however journal staff, editors and reviewers will only be ale to view these files if they have the appropriate software on their computers.

Note: For initial review purposes, you may submit all files combined in one .pdf file. If your paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to upload each file individually.

Naming files:

Please use simple file names when saving your documents. Avoid spaces, special characters, punctuation marks and symbols. Example: use "Figure1.tif" and not "Figure 1 Author.tif."

Mac users, you must type the extension at the end of the file names you choose for all types of documents.

To upload files:

Click Browse to locate and select the document you want to upload

Select the appropriate document designation from the pull-down menu

Indicate "Yes" or "No" as to whether or not the document should be considered for review. If you select "No," the Editor in Chief will view it and make it available to an editor or reviewer as appropriate.

When each file upload is complete, a confirmation window will appear and ask you to write a description of the file. For your Main Document, you can use language such as "Article Text" or "Main Document." For tables and figures, please indicate which, such as "Table 1" or "Fig. 1." For any other supporting documents, please indicate clearly what the document is as well as its format (MS Excel, etc.).

When a manuscript has been fully submitted, a confirmation screen will appear with a tracking number. You will also receive an email confirming ToxSci's receipt of your manuscript, along with the tracking number. You can follow the status of any of your manuscripts in the Author Center by clicking on Submitted Manuscripts, then View Details for the manuscript in question. If you do not receive the above e-mail within 24 hours of final submission of your manuscript, please contact the Editorial Office (Tel: +1 302 467 5176, e-mail: ToxSci@bms.com).

Getting Help
If you experience any problems during the online submission, click Get Help Now, which takes you to the Frequently Asked Questions page. Alternatively, contact the Editorial Office (Tel: +1 302 467 5176, e-mail:
ToxSci@bms.com) or the Support Line (support@scholarone.com; +1 434 817 2040 x167).

Questions, comments, or concerns regarding this system are not only welcomed but encouraged. Please let us know what you think


Editorial Board

Lois D. Lehman-McKeeman, Princeton, NJ

Managing Editor:
Virginia F. Hawkins, Princeton, NJ

Toxicological Sciences Editorial Office
PO Box 4000, Mail Stop H24-03
Rt. 206 & Province Line Road
Princeton, NJ 08543

302-326-9313 phone
302-326-9450 fax

Associate Editors:
William H. Benson, University, MS
Matthew S. Bogdanffy, Newark, DE
David J. Brusick, Vienna, VA
Michael L. Cunningham, Research Triangle Park, NC
George P. Daston, Cincinnati, OH
Paul M. D. Foster, Research Triangle Park, NC
Jay I. Goodman, East Lansing, MI
James E. Klaunig, Indianapolis, IN
David A. Lawrence, Albany, NY
Stephen Safe, College Station, TX
Maryjane K. Selgrade, Research Triangle Park, NC
William Slikker, Jr., Jefferson, AR

Forum Associate Editors:
Erik Dybing, Oslo, Norway
Ian Kimber, Macclesfield, Cheshire, UK
Tetsuo Satoh, Chiba, Japan
Harold Zenick, Research Triangle Park, NC

Editors Emeriti:
William W. Carlton
Henry d'A. Heck
Curtis D. Klaassen
Bernard A. Schwetz
Philip G. Watanabe

Editorial Board:
Michael Aschner, Winston-Salem, NC
Susan Borghoff, Research Triangle Park, NC
Betsy D. Carlton, Raleigh, NC
Edward W. Carney, Midland, MI
Janice E. Chambers, Mississippi State, MS
Robert E. Chapin, Groton, CT
Samuel M. Cohen, Omaha, NE
Peter Constable, Urbana, IL
Chris Corton, Chapel Hill, NC
Kevin Crofton, Research Triangle Park, NC
Audrey M. Cummings, Research Triangle Park, NC
Marc H. Davies, Exton, PA
Anthony B. DeAngelo, Research Triangle Park, NC
Wolfgang Dekant, W¨¹rzburg, Germany
John DiGiovanni, Smithville, TX
Richard T. DiGuilio, Durham, NC
David J. Doolittle, Winston-Salem, NC
Yvonne P. Dragan, Jefferson, AR
Spencer Farr, Santa Fe, NM
Laurence D. Fechter, Oklahoma City, OK
Timothy R. Fennell, Research Triangle Park, NC
Maureen H. Feuston, Malvern, PA
Anthony A. Frank, Fort Collins, CO
Kevin W. Gaido, Research Triangle Park, NC
Evan P. Gallagher, Gainesville, FL
Corrado Galli, Milan, Italy
Patricia E. Ganey, East Lansing, MI
Burhan I. Ghanayem, Research Triangle Park, NC
Peter L. Goering, Rockville, MD
Thomas L. Goldsworthy Research Triangle Park, NC
Mark E. Hahn, Woods Hole, MA
Bruce Hammock, Davis, CA
Robert Hanzlik, Lawrence, KS
Jerry F. Hardisty, Research Triangle Park, NC
Hartmut Jaeschke, Tucson, AZ
Randy Jirtle, Durham, NC
Neil F. Johnson, Biberach an Der Riss, Germany
Norbert E. Kaminski, East Lansing, MI
Gary Klinefelter, Research Triangle Park, NC
Loren D. Koller, Corvallis, OR
Kannan Krishnan, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Warren W. Ku, Groton, CT
B. Paige Lawrence, Pullman, WA
John LeMasters, Chapel Hill, NC
John C. Lipscomb, Cincinnati, OH
Jie Liu, Research Triangle Park, NC
Thomas Massey, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Kevin T. Morgan, Raleigh, NC
Virginia Moser, Research Triangle Park, NC
Heinz Nau, Hannover, Germany
John L. O'Donoghue, Rochester, NY
Jeffrey M. Peters, University Park, PA
Alan Poland, Bethesda, MD
Carey N. Pope, Stillwater, OK
Stephen B. Pruett, Shreveport,
Daniel K.
Schlenk, Riverside, CA
Dieter Schrenk, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Rolf Schulte-Hermann, Vienna, Austria
Richard F. Seegal, Albany, NY
Joseph Siglin, Spencerville, OH
Allen E. Silverstone, Syracuse, NY
Charles V. Smith, Columbus, OH
Peter Smith, Cambridge, MA
David Spink, Albany, NY
Chiharu Tohyama, Tsukuba, Japan
James Trosko, East Lansing, MI
Rochelle W. Tyl, Research Triangle Park, NC
Martin van den Berg, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Roseann Vorce, Ann Arbor, MI
Cheryl Walker, Smithville, TX
Matthew A. Wallig, Urbana, IL
David Warshawsky, Cincinnati, OH
John Watkins, III, Bloomington, IN
James D. Yager, Baltimore, MD
Garold S. Yost, Salt Lake City, UT
Timothy Zacharewski, East Lansing, MI

Board of Publications, Society of Toxicology:
Richard E. Peterson, Madison, WI, Chairperson
Marion F. Ehrich, Blacksburg, VA, President, Council Liaison
Linda S. Birnbaum, Research Triangle Park, NC, Vice President, Auditor
Lois D. Lehman-McKeeman, Princeton, NJ, Tox Sci Editor, Auditor
Brian J. Day, Denver, CO
Andrea K. Hubbard, Storrs, CT
Nancy Montiero-Riviere, Raleigh, NC

Annual Meetings:
2004: March 21-25, Baltimore, Maryland
2005: March 6-10, New Orleans, Louisiana



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