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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Thorax, a leading journal in respiratory medicine, is the official journal of the British Thoracic Society. It enjoys an enviable and longstanding reputation for publishing clinical and experimental research articles covering many disciplines, including pathology, immunology and surgery. In addition it provides coverage of recent developments in basic biomedical sciences and publishes a regular review series to keep thoracic physicians abreast of advances.

A high citation index together with rapid publication and strong emphasis on clarity makes Thorax a leading international journal in its specialty.


Instructions to Authors


How to submit your manuscript to Thorax

(updated 3rd July 2003)
For details on how to submit your manuscript online, via Bench>Press, click here.

For manuscript formatting guidelines please read below.

Editorial Office

The British Thoracic Society
17 Doughty Street

ALL manuscripts should now be submitted via Bench>Press.

However, if you are unable to do so, please send the manuscript electronically via email (thorax@bmjgroup.com) or on a floppy disk to the Editorial Office. Manuscripts should be typed in double line space and paginated, with the name, postal and e-mail address of a corresponding author clearly marked on the title page.

The Editorial Office (address as above) will help you with any enquiries about the journal's requirements.
Tel: +44 (0)20 7269 5793
Fax: +44 (0)20 7269 5794
Email: thorax@bmjgroup.com

Formatting guidelines

[Back to Guidelines for Bench>Press]

Types of paper

Full Paper:
Full papers should follow the basic structure of abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, references, and tables and figures as appropriate. They should not normally exceed 3000 words or include more than 30 references; priority will be given to papers that are concise.

Rapid Communication:
The rapid communications format is intended for reports of work of major importance in any areas of research, which will undergo an accelerated reviewing and publication process. Rapid Communications must not exceed 2000 words, 15 references, and two figures or tables.

Short Report:
Short reports of experimental work, new methods or a preliminary report can be accepted as two page papers and should comprise no more than 1300 words including a structured abstract, one table or illustration, and a maximum of 10 references.

Case Report:
Case reports should not exceed 850 words with one table or illustration, a short unstructured abstract, and 10 references.

Letter to the Editor:
The Editors welcome letters related to articles published in Thorax. These should not normally exceed 300 words and should be double line spaced.

Editorial and historical articles:
Editorial and historical articles are normally commissioned but the Editors may accept uncommissioned articles of this type.


Submissions must be double line spaced. They should include a structured abstract (see below).

Manuscripts must conform to the COPE guidelines on Good Publication Practice (www.publicationethics.org.uk). It is assumed that the paper is not under consideration by any other journal at the same time and that it has not been accepted for publication elsewhere. Any previous publications or manuscripts currently under consideration with other journals that are related in any way to the submitted manuscript should be declared explicitly in a covering letter.

If requested, authors shall produce the data upon which the manuscript is based for examination by the Editors. Papers are accepted on the understanding that they may undergo editorial revision. In the event of rejection one copy of the text may be retained for future reference. The source of funding of the work should be declared in the acknowledgements at the end of the Discussion, and authors should declare any conflict of interest in the covering letter.


Abstracts, which should be of no more than 250 words, should state clearly why the study was done, how it was carried out (including number and brief details of subjects, drug doses, and experimental design), results, and main conclusions. They should be structured to go under the headings "Background", "Methods", "Results", and "Conclusions".

Authors should include on the manuscript up to five key words or phrases suitable for use in an index.

Statistical methods
The Editors recommend that authors refer to Altman DG, Gore SM, Gardner MJ, Pocock SJ. Statistical guidelines for contributors to medical journals. BMJ 1983;286:1489-93. A detailed account of the study design, pre-study power calculation (hence or otherwise the determination of study size) and all of the statistical methods used should be provided with references for non-standard techniques. Descriptive data on the study population should be accompanied (in parentheses) by measures of variability, such as the standard deviation (SD) for dat that are reasonably symmetrically distributed, or the range or interquartile range (IQR) for other types of data. An estimate of the size of effect(whether in terms of an odds ratio, relative risk rate ratio, or mean or median difference) should be provided wherever a statistically significant or otherwise relevant finding is reported, and must be accompanied by an appropriate 95 % confidence interval, both in the results section and the abstract.

SI units
The units in which measurements were made should be cited. If they are not SI units the factors for conversion to SI units should be given as a footnote. This is the responsibility of the author.

Line drawings, graphs, and diagrams should be prepared to professional standards. Particular care is needed with photomicrographs, where detail is easily lost - it is often more informative to show a small area at a high magnification than a large area. Scale bars should be used to indicate magnification. The size of the symbols and lettering (upper and lower case rather than all capitals) and thickness of lines should take account of the likely reduction of the figure usually to a width of 65 mm. Legends should be included in the manuscript. Please note: Authors must pay for colour illustrations.


Black and white illustrations (artwork) should be supplied as (or "exported as") EPS files. Black and white images (photographs) should be supplied as TIFF files, to a minimum of 300 dpi.
Colour images should be formatted as TIFF files, or high quality JPEG files. TIFF files should not exceed 2MB at a minimum resolution of 600 dpi. If you choose a higher resolution your image size should be reduced accordingly to keep the file under 2MB. nb. Scanners may automatically increase image size at a higher resolution.

Please note that the BMJ Publishing Group does not accept powerpoint figures. Hardcopies of the figures may be required by reviewers or if the paper is accepted for publication.

Where possible, tables should be submitted in the same format as your article and embedded in the article (preferably where cited). Tables should be self-explanatory, and the data they contain must not be duplicated in the text or figures.
Please note:
Bench>Press CANNOT accept Excel files. In extreme circumstances, Excel files can be uploaded as supplementary files; however, if you article is accepted it will be returned to you before processing to enable you to embed the tables  in the text.  Excel files can easily be copied and pasted into your Word file.

Responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of references rests entirely with the authors. References will not be checked in detail by the Editors but papers in which errors are detected are unlikely to be accepted. Reference to work published in abstract form is allowed only in exceptional circumstances - for example, to acknowledge priority or indebtedness for ideas. References should be numbered in the order in which they are first mentioned and identified in text, tables, and legends to figures by arabic numerals in square brackets on the line. References cited only (or first) in tables or legends should be numbered according to where the particular table or figure is first mentioned in the text. The list of references should be double line spaced and in numerical order. The information should include reference number, the first three authors' names and initials followed by et al., title of article, and in the case of journal articles, name of journal (abbreviated according to the style of Index Medicus), year of publication, volume, and first and last page numbers. The order and the punctuation are important and should conform to the following examples:

1 Anderson HR. Chronic lung disease in the Papua New Guinea Highlands. Thorax 1979;34:647-53.

2 Green AB, Brown CD. Textbook of pulmonary disease. 2nd ed. London: Silver Books, 1982:49.

3 Grey EF. Cystic fibrosis. In: Green AB, Brown CD, eds. Textbook of pulmonary disease. London: Silver Books, 1982:349-62.

Reviewing process

Full papers submitted to Thorax will be assessed by the Executive Editors. All other submissions will be peer reviewed by an associate editor and at least one other reviewer. Detailed instructions will be sent to authors on invitation to revise.


Reprints are available at cost if they are ordered when the proof is returned.


Online submission using Bench>Press

Please note: the following instructions apply to submission via Bench>Press only. Manuscripts must still adhere to the standard layout guidelines above.

Registering with Bench>Press

Users are required to register with the system when accessing the system for the first time. Click on ¡®CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT¡¯. You will be asked to complete 3 steps:

1. Email/Password:
Enter your email address: This is your unique user identification and will be needed to log into the system on ALL occasions.
Enter a password: This will be encrypted for security reasons, and will not be known to either the EMJ editorial office or HighWire Press. If you forget your password you will need to click on ¡®I HAVE FORGOTTEN MY PASSWORD¡¯ and follow the steps outlined.
Choose a ¡®password hint¡¯ question and provide an answer: You will need to provide this answer if you forget your password.

Please note: a single password will be created which applies to ALL journals using the Bench>Press online submission and tracking system. Once you have registered for your first journal, you do not need to re-register in order to use another journal's system. Simply log in with your existing email address and password.

2. Verification:
An email containing an URL will be emailed to you. Click on the URL. You email address will then be verified. This helps ensure that your email address is not being used fraudulently.

3. Profile:
You will then be asked to provide a basic profile consisting of your contact information, plus expertise terms. Although you may use the same e-mail address and password to access any journal using the Bench>Press system, you must create an individual profile with each journal.

Submitting a manuscript

To submit a manuscript enter the author area and click on the "SUBMITTING A MANUSCRIPT" hyperlink. You will be presented with a series of fields for entering your manuscript metadata and the uploading of your text and image/table files. Supplemental data can also be uploaded. The system will automatically convert your files to a single PDF for reviewing purposes, an email will be sent informing you when the conversion is complete. You will be asked to approve the conversion before it is considered formally submitted to the journal. Click on 'SUBMISSIONS READY FOR YOU TO APPROVE' in the Author area to approve your article. During conversion the system will automatically hyperlink the references to Medline and/or the journal the article was published in (if the journal is hosted on the web by HighWire Press). Please ensure you include the heading "References" at the top of the citations for optimum linkage.

You are able to start your submission and continue the process on another occasion. By clicking on ¡®SAVE/CONTINUE¡¯ at the bottom of the screen when entering your metadata enables you to save that page or continue to the next page. If you choose not to complete the submission on that occasion, the submission will appear in the ¡®SUBMISSIONS IN PROGRESS¡¯ queue in the Author area. If you decide not to complete the submission at all please choose ¡®WITHDRAW¡¯.

Please note:

  1. Do not include the cover letter in the body of the manuscript. This needs to be copied/pasted into the field available.
  2. If your paper does not include an abstract, please include the first paragraph of your article in the Abstract field.
  3. Supplemental files for upload may include: articles published/in press elsewhere; supplemental data; questionnaires, videos etc.
  4. Detailed help files are available throughout the process on Bench>Press.

File formats

Papers can be submited in any standard word processing software, although Word is preferred.



Black and white illustrations (artwork) should be supplied as (or "exported as") EPS files. Black and white images (photographs) should be supplied as TIFF files, to a minimum of 300 dpi.
Colour images should be formatted as TIFF files, or high quality JPEG files. TIFF files should not exceed 2MB at a minimum resolution of 600 dpi. If you choose a higher resolution your image size should be reduced accordingly to keep the file under 2MB. nb. Scanners may automatically increase image size at a higher resolution.

Please note that the BMJ Publishing Group does not accept powerpoint figures. Hardcopies of the figures may be required by reviewers or if the paper is accepted for publication.

Where possible, tables should be submitted in the same format as your article and embedded in the article (preferably where cited). Tables should be self-explanatory, and the data they contain must not be duplicated in the text or figures.
Please note:
Bench>Press CANNOT accept Excel files. In extreme circumstances, Excel files can be uploaded as supplementary files; however, if you article is accepted it will be returned to you before processing to enable you to embed the tables  in the text.  Excel files can easily be copied and pasted into your Word file.

Submitting a revision

To submit a revision enter the author area and click on ¡®SUBMIT A REVISION/RESUBMISSION¡¯. You will be presented with your original manuscript metadata. This can be edited where necessary. You will then be required to upload your revised manuscript files (see Submitting a Manuscript for further details). Please include your response to the reviewers' comments in the available field. If this is not entered your paper may be returned to you.


  • You can keep track of the status of your manuscript throughout the peer review process. Enter the Author area and click on ¡®MANUSCRIPTS UNDER REVIEW (CHECK STATUS)¡¯.
  • Any reviewers¡¯ comments on your article will be found in the Author area. Enter ¡®MANUSCRIPTS WITH DECISIONS¡¯ and click on ¡®REVIEWS¡¯. This will link you direct to any comment on your paper.
  • An invitation to write an article for the journal will also be requested via the online tracking system. Enter the Author area and click on ¡®REQUESTED COMMISSIONS¡¯. You can accept or decline the invitation online. When submitting your commissioned article, click on ¡®ACCEPTED COMMISSIONS ¨C PAPERS TO BE SUBMITTED¡¯. The procedure for submission is the same as an unsolicited article (see Submitting a Manuscript).


Detailed help files are available throughout Bench>Press and can be used without stopping the submission process. If you experience serious problems you contact the Thorax Editorial Office: thorax@bmjgroup.com, or Natalie Davies, Project Manager, ndavies@bmjgroup.com




Editorial Board


JA Wedzicha (London, UK)

S Johnston (London, UK)
D Mitchell (London, UK)

Associate Editors
JS Elborn (Belfast, N Ireland)
JM FitzGerald (Vancouver, Canada)
JA Fleetham (Vancouver, Canada)
NM Foley (Bath, UK)
SW Fountain(London, UK)
I Hall (Nottingham, UK)
BG Higgins (Newcastle, UK)
JR Lamb (Edinburgh, Scotland)
DA Lomas (Cambridge, UK)
C Robertson (Melbourne, Australia)
B Schönhofer (Hanover, Germany)
DP Strachan (London, UK)

Statistical Editor
SA Lewis (Nottingham, UK)

North America Editor
FD Martinez (Arizona, USA)

Asia-Pacific Editor
GI Town (Christchurch, NZ)

Web Editors
T Seemungal (London, UK)
A Bhowmik (London, UK)

Managing Editor
Sue King

Editorial Assistant
Edward Howard

Technical Editor
Elizabeth Stockman

International Advisory Board
N Ambrosino (Italy)
JN Baraniuk (USA)
PJ Barnes (UK)
CRW Beasley (New Zealand)
JR Britton (UK)
AS Buist (USA)
PMA Calverley (UK)
ER Chilvers (UK)
S-H Cho (Korea)
S-E Dahlen (Sweden)
M W Elliott (UK)
TW Evans (UK)
Y Fukuchi (Japan)
DM Geddes (UK)
P Goldstraw (UK)
R Goldstein (Canada)
C Griffiths (UK)
JC Hogg (Canada)
ST Holgate (UK)
PC Hopewell (USA)
A Kendrick (UK)
T King (USA)
AJ Knox (UK)
CKW Lai (China)
GJ Laurent (UK)
P Lesouef (Austalia)
W MacNee (UK)
C Mayaud (France)
A Morice (UK)
A Papi (Italy)
R Panettieri (USA)
NG Papadopoulos (Greece)
MR Partridge (UK)
MG Pearson (UK)
TAE Platts Mills (USA)
L Restrick (UK)
DS Robinson (UK)
RM Rudd (UK)
T Sethi (UK)
SO Shaheen (UK)
AK Simonds (UK)
P Sliwinski (Poland)
RA Stockley (UK)
JK Stoller (USA)
M Tobin (USA)
A Torres (Spain)
J Vestbo (Denmark)
EH Walters (Australia)
ST Weiss (USA)
A Wells (UK)
JW Wilson (Australia)
AA Woodcock (UK)
M Woodhead (UK)
R Zuwallack (USA)
Editor BMJ



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