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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Textile Research Journal

Published monthly by TRI/Princeton, Textile Research Journal is devoted to dissemination of fundamental and applied scientific information in the physical, chemical, and engineering sciences related to the textile and allied industries. Serving authors and subscribers world-wide, the Journal is selective in accepting contributions on the basis of merit and originality.

Since its founding in 1930, Textile Research Journal has served as the premier forum for the presentation of scientific results that introduce new concepts, innovative technologies, and improved understanding of textile materials and processing. In recently expanded monthly issues, TRJ presents peer-reviewed research and review papers from worldwide research centers dealing with direct chemical and physical experiments, mathematical modeling and theoretical analysis of textile systems.

Textiles, nonwovens and other fibrous materials are of immense importance in today's global economy. In addition to their use in well-established consumer and industrial markets, they have widespread use in novel, non-traditional applications, such as in reinforced composites, geotextiles, personal absorption products, and biomedical materials.

Research and development programs all over the world are focused on how the properties and functional performance depend on the chemical and physical properties of the constituent fibers and on the spatial arrangement of the fibers in the yarns and fabrics. At the same time, increasingly sophisticated and automated textile processing technologies have allowed the efficient and economic manufacture of improved intermediate and final products. Underlying these important developments in textile technology are a wide array of physical and engineering sciences that involve theoretical, computational, and experimental research approaches

Instructions to Authors


Subject Matter

Articles suitable for the Journal should fall into one of the following classifications: (1) fundamental research articles, presenting important new information and data in any area of science related to the textile and allied fields; (2) technical articles describing development work, engineering advances, and innovations in manufacturing and processing; (3) laboratory techniques with sufficient experimental data to illustrate the utility of methods or equipment described; (4) review articles of an authoritative and critical nature on a topic of major importance; (5) letters to the editor, not exceeding two journal pages, limited to comment on previously published Journal articles. Manuscripts must meet high scientific or technical standards. In addition, all articles must be clearly presented in good English; articles may be rejected solely because they require excessive editing.

All manuscripts are subject to review by qualified persons, whose names are not disclosed without their consent. Manuscripts must not have been copyrighted, classified, or submitted for publication elsewhere.


Authors submitting a manuscript do so on the understanding that if it is accepted for publication, copyright in the article, including the right to reproduce the article in all forms and media, shall be assigned exclusively to TRI Princeton. Upon acceptance of your article you will receive The Copyright Transfer Agreement which must be signed by the author(s) and returned to the technical editor. The transfer of copyright does not take place until the manuscript is accepted for publication.

Under United States copyright law, the author is required and must be authorized to execute a Transfer of Copyright Agreement with TRI/Princeton, the publisher, for the manuscript submitted.

Publication Charge

To help support the cost of wide dissemination of research information, the author is required to pay a per Journal page publication charge. The current page charge is $90.00 per page subject to change without notice. Payment must be made prior to article publication. Payment of this charge entitles an author to 50 free reprints. Additional reprints can be purchased. No charge will be imposed for publishing constructive criticism of an article that has previously appeared in the Journal or any rebuttal comments. All special requests by the author, such as color charts and graphs, will be at the expense of the author at cost plus 25%.

Manuscript Requirements

One original and two copies should be submitted typewritten, double-spaced on one side of 8.5 x 11-inch white paper. The Journal's style guides are "Webster's Unabridged Dictionary," "The Chicago Manual of Style," and "Standard for Metric Practice" of the American Society for Testing and Materials. The Journal requires the use of SI units for all numerical data. Common metric (cgs), English Engineering, or other frequently used units may be given in parenthesis following the SI units. For complex tables and graphs, conversion factors may be indicated in footnotes. A list of commonly used conversion factors and other information regarding SI units is available on request. Pages should be numbered consecutively and organized as follows:

The Title Page (p1) should contain the article title, authors' names and complete affiliations, footnotes to the title, and the address for correspondence (including e-mail address and telephone and fax numbers). If an author is no longer with the organization where the work was completed, the new affiliation should be given in a footnote. If the manuscript has been presented as a paper at a technical conference, this information should also appear in a footnote.

The Abstract of about 150 words must accompany each manuscript except letters to the editor. After the abstract a list of up to 10 key words that will be helpful for indexing or searching should be included.

Typing - All manuscripts must be typewritten, double-spaced. An original and two copies complete with figures and tables must be submitted. Additionally, it is desirable that you furnish a 3.5 inch computer disk of your article. In preparing the disk, please use Microsoft Word 97 or higher. All figures and illustrations must be provided on hard copy on 8.5 x 11.0 inch white paper as originals.

Equations and Formulas should be finished in a form suitable for publication. Equations are numbered in parentheses to the right; they are referred to in the text as Equation 1, Equation 2, Equation 11a, etc., i.e., without parentheses. Exponents and subscripts should be legible and properly positioned. There should be a clear distinction between small and capital letters, between 1 (one) and l (el), and between the letter O and zero. Greek letters should be written clearly; it is helpful to spell out the name of an unfamiliar symbol in the margin.

Illustrations should be a laser printer original of computer-generated drawings or graphs in black on white paper and must accompany one copy of the manuscript. Please do not send glossies of copy machine prints. Computer-generated illustrations may be sent on a 3.5 inch disk with proper identification of the article title and file name and must be accompanied by a hard copy. It is essential that all lines be bold and solid. Lettering must be large enough to permit reduction; lettering that looks almost too large for the figure is best for reduction to Journal size.

Every illustration must have an explanatory legend, not merely Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. Legends must not appear on the drawings; they will be set in type below the figures and should be submitted together on a separate sheet.

Photographs should be glossy prints -- clear, sharp, and with as much contrast as possible without loss of detail. These may also be sent on a 3.5 inch disk. Micrographs should include benchmarks. Identification of the figures should be made very lightly on the back with a soft pencil.

Literature Cited should be given in brackets, e.g. [2], by numerals corresponding to a numbered list, arranged alphabetically by author, at the end of the manuscript. The information should be given in the following order: Authors' names, initials, title of reference, name of publication, volume number (publisher and place of publication for a book), inclusive page numbers, and year of publication. Abbreviations of journal titles should follow those used by Chemical Abstracts.

Please submit your manuscripts to:

Textile Research Journal
Editorial Services
c/o TRI/Princeton
P.O. Box 625
Princeton, NJ 08542-0625


Editorial Board


Textile Research Jounral Editorial Advisory Board
  • B.O. Bateup, CSIRO Division of Wool Technology, Geelong, Victoria, Australia
  • Garth Carnaby, Wool Research Organisation of New Zealand, Christchurch, New Zealand
  • Robin W. Dent, Albany International Research Company, Mansfield, Massachusetts
  • John W. S. Hearle, University of Manchester Institute of Science & Technology, Manchester, England
  • H. Höcker, DWI, Aachen, Germany
  • S. Kawabata, University of Shiga Prefecture, Japan
  • Urs Meyer, ETH-Zentrum, Switzerland
  • R. Postle, University of New South Wales, Kensington, NSW, Australia
  • John H. Southern, Monsanto/Solutia Chemical Company, Pensacola, Florida
  • S. C. Winchester, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina


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