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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Technical Physics Letters

   This companion journal to Technical Physics offers rapid publication of developments in theoretical and experimental physics with potential technological applications. Recent emphasis has included many papers on gas lasers and on lasing in semiconductors, as well as many reports on high Tc superconductivity. The excellent coverage of plasma physics seen in the parent journal, Technical Physics, is also present here with quick communication of developments in theoretical and experimental work in all fields with probable technical applications.

Basic and applied physics; plasma physics; solid state physics; physical electronics; accelerators; microwave electron devices; holography.

Technical Physics Letters is abstracted and/or indexed in Current Physics Index, INSPEC, PASCAL, Physics Abstracts, SPIN, Science Citation Index, SciSearch, Research Alert, Materials Science Citation Index, Current Contents.

The journal was founded in 1975.

Instructions to Authors



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The journal Pis¡¯ma v Zhurnal Tekhnichesko. Fiziki (Letters to The Russian Journal of Applied Physics) is devoted to various directions in general and applied physics. The journal is published semimonthly and is translated into English as Technical Physics Letters by the International Academic Publishing Company (IAPC) Nauka/Interperiodica. Technical Physics Letters (Licensed Edition) is distributed abroad by the American Institute of Physics. The two versions, Russian and English, are issued simultaneously.
On submitting a manuscript of their article to the Editor, the authors thereby give to the Founders and Editorial Board the right to publish the Russian version and hand the manuscript to the IAPC to be translated and published in English. The authors retain all other rights as owners of the manuscript.
The manuscript should be accompanied by a copyright transfer statement letter in the following form:

We, undersigned as the authors,
¡­ (full names of all authors)
hereby give the Founders and Editorial Board of the journal Pis¡¯ma v Zhurnal Tekhnichesko. Fiziki the right to publish the paper entitled
¡­ (full title)
in Russian and English.
We confirm that this publication does not interfere with the copyright of other persons or organizations.
Date ¡­;
Signature(s) ¡­

The Editorial Board of the journal Pis¡¯ma v Zhurnal Tekhnichesko. Fiziki (Technical Physics Letters) asks contributors submitting their papers to obey the following rules. Manuscripts not conforming to these rules are not accepted for publication and are returned back to the sender for revision. Then, the date of receipt will be when the revised version is received by the Editor.
1. The manuscript should include a covering letter briefly explaining the need to urgently publish the paper in this particular Journal.
The paper must be undersigned by all the authors. The accompanying material should contain the address, phone number (work and/or home), and e-mail of an author (hereinafter referred to as the Author) to whom all correspondence from the Editor should be sent.
2. The paper length should not typically exceed four standard (21 ¡Á 30-cm or 81/2 ¡Á 11-in) double-spaced pages (plus the list of references and figure captions, both on separate sheets) and (typically) two figures.
Figures composed of separate independent parts should be avoided. The printed text should be neatly typed, employing the font size 12 or 14, on white paper with double line spacing and ample margins. All pages should be sequentially numbered.
3. Sequentially arranged on the title sheet should be the following items:

Initials and surnames of all the authors
Names (without abbreviations) and addresses (zip code, city, country, e-mail) of the institutions where the work was performed
Abstract (not exceeding one-third of a standard page)

4. The paper manuscripts and figures are to be submitted in duplicate. The figure size must not exceed the standard A4 page size and should contain the minimum necessary amount of details. Resolution of the computer-generated figures should be not worse than 600 dpi.
Half-tone figures (photographs) are to be submitted in duplicate as carefully prepared high-quality glossy prints; one copy must be provided with captions indicating the figure top, first author of the paper, and figure number. The figures should contain only notations using letters and numbers; all the necessary explanations should be given in the text or in the figure captions.
Tables should give the units of measure for all quantities.
5. Abbreviations, even conventional ones, should be avoided in the text and are unacceptable in the paper title, except for the formulas of complicated chemical compounds. The first use of an abbreviation in the text should be clearly explained.
6. The references must be numbered consecutively in order of appearance in the text and are given in a separate list at the end of the text. References within the text are indicated by numbers in square brackets. The list of references must indicate the initials and surnames of all authors of the source cited (unless there are more than four; in this case, the third author¡¯s name is followed by et al.) and, for journals: the journal title (in the conventional abbreviated form), year, volume number, issue number, and pages (from first to last); for books: full title, publisher, city, year of publication, and pages.
7. The Author may submit a paper, in addition to the printed version, as a computer text file on diskette. The text of the paper should be written in an article LATEX2e style. All formulas must be written only using the standard TEX fonts of the Computer Modern (CM) family and the ¡°msam¡± and ¡°msbm¡± fonts of the American Mathematical Society (AMS).
8. An Author from abroad may submit papers and accompanying material in English. The translation from English into Russian for publication in the Russian version of the Journal Pis¡¯ma v Zhurnal Tekhnichesko. Fiziki is executed by the Editorial Board and the Publisher.
9. If the paper is sent to the Author for revision to take into account the referee¡¯s remarks and suggestions, the revised manuscript has to be returned to the Editor within two months of the sending date. Otherwise, the date of first receipt is not mentioned and only the date of receiving the revised version is indicated.
10. Papers in English submitted for publication in the Journal Pis¡¯ma v Zhurnal Tekhnichesko. Fiziki (Technical Physics Letters) by Authors from an English-speaking country (Great Britain, USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia), or by an Author participating in a collective work, are not subject to the language style editing at the IAPC prior to publication in the Technical Physics Letters (Licensed Edition), unless the language quality is recognized as unacceptably poor.
11. Papers in English submitted for publication in the Journal Pis¡¯ma v Zhurnal Tekhnichesko. Fiziki (Technical Physics Letters) by Authors who are not native speakers are subject to English style editing at the IAPC.
The proofs of all papers subjected to English style editing at the IAPC are sent to the Author for approval. The Author has to return the proofs with necessary remarks to the Editor within five days. After the elapse of the fiveday period, the Editor has the right to consider all changes in the paper as agreed and publish the edited paper.
12. When accepted, papers submitted in English are accompanied by the footnote: ¡°This article was submitted by the author(s) in English.¡±
13. The contributors are paid fees only for their publications appearing in English in the Technical Physics Letters (Licensed Journal).



Editorial Board


Zh.I. Alferov
Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia

L. M. Sorokin

E.B. Aleksandrov, Yu.A. Bystrov, A.Ya. Vul, V.E. Golant, Yu.S. Gordeev, I.V. Grekhov, G.A. Dyuzhev, P.S. Kop'ev, N.N. Ledentsov, V.A. Nazarenko, S.P. Nikanorov, V.Yu. Petrun'kin, V.V. Rybin, G.V. Skornyakov, R.A. Suris, N.N. Tikhodeev, L.D. Tsendin, V.N. Shrednik.

B.K. Golubev

Pavel P. Pozdeev



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