

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

SYNTHESIS is a journal of international character devoted to the advancement of the science of synthetic chemistry, covering all fields of organic chemistry, including organometallic, organoheteroatom, medicinal, biological, and photochemistry, but also related disciplines.

SYNTHESIS is published semi-monthly (24 issues) and presents dependable research results with detailed and reliable experimental procedures and full characterization of all important new products. It is listed in the most important databases: Current Contents/Life Science, Current Contents/Physical, Chemical and Earth Science, Chemical Abstracts, Science Citation Index, Research Alert, Scisearch, Index Chemicus, Chemistry Citation Index, Current Chemical Reactions, Reaction Citation index, Reference Update, Biological Abstracts, EMBASE, CABS/BIOBASE, and GEO Abstracts/GEOBASE.

SYNTHESIS offers the following special features to the reader:

-Timely Reviews
-Critically evaluated overviews on recent developments in a specific area of interest to the readership.
-Feature Articles
-Papers of exceptional high quality and significance to the scientific community.
-Practical Synthetic Procedures (PSP)
-Useful and reliable procedures of interest for both academic and industrial chemists presented in a compact form.
-Book Reviews
-Special Issues and Special Topics
  Thematic collections of articles on relevant new research in existing areas related to organic chemistry.


Instructions to Authors

Manuscript Template

 The manuscript template for SYNTHESIS and SYNLETT is provided to ease both manuscript preparation for authors and the reviewing process for referees. Although it is not compulsory, authors are strongly encouraged to use the manuscript template. By doing so, authors will be able to insert and arrange figures, schemes, and tables within the text. Slight deviations to the layout may occur during the in-house production process, but the print preview of the manuscript template provides a very close representation of the final published document.


Download Instructions (PC / MAC)
Template PC version (DOT- 417KB)

Template MAC version (DOT - 417KB)

Instructions for Authors (SYNTHESIS) (PDF - 115kb)

Instructions for Authors (SYNLETT) (PDF - 115kb)

Sample Graphical Abstracts (PDF - 117kb)

Archiving Policy (PDF - 112kb)

Key Word List

Abbreviation List

 In the event of problems downloading or using the template, please contact Dr. Selena Boothroyd by email at selena.boothroyd@thieme.de.

How to use the template

Before using the template, be sure to read the Instructions for Authors for the appropriate journal (listed above under downloads). Please also consult a recent issue of the journal to see the actual format of the publication and the layout of the particular article type.

 After the template is properly installed, open Word and create a new document based on the template (SynthesisSynlett.dot). A dialog box listing the different manuscript types appears, one of these must be selected in order to continue. Detailed instructions, including guidelines for the type of text, graphics, or data required in different sections, are provided in the sample document of the chosen manuscript type.

Once the article type is selected, the template is ready for use. It is important that all settings (page setup, line spacing, font type and size, etc.) within the template be left unchanged.

On the left-hand side of the toolbar, there is a menubar called paragraph style, showing the full range of styles available in the template. These styles can be used to assign specific styles in the manuscript. When the document view is Normal, the assigned styles show up in the left hand margin as they are selected. Please do not use any styles that do not appear in the paragraph style drop-down list, as they will not be readable by our production software.

 The template contains additional icons on the toolbar. These icons should be used to facilitate the insertion of tables, figures, schemes and equations, and to ensure the correct representation of symbols (i.e. Greek letters, mathematical symbols) independent of the language settings of the computer or software. Please use only these icons when inserting symbols.

 Be sure to delete all unnecessary paragraphs and image placement guidelines provided in the sample manuscript before saving the final document as a .doc file. The filename should be changed from the default template name in order to clearly identify the manuscript.

 How to submit

All manuscripts prepared using the template should be saved in PDF format, this ensures that the integrity of the file is maintained. We actively encourage all authors to convert manuscripts into PDF format; this will also result in a more efficient submission process. Adobe Acrobat (full version) is required to convert files into PDF format. In addition there are a number of free PDF writers available on the Internet, the links to which are given below:

The PDF file of the manuscript must be submitted by e-mail to the appropriate regional editor together with an accompanying letter. This PDF document is only used for peer-reviewing whereas the original documents are used for all further production steps. Therefore, after acceptance of the manuscript the final Word and graphic files must be sent to the regional editor.

Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board

Editorial Board

D. Enders
Institut fur Organische Chemie
der RWTH Aachen
Landoltweg 1
52074 Aachen
Regional Editor for the Americas
M. Lautens
Davenport Chemical Laboratories
University of Toronto
80 St. George Street
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3H6
Regional Editor for Japan, Korea, the Chinese Mainland, Taiwan,
Hong Kong and Macau
T. Fukuyama
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku
Tokyo 113-0033
Regional Editor for Europe and All Other Countries
T. Bach
Lehrstuhl für Organische Chemie I
Technische Universität München
Lichtenbergstr. 4
85747 Garching

Regional Editor for Europe and All Other Countries
P. Knochel
Institut für Organische Chemie
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Butenandtstrasse 5-13, Haus F
81377 München
Regional Editor for Europe and All Other Countries
P. J. Kocienski
School of Chemistry
University of Leeds
Leeds LS2 9JT

Editor for Special Issues and Special Topics
E. M. Carreira
Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
ETH Hoenggerberg, HCI H 339
8093 Zurich
E-mail: carreira@org.chem.ethz.ch

Editorial Office

Managing Editor
Dr. Susanne Haak
Phone: +49 711 8931 786
E-mail: susanne.haak@thieme.de
Please contact for matters concerning:
General information about SYNFACTS, SYNLETT and SYNTHESIS
Copyright issues, reprint permissions
Publication schedule
Problems with online access
Scientific Editor
Dr. Selena Boothroyd
E-mail: selena.boothroyd@thieme.de
Please contact for matters concerning:
Manuscript status SYNTHESIS / SYNLETT
Manuscript template
Assistant Scientific Editor
Stefanie Baumann
Phone: +49 711 8931 776
E-mail: stefanie.baumann@thieme.de
Please contact for matters concerning:
Manuscript status SYNTHESIS / SYNLETT
Manuscript template
Book reviews

Senior Production Editor
Thomas Loop
Phone: +49 711 8931 778
E-mail: thomas.loop@thieme.de
Please contact for matters concerning:
Manuscript submission after acceptance
Manuscript corrections
Galley proofs
Production Editor
Helene Deufel
Phone: +49 711 8931 929
E-mail: helene.deufel@thieme.de
Please contact for matters concerning:
Manuscript submission after acceptance
Manuscript corrections
Galley proofs

Production Assistant
Thorsten Schön
Phone: +49 711 8931 781
E-mail: thorsten.schoen@thieme.de
Please contact for matters concerning:
Manuscript submission after acceptance
Manuscript corrections
Galley proofs
Editorial Assistant
Sabine Heller
Phone: +49 711 8931 744
E-mail: sabine.heller@thieme.de
Please contact for matters concerning:
Secretarial/organizational questions
Reprints (also against invoice)
Manuscript status



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