

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Survey of Ophthalmology is a clinically oriented review journal designed to keep ophthalmologists up to date. Comprehensive major review articles, written by experts and stringently refereed, integrate the literature on subjects selected for their clinical importance. Survey also includes feature articles, section reviews, book reviews, and abstracts

Instructions to Authors


Literature Search

Methods of literature search and criteria for including/ excluding articles must be stated in the manuscript. Searches must be comprehensive and international.

Exclusivity Requirements

Manuscripts are considered with the understanding that they are being submitted only to this journal. If any portion of the text, figures or tables has been published or is being considered for publication elsewhere, the author must submit copies of the other manuscripts to the Editor-in-Chief, who will determine whether the current manuscript is eligible for consideration.

Permission Requirements

The author must submit written permission of the author and publisher to publish:

a) Previously published figures and tables, even if they have been redrawn. Material "adapted from" other articles must be accompanied by the original material, so that the Editor-in-Chief can determine whether permission to reprint is required.

b) Previously published text of more than 100 words.

c) Personal communications and acknowledgments: Written permission of the communicator or acknowledge is required.

d) Recognizable patient photographs: Written permission of the patient or his/her parent or guardian is required.

Conflict of Interest Policy

Authors are required to disclose commercial or similar relationships to products or companies mentioned in or related to the subject matter of the article being submitted. Sources of funding for the article should be acknowledged in a footnote on the title page. Affiliations of authors should include corporate appointments relating to or in connection with products or companies mentioned in the article, or otherwise bearing on the subject matter thereof. Other pertinent financial relationships, such as consultancies, stock ownership or other equity interests or patent-licensing arrangements, should be disclosed to the Editor-in-Chief at the time of submission. Such relationships may be disclosed in the Journal at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief in footnotes appearing on the title page. Questions about this policy should be directed to the Editor-in-Chief.

Manuscript Submission

Every effort will be made to correct errors of grammar and syntax. However, the primary responsibility for the text is the author's. Authors whose native language is not English may need to enlist the assistance of English language medical editors before submitting their manuscripts.

Manuscripts should be submitted to Bernard Schwartz, MD, PhD, Editor-in-Chief, Survey of Ophthalmology, 7 Kent Street, Brookline, MA 02146. Phone: (617) 566-2138 Fax: (617) 566-4019 E-mail: BSchwartz@StellarMed.com.

Three original manuscripts must be submitted with complete references, tables and figures. Manuscripts should be typewritten, double-spaced with at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) margins on each side, printed on one side only of 8.5 x 11 inch (21 x 29 cm) white, bond paper. All pages should be numbered consecutively. Articles must be submitted as hard copy and on disk.


All type should be upper and lower case. Do not use ALL-CAPS in any part of the text, heads, tables, or references. Number pages in the following order: title page; abstract (100-200 words) and key words (5-10); text, references; outline; acknowledgment and reprint address; legends; tables.

Title page should include title, authors' names, highest degrees and institutional affiliations, and address for mailing proofs.

Text should contain concise internal headings in outline format (I, A, 1, a, etc.). Tables and figures should be cited by number, and footnotes should be typed on separate pages following the manuscript pages on which they appear. Please avoid abbreviations. While a few well-known abbreviations are acceptable, most are not.

References should be double-spaced, arranged alphabetically, by author, and cited by superior numbers in the text. References must be to primary publications, not to citations of the articles in other publications.

Please provide complete publication data, including first and last page numbers. "In press" articles may be included; the journal must be specified. Presentations and manuscripts "submitted for publication" are considered unpublished communications and, should be acknowledged in the text or footnotes, but should not be listed with published references. Published abstracts may be included but should be labeled "abstract." Use Index Medicus style of abbreviation and punctuation. Some typical examples follow; note the absence of periods after initials and abbreviations. When there are five or more authors, name the first three, and use "et al." to indicate additional authors.

Journal Articles
1. Smith JD: Ophthalmology and the medical community. Surv Ophthalmol 41: 1-30, 1998
2. Smith JD, Jones TS: Ophthalmology and society. Surv Ophthalmol 42: 65-78, 1999

3. Smith JD, Jones TS: Public JQ, et al: Ophthalmology and the World. Boston, Bayside Press, 2000, pp 1-19

4. Stevens JT: A transcendentalist's view of optics, in Smith JD (ed): Ophthalmology and the Universe, Vol. 6, Part 3. Boston, Bayside Press, 2001, ed 2, pp 230-245

Legends. Legends or titles should be supplied for all figures and tables. Magnification and stain should be specified. Legends for previously published figures must acknowledge original source (author's and publisher's written permission to reprint must be enclosed).

Figures. (Please submit 3 copies.) Indicate author's name, figure number, and top on the back.

Color figures: Prints or slides are acceptable. The first color figure on a page will cost $325 followed by a cost of $125 for each color figure on that same page.


Keyboarding of Manuscripts

We can use the following programs: PFS Write, WordPerfect, Wordstar, Write, XYWrite, Microsoft Word. If possible, please store your text in two versions: 1) in the standard data file format offered by your word processing system, and 2) either RTF (Microsoft Rich Text Format) or ASCII. On the diskette, please list each file copy separately and its data file format.

We will handle all design considerations for typefaces, page layout, and artwork after receipt of the electronic manuscript. Do not input special typesetting codes. Do not specify page breaks, page numbers, headers or footers.Code nonstandard characters (Greek letters, mathematical symbols, accents, etc.) consistently throughout the text. Enclose a manual list of such characters with the paper version of the manuscript. Do not use special characters to indicate bullets for list items.

Distinguish between the letter O and I and the numbers 0 and 1, respectively.

A "hard return" results from tapping the ENTER key. Use a hard return only to end a paragraph, or for titles, subheads, separate items on a list, etc. Otherwise rely on the word processor's word wrap function.

Use your word processor's capabilities for the following: bold, underline, italic, subscript, superscript, and strikeout. Text that will be italic in published form may be keyboarded italic or underlined.

Do not right-justify text. Use two hyphens for long dashes. In tables, use only tabs, not spaces, to align columns. Please use the tab function to indent.

Organization and Delivery of Electronic Files

Manuscript files may be submitted on 3.5" high density diskettes. The author should retain copies of all files as backup. All diskettes must contain only the current version and be accompanied by three printed copies of the manuscript and three clearly separated and labeled sets of illustrations.

Diskettes should be labeled with the author's name, short title of article, and word processor used, including version number. The file should be organized with the main text first, followed by references, figure legends, and finally tables.

Diskettes should be packed between cardboard (or with foam or bubble-wrap) in an envelope that states magnetic media are contained.


Editorial Board



B. Schwartz, 7 Kent Street, Brookline, MA, USA 02146. Phone: (617) 566-2138
Fax: (617) 566-4019


Managing Editor:

D. Newcombe, 7 Kent Street, Brookline, MA, USA 02146. Phone: (617) 566-2138
Fax: (617) 566-4019



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