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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Structure serves as an international forum for structural papers of biological interest, including papers providing insights into the areas of folding, stability, and the design of novel structures and activities. The journal strives not only to be essential reading for structural biologists, but also to be interesting and readily accessible to any biologist interested in macromolecular structure and function.


The scope of Structure is expanding to include studies of the structure and function of biological molecules at any level of resolution. All experimental and theoretical methods that lead to an understanding of biological function are welcome. Specifically, studies that allow one to "view" conformational changes in individual molecules or groups of molecules are especially encouraged. Likewise, we invite work describing theoretical and computational advances in structural biology.





Instructions to Authors

Reviewing and Publication Schedule

All submissions will be subject to an immediate screening process by the Editors. Those that meet the criteria for consideration will normally be sent to reviewers who have agreed in advance to assess the paper rapidly. The Editors will make every effort to reach decisions on these papers within four weeks of the submission date. Papers that do not conform to the general criteria for publication will be returned immediately, without detailed review. Accepted papers will appear in the next available issue.

Conflict of Interest Policy

Cell requires all authors to disclose any financial conflict of interest that might be construed to influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript. Authors must declare any such conflict in the cover letter accompanying the manuscript and in the acknowledgements section of the manuscript itself. As a guideline, any affiliation associated with a payment or financial benefit exceeding $10,000 p.a. or 5% ownership of a company with related interests would constitute a conflict that must be declared. This policy applies to all submitted research manuscripts and review material.

Submission of Research Articles

Structure encourages authors to submit manuscripts via our online submission system, Editorial Manager (http://st.edmgr.com/).

Manuscript file types that we can accept for online submission include Word, WordPerfect, RTF, and TXT; figure file types include TIFF, JPEG, EPS, Postscript, and PDF (see below for figure specifications). Please do not submit Excel, PowerPoint, Photoshop, or Illustrator files to Structure for review purposes, as Editorial Manager does not support these file types. Required items differ for each article type and are specified during the uploading of files for review. Note that abstracts need to be submitted as text files separate from the body of the manuscript as well as within the manuscript file. If you are unable to submit your manuscript online, a copy of the manuscript can be sent to The Editors, Structure, Cell Press, 1100 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138.

Please note: If a paper is accepted for publication, the author will be asked to send hard copies of all text and figures, as well as a Microsoft Word file of the text and digital files of the figures on a single CD.

If a manuscript is closely related to papers in press or submitted elsewhere, it will be considered for publication only after copies of these papers are provided. Under no circumstances will any paper be considered that contains any data that have been or will be submitted for publication elsewhere (including symposium volumes). Revised manuscripts will be reconsidered only if resubmitted within two months of the date of the original decision.

Manuscript Organization

The total character count of an article must be under 55,000 (including spaces), and the combined number of tables and figures should not exceed 10. All text should be double spaced. Footnotes should not be used and will be transferred to the text. Gene symbols should be italicized; protein products should not be italicized. Nonstandard abbreviations should be defined when first used in the text. Please use American spelling.

A single paragraph of fewer than 150 words. The primary goal of the summary should be to make the general significance and conceptual advance of the work clearly accessible to a broad readership. References should not be cited in the Summary.

Running Title
No more than 50 characters (including spaces).

Succinct, with no subheadings.

Results and Discussion
These sections may each be divided by subheadings or may be combined. Please note that Structure articles will no longer feature a Biological Implications section.

Experimental Procedures
This section should contain sufficient detail so that all procedures can be repeated, in conjunction with cited references.

All in-text citations and listed references should be set in Cell Press style: in-text citations should include first author name and year of publication (Smith et al., 2003), and the reference list should appear in alphabetical order. Structure no longer uses the bracketed number format for referencing articles. The references should include only articles that are published or in press. Unpublished data, submitted manuscripts, abstracts, and personal communications should be cited within the text only. Personal communication should be documented by a letter of permission. Please use the following style for references:

Article in a periodical:
Sondheimer, N., and Lindquist, S. (2000). Rnq1: an epigenetic modifier of protein function in yeast. Mol. Cell 5, 163¨C172.

Article in a book:
Sorenson, P.W., and Caprio, J.C. (1998). Chemoreception. In The Physiology of Fishes, D.H. Evans, ed. (Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press), pp. 375¨C405.

An entire book:
Cowan, W.M., Jessell, T.M., and Zipursky, S.L. (1997). Molecular and Cellular Approaches to Neural Development (New York: Oxford University Press).

The combined number of tables and figures should not exceed 10. Authors will be charged $500 for the first color figure and $250 for each additional color figure, which partially defrays the cost of separating and printing color figures. Photographs should be provided with a scale bar, if appropriate. Before sending figures, please refer to the guidelines for submission, which can be found below.

Stereo pairs should be in divergent view and at the same size as they are to appear in the journal, sized to be 101 mm wide and mounted so that the corresponding points in each half are 55¨C66 mm apart. For articles describing new structures at atomic resolution, one figure should show the whole molecule or a set of fragments in sufficiently precise detail (e.g., C¦Á backbone) that the locations of individual residues can be identified. This figure should ordinarily be in stereo and should include markers (e.g., every tenth C¦Á highlighted) and adequate numbering.

Figure Legends
Legends should be included in the submitted manuscript as a separate section. Each figure legend should have a brief, separate title that describes the entire figure without citing specific panels.

Tables should include a title, and footnotes and/or legend should be concise. If possible, try to avoid separating columns with tabs or spaces. Instead, please use the Microsoft Word table function. Include tables in the submitted manuscript as a separate section.

Figures for Manuscripts Submitted for Review

Figures submitted for review (via Editorial Manager) can be in any of the following formats. They should adhere generally to the style guidelines outlined under Figures for Accepted Manuscripts (below).

Image formats for figures in manuscripts submitted for review:

TIFF (.tif)

Encapsulated Postscript (.eps)

Postscript (.ps)

Portable Document File (.pdf)

JPEG (.jpg)

Please note that in order to use electronic submission, you will need to convert Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator and Microsoft PowerPoint files to one of the formats listed above.

Figures for Accepted Manuscripts

Once a manuscript is accepted for publication, authors will be asked to send the following:

Two sets of high-quality glossy hard copies that can be used for scanning (if necessary) and color matching.

High-resolution digital files. Please see Resolution Requirements below.

For figures that have multiple panels, the labels should be set in uppercase Helvetica or Arial. Each figure must be assembled into one file that prints onto one 8½ ¡Á 11 page. Please do not print separate panels on multiple pages.

Image formats for figures in accepted manuscripts:

TIFF (.tif) (preferred format for raster image files)

Encapsulated Postscript (.eps) (preferred format for vector image files)

Postscript (.ps)

Adobe Illustrator (.ai)

Adobe Photoshop (all versions) (.psd)

Portable Document File (.pdf)

JPEG (.jpg)

TIFF Files (.tif)
TIFF is our preferred format.

Encapsulated Postscript Files (.eps)
As with all vector files (Adobe Illustrator, etc.), when saving as .eps, please be sure to embed all fonts or convert to outlines or paths.

Postscript Files (.ps)
There are many different drawing programs, not all of them supported by the software we use. From almost all of these programs, you should be able to produce a postscript file. When printing, select to print to a (postscript) file, rather than printing by default to a printer. The image must be in portrait orientation. Please be sure to embed all fonts when you save as postscript.

Resolution Requirements
For black and white photographs or micrographs and for any type of graph or drawing in grayscale, the resolution of your file should be a minimum of 500 dpi. For figures that contain color, the resolution should be a minimum of 300 dpi.

Color Images
For printing purposes, we need to convert the color mode of digital figures from RGB to CMYK, a process that can sometimes make colors appear less vibrant (especially bright blues and reds). To avoid changes (and possible delays) at a later stage, please check figures in CMYK for shifts in color.

Figure Sizing
The publisher reserves the right to resize figures. Please note that the maximum width at which figures can be printed is 16 cm; the maximum height is 23 cm.

File Naming
Please name files by first author and number of figure, e.g., Smith1.tif, Smith2.tif, etc.

Reviews and Minireviews

Reviews and minireviews are usually commissioned, but suggestions in the form of a one-page summary are welcome and may be sent to the Cell Press office. Reviews should be written for nonspecialists. In addition to a balanced view of the topic, reviews can provide new conceptual frameworks for recent data. Minireviews should briefly discuss a sharply focused topic of recent experimental research and make it accessible to researchers in other areas. A critical but balanced view of the field should be covered.

Prepublication Publicity Policy

Work intended for submission to Structure, currently under consideration at Structure, or ¡°in press¡± at Structure may not be discussed with the media (including other scientific journals) before publication. Providing preprints, granting interviews, discussing data with members of the media, or participating in press conferences in advance of publication without prior approval from the Cell Press editorial office may be grounds for rejection. Authors are welcome to present and discuss material intended for publication in Structure at scientific meetings; however, we do require that they refrain from discussing the findings with members of the press beyond those included in the formal presentation. In addition, we encourage meeting organizers to contact our editorial office in advance of a meeting if they have any questions regarding this policy.

Distribution of Material

Publication of a research article in Structure is taken to imply that the authors are prepared to distribute freely to academic researchers for their own use any materials (e.g., cells, DNA, antibodies) used in the published experiments. In cases of dispute, authors may be required to make primary data available to the Editor. Papers should state that atomic coordinates, nucleic acid sequences, and protein sequences have been deposited in an appropriate databank and where possible give the entry name or accession number. All coordinates and sequences must be accessible without restriction from the date of publication. Residue numbering for protein fragments should be as for the intact natural product.




Editorial Board

James M. Berger
Pamela J. Bjorkma
Stephen K. Burley
Iain D. Campbell
Wah Chiu
G. Marius Clore
Fred E. Cohen
Peter M. Colman
Valerie Daggett
William F. DeGrado
Johann Deisenhofer
Bauke W. Dijkstra
Ken A. Dill
Sylvie Doublie
David Eisenberg
Philip R. Evans
Lila M. Gierasch
Yale Goldman
Angela M. Gronenborn
Stephen C. Harrison
Richard Henderson
Wim G. J. Hol
Kenneth C. Holmes
Barry Honig
Arthur Horwich
James H. Hurley
Joël Janin
John E. Johnson

Louise N. Johnson
Alwyn Jones
Martin Karplus
Anthony Kossiakoff
Ylva Lindqvist
Brian W. Matthews
Alexander McPherson
Peter B. Moore
Kosuke Morikawa
Hartmut Oschkinat
Arthur G. Palmer, III
Dinshaw J. Patel
Simon E. V. Phillips
David W. Rice
Michael G. Rossmann
Helen R. Saibil
Robert T. Sauer
Georg E. Schulz
Luis Serrano
Eugene I. Shakhnovich
Lawrence Shapiro
Janet L. Smith
Thomas A. Steitz
David Stuart
Janet Thornton
Gerhard Wagner
A. Joshua Wand
James R. Williamson
Kurt W



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