

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Stroke provides reports of clinical and basic investigation of all aspects of the cerebral circulation and its diseases from many disciplines including neurology, internal medicine, radiology, nuclear medicine, neuropathology, neurosurgery, epidemiology, vascular surgery, rehabilitation, anesthesiology, critical care medicine, vascular physiology, neuropsychology, speech pathology, and neuro-ophthalmology.


Instructions to Authors


An online manuscript submission system is now available for authors and is the preferred method of submission to Stroke. To submit your manuscript online, please go to http://submit-stroke.ahajournals.org/ and follow the instructions for creating an author account and submitting a manuscript. Access can also be gained by visiting Stroke online at http://stroke.ahajournals.org and selecting the Online Submissions button. If you have any questions about the online submission process, please feel free to contact the Editorial Office at stroke@lhsc.on.ca

The following items must be forwarded to the appropriate Editorial office within 48 hours of online manuscript submission:

2 hard copies of the manuscript (including full title of the article, authors' names, highest academic degree earned by each, authors' affiliations, name and complete address for correspondence, and address for reprints if different from correspondence; and fax number, telephone number, and E-mail address)

2 full sets of original figures, on glossy-finish paper

Copyright Transfer Agreement

Acknowledgement release signatures, if applicable

To maintain Stroke Double-Blind system, please REMOVE Author Information Page and Acknowledgment Page BEFORE uploading manuscript onto the submission system. IMPORTANT: Authors who are also Reviewers for Stroke must log on with their AUTHOR user name and password when submitting manuscripts and revisions.

Please note that accurate Manuscript Type and Section must be selected when authors submit manuscripts online. The suffixes on the "MS Type" denote which editorial office will handle the manuscript. "A" stands for Australasian/Asian office; "B" is for Basic Science office in Boston; "E" is for European office in Helsinki; and "C" is for Canadian Main Office in London, Ontario, which handles all other manuscripts. (Although hard copies of Australasian/Asian manuscripts are to be forwarded to the main office in London, Ontario, Canada, when submitting manuscripts online from this area, please choose manuscript types that end in "A." Thank you.

Clinical submissions from the United States, Canada, Australia, Asia, and countries other than Europe should be sent to:
Vladimir Hachinski, MD
Stroke Editorial Office, University of Western Ontario Research Park
100 Collip Circle, Suite 116
London, ON, Canada N6G 4X8
Phone: 519-858-5171
Fax: 519-858-5174
Clinical submissions from Europe should be sent to:
Markku Kaste, MD
Department of Neurology
Helsinki University Central Hospital
Haartmaninkatu 4, PO Box 340
FIN-00029 HUS, Helsinki, Finland
Phone: 358 9 471 76777
Fax: 358 9 471 76785
Basic science submissions from all locations should be sent to:
Michael A. Moskowitz, MD
Stroke & Neurovascular Regulation Lab
Massachusetts General Hospital
Harvard Medical School, CNY 6403
149 13th Street, Charlestown, MA 02129, USA
Phone: 617-726-8442
Fax: 617-726-1844
All letters to the editor should be sent to Dr Hachsinki (address above).

Stroke: A Journal of Cerebral Circulation publishes reports of clinical and basic investigation of any aspect of the cerebral circulation and its diseases from many disciplines, including neurology, internal medicine, radiology, nuclear medicine, neuropathology, neurosurgery, epidemiology, vascular surgery, rehabilitation, anesthesiology, critical care medicine, vascular physiology, neuropsychology, speech pathology, and neuro-ophthalmology.

Submitted manuscripts should not contain previously published material or be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Manuscripts should conform to "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals" (JAMA. 1997;277:927-934 or on the worldwide web at several addresses, including http://www.acponline.org/journals/resource/resortoc.htm) except as indicated otherwise in the instructions below.

Redundant Publication

The editors of Stroke agree with the principles of the HEART Group regarding redundant publication (Circulation. 1997;96:1. Cardiovascular News: "HEART Group Notification Regarding Redundant Publication"). Redundant publication is publication of a paper that overlaps substantially with one already published. When submitting a paper, authors should make a full statement to the editor about all submissions and previous reports that might be regarded as redundant publication of the same or similar work. The authors should alert the editor if the work includes subjects about whom a previous report has been published. Copies of such material should be included with the submitted paper to help the editor decide how to handle the matter. If redundant publication is attempted without such notification, authors should expect editorial action to be taken; at the least, rejection of the manuscript.

Commercial Sponsors

If the study is supported by or any income is received from a commercial sponsor, the authors must document the input of the sponsoring company in study design, collection, analysis, and interpretation of data and writing the reports. It is important to specifically address whether the sponsors could have suppressed publication if the results were negative or detrimental to the product they produce. Specifically, authors should state if the company was involved in original concepts and systematic review of existing trial evidence, the design, the choice of investigators, the control of allocation schedule, the conduct of the trial, the collection and monitoring of data, the analysis and interpretation, and the writing and approval of the report.

Journal Categories

Please note: the maximum word count for Original Contributions has been reduced from 4500 to 4000 words.

Original Contributions. For preparation, see "General Instructions." Manuscripts should not exceed 4000 words, which is approximately 18 double-spaced typewritten pages, including title page, abstract, references, legends, and tables. Authors should eliminate redundancy, emphasize the central message, and provide only the data necessary to convey that message. The total number of figures and/or tables is limited to 6. Additional figures may be submitted for publication online only, at the discretion of the editor. A maximum of an additional 2 figures or 2 tables or 1 of each may be submitted. There should be no more than 1 figure or 1 table for every 750 words.

Short Communications (Online-Only Publication). Case studies with more than 3 patients are categorized as Short Communications. Maximum 1500 words and 3 tables or figures.

Case Reports (Online-Only Publication). The editors will consider case reports for publication only if they present important and unique clinical experience. Authors should limit descriptions of negative and normal findings. Maximum 1500 words, with only the most relevant references. Authors should limit figures to those that enhance the study.

Progress Reviews. This category presents an objective review of research and clinical treatment of some aspect of cerebrovascular disease. Manuscripts should not exceed 8000 words.

Comments, Opinions, and Reviews. In this category, authors summarize the present state of knowledge in some aspect of cerebrovascular disease without the objectivity required in a Progress Review. Length and format will vary.

Special Reports. These articles may summarize an event or a topic of interest to the readers of Stroke. Authors may query the editors before writing Special Reports to determine possible interest in such articles.

Research Reports (Online-Only Publication). These articles highlight important research in stroke. Maximum 1500 words and 15 references. Up to 3 figures and/or tables may be included.

Letters to the Editor (Online-Only Publication). This forum expresses views about articles published in Stroke or presents ideas or findings of scientific interest that do not constitute original research. Letters should be no longer than 1000 words, excluding references. The editor invites responses to letters as appropriate. Authors must double-space text and references, provide a brief title, and obtain signatures from all authors on a copyright transfer agreement. Letters may be shortened or edited. The American Heart Association will send edited letters to authors before publication.

Criteria for Authorship
The editors consider authorship to refer to those persons who accept intellectual and public responsibility for the statements made and results reported. Authorship should not be attributed to department chairmen not directly involved in the study, to physicians or technicians who provided routine services, or to technical advisors. Manuscripts with more than 5 authors should be accompanied by a letter stating the contribution of each author to the study. A group study should carry the group name and reference the contributing authors in a footnote, appendix, or acknowledgments.

Double-Blind Review
Stroke submits articles to reviewers without identifying authors. Manuscripts and figures should not include author identification. Figures may be identified with abbreviated titles.

Expedited Publication
The editors invite submission of manuscripts that have major importance to the scientific community. To be considered for expedited publication, an article must be unique and contain information that could make a significant difference in medical practice or constitute an important advance in basic knowledge. The authors must clearly state reasons for the request in the cover letter. If the editors agree that an article should be an expedited publication, they will arrange an accelerated review and, if the reviewers agree, accelerated publication.

Preliminary Reports
The editors discourage submission of preliminary reports that describe a standardized design and progress to date. The editors will not consider publication of such studies unless the article describes new and innovative methodology and/or reports data that might be used independently by other groups in planning similar studies. If a preliminary report is submitted, authors should specify inclusion of material that meets the guidelines of this policy.

General Instructions

Type manuscripts double-spaced, including references, figure legends, and tables, on one side of the page only.

Leave 1-inch margins on all sides. Number every page, beginning with the abstract page, including tables, figure legends, and figures.

Cite each figure and table in text in numerical order.

Cite each reference in text in numerical order and list in the References section. In text, reference numbers may be repeated but not omitted.

Use SI units of measure in all manuscripts. For example, molar (M) should be changed to mol/L; mg/dL to mmol/L; and cm to mm. Units of measure previously reported as percentages (eg, hematocrit) are expressed as a decimal fraction. Measurements currently not converted to SI units in biomedical applications are blood and oxygen pressures, enzyme activity, H+ concentration, temperature, and volume. The SI unit should be used in text, followed by the conventionally used measurement in parentheses. Conversions should be made by the author before the manuscript is submitted for peer review.

Consult the American Medical Association Manual of Style, 9th ed, Baltimore, Md, Williams & Wilkins, 1997, for style.

Assemble manuscript in this order: (1) author information page, (2) acknowledgments and funding page, (3) title page, (4) abstract page, (5) text, (6) references, (7) tables, (8) figure legends, (9) figures. Do not staple.

Specify the number of words on your title page. Word count should include all parts of the manuscript (abstract, manuscript text, references, tables, etc). Over-length manuscripts will NOT be accepted for publication.

Consult current issues for additional guidance on format.

1. Author Information Page (First page, but do not number)
Author page must include:

Full title of the article.

Authors' names, highest academic degree earned by each, authors' affiliations, name and complete address for correspondence, and address for reprints if different from address for correspondence.

Fax number, telephone number, and E-mail address.

2. Acknowledgments and Funding Page (Second page, but do not number)

The acknowledgments section lists all sources of funding for the research discussed in the study, plus substantive contributions of individuals. When expressing appreciation to another scientist for assistance with the research or manuscript, such an acknowledgment may imply endorsement of data and conclusions. For this reason, authors are responsible for ensuring that all persons mentioned have seen and approved mention of their names in the article. (Note: If the article is published, this section will be printed at the end of the text.)

Authors should reveal all possible conflicts of interest on this page.

3. Title Page (Third page, but do not number)
Title page must include:

Full title.

Cover title (total characters must not exceed 50, including spaces) to be typeset on the cover of the journal.

Itemized list of the number of tables and number and types of figures included in the manuscript.

Three to five key words for use as indexing terms. These words should be selected from the "Subject Index" of the most recent December issue of Stroke or from the National Library of Medicine Permuted Medical Subject Headings.

4. Abstract (First numbered page)

Do not cite references in the abstract.

Limit use of acronyms and abbreviations.

Be concise (250 words, maximum). The abstract should have the following headings: Background and Purpose (description of rationale for study), Methods (brief description of methods), Results (presentation of significant results), and Conclusions (succinct statement of data interpretation).

5. Text

Follow the instructions in "General Instructions."

The following are typical main headings: Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion (no Introduction or Summary).

Abbreviations must be defined at first mention in the text, tables, and figures.

Methods section. For any apparatuses used in Methods, the complete names of manufacturers must be supplied. For animals used in experiments, state the species, strain, number used, and other pertinent descriptive characteristics. For human subjects or patients, describe their characteristics. When describing surgical procedures on animals, identify the preanesthetic and anesthetic agents used, and state the amount or concentration and the route and frequency of administration for each. The use of paralytic agents, such as curare or succinylcholine, is not an acceptable substitute for anesthetics. For other invasive procedures on animals, report the analgesic or tranquilizing drugs used. If none were used, provide justification for such exclusion. Generic names of drugs must be given. Manuscripts that describe studies on humans must indicate that the study was approved by an institutional review committee and that the subjects gave informed consent. Reports of studies on both animals and humans must indicate that the procedures followed were in accordance with institutional guidelines.

6. References Section

Accuracy of reference data is the author's responsibility. Verify all entries against original sources, especially journal titles, inclusive page numbers, publication dates, accents, diacritical marks, and spelling in languages other than English.

All authors must be listed. Do not use et al.

Cite references in numerical order according to first mention in text.

Personal communications, unpublished observations, and submitted manuscripts must be cited in the text as "([name(s)], unpublished data, 19XX)."

Abstracts may be cited only if they are the sole source and must be identified in the references as "Abstract."

"In press" citations must have been accepted for publication and the name of the journal or book publisher included.

7. Tables

Each table must be typed on a separate sheet and double-spaced, if possible. The table number should be Arabic, followed by a period and a brief informative title.

Use the same size type as in text.

Indicate footnotes in the table in this order: *, ? ? ? ||, ? #, **, ††.

Do not use vertical lines in tables. Use horizontal lines above and below the column headings and at the bottom of the table only. Use extra space to delineate sections within the table.

8. Figure Legends

Provide figure legends on a separate sheet.

9. Figures

Figures are either black and white drawings, halftones (photographs), or computer (laser) graphs or prints. Authors are responsible for the cost of printing color illustrations. Authors are also responsible for obtaining from the copyright holder permission to reproduce previously published artwork.

Artwork must be prepared using professional camera-ready standards.

Ideally, artwork should be approximately the size authors could expect it to be reproduced if printed in Stroke. This will allow authors to evaluate it for size of text on figures and final appearance.

Line drawings, photomicrographs, color prints, and halftones should be camera-ready, unmounted, glossy prints.

Computer graphs and prints should be good quality laser prints. Glossy computer paper reproduces best. Submit only originals of laser prints, not photocopies.

Make letters and locants uniform in size and style. Flaws will not be corrected.

Two sets of original figures must be submitted. Enclose each set of figures in 2 separate envelopes. Indicate figure number, short manuscript title, and top of figure lightly in pencil or with a felt-tip pen on a label on the back of each illustration. Do not use authors' names as identification. One set of original figures will be set aside for possible publication.

In addition to the original figures, prepare 2 photocopies (or additional originals) of each figure and attach 1 complete set to each of the 2 manuscripts. Figure numbers must appear on these figures. These figures, now part of each manuscript, will be sent out for review, together with a set of originals if appropriate.

Supply a scale bar with photomicrographs.

Any abbreviations or symbols used in the figures must be defined in the figure or figure legend.

Keep an extra set of original figures for your records.

Authors who wish to submit figures electronically can check guidelines online at http://submit-stroke.ahajournals.org/ under Tools for Authors-Digital Art Information

Address requests for permission to reproduce figures, tables, or portions of articles originally published in Stroke to: Rights and Permissions, AHA Journals, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 351 W Camden St., Baltimore, MD 21201-2436. Phone 410-528-4050. Fax 410-528-8550. E-mail:

Costs to Authors
Authors are charged:

$60 per printed page of an article or $60 per page of an online-only article to defray costs of publication (information is sent with author's proof).

Expense for color reproduction of figures (estimate of cost will be provided for author's approval).

Expense for replacing poor-quality art.

Expense for reprints (price lists are sent with author's proof).

$50 per printed page for excessive author alterations.

$100 for printing a correction (erratum after publication of the article) that results from an author's error.

Mail/Courier Submissions Checklist

Two complete sets of each of the following:

1. Author information page

2.                               Acknowledgments and funding page

3.                               Title page

4.                               Manuscript text

5.                               Tables

6.                               Original figures in separate envelopes

7.                               Originals or copies of figures attached to manuscripts

8.                               Figure legends

Copyright transfer agreement hand-signed by all authors. The agreement on the next page may be photocopied.

Authors who submit manuscripts to the journal must:

1. State that all authors have read and approved submission of the manuscript.

2.                               State that material in the manuscript has not been published and is not being considered for publication elsewhere in whole or in part in any language except as an abstract.

3.                               State that all persons mentioned in the acknowledgment have seen and approved mention of their names in the article.

4.                               Cite all sources of support for research. If authors have potential conflicts of interest that relate to the manuscript, these must be stated.

Authors may suggest a list of potential reviewers (including addresses and telephone and fax numbers) in their cover letter. The editors, however, may use other reviewers.

A computer diskette is required that includes the latest version of the manuscript, including author information, acknowledgments, and references.

Mail manuscripts and related items to a Stroke editor (see addresses, page 1 of Instructions).




Editorial Board

Editorial Board

Vladimir Hachinski

Managing Editor
David W. Scott

Associate Managing Editor
Nola McGregor

Assistant Managing Editor
Rebecca Nott

Assistant Editors
Vadim Beletsky
Alastair Buchan
David Cechetto
Stephanie Lewis
Brian Silver
David Spence

Basic Science
Associate Editor
Michael A. Moskowitz
Editorial Assistant
Marilyn Regan
Assistant Editors
Frank M. Faraci
Patricia D. Hurn
Costantino Iadecola
Eng H. Lo

Pacific Rim Clinical
Associate Editor
Graeme J. Hankey

European Clinical
Associate Editor
Markku Kaste
Editorial Assistants
Anu Erakanto
Anne Siivonen
Assistant Editors
Seppo Juvela
Perttu J. Lindsberg
Risto O. Roine
Turgut Tatlisumak

Associate Editor
John W. Norris
Associate Editor Stroke en Español
Exuperio Diez Tejedor

Consulting Editors
H.J.M. Barnett, Editor-in-Chief 1982-1986
Jos?Biller, Assoc. Editor 1995-2000
Edward Cooper, President, AHA 1992-1993
Mark L. Dyken, Editor-in-Chief 1992-2000
Marie-Germaine Bousser, Assoc. Editor 1992-2000
Murray Goldstein, Associate Editor 1976-1991
Hermes Kontos, Assoc. Editor 1992-2000
Lewis Kuller, Assoc. Editor 1986-1991
Fletcher H. McDowell, Editor-in-Chief 1997-1981
Clark H. Millikan, Founding Editor 1970-1976
J.P. Mohr, Assoc. Editor 1981-1986
Walter D. Obrist, Assoc. Editor 1986-1991
S. John Peerless, Assoc. Editor 1981-1986
Oscar M. Reinmuth, Editor-in-Chief 1987-1991
Robert G. Siekert, Abstracts Editor 1971-1986

Section Editors
Mark J. Alberts - Genetics
Mark Fisher - Emerging Therapies
Larry Goldstein - Prevention and Health Services Delivery
Daniel F. Hanley - Critical Care/Emergency Medicine
David Matachar - Health Policy/Outcomes Research
David Pelz - Interventional Neuroradiology
Robert Teasell - Brain Recovery and Rehabilitation
Steven Warach - Imaging

Controversies Editors
Stephen Davis - Melbourne, Australia
Geoffrey Donnan - Melbourne, Australia

Editorial Board

Robert H. Ackerman, Boston, Massachusetts
Harold P. Adams, Jr. Iowa City, Iowa
Andrei Alexandrov, Houston, Texas
Nabil Alkayed, Baltimore, Maryland
Kjell Asplund, Umea, Sweden
Viken Babikian, Boston, Massachusetts
Fernando Barinagarrementeria, Mexico City, Mexico
Jean-Claude Baron, Cambridge, England
Kyra Becker, Seattle, Washington
Daniel Bereczki, Debrecen, Hungary
Julien Bogousslavsky, Lausanne, Switzerland
Natan Bornstein, Tel Aviv, Israel
Lawrence Brass, New Haven, Connecticut
Robin L. Brey, San Antonio, Texas
Robert Bryan, Houston, Texas
Louis Caplan, Boston, Massachusetts
Angel Chamorro, Barcelona, Spain
Pak H. Chan, Stanford, California
Helena Chui, Downey, California
G. Patrick Clagett, Dallas, Texas
Bruce Coull, Tucson, Arizona
Laszlo Csiba, Debrecen, Hungary
Antonio Culebras, Syracuse, New York
Antoni D
ávalos, Girona, Spain
Gregory J. del Zoppo, La Jolla, California
Hans-Christoph Diener, Essen, Germany
Giuseppe Di Pasquale, Bologna, Italy
Pamela Duncan, Gainesville, Florida
John Eikelboom, Perth, Australia
Matthias Endres, Berlin, Germany
Giora Z. Feuerstein, Wilmington, Delaware
Anthony J. Furlan, Cleveland, Ohio
Nancy Futrell, Salt Lake City, Utah
Richard F. Gillum, Hyattsville, Maryland
Camilo R. Gomez, Birmingham, Alabama
Philip Gorelick, Chicago, Illinois
Werner Hacke, Heidelberg, Germany
Antoine Hakim, Ottawa, Canada
E. Clarke Haley, Charlottesville, Virginia
John Hallenbeck, Bethesda, Maryland
Robert G. Hart, San Antonio, Texas
Wolf-Dieter Heiss, Köln, Germany
Cathy M. Helgason, Chicago, Illinois

Michael G. Hennerici, Mannheim, Germany
Matti Hillbom, Oulu, Finland
Robert W. Hobson II, Newark, New Jersey
Virginia J. Howard, Birmingham, Alabama
Chung Y. Hsu, St Louis, Missouri
Domenico Inzitari, Florence, Italy
Carlos S. Kase, Boston, Massachusetts
Zvonimir S. Katušić, Rochester, Minnesota
Margaret Kelly-Hayes, Boston, Massachusetts
Edgar J. Kenton III, Wynnewood, Pennsylvania
Chelsea Kidwell, Los Angeles, California
Raymond C. Koehler, Baltimore, Maryland
Hans-Christian Koennecke, Berlin, Germany
Peter Koudstaal, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Steven R. Levine, Detroit, Michigan
W.T. Longstreth Jr. Seattle, Washington
Betsy B. Love, West Des Moines, Iowa
R.L. Macdonald, Chicago, Illinois
John Marler, Bethesda, Maryland
Jorge Matias-Guiu, Maigmona, Spain
Marc R. Mayberg, Clevland, Ohio
William G. Mayhan, Omaha, Nebraska
Virginia M. Miller, Rochester, Minnesota
J. Paul Muizelaar, Sacramento, California
Bo Norrving, Lund, Sweden
Dale Pelligrino, Chicago, Illinois
Gustavo Rom
án, San Antonio, Texas
David Russell, Oslo, Norway
Ralph Sacco, New York, New York
Peter Sandercock, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Christopher Sobey, Melbourne, Australia
Jonathan Streifler, Petach Tikva, Israel
Kim Sutton-Tyrrell, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Alain Tehindrazanarivelo, Antananarivo, Madagascar
Danilo Toni, Rome, Italy
Richard J. Traystman, Portland, Oregon
üdiger von Kummer, Dresden, Germany
Charles Warlow, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Takehiko Yanagihara, Osaka, Japan
Frank M. Yatsu, Houston, Texas
Midori Yenari, Stanford, California
Hermann Zeumer, Hamburg, Germany
Justin A. Zivin, La Jolla, California



Scientific Publishing Committee
Richard A. Walsh, Chair, Cleveland, Ohio
Robert Shirrell, Vice Chair, Chicago, Illinois
Ivor J. Benjamin, Dallas, Texas
William Bryson Campbell, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Robert L. Carson, Westwood, Massachusetts
N.A. Mark Estes, III, Boston, Massachusetts
Janet H. Fisher, Watertown, Massachusetts
Jerome Kassirer, Boston, Massachusetts
Rita F. Redberg, San Francisco, California
Christine E. Siedman, Boston, Massachusetts
Diane M. Sullenberger, Washington, DC
Robin L. Brey, Stroke Liaison, San Antonio, Texas





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