

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

SPE Journal includes fundamental research papers on all aspects of engineering for oil and gas exploration and production. SPE Journal covers the theories and emerging concepts that will become the new technologies of tomorrow.  Recent issues have included articles covering reservoir characterization, multiphase flow, drilling dynamics, well architecture, gas well deliverability, numerical simulation, and CO2 sequestration.


Instructions to Authors

How to Submit a Paper for Peer Review

There are three ways that papers can be submitted for peer review and possible publication in an SPE peer-reviewed, technical journal:

When submitting an accepted manuscript to an SPE meeting ¨C Early in the sequence of submitting their manuscript, authors are asked whether they would like to submit their paper for peer review. They can select the appropriate journal and the process will begin.  Before doing so, be sure your paper is a good candidate for peer review and that your paper falls into the topics covered by the journal selected.

Papers not presented at an SPE meeting can be submitted online ¨C Authors of papers presented elsewhere or papers written for another purpose can submit their manuscript for peer review consideration using SPE's online peer review system (details below).  

Manuscripts can also be submitted for peer review via email ¨C This option exists only for those who are unable to use the online submission system, which is strongly preferred.  Get information and forms for email submission.

What follows addresses the second of these options ¨C submission via SPE's online peer review system.

Note: Material that has been previously published or is currently being reviewed by another organization may not be submitted for peer review. Authors must be willing and able to transfer copyright of the published article to SPE if the paper is accepted for publication.

Preparing Your Manuscript

Be certain that your paper is a good candidate for peer review.  

Formatting your paper according to SPE guidelines will reduce the amount of revision that may be required later if your paper is accepted.  Refer to the requirements for revised manuscripts for helpful information on formatting and SPE style.

Authors submitting their manuscript for peer review are required to submit a temporary transfer to copyright to SPE. This allows SPE to distribute the paper to reviewers during the peer review process.  If your paper is accepted for publication, transfer of copyright to SPE is required.

Information to Gather

While you are online, you will need to have a variety of information, so make sure you have everything available before you begin.

Author information ¨C For each author/co-author of the paper, you will need:

First and last names

Mailing address

Work telephone numbers

Email address

Paper title

Short abstract (maximum 350 words)

Manuscript file (Word preferred; WordPerfect, EPS, text, Postscript, or RTF format also accepted)

Your manuscript should be formatted with the following elements:


Author(s) and their company affiliation


Body of the paper with headings and subheadings, as appropriate

Figure/image files if not embedded in manuscript (.tif, .gif, .jpg, Postscript or EPS format)

Temporary transfer of copyright form (scanned to create pdf ) - If you cannot scan the form for electronic submission, it can be submitted separately via postal mail or fax, but your paper cannot be considered for peer review until this form is received.

Justification for peer review. You will be asked to state what is new or innovative about your paper that makes it a good candidate for peer review.

To use the online submission system you have to log in on the SPE website. If you do not already have a login, you will need to get one before you begin the process. It should only take a couple of minutes to set up a login. If you have a login, but have forgotten your password, you may want to try logging into the website and using the forgot password link before you begin.

Submission Process

Please read this section before clicking on the link to submit your manuscript.

Go to SPE's online peer review system

Select which SPE technical journal is appropriate for the subject matter of your paper. Please note that SPE journals do not cover the full breadth of our industry's literature. Some papers may fall into an area not covered by our journals, and should not be submitted to an SPE journal. Please also note that SPE Journal covers fundamental science only -- it is not appropriate for papers that do not address fundamental science or research. You will be asked to submit a brief justification for why your paper merits peer review -- what does it contribute to the literature that is new or innovative (see what makes a paper a good candidate for peer review).

The first screen is a long form with information about the paper (title, abstract), each author, and the number of files you will be uploading (manuscript, graphics, copyright form). Before you enter the information about each author, you will have the option to look for them in SPE's database. This is recommended as a way to minimize the amount of information you must enter. There is an area where special characters are located on the screen. You can copy and paste these wherever you need a special or foreign character in a name, title or abstract. This has been done to handle differences internationally in special character encoding. If you just use the characters from your keyboard, it is possible that they will be garbled by the system.

The next screen asks you where the files to upload are located (on your hard drive or other media) so that they can be uploaded to our server.

A completion screen will provide you with the SPE number for your manuscript. Please write down and save this number for future reference.

The system attempts to convert all of the files to a single pdf (for easy transmission to reviewers). The next screen allows you to verify that your manuscript uploaded and converted correctly.

What Happens Next

A staff person will review your submission. If any elements of your submission are missing, you will be asked to provide the missing information. Once all information is received, your paper will be released to the Executive Editor of the journal to begin the review process.

The peer review process can take several months depending on the volume of papers received. Authors will be notified of decisions as their paper moves through the peer review process. You can also come back to the online peer review system and see the status of your paper based on the paper number assigned.


Editorial Board

Editorial Board
Yannis C. Yortsos, University of Southern California

Executive Editor
Dean Oliver, University of Oklahoma

Associate Editors
Younane N. Abousleiman, University of Oklahoma
I. Yucel Akkutlu, University of Oklahoma
F. Omer Alpak, Shell International E&P
Johannes Bruining, Delft University of Technology
Lee Chin, ConocoPhillips
Akhil Datta-Gupta, Texas A&M University
Michael G. Edwards, Swansea University
Russell T. Ewy, Chevron
Abbas Firoozabadi, Reservoir Engineering Research Institute
Kassem Ghorayeb, Schlumberger
Hussein Hoteit, ConocoPhillips
Matthew Jackson, Imperial College
Robert Jeffrey, CSIRO Petroleum
Kristian Jessen, University of Southern California
Amy Kan, Rice University
Gaoming Li, University of Tulsa
Knut-Andreas Lie, SINTEF
Ning Liu, Chevron Corporation
Hisham Nasr-El-Din, Texas A&M University
Srdjan Nesic, Ohio University
Henning Omre, Norwegian University of Science & Technology
Mustafa Onur, Istanbul Technical University
Lincoln Paterson, CSIRO Petroleum
William R. Rossen, Delft University of Technology
Randall S. Seright, New Mexico Tech
Pingping Shen, Research Institute Petroleum Exploration & Development
Hamdi Tchelepi, Stanford University
Carlos Torres-Verdin, University of Texas at Austin
Peter Valko, Texas A&M University
Jing Wan, ExxonMobil Upstream Research
G. Paul Willhite, University of Kansas
Yu-Shu Wu, Colorado School of Mines
Dongxiao Zhang, University of Southern California
Hong-Quan Zhang, Consultant



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