

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版频率:Continuous publication

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Space Science Reviews is an international journal on space research, containing invited review papers with emphasis on scientific results in the fields of astrophysics, physics of planetary systems, solar physics, and magnetospheric physics.


Instructions to Authors


The invited review article should be sent to:

Space Science Reviews
Sonja Japenga
Kluwer Academic Publishers
P.O. Box 990
3300 AZ Dordrecht
The Netherlands

Manuscripts should be submitted in the file format LaTeX, or in word-processing packages such as MS WORD or WordPerfect, running under operating systems Windows, MS DOS and Apple Macintosh. For submission in LaTeX, the publisher prefers the use of its own special LaTeX style files, KLUWER.STY (LaTeX 2.09) and KLUWER.CLS (LaTeX 2E) which can be obtained at the website http://www.wkap.nl/authors/jrnlstylefiles/

The English in which the paper is written must be of acceptable quality. As it is the responsibility of the authors to prepare their papers in good English, authors unfamiliar with English should obtain help from colleagues proficient in that language. Be aware that need of language corrections always delays the paper publication. Manuscripts with many errors in English will be returned to the author(s) for improvement which will make the delay even longer. Papers in which important parts of the text cannot be understood will be returned to the authors as rejected.

Both British spelling (e.g., behaviour) and American spelling (e.g., behavior) are acceptable, but each article must be consistently written in either one of these spellings.

Manuscript Arrangement

Generally, the manuscripts should follow the rules of the IAU Style Book published in Transactions of the IAU XXB, 1988, pp. Si - S3. (Reprints of this Style Book are available from Kluwer Academic Publishers, P.O. Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands.) We recommend that authors look at other papers in this journal to verify the correct style.

The length of all papers must be proportional to their scientific contents. Long papers which do not fulfill this requirement will be returned to authors for a substantial reduction in length. Authors should be aware that the shorter a paper, the more people are likely to read it, so that such a reduction is both in the editors?and authors?interest.

An Abstract must precede all papers. It should concisely summarize the content and conclusions of the paper. The abstract should be a single paragraph and its length should be proportional to the length of the paper, with 150 words as an average and 300 words as the maximum.

The article should be divided in sections and subsections, following the following numbering and letter types:

1. First-order Heading
1.1.1. Third-Order Heading

Acknowledgments of people, grants, funds, etc., should be placed in a separate, unnumbered section before the References.

Supplementary material can be collected in an Appendix (or Appendix A, Appendix B, etc.) and placed between the Acknowledgements and the References.

References to journal articles, articles in proceedings, books, and technical reports should be listed at the end of the paper in alphabetical order, following the IAU style (see examples below and the IAU Style Book mentioned above). In the text references are given as Brown (1998), Brown and Jones (1998), Brown, Jones, and Smith (1998), or Brown et al. (1998) if there are more than 3 authors. In a group of references, arrange them according to the year, and use semicolons: (Brown, 1990; Jones and Smith, 1993; Smith, 1999). All references cited in the text must appear in the reference list, and all references listed in the reference list must be cited in the text.

The following forms of references should be used:

For articles in journals:

Kahler, S. W.: 1982, Astrophys. J. 261, 710.
Oliver, R. and Ballester, J. L.: 1995, Solar Phys. 156, 145. Demoulin, P., Bagala, L. G., Mandrini, C. H., Henoux, J. C., and Rovira, M. G.: 1997, Astron. Astrophys. 325, 305.

For more than six authors one can use et al. for those of them whose names are arranged in alphabetical order. The page should be replaced by ‘in press?for articles accepted for publication, and by ‘submitted?for those not yet accepted. References to unpublished results and internal reports should be mentioned only in the text as ‘private communication? and by ‘submitted?for those not yet accepted, giving the names of all authors and the journal to which it has bee submitted. Without this information, the reference will be changed to ‘private communication?

For articles in proceedings:

Hoeksema, J. T.: 1995, in R. G. Marsden (ed.), The High-Latitude Heliosphere, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Holland, p. 137.

For books:

Tandberg-Hanssen, E. and Emslie, A. G.: 1988, The Physics of Solar Flares, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (U.K. or U.S.A.), p. 145.

The sequence of references in their list should be arranged as follows:

One author first, papers arranged according to the years:
Brown, G. H.: 1994, ...
Brown, G. H.: 1996, ...

Then two authors, papers arranged according to second author's name:
Brown, G. H. and Jones, B. V.: 1995, ...
Brown, G. H. and Smith, K. H.: 1991, ...

Then 3 authors, papers arranged according to second (and then third) author’s name:
Brown, G. H., Jones, B. V., and Smith, K. H.: 1990, ...
Brown, G. H., Jones, B. V., and Walter, B. H.: 1987, ...

Finally four and more authors, arranged according to the years.

Two references to the same author(s) and same year should be identified by, e.g., 1998a and 1998b, both in the list of references and in the text.
Use everywhere ‘and?and not ??

Figures and Tables

Figures can be submitted either as hard copies or in an electronic version. Each figure must have an explanatory figure caption and must be mentioned in the text.
If figures are in the text, authors should supply the electronic versions of figures in either Encapsulated PostScript or TIFF format. Other formats cannot be used. Figures should be saved in separate files without their captions, which should be in the text of the article. Files should be named according to DOS conventions, e.g., ‘figure1.eps? For vector graphics Encapsulated PostScript is the preferred format. Lines should not be thinner than 0.25pts and in-fill patterns and screens should have a density of at least 10 percent. For bitmap graphics, TIFF is the preferred format. The following resolutions are optimal: black-and-white line figures - 1200 dpi; line figures with some grey or colored lines - 600 dpi; photographs - 300 dpi; screen dumps - leave as is.

Figures that are to be printed in black-and-white should never be submitted in color. Authors who want to have figures in color will be charged for their reproduction, and must enclose a statement with the manuscript that they are willing to pay for them.

Warning: Do not use lines which are very narrow and lettering and symbols that are very small. Rendering such figures on low-resolution computer monitors and printers may produce good results, but at the final printing very high-resolution equipment is used, and such figure may then be reproduced very weakly. (See, e.g., Solar Physics 185, pp. 22-26.)

Tables should be numbered in Roman numerals and their headings should include a short title. If more extensive explanations are needed, do not include them in the title, but place them as notes below the table (marked as a, b, etc.) in the table and below. Vertical lines between columns are to be avoided. References to the tables in the text are Table I, Table II, etc.

The abbreviation for ‘number?is No., do not use #. But only serial numbers should be abbreviated in this way, not a number (quantity) of measurements.

Dates should be written as 1999 January 10 or 10 January 1999 in the text and 1999 Jan. 10 in a table. Never use 99-01-10, because this means two different dates in the European and American versions. Time designations are 22:33:45 UT for hours, minutes and seconds of Universal Time.


Equations must be typed or handwritten clearly and all unusual signs should be explained to the typesetter in the margin. All symbols used in equations must be properly explained to the reader. Number the equations sequentially on the right-hand side as (1), (2), etc. in the main body of the article and (A1), (A2), etc. in the Appendices, and refer to them in the text as Equation (1), Equation (2), etc.

Kindly observe the following rules:

Repeat plus, minus, and times if an equation continues on two lines.

Numerators and denominators of in-line fractions should be delimited clearly to avoid any possible ambiguity. E.g., write (log P)q / r or (F -x) / a, not log Pq/r or F - x / a.

All longer formulas in the text should be put on a separate line as (unnumbered) equations, to avoid their breaking at an improper place.

Subscripts and superscripts should be set off clearly. Never use Ne2.

Use a full stop for decimals (312.67) and reserve crosses for multiplication (3.0 x 10-12). Do not use 3.0E-12.

For `thousands' use 25 000, not 25,000.

Vectors are printed in bold face and may be also indicated by wavy underlining in hard copies.

Symbols for chemical elements should be in Roman type (not italics). Roman numeral designation for degrees of ionization should be presented in small cap. Elements mentioned in text should not be capitalized (e.g., helium).

Never write .3 or 3., but always 0.3 and 3.0.

Distinguish clearly between the letter O and the zero symbol, the letter l and the number one, kappa and k, mu and u, nu and v, eta and n, etc.

In the text preceding and following equations, use punctuation only when necessary. Correct examples:

‘This is expressed as follows:? but ‘This is expressed as?(no colon); ‘in the modified Equation (10), D = a ? b, where a is ...? but ‘with the modified Equation (10) we find D = a - b instead of ...?(no commas).

Units should be in the metric (cgs or mks) system and printed in Roman letters (cm, not cm). Only the singular form should be used (erg, not ergs). Units representing names are in capital letters when abbreviated (G), but not capitalized when spelled (gauss).

Expressions of rate, such as kilometers per second, should be set as km s-1.

Additional Instructions

Acronyms and Abbreviations should be explained at first occurrence in the text. If used and explained in the Abstract, the explanation must be repeated in the text.

Footnotes should be avoided as much as possible.

Hyphens should be used to make reading easier: write ‘line of sight? but ‘line-of-sight direction? ‘region of high density? but ‘high-density region?

Names of celestial objects such as Sun, Earth, and Moon should be written with capital letters.

In series of three or more items, a comma should be placed before the final item, e.g., ‘brightness, temperature, and density?

The word ‘data?is plural and therefore takes a plural verb.

Additional Information

Permissions: It is the responsibility of the author to obtain written permission for a quotation from unpublished material, all for any quotation in excess of 250 words in one extract or 500 words in total from any work still in copyright, and for the reprinting of figures or tables from unpublished or copyrighted material.

Copyright: Authors will be asked, upon acceptance of an article, to sign a form which transfers copyright of the article to the Publisher.

Page Charges and Color Figures: No page charges are levied on authors or their institutions. Color figures are published at the author's expense only, unless placed on a CD-ROM (see above).

Proofs: Proofs will be sent to the first-named, or corresponding author. One corrected proof, together with the original, edited manuscript, should be returned to the publisher within three days of receipt by airmail. The second proof is not sent to the authors, but is checked only by the desk editor and one of the scientific editors. If any additional late corrections are necessary, contact z.svestka@sron.nl

Offprints: 25 offprints of each article will be provided free of charge. Additional offprints can be ordered by means of an offprint order form supplied with the proofs.

Editorial Board


Hans Bloemen
SRON Space Research Utrecht, The Netherlands

Editorial Committee:
Syun-Ichi Akasofu
International Arctic Research Center, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA
S.I. Rasool
IGBP, Paris, France

Editorial Board:

  • Term ending December 2003: S.J. Bauer, Graz; R.M. Bonnet, Paris; T.M. Donahue, Ann Arbor, NY; J.R. Houck, Ithaca, NY; Ching I Meng, Laurel, MD; J.-F. Minster, Issy les Moulineaux; A.P. Mitra, New Delhi; R.A. Sunyaev, Moscow; Y. Tanaka, Kanagawa
  • Term ending December 2004: C.G. Fälthammar, Stockholm; A.A. Galeev, Moscow; J. Geiss, Bern; B. Hultqvist, Kiruna; L.J. Lanzerotti, Murray Hill, NJ; R.E. Lingenfelter, La Jolla, CA; C.E. McIllwain, La Jolla, CA; A. Nishida, Kanagawa; K.A. Pounds, Swindon
  • Term ending December 2005: J.A.M. Bleeker, Utrecht; S.W.H. Cowley, Leicester; L.A. Frank, Iowa City; G. Haerendel, Garching; Y. Kamide, Aichi; G. Paschmann, Garching; J. Quenby, London; D. Southwood, Paris; E.C. Stone, Pasadena
  • Term ending December 2006: A.G.W. Cameron, Tucson; C. de Jager, Utrecht; D. Lal, La Jolla, CA; M.Ya. Marov, Moscow; N.F. Ness, Newark, DE; C.T. Russell, Los Angeles, CA; J. Tr¨¹mper, Garching; O.L. Vaisberg, Moscow


General Information about Submission of Papers


Prof. S. I. Akasofu
Geographical Institute, University of Alaska
Fairbanks, AK 99777-0800 U.S.A.
Main responsibility: Magnetosphere and Interplanetary Matter

Dr. H. Bloemen
SRON Space Research Utrecht
Sorbonnelaan 2
3584 CA Utrecht
The Netherlands
Main responsibility: Astronomy and Astrophysics

Prof. S. I. Rasool
University of Paris VI
Tour 26, 4
éme étage Aile 2616
4, Place Jussieu
75230 Paris Cedex 05
Main responsibility: The Planetary System


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