

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Solid State Sciences is open to all the aspects related to the solid state: chemistry, structure, physics, mechanics, technology, modelling and simulation. The chemical aspects concern novel ways of synthesis, new inorganic ceramics, layered, porous and glassy solids, hybrid organic-inorganic compounds synthesised either in the bulk or as thin films or nanoparticles and the associated chemical properties (catalytic, sensors, ion exchangers, gas separation...). The physical aspects relate to the structures and surface properties. A particular emphasis is put on electrical (super, metallic or semiconductors, ionic and mixed conductors, dielectrics), on magnetic and magnetooptical features associated with the structures, and on information storage. Optical behaviour as a consequence of atomic structure, symmetry and defects is more welcome than ever. A large opening to mechanical properties associated with textural defects and interface behaviour is encouraged, particularly in special issues devoted to advanced structural materials.


Materials community, chemists, physicists, researchers and engineers

Abstracting / Indexing

Chemical Abstracts

Chemistry Citation Index

Current Contents/Physics, Chemical, and Earth Sciences


Materials Science Citation Index

Reactions Citation Index

Research Alert


Science Citation Index


Instructions to Authors


Solid State Sciences is open to all the aspects related to the solid state: chemistry, structure, physics, mechanics, technology, modelling and simulation. The chemical aspects concerns novel ways of synthesis, new inorganic ceramics, layered, porous and glassy solids, hybrid organic-inorganic compounds synthesised either in the bulk or as thin films or nanoparticles and the associated chemical properties (catalytic, sensors, ion exchangers, gas separation...). The physical aspects relate to the structures and surface properties. A particular emphasis is put on electrical (super, metallic or semiconductors, ionic and mixed conductors, dielectrics), on magnetic and magnetooptical features associated with the structures, and on information storage. Optical behaviour as a consequence of atomic structure, symmetry and defects is more welcome than ever. A large opening to mechanical properties associated with textural defects and interface behaviour is also encouraged, particularly in special issues devoted to advanced structural materials.

Submissions should be directed to one of the editors:

Editor in Chief
Prof. Gérard Férey
Solid State Sciences
Institut Lavoisier
45, av. des Etats Unis
78035 Versailles cedex
Fax : +33 1 39 25 43 58

European Editor
Prof. Dr. Martin Jansen
Max-Plank-Institut fur Festkorperforschung,
Department of Chemistry
Heisenbergstrasse, 1
Postfach 800665
70569 Stuttgart
Fax: +49 711 689 1502

Asian Editor
Prof. Mikio Takano
Institute for Chemical Research
Laboratory of Solid State Chemistry
Uji, Kyoto-fu 611-0011
Fax: +81 774 38 31 25

North American Editor
Prof. Mas Subramanian
DuPont Central Research & Development
Experimental Station
Wilmington, DE 19880-0328
FAX: +1 302 695 9799

Reviews Editor
Prof. Anthony K. Cheetham
University of California
Materials Research Laboratory
Santa Barbara
CA 93106
Fax: +1 805 893 87 97

Organisation of manuscripts

The manuscript should be typed, double-spaced (text, abstracts, captions, etc.) on the recto only. In addition it should include.
The title (as concise as possible) and the running head (less than 60 characters, including spaces).
The surnames followed by the first names of all the authors (in full).
The postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers and E-mail of the authors or their affiliations; indicate the author to whom proofs should be sent.
The abstract (50-250 words) which should set out the main objectives and results in a clear and interesting way. No bibliographical references should be included in this abstract.
A list of keywords (maximum 7) for indexing purposes.
The main body of article with appropriate section headings - Footnotes are not permitted.
The Acknowledgements if any.
The References.
The tables with their captions.
The scheme and figures with their captions.


In addition to the Abstract, which will appear at the begining of the text, the author should provide a graphical abstract. Authors are encouraged to use diagrams or formulae only; the use of text will be allowed only when there is no alternative. The Author should provide the number of the figure which will be used for the Graphical Abstract

Figures, graphs and photographs
A set of original documents and/or photographs should be provided for the reproduction of the figures.
Illustrations should be submitted in a format as close to the final format as possible.
Please ensure that diagrams and figures are the appropriate size to be inserted either into one column (7 cm) or two columns (14 cm): for equations the sizes are 6 cm and 13 cm, respectively.
No original document submitted should be larger than A4 size (21 X 29.7 cm).
Color figures will only be accepted with the Editor's agreement.
All illustrations (figures, graphs, photographs, etc.) should be labelled as figures and numbered using Arabic numerals.
In reaction diagrams it is preferable to indicate the main reagents and the experimental conditions above the arrow in preference to in a note under the equation.
Figures and structural formulae which are not on a single line will not be redrawn; they can be inserted in the text but should be provided on separate sheets at the end of the manuscript.
Figures should be of high enough quality to allow direct reproduction. They should be on white paper and units and symbols should be consistent between the figures and with the text.
Characters should be large enough to remain legible after a possible reduction of 70 %. The typeface Helvetica should preferably be used for text in the figures. If possible, it is recommended that ChemDrawTM is used.


They should be typed on separate sheets at the end of the manuscript. They should be numbered using Roman numbers and should be in numerical order in the text. There should not be vertical lines in the tables. A caption is required for each table.

X-Ray Crystallographic data

Manuscripts which are concerned with the determination of crystallographic structures using X-rays should be accompanied by supplementary material (see corresponding section). The manuscripts must include the table of atomic coordinates and possibly a list of the lengths of the main bonds and their angles.

Supplementary material

This material should be provided in duplicate. It should comprise:
all the calculated atomic co-ordinates
all the anisotropic thermal parameters
all the bond-lengths and angles
structure factors for all the reflections
a stereoscopic view of the molecular packing

These data should be sent by the authors directly to the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) in Cambridge, UK, for structures with at least one carbon atom, and to the Fachinformationzentrum (FIZ) in Karlsruhe, Germany, for other structures. Supplementary material can be submitted either by e-mail or in hard copy form to the CCDC or on disk to the FIZ.

For further information contact:

The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre,
12 Union Road,
Cambridge CB2 1EZ, UK
enclosing the message ?send me a check list?
Data can be deposited at deposit@ccdc.cam.ac.uk

The Fachinformationzentrum Karlsruhe,
Abt. PROKA, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen,

The following standard paragraph describing the supplementary material must be added at the end of the article.

?The supplementary material has been sent to the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, 12 Union Road, Cambridge CB2 1EZ, UK / Fachinformationzentrum karlsruhe, Abt. PROKA, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany, as supplementary material No. SUP..... (....pages) and can be obtained by contacting the CCDC / FIZ (quoting the article details and the corresponding SUP number).?


They should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the main text. Each reference should show the authors? names (surname followed by initials), journal title, volume, year, first page number.
Journal titles should be abbreviated according to the Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index (CASSI).


[1] Le Floch P., Ricard L., Mathey F., Jutand A., Amatore C., Inorg. Chem. 34 (1995) 11.

[2] King R.B., Organometallic Syntheses, vol. 1, Academic Press, New York, 1965, p. 71.

Bibliographic references should be numbered serially in the text and should appear as numbers in square brackets.

Guidelines for submission on diskette

Authors are strongly encouraged to submit an electronic version of their revised manuscript on computer disk. This disk should also be accompanied by a hard copy.
Please use PC or Macintosh 3_" diskettes and label them clearly with the author name, word processor type, file format and filenames.
We prefer ro receive Microsoft Word or Wordperfect files. For other word processors, save the file as Rich Text Format (.rtf).
Chemical structures as ChemDraw, ChemWindows and ISIS/Draw files have to be submitted on a separate disk.
Figures should be saved in TIFF format (minimum 300 dpi resolution). It is important to check that the files on the disk correspond to the final version.Do not integrate these graphic files into the text files.
We will try to use the supplied data in our production process, but mathematical equations and tables may be rekeyed by the typesetter.
Page proofs should be checked closely.


Only manuscripts accepted by one of the Editors, after being refereed by two experts in the field, will be published.
Only typographic corrections can be made to the proofs. Corrected proofs should be sent to Editions Scientifiques et Medicales Elsevier, 23, rue Linois, 75724 Paris cedex 15, France, by return mail, to ensure rapid publication.
Any substantial change to the text made by the author on the proofs, other than typesetting errors or corrections required by the Editor dealing with the manuscript, cannot be accepted without the advice of the Editor and will be charged to the author at the standard printing industry rate.

The authors will receive twenty-five free reprints under the cover of the journal. Additional copies can be purchased provided an order form is enclosed when the corrected proofs are returned.

Author Enquiries

For enquiries relating to the submission of articles (including electronic submission), the status of accepted articles via our Author Gateway ,electronic artwork, Frequently Asked Questions and any other enquiries relating to Elsevier Science, please consult the Author Gateway http://authors.elsevier.com.

Authors can keep a track on the progress of their accepted article, and set up e-mail alerts informing them of changes to their manuscript's status, by using the "Track a Paper" feature of Elsevier's Author Gateway.

For specific enquires on the preparation of electronic artwork, consult http://authors.elsevier.com/artwork

Contact details for questions arising after acceptance of an article, especially those relating to proofs, are provided when an article is accepted for publication.


Editorial Board



G. Férey, Versailles, France

European Editor

M. Jansen, Stuttgart, Germany

North American Editor

M. Subramanian, Wilmington, USA

Asian Editor

M. Takano, Kyoto, Japan

Reviews Editor

A.K. Cheetham, Santa Barbara, USA

Editorial Board:

M. Alario-Franco, Spain
E. Antipov, Russia
J.P. Attfield, UK
N. Bartlett, USA
E.F. Bertaut, France
J. Calbet, Spain
J.H. Choy, Korea
J. Etorneau, France
J.B. Goodenough, USA
C. Grey, USA
P. Hagenmuller, France
A.J. Jacobson, USA
S. Lidin, Sweden
K.H. Lii, Taiwan
J. Livage, France
J. Lucas, France
G. Meyer, Germany
A. Müller, Germany
T. Nakajima, Japan
L. Nazar, Canada
D. O'Hare, UK
M. Pouchard, France
K. Pöppelmeier, USA
C.N.R. Rao, India
B. Raveau, France
M. Ribes, France
H.W. Roesky, Germany
W. Schnick, Germany
A. Simon, Germany
A. Sleight, USA
J.M. Tarascon, France
R. Tenne, Israel
J. Thackeray, Canada
J.M. Thomas, UK
M. Tournoux, France
G. van Tendeloo, Belgium
A.K. West, UK
M. Whangbo, USA
Y. Xi, China
R. Xu, China
O. Yaghi, USA
M. Yoshimura, Japan
B. Zemva, Slovenia


Submissions should be directed to one of the editors:

Editor in Chief
Prof. Gérard Férey
Solid State Sciences
Institut Lavoisier
45, av. des Etats Unis
78035 Versailles cedex
Fax : +33 1 39 25 43 58

European Editor
Prof. Dr. Martin Jansen
Max-Plank-Institut fur Festkorperforschung,
Department of Chemistry
Heisenbergstrasse, 1
Postfach 800665
70569 Stuttgart
Fax: +49 711 689 1502

Asian Editor
Prof. Mikio Takano
Institute for Chemical Research
Laboratory of Solid State Chemistry
Uji, Kyoto-fu 611-0011
Fax: +81 774 38 31 25

North American Editor
Prof. Mas Subramanian
DuPont Central Research & Development
Experimental Station
Wilmington, DE 19880-0328
FAX: +1 302 695 9799

Reviews Editor
Prof. Anthony K. Cheetham
University of California
Materials Research Laboratory
Santa Barbara
CA 93106
Fax: +1 805 893 87 97




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