

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


SHOCK® includes studies of novel therapeutic approaches, such as immunomodulation, gene therapy, nutrition, and others. There is no single journal, which encompasses the etiology, cellular and molecular mechanisms, and therapeutic approaches to the treatment of shock in a comprehensive and coherent manner, while still maintaining a clear focus on the pathobiology of shock. The journal is poised to meet the present and future needs of investigators involved in sophisticated basic and clinical studies of shock, trauma, sepsis, endotoxemia, ischemia/reperfusion, inflammation, and other related pathophysiologic states. The review of the new manuscripts is usually completed within two weeks of submission.



Instructions to Authors


SHOCK® publishes regular Research articles, Rapid Communications, Review articles and Letters to the Editor. Rapid Communications should be brief reports of especially important and timely findings in the field. Published length should be three to four pages, including figures and references. Reviews will be by invitation of the Editor but recommendations for topics and authors are welcomed. The Editor also invites letters expressing comments on dissenting opinions concerning papers recently published in SHOCK®. Letters must not exceed 500 words and should be submitted double-spaced with any references prepared as for regular research reports. Publication of submitted letters will be at the discretion of the Editor. Each author should include his/her complete address. All submitted manuscripts will be critically refereed by at least two members of the editorial board or expert consultants.

Authors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts in both a PDF and Microsoft Word format online at www.SHOCK.sciencebyte.net. If online submission is not possible, please contact the Editor: Dr. Irshad H. Chaudry, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 1808 7th Avenue South, Room BDB 502A, Birmingham, Alabama 35294-0012. (telephone: 205-975-0118; fax 205-975-0119) for assistance.

Manuscripts must be typewritten, double-spaced with at least one-inch margins on 8.5 ¡Á 11 inch paper. Number all pages in sequence beginning with the title page. The sections should be arranged in the following order:

Title Page: This should contain the complete title of the manuscript, names and affiliations of all authors (do not list degrees), institution at which the work was performed, name, address, phone and fax numbers and email address for correspondence, and a running head of not more than 45 characters.

Abstract: An informative abstract of approximately 250 words should state concisely the purpose and pertinent methods of the study as well as the findings and specific conclusions. This abstract should be suitable, without rewording, for use by abstracting journals and indexing services.

Key Words: Submit five to eight key words appropriate for indexing purposes. Do not repeat words or terms used in the title.

Text: The text of the manuscript should begin on a new page and be arranged as follows: introduction, materials and methods, results, and discussion. The use of subheadings and paragraph titles within these headings is encouraged for sake of clarity. For standard abbreviations, authors should follow the guidelines in the Council of Biology Editors Style Manual, 5th edition. All other abbreviations should be defined when first used and listed in a footnote. Authors are encouraged to use abbreviations sparingly and to pay careful attention to avoidance of ambiguity. Acknowledgments should appear at the end of the text prior to the references.

References: In the text, references should be cited consecutively by numbers in parentheses. In the reference section, they should be listed in numerical order; include the names of all authors and complete title of the article cited. References must be restricted to directly relevant published works, papers or abstracts that have been accepted for publication. Usually the total number of references should not exceed 35.

Journal abbreviations should follow Index Medicus style. References must be double-spaced with only one reference per number. In the following examples notice the punctuation, do not use all capitals, do not underline.

Journal articles
1. Remick DG, Bolgos GR, Siddiqui J, Shin J, Nemzek JA: Six at six: Interleukin-6 measured 6 H after the initiation of sepsis predicts mortality over 3 days. Shock 17:463-467, 2002.

2. Brundage SI, McGahn R, Jurkovich J, Mack C, Maier RV: Incidence of Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome As a Function of the Timing of Femur Fixation. Proceedings: 5th International World Congress on the Pathophysiology, Immune Consequences and Therapy of Trauma, Shock and Sepsis, Munich, Germany, March 2000. Monduzzi Editore S.P.A., Bologna, Italy, pp 113-118, 2000.

Articles in books
3. Marshall JC: SEPSIS, SIRS, and MODS: consensus, controversy, and challenge. In Faist E, Baue AE, Schildberg FW (eds): The Immune Consequences of Trauma, Shock, and Sepsis-Mechanisms and Therapeutic Approaches. Vol. II (1). Lengerich, Germany: Pabst Science Publishers, 1996, pp 41-50.

Tables: Tables should be numbered in order of appearance in the text with Arabic numerals. Each table should have a title and, if necessary, an explanatory legend. All tables must be referred to in the text. Under no circumstances should a table repeat data that are presented in an illustration. Statistical measures of variation (i.e. standard deviation, standard error) should be identified and no significant decimal places in tabular data should be omitted.

Figure Legends: A legend should be provided for each illustration. The legend should be informative and must define all abbreviations and symbols used in the illustration.

Illustrations: Glossy prints must be submitted for all halftones such as photomicrographs and gels. Color illustrations will be printed only at the authors' expense. Photocopies of line drawings are acceptable at initial submission provided that glossy laser prints are provided upon acceptance of the manuscript. All illustrations should be of professional quality and must be clear even after reduction in size for publication. Typewritten or hand lettering is unacceptable as are figures generated by dot matrix printers. Figures will be reduced to 15 picas wide (less than 1 column) to facilitate the most efficient use of space. Authors should provide high quality originals with figure legends, rules, labels, etc. that are large enough to remain legible after reduction. Illustrations should be numbered in order of appearance with Arabic numerals and identified by affixing a gummed label on the back with the following information: number of the illustration, name of the first author and an arrow indicating top. Actual magnification of all photomicrographs should be provided, preferably by placing a length scale on the print.

Submission: A cover letter should accompany all manuscripts submitted to SHOCK® indicating that 1) the manuscript is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere, 2) the manuscript has not been previously published in any form with the exception of preliminary reports in abstract form, 3) all authors listed consented to the submission; and 4) that all data are used with the consent of the person generating the data. In situations where the review of the submitted manuscript depends highly upon another manuscript submitted for publication but not yet published, a copy of that manuscript should be included with the submission. Upon submission of a manuscript, the author(s) will be requested to sign an agreement transferring the copyright to the Shock Society if the manuscript is accepted; however, all reasonable requests by authors to reproduce such work for review purposes will be routinely granted. Manuscripts involving the use of laboratory animals or human subjects must clearly state adherence to appropriate guidelines and approval of protocols by their institutional review boards.

Page Charges: Authors are expected to pay a page charge of $50/page from Research Funds to help defray publication costs: Editorial decisions are not contingent upon ability to pay page charges.


Editorial Board


Editorial Correspondence

Dr. Irshad Chaudry
University of Alabama at Birmingham
1530 3rd Avenue South 502 BDB
Birmingham, AL 35294-0012
E-mail: shock@ccc.uab.edu

Irshad H. Chaudry
Birmingham, AL


Timothy G. Buchman
St. Louis, MO

Mark G. Clemens
Charlotte, NC

Johan Groeneveld
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Stephen F. Lowry
New Brunswick, NJ

Ronald V. Maier
Seattle, WA

Lyle L. Moldawer
Gainesville, FL

Carl F. Nathan
New York, NY

Edmund Neugebauer
Cologne, Germany

Kazuo Okada
Tokyo, Japan

Daniel G. Remick
Ann Arbor, MI

Mohammed M. Sayeed
Maywood, IL

Christoph Thiemermann
London, UK

Kevin J. Tracey
Manhasset, NY




Edward Abraham
Denver, CO

Mayuki Aibiki
Ehime, Japan

Naoki Aikawa
Tokyo, Japan

Alfred Ayala
Providence, RI

Gregory J. Bagby
New Orleans, LA

Soheyl Bahrami
Vienna, Austria

Paul E. Bankey
Rochester, NY

Adrian Barbul
Baltimore, MD

Michael Bauer
Homburg, Germany

Dale J. Benos
Birmingham, AL

Etty Benveniste
Birmingham, AL

Timothy R. Billiar
Pittsburgh, PA

Kirby I. Bland
Birmingham, AL

Daniel J. Brackett
Oklahoma, OK

Uwe B. Br¨¹ckner
Ulm, Germany

Wim A. Buurman
Maastricht, The Netherlands

Mark Callery
Boston, MA

Steve A. Calvano
New Brunswick, NJ

Jean-Marc Cavaillon
Paris, France

William G. Cheadle
Louisville, KY

William G. Cioffi
Providence, RI

J. Perren Cobb
St. Louis, MO

James A. Cook
Charleston, SC

Michael S. Dahn
Farmington, CT

Edwin A. Deitch
Newark, NJ

Antonio De Maio
Baltimore, MD

Clifford Deutschman
Philadelphia, PA

David Dries
St. Paul, MN

Wolfgang Ertel
Z¨¹rich, Switzerland

Timothy C. Fabian
Memphis, TN

Eugen Faist
Munich, Germany

Luiz Figueiredo
São Paulo, Brazil

Mitchell P. Fink
Pittsburgh, PA

Charles J. Fisher
Abbott Park, IL

Richard L. Gamelli
Maywood, IL

R. Neal Garrison
Louisville, KY

Brett P. Giroir
Dallas, TX

D. Neil Granger
Shreveport, LA

Johan Groeneveld
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Ulf Haglund
Uppsala, Sweden

Brian Harbrecht
Pittsburgh, PA

Alden Harken
Denver, CO

John M. Harlan
Seattle, WA

Per-Olof Hasselgren
Boston, MA

David Herndon
Galveston, TX

Charles J. Hinds
London, UK

Hiroyuki Hirasawa
Chiba, Japan

James W. Holcroft
Sacramento, CA

Jureta W. Horton
Dallas, TX

Richard S. Hotchkiss
St. Louis, MO

David B. Hoyt
San Diego, CA

Hartmut Jaeschke
Tucson, AZ

Marianne Jochum
Munich, Germany

Michael M. Krausz
Haifa, Israel

Steven L. Kunkel
Ann Arbor, MI

Charles Lang
Hershey, PA

James A. Lederer
Boston, MA

Maw-Shung Liu
St. Louis, MO

Olle Ljungqvist
Stockholm, Sweden

Asrar B. Malik
Chicago, IL

John A. Mannick
Boston, MA

Richard B. Marchase
Birmingham, AL

John C. Marshall
Toronto, Canada

Ingo Marzi
Homburg, Germany

Sadis Matalon
Birmingham, AL

John C. Mathison
La Jolla, CA

Kenneth L. Mattox
Houston, TX

Toshihiko Mayumi
Nagoya, Japan

Robert McCuskey
Tucson, AZ

Kathleen H. McDonough
New Orleans, LA

Konrad F. W. Messmer
Munich, Germany

Suzanne M. Michalek
Birmingham, AL

William J. Mileski
Galveston, TX

Carol L. Miller-Graziano
Rochester, NY

Patricia E. Molina
New Orleans, LA

Ernest E. Moore
Denver, CO

Frederick A. Moore
Houston, TX

S¨¢ndor Nagy
Szeged, Hungary

Peter Nightingale
Manchester, UK

Udo Obertacke
Essen, Germany

Steven M. Opal
Pawtucket, RI

Janet L. Parker
College Station, TX

Didier Payen
Paris, France

Timothy L. Pruett
Charlottesville, VA

Basil A. Pruitt, Jr.
San Antonio, TX

Reuven Rabinovici
New Haven, CT

Heinz Redl
Vienna, Austria

Konrad Reinhart
Jena, Germany

Maur¨ªcio Rocha e Silva
São Paulo, Brazil

Jorge Rodriguez
Louisville, KY

Ori D. Rotstein
Toronto, Canada

Leona J. Rubin
Columbia, MO

Loring Rue
Birmingham, AL

Robert G. Sawyer
Charlottesville, VA

Martin G. Schwacha
Birmingham, AL

Jane Shelby
Salt Lake City, UT

George F. Sheldon
Chapel Hill, NC

Joseph S. Solomkin
Cincinnati, OH

Scott D. Somers
Bethesda, MD

Wiley W. Souba
Hershey, PA

Zoltan Spolarics
Newark, NJ

Csaba Szab¨®
Boston, MA

Lambertus Thijs
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Judith M. Thomas
Birmingham, AL

Ronald G. Tompkins
Boston, MA

Daniel L. Traber
Galveston, TX

Thomas C. Vary
Hershey, PA

Jean-Louis Vincent
Brussels, Belgium

Ping Wang
Manhasset, NY

Peter Ward
Ann Arbor, MI

Carol L. Wells
Minneapolis, MN

Michael A. West
Chicago, IL

Hector R. Wong
Cincinnati, OH

Basilia Zingarelli
Cincinnati, OH




Arthur E. Baue
Fishers Island, NY

Allan M. Lefer
Philadelphia, PA

Roderick A. Little
Scotland, UK



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