

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


The international leader in its field, Sedimentology publishes ground-breaking research from across the spectrum of sedimentology, sedimentary geology and sedimentary geochemistry. 

Areas covered include:

¡ì                                 experimental and theoretical grain transport

¡ì                                 sediment fluxes

¡ì                                 modern and ancient sedimentary environments

¡ì                                 sequence stratigraphy

¡ì                                 sediment-organism interaction

¡ì                                 palaeosoils

¡ì                                 diagenesis

¡ì                                 stable isotope geochemistry

¡ì                                 environmental sedimentology

Indexed/Abstracted in


Papers dealing with every aspect of sediments and sedimentary rocks are considered for publication in Sedimentology. Sedimentology is produced bimonthly and publishes short papers, articles, discussions and book reviews.

Sedimentology is covered by Blackwell Publishing's OnlineEarly service.
OnlineEarly articles are complete full-text articles published online in advance of their publication in a printed issue. Articles are therefore available as soon as they are ready, rather than having to wait for the next scheduled print issue. OnlineEarly articles are complete and final. They have been fully reviewed, revised and edited for publication, and the authors' final corrections have been incorporated. Because they are in final form, no changes can be made after online publication. The nature of OnlineEarly articles means that they do not yet have volume, issue or page numbers, so OnlineEarly articles cannot be cited in the traditional way. They are therefore given a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), which allows the article to be cited and tracked before it is allocated to an issue. After print publication, the DOI remains valid and can continue to be used to cite and access the article.

Three copies of the manuscript, each accompanied by copies of all illustrations, should be sent to:

Dr Peter Haughton, Department of Geology, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland. Email: peter.haughton@ucd.ie

Papers submitted to Sedimentology are accepted on the basis that they have not been, and will not be, published elsewhere. If accepted, papers become copyright of the journal.

Papers should be typed on one side of paper, double spaced, with ample margins and bear the title of the contribution, name(s) of the author(s) and address of the place where the work was carried out.

Please indicate on the title page the corresponding author and provide the E-mail address (and full postal address) to which the proofs should be sent. In addition, please include the present address of any author if different from where the work was carried out. All pages should be numbered in the top right-hand corner. A short running title should be provided and authors are requested to provide up to six keywords following the Abstract.

Papers should follow the format of Sedimentology as printed in recent issues of the journal. Manuscripts should preferably be written in English, but contributions in French or German will be considered. A brief informative Abstract, of 50-300 words, should be included on a separate sheet of paper. Papers in French or German should include an additional Abstract of 300-600 words in English. Authors should avoid use of the first person ('I', 'we' etc.) within the text.

There is a range of four different headings. It would be helpful if authors could set their paper in the style of Sedimentology, or indicate in the margin the relative importance of a heading by the use of ringed capital letters, i.e. (A) for the main heading, (B) for the second heading, etc.

For preferred use of stratigraphic terminology and nomenclature, the reader is referred to the Code of Stratigraphic Nomenclature by ACSN, 1961, in Bulletin American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 45, 454-459, and to Geological Society of London Special Report no. 11, 1978.

Electronic text files should be formatted double-spaced with no hyphenation or automatic wordwrap (no hard returns within paragraphs). Please type your text consistently, e.g. take care to distinguish between '1' (one) and 'l' (lower-case L) and '0' (zero) and 'O' (upper-case o), etc. Please do not send any disks until the Editors ask you for them.

Author will be required to assign copyright in their paper to Blackwell Publishing and International Association of Sedimentologists. Copyright assignment is a condition of publication and papers will not be passed to the publisher for production unless copyright has been assigned. (Papers subject to government or Crown copyright are exempt from this requirement.) To assist authors the editorial office will supply an appropriate copyright assignment form. Alternatively, authors may like to download a copy of the form here. Please use the correct form for the editor who is handling your submission:
For P. Haughton use this version
For S. Bennett use this version
For I. Montanez use this version
For C. Spotl use this version

Abbreviations and Units
SI units are preferred. Statistics and measurements should always be given in figures, e.g. 10 mm, except where the number begins the sentence. When a number is used to identify a feature (e.g. Section, Locality) it should be given in figures with the feature capitalized (e.g. Section 10, Locality 5). The word 'Figure' should be shortened to Fig. unless starting a sentence.

Authors should use the system illustrated below. Only full articles that have been published or are 'in press' may be included in the reference list. In the text, references should be cited by giving the author's name with the year of publication in parentheses, and should be given in date order (e.g. Jones, 1982; Adams, 1985). When reference is made to a work by three or more authors, the first name followed by et al. should be used in the text on all occasions. If several papers by the same author and from the same year are cited, a, b, c, etc. should be put after the year of publication.

References should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the paper in the following standard form. Please note that authors names should be shown in bold:

Bridge, J.S. (1993) Description and interpretation of fluvial deposits: a critical perspective. Sedimentology, 40, 801-810.

Kocurek, G.A. (1996) Desert aeolian systems. In: Sedimentary Environments and Facies (Ed. H.G. Reading) 3rd edn, pp. 125-153. Blackwell Science, Oxford.

Middleton, G.V. and Wilcock, P.R. (1994) Mechanics in the Earth and Environmental Sciences. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 459 pp.

Shurr, G.W. (1984) Geometry of shelf sandstone bodies in the Shannon Sandstone of southeastern Montana. In: Siliciclastic Shelf Sediments (Eds R.W. Tillman and C.T. Siemens), SEPM Spec. Publ., 34, 63-83.

In the references, papers with two authors should follow those of the first named author, arranged in alphabetical order according to the name of the second author. Papers with three or more authors should be ordered following the name of the first author in chronological order. The titles of Journals should be abbreviated as directed in Journal Abbreviations.

Tables must be typed on separate sheets. They should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Tables should be typed as text, using 'tabs' to align columns. Vertical lines should not be used to separate columns. Column headings should be brief, with units of measurement in parentheses.

Extensive tabular material can be accepted if deposited with the British Library under their Supplementary Publications Scheme or published on the Sedimentology web site. Details on each method of data storage are available from the Editors. All other illustrations (including photographs) are classified as figures and should be numbered consecutively.

All illustrations should fit within the width of a column (80 mm), two thirds of a page (112 mm) or a page (170 mm); a page is 230 mm deep. Sub-panels of multipanel figures should be labelled with lower-case roman letters, (a), (b), etc. at the top left hand corner of each section, if possible (i) within the panel of a line diagram, or (ii) to the left of or below a half-tone. Multipanel figures that have common axes need not have all axes labelled if the abscissa axis closest to the bottom of the page or the ordinate axis closest to the left are also valid for those axes further up the page or further to the right, respectively. Final lettering, after reduction, should be a minimum of 8 point (2 mm tall). Please note that your paper will go through production more quickly if the figures do not have to be relabelled or redrawn.

Please send digital versions of your figures if at all possible (EPS and TIFF files only). Please ensure that electronic artwork is prepared such that, after reduction, all lettering will be clear and easy to read, i.e. no labels should be too large or too small. Avoid using tints on diagrams if possible; if they are essential to the figure, then try to always make them coarse. Always enclose reproduction-quality hard copies of digitally supplied figures. No artwork should be incorporated into the text files. Digital versions of figures should be sent only once the manuscript has been accepted.

If there is colour artwork in your manuscript when it is accepted for publication, Blackwell Publishing require you to complete and return a colour work agreement form before your paper can be published. This form can be downloaded as a PDF using the link below:


If you encounter problems downloading the form, please contact the production editor and a form will be emailed or faxed to you. Once completed, please return the form to the accepting editor for your paper.

Note that authors can publish two colour figures free of charge in the printed version of their article, subject to editorial approval as to these being necessary in colour. Authors can also request, free of charge, as many colour figures as they wish in the electronic web version of their article.

Original drawings or photographs should be supplied for reproduction. If figures are to be submitted as hand-drawn line drawings, they should be prepared to a professional standard on good quality drafting film or white paper. Drawings should be suitable for 50% reduction. Bar scales are preferred to numerical scales.

Good quality glossy prints of half-tones should be sent with lettering added. Half-tones can be submitted either unmounted or mounted (but not on stiff card) where composite photographs may form a single figure.

Each illustration must have a caption that makes the material completely understandable without reference to the text. Captions should be typed on a separate sheet. The approximate position of the illustration should be indicated in the margin of the typescript. All illustrations should have their numbers and the author's name written on the back in pencil.

Authors are asked to keep all original illustrations until needed and to send initially three sets of sharp glossy prints of photographs and top copies of all other figures. Authors will be asked to send their originals to the Editor or publisher when their paper is accepted.

In-line equations should be typed as text. Use of graphics programs and 'equation editors' should be avoided, unless part of commonly available word-processing packages (Word, WordPerfect etc.) A full Nomenclature defining symbols and terms should be provided after the Acknowledgements in the text.

Production Editor
Theresa Edwards
Prepress Projects
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Fax: +44 (0) 870 1640124
E-mail: sed@oxon.blackwellpublishing.com

Contact the Production Editor for queries concerning accepted manuscripts only. For all other manuscript enquiries please contact the Editor.

Book Reviews
Send books for review to:

Dr Peter Haughton
Department of Geology
University College Dublin
Dublin 4

Tel: +353 1 706 2244
Fax: +353 1 283 7733
E-mail: peter.haughton@ucd.ie

Page Charge
A charge of $50 (US) per page will be applied to excessively long manuscripts. In addition, authors of articles supported by research grants that include funds for publication costs will be asked to subsidize the publication of their articles. Inability to pay assessed charges will in no way prejudice publication of an article.

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Supplementary material
Additional material (such as multimedia adjuncts, large data sets, bibliographies, or any other material for which insufficient space in Sedimentology is available) may be published via the Journal's Web site.

Full details of Blackwell Publishing style, preparation of text and figures and submission of manuscripts and artwork on disk are also available from the links below:

http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/authors/journal.asp and http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/authors/digill.asp

Editorial Board


Editor in Chief

Peter Haughton, Department of Geology, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
Tel: +353 1 706 2244; Fax: +353 1 283 7733; E-mail: peter.Haughton@ucd.ie


Sean Bennett, US Department of Agriculture, National Sedimentation Laboratory, PO Box 1157, 598 McElroy Drive, Oxford, MS 38655, USA
Tel: +1 662 232 2926; Fax: +1 662 232 2915; E-mail: sjbennett@ars.usda.gov

Isabel Montanez, Department of Geology, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA
Tel: +1 530 754 7823; Fax: +1 530 752 0951; montanez@geology.ucdavis.edu

Christopher Spotl, Institut fur Geologie und Palaontologie, Universitat Innsbruck, Innrain 52, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Tel: +43 512 507 5593; Fax: +43 512 507 2914; E-mail: christoph.spoetl@uibk.ac.at

Editorial Board

J.B. Anderson, Rice University, Houston, USA

A. Ayalon, Geological Survey of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel

J. S. Bridge, SUNY, USA

R. J. Cheel, Brock University, Ontario, Canada

M. Coniglio, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

G.P. Eberli, University of Miami, USA

R. Kemp, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK

N. Lancaster, Desert Research Institute, UCCSN, Reno, USA

O.J. Martinsen, Norsk Hydro Research Centre, Bergen, Norway

G. Postma, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands

B.C. Schreiber, Appalachian State University, Boone, USA

R.S.J. Sparks, Bristol University, UK

T.E. Tornqvist, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA




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