

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 Science is a weekly, peer-reviewed journal that publishes significant original scientific research, plus reviews and analyses of current research and science policy. Our offices in Washington, D.C., and Cambridge, U.K., welcome submissions from all fields of science and from any source.

Competition for space in Science is keen, and many papers are returned without in-depth review. Priority is given to papers that reveal novel concepts of broad interest. We are committed to the prompt evaluation and publication of submitted papers. For the quickest and most efficient processing of your manuscript, please follow the guidelines and procedures laid out in this author help site.


Instructions to Authors


Science is a weekly, peer-reviewed journal that publishes significant original scientific research, plus reviews and analyses of current research and science policy. Our offices in Washington, D.C., and Cambridge, U.K., welcome submissions from all fields of science and from any source. Competition for space in Science is keen, and many papers are returned without in-depth review. Priority is given to papers that reveal novel concepts of broad interest. We are committed to the prompt evaluation and publication of submitted papers.


Categories of Signed Papers

[Note: Unless otherwise stated, word-count limits cited in the following paragraphs include text, references, notes, and table and figure captions.]

Reviews (4 journal pages, on average) describe new developments of interdisciplinary significance and highlight unresolved questions and future directions. All Reviews undergo peer review. They include an abstract, an introduction that outlines the main point, and brief subheadings. A maximum of 40 references is suggested.

Brevia are brief contributions of 600 to 800 words of text (including authors' names, affiliations, and references) accompanied by one illustration (a maximum of four panels) or table and not more than six references. Titles should be no more than eight words in length. Supporting online material is allowed (no more than one illustration or table or 500 words of text). Brevia present research results on subject matter attractive to, and understandable by, scientists from a wide range of fields. Interdisciplinary work, or experiments or analyses that produce a result of general interest, are especially appropriate for this section. Authors should avoid highly technical presentations and jargon specific to particular disciplines. Manuscripts are peer-reviewed in the usual manner.

Research Articles (up to ~4500 words or ~5 journal pages) are expected to present a major advance. Research Articles include an abstract, an introduction, up to 6 figures or tables, sections with brief subheadings, and a maximum of 40 references. Materials and Methods should usually be included in supporting online material, which should also include information needed to support the paper's conclusions.

Reports (up to ~2500 words or ~3 journal pages) present important new research results of broad significance. Reports should include an abstract, an introductory paragraph, up to 4 figures or tables, and a maximum of 30 references. Materials and Methods should usually be included in supporting online material, which should also include information needed to support the paper's conclusions.

Technical Comments (up to 750 words, excluding references and captions), which are published only on Science's Web site, Science Online, discuss papers published in Science within the previous 6 months. Technical Comments should have no more than two figures or tables; authors should submit a brief abstract (less than 50 words) to accompany their comment. The authors of the original paper are given an opportunity to reply. Comments and responses are peer reviewed and edited as needed. As noted, the full text of comments and responses is published online only; abstracts of the discussions appear in the Letters section of the print journal.

The following Science sections offer broadly accessible commentary by scientists and other experts on issues of interest to Science readers. Except for letters, most items in these sections are commissioned by the editors, but unsolicited contributions will be considered on occasion.

Letters (up to 300 words) discuss material published in Science in the last 6 months or issues of general interest. Letters can be submitted using our direct WWW form (www.letter2science.org), by e-mail (science_letters@aaas.org), or by regular mail. Web submission is strongly encouraged. Letters are not acknowledged on receipt, and letter authors are generally not consulted before publication. Whether published in full or in part, letters are subject to editing for clarity and space.

Policy Forum (up to 2000 words) presents issues in science policy.

Essays on Science and Society (up to 2000 words) highlight diverse views of the intersection of science and society.

Books et al. (up to 1000 words) presents reviews of current books, multimedia, exhibitions, and films of interest to Science readers.

Perspectives (up to 1000 words) analyze recent research developments but do not primarily discuss the author's own work.

Science Express

Each week, three papers are selected by Science editors for rapid online publication in advance of their scheduled print publication date. Online publication on Science Express allows particularly interesting or topical papers to become available to Science readers two to six weeks before these articles appear in print. Papers posted in Science Express are considered published on the date that they are posted; the print version of a paper originally published on Science Express indicates the date the paper was published online and gives access and citation information. Science Express papers are available to all users on a pay-per-view basis, except for AAAS members, who receive free access to Science Express papers as a member benefit.

Manuscript Selection

Science is committed to prompt evaluation and publication of submitted papers. Papers are assigned to an editor at Science who has knowledge of the field discussed in the manuscript. Most submitted papers are rated for suitability by members of Science's Board of Reviewing Editors. The editors at Science consider this advice in selecting papers for in-depth review; priority is given to papers that reveal novel concepts of broad interest. Authors of papers that are not highly rated are notified promptly, within about 1 to 2 weeks. Authors are notified of decisions by e-mail only. Membership in AAAS is not a factor in selection of manuscripts for publication.

Papers are reviewed in depth by two or more outside referees. It is the policy of Science that reviewers are anonymous. Reviewers are contacted before being sent a paper and asked to return comments within 1 week to 10 days for most papers. We are able to expedite the review process significantly for papers that require rapid assessment. Selected papers are edited to improve accuracy and clarity and to shorten, if necessary. Papers cannot be resubmitted over a disagreement on interest or relative merit. If a paper was rejected on the basis of serious reviewer error, resubmission will be considered.

Some papers may present potential security concerns. In such cases, Science will seek additional advice from outside reviewers who have special knowledge and experience in that area.

Most papers are published 4 to 8 weeks after acceptance; selected papers are published online within 2 weeks of acceptance on Science Express (www.sciencexpress.org).

Conditions of Acceptance

When a paper is accepted for publication in Science, it is understood that:

Any reasonable request for materials and methods necessary to verify the conclusions of the experiments reported must be honored.

Informed consent was obtained for studies on humans after the nature and possible consequences of the studies were explained.

Care of experimental animals was in accordance with institutional guidelines.

Before publication, large data sets, including protein or DNA sequences and crystallographic coordinates, must be deposited in an approved database and an accession number provided for inclusion in the published paper. Coordinates must be released at the time of publication. Approved databases include GenBank or other members of the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration, the Protein Data Bank at the Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics (or equivalent), and SWISS-PROT.

For microarray data, Science supports ongoing efforts for data standardization (such as that represented by the
MIAME project). Authors are encouraged to follow consensus criteria for these data and to deposit the data into a searchable public database such as Gene Expression Omnibus or ArrayExpress.

Authors agree to transfer copyright of the paper (including electronic rights) to Science. U.S. government employees sign the section of the form stating exemption from copyright laws.

The paper will remain a privileged document and will not be released to the press or the public before publication. If there is a need in exceptional cases to publicize data in advance of publication, the AAAS News and Information Office (202-326-6440) must be consulted. (For more information, please see the embargo entry in the Science Contributors FAQ.)


By submitting a manuscript, the corresponding author accepts the responsibility that all authors have agreed to be so listed and have seen and approved the manuscript, its content, and its submission to Science. Any changes in authorship must be approved in writing by all the original authors.

Prior Publication

Science will not consider any paper or component of a paper that has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere. Distribution on the Internet may be considered prior publication and may compromise the originality of the paper as a submission to Science. Papers may be posted after publication on not-for-profit reprint servers. Science also provides authors with a free electronic reprint service.

In addition, reporting the main findings of a paper in the mass media may compromise the novelty of the work and thus its appropriateness for Science. Authors are free to present their data at open meetings but should not overtly seek media attention or give copies of the figures or data from their presentation or from the manuscript to any reporter, unless the reporter agrees to abide by Science's press embargo. If a reporter attends an author's session at a meeting and writes a story based only on the presentation, such coverage will not affect Science's consideration of the author's paper. (For more information, please see the embargo entry in the Science Contributors FAQ.)



Editorial Board

Science Editorial Staff

Editorial e-mail addresses:
science_editors@aaas.org (for general editorial queries); science_letters@aaas.org (for letters to the editor); science_reviews@aaas.org (for returning manuscript reviews); science_bookrevs@aaas.org (for general book review queries and transmission of book review manuscripts)

EUROPE OFFICE: Andrew Sugden, International Managing Editor; Caroline Ash, Julia Fahrenkamp-Uppenbrink, Stella M. Hurtley, Ian S. Osborne, Peter Stern, Senior Editors; Stephen J. Simpson, Associate Editor
Editorial Support: Cheryl Sharp, Emma Westgate

U.S. OFFICE: R. Brooks Hanson, Katrina L. Kelner, Deputy Editors; Barbara R. Jasny, Guy Riddihough, Phillip D. Szuromi, Supervisory Senior Editors; Gilbert J. Chin, Pamela J. Hines, Paula A. Kiberstis (Boston Office), Beverly A. Purnell, L. Bryan Ray, Linda R. Rowan, Senior Editors; Lisa D. Chong, Marc S. Lavine, H. Jesse Smith, Valda J. Vinson, Associate Editors; Stewart Wills, Online Editor/Technical Comments Editor; Tara S. Marathe, Associate Online Editor
Science's Compass:
Orla M. Smith, Julia Fahrenkamp-Uppenbrink, Perspectives Editors; Etta Kavanagh, Associate Letters Editor; Sherman J. Suter, Associate Book Review Editor; Jeffrey Hearn, Brian White, Anita Wynn, Publication Assistants; Janet Kegg, Information Specialist
Editing: Cara Tate, Editorial Manager; Jeffrey E. Cook, Harry Jach, Monique Martineau, Barbara P. Ordway, Senior Copy Editors; Cynthia Howe, Jennifer Sills, Trista Wagoner, Copy Editors
Copy Desk: Beverly Shields, Editorial Coordinator; Chris Filiatreau, Joi S. Granger, Scott Miller, Gail Murphy, Publication Assistants
Editorial Support: Carolyn Kyle, Editorial Coordinator; Elise Laffman, Publication Assistant; Lisa Johnson, Dorothy Matthews, Yolanda Matthews, Patricia Moore, Tunisia L. Riley, Editorial Assistants
Administrative Support: Sylvia S. Kihara, Executive Assistant; Patricia F. Fisher, Administrative Support

Caroline Ash
Senior Editor
Education: B.Sc., Ph.D., Leeds University
Areas of interest: Microbiology, parasitology, infectious diseases
e-mail: cash[at]science-int.co.uk (replace "[at]" with "@" when sending mail)

Gilbert J. Chin
Senior Editor
Education: A.B., Ph.D., Harvard University
Areas of interest: Biochemistry, biophysics, biotechnology, neurobiology, computers
Phone: +1 202-326-6745; e-mail: gchin[at]aaas.org (replace "[at]" with "@" when sending mail)

Lisa D. Chong
Associate Editor
Associate Editor, Science's STKE
Education: B.A., Cornell University; Ph.D., Yale University
Areas of interest: Signal transduction, cell biology, neurobiology, developmental biology
Phone: +1 202-326-7060; e-mail: lchong[at]aaas.org (replace "[at]" with "@" when sending mail)

Julia Fahrenkamp-Uppenbrink
Senior Editor
Perspectives Editor
Education: Intermediate Diploma in Chemistry, Free University, Berlin, Germany; Ph.D., University of Cambridge
Areas of interest: Chemistry, climate, science policy, history of science
e-mail: juppenbrink[at]science-int.co.uk (replace "[at]" with "@" when sending mail)

R. Brooks Hanson
Deputy Editor, Physical Sciences
Education: B.S., Bucknell University; Ph.D., University of California at Los Angeles
Areas of interest: Geology, geophysics, geochemistry, planetary science, hydrology, paleontology, anthropology, archaeology, numerical modeling, science policy, social sciences
Phone: +1 202-326-6506; e-mail: bhanson[at]aaas.org (replace "[at]" with "@" when sending mail)

Pamela J. Hines
Senior Editor
Education: A.B., Oberlin College; M.S., University of Wisconsin; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University
Areas of interest: Plants, cell and molecular biology, neurobiology, development, evolutionary biology, public policy, ecology
Phone: +1 202-326-6509; e-mail: phines[at]aaas.org (replace "[at]" with "@" when sending mail)

Stella M. Hurtley
Senior Editor
Education: B.A., University of Cambridge; Ph.D., European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg
Areas of interest: Cell biology, cellular microbiology, membrane traffic, protein targeting, protein folding, organelle biogenesis, cytoskeleton, cell polarity, neurobiology
e-mail: shurtley[at]science-int.co.uk (replace "[at]" with "@" when sending mail)

Barbara R. Jasny
Supervisory Senior Editor; Policy Forum Editor
Education: B.A., New York University; Ph.D., The Rockefeller University
Areas of interest: Molecular biology, cell biology, virology, molecular medicine, infectious disease, AIDS, genome project, public policy
Phone: +1 202-326-6515; e-mail: bjasny[at]aaas.org (replace "[at]" with "@" when sending mail)

Katrina L. Kelner
Deputy Editor, Life Sciences
Education: B.A., Reed College; Ph.D., Baylor College of Medicine
Editor of Science's Compass
Areas of interest: Neuroscience, cell biology, psychology, behavior, aging, circadian rhythms
e-mail: kkelner[at]aaas.org (replace "[at]" with "@" when sending mail)

Paula A. Kiberstis
Senior Editor, Boston Office
Education: B.A., University of Massachusetts; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin
Areas of interest: Cancer, molecular medicine, molecular biology, cell biology, virology
Phone: +1 617-641-2443; Fax: +1 617-641-2483; e-mail: pkiberst[at]aaas.org (replace "[at]" with "@" when sending mail)

Marc S. Lavine
Associate Editor
Education: B.A. Sc., University of Toronto; Ph.D., University of Cambridge
Areas of interest: Polymers, complex fluids, materials science, computing
Phone: +1 202-326-6514; e-mail: mlavine[at]aaas.org (replace "[at]" with "@" when sending mail)

Ian S. Osborne
Senior Editor
Education: B.S., Ph.D., University of Dundee
Areas of interest: Physics, materials science, engineering, mathematics, devices
e-mail: iosborne[at]science-int.co.uk (replace "[at]" with "@" when sending mail)

Beverly A. Purnell
Senior Editor
Education: B.S., Shepherd College; M.S., The Pennsylvania State University; Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University
Areas of interest: Transcription, molecular biology, developmental biology, gene regulation, mRNA translation, chromatin structure and function, functional genomics, reproductive biology, signal transduction (as relates to gene expression)
Phone: +1 410 734 0307; Fax: +1 410-734-0311; e-mail: bpurnell[at]aaas.org (replace "[at]" with "@" when sending mail)

L. Bryan Ray
Senior Editor
Editor, Science's STKE
Education: A.B., University of California, Berkeley; Ph.D., University of Virginia
Areas of interest: Signal transduction (mechanisms of action of hormones, growth factors and neurotransmitters), cell biology (especially cell cycle), developmental biology, endocrinology, biochemistry
Phone: +1 202-326-6531; e-mail: bray[at]aaas.org (replace "[at]" with "@" when sending mail)

Guy Riddihough
Supervisory Senior Editor
Education: B.S., Imperial College, London; PhD., King's College, Cambridge
Areas of interest: DNA metabolism (replication, recombination, and repair), RNA metabolism (ribozymes, splicing, silencing, and decay), nuclear architecture, chromatin structure and function, chromosome structure and dynamics, origin of life, and molecular evolution.
Phone: +1 202-326-7097; e-mail: griddiho[at]aaas.org (replace "[at]" with "@" when sending mail)

Linda R. Rowan
Senior Editor
Education: B.S., University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; M.S., Ph.D., California Institute of Technology
Areas of interest: Astronomy, computer science, geochemistry, geology, geophysics, meteoritics, planetary science, paleontology, anthropology, archeology
Phone: +1 202-326-6528; e-mail: lrowan[at]aaas.org (replace "[at]" with "@" when sending mail)

Stephen J. Simpson
Associate Editor
Education: B.S., University of Nottingham; Ph.D. National Institute for Medical Research, London
Areas of interest: Immunology, lymphocyte development, autoimmunity, antigen presneation, innate immunity, immune regulation.
e-mail: ssimpson[at]science-int.co.uk (replace "[at]" with "@" when sending mail)

H. Jesse Smith
Associate Editor
SCOPE Associate Editor
Education: B.S., University of California, Santa Barbara; M.S., University of California, San Diego; Ph.D., Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego
Areas of Interest: Paleoclimate, paleoceanography, glaciology, climate, global change, global carbon cycle, atmospheric science, marine chemistry, light stable isotope geochemistry
Phone: +1 202-326-6556; e-mail: hjsmith[at]aaas.org (replace "[at]" with "@" when sending mail)

Orla M. Smith
Senior Editor
Perspectives Editor
Education: B.Sc., University of London, King's College; Ph.D., University of London, The Royal Free Hospital
Areas of Interest: Molecular medicine, cancer, hematopoiesis, cell adhesion, microbiology, neurobiology, neurodegenerative diseases
Phone: +1 202-326-7036; e-mail: osmith[at]aaas.org (replace "[at]" with "@" when sending mail)

Peter Stern
Senior Editor
Education: M.D., University of Frankfurt Medical School; Ph.D., University of Heidelberg
Areas of interest: Cellular neurobiology, molecular neurobiology, ion channels, electrophysiology, neurological diseases, neuropharmacology
e-mail: pstern[at]science-int.co.uk (replace "[at]" with "@" when sending mail)

Andrew M. Sugden
International Managing Editor
Education: B.A., D.Phil., University of Oxford
Areas of Interest: Ecology, evolution, systematics, paleontology, conservation biology
e-mail: asugden[at]science-int.co.uk (replace "[at]" with "@" when sending mail)

Sherman J. Suter
Associate Book Review Editor
Education: B.A., Pomona College; M.S., University of Arizona; Ph.D., University of Chicago
Areas of Interest: Evolution, ecology, paleobiology, geology, conservation biology, history and philosophy of science
Phone: +1 202-326-6523; e-mail: ssuter[at]aaas.org (replace "[at]" with "@" when sending mail)

Phillip D. Szuromi
Supervisory Senior Editor
Education: B.S., Harvey Mudd College; Ph.D., California Institute of Technology
Areas of interest: Chemistry, physics, materials science, atmospheric science
Phone: +1 202-326-6547; e-mail: pszuromi[at]aaas.org (replace "[at]" with "@" when sending mail)

Valda J. Vinson
Associate Editor
SCOPE Associate Editor
Education: B.S., University of Natal; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University
Areas of interest: Structural biology, biophysics, cell motility
Phone: +1 202-326-6571; email: vvinson[at]aaas.org (replace "[at]" with "@" when sending mail)

Stewart Wills
Online Editor and Technical Comments Editor
Education: B.A., University of California, Los Angeles; B.S., Rutgers University; Ph.D., Columbia University/Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Areas of interest: Technical Comments,
Science Online, special Web features; geoscience
Phone: +1 202-326-6521; e-mail: swills[at]aaas.org (replace "[at]" with "@" when sending mail)

Science News

News' e-mail address: science_news@aaas.org  
News Editor:
Colin Norman

Senior Correspondents: Eliot Marshall, Jean Marx

Deputy News Editors: Robert Coontz, Jeffrey Mervis, Leslie Roberts

Associate News Editor: Laura Helmuth

Contributing Editors: Elizabeth Culotta, Polly Shulman

News Writers: Yudhijit Bhattacharjee, Jennifer Couzin, Martin Enserink, Constance Holden, Jocelyn Kaiser, Richard A. Kerr, David Malakoff, Elizabeth Pennisi, Charles Seife, Erik Stokstad, Naomi Lubick (intern)

Europe Office: Richard Stone, European News Editor; Daniel Clery, Deputy News Editor; Michael Balter (Paris), Contributing Correspondent; Gretchen Vogel (Berlin), Correspondent; Daniel Bachtold, Intern

Bureaus: Marcia Barinaga (Berkeley, CA), Contributing Correspondent; Jon Cohen (San Diego, CA), Contributing Correspondent; Andrew Lawler (Boston); Robert F. Service (Pacific Northwest); Dennis Normile (Tokyo), Contributing Correspondent; Ding Yimin (Beijing), Contributing Correspondent; Pallava Bagla (New Delhi), Contributing Correspondent

Contributing Correspondents: Kathryn Brown, Barry A. Cipra, Dan Ferber, Ann Gibbons, Robert Irion, Mitch Leslie (NetWatch), Charles C. Mann, Virginia Morell, Evelyn Strauss, Gary Taubes, David Voss, Ingrid Wickelgren

Copy Editors: Linda B. Felaco, Supervisor; Laura Atwood, Daniel T. Helgerman

ScienceNOW: Erik Stokstad, Managing Editor; Greg Miller, Editor

Administrative Support: Scherraine Mack, Fannie Groom



Science Contact Information


(1)-202-326-6550 (USA)
(44)-1223-326500 (UK)


(1)-202-289-7562 (USA)
(44)-1223-326501 (UK)



for general editorial queries



for letters to the editor



to return manuscript reviews



for the Europe office



for online submission of manuscripts



for online submission of letters




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