

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Aims and Scope:

The journal is an international scientific journal covering clinical and experimental aspects of rheumatic diseases.

Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology is essential reading for rheumatologists and also for general practitioners, orthopaedic surgeons, radiologists, pharmacologists, pathologists and health professionals with an interest in patients with rheumatic diseases.

Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology is published for the Scandinavian Rheumatology Research Foundation and is the official journal of the Scandinavian Society for Rheumatology.

Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology publishes original papers within the various fields of clinical and experimental rheumatology, such as: clinical aspects of rheumatic disorders including pharmacotherapy, prophylaxis, surgical and other treatments; laboratory investigations, including mainly biochemistry, immunology, immunopathology, microbiology, histopathology, pathophysiology and pharmacology; radiological, magnetic, and other forms of imaging; and epidemiologicial, genetic, and social aspects.

Editorials, short papers and review articles are also published. Brief letters to the Editor will be accepted. Reviews of new books are included.

The scientific standard is the only criterion for accepting an article for publication. "Scandinavian" does not imply a journal restricted to Scandinavian research. The journal welcomes international papers and invites both Scandinavian and other investigators to submit their manuscripts for publication in the journal.

All papers are published in English.

Acronyms in Rheumatology:

A list of Acronyms for use in Rheumatology was published in Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 54-55. This article is freely available for downloading here. You will need AcrobatReader to view the file.


Rheumatologists, general practitioners, orthopaedic surgeons, radiologists, pharmacologists, health professionals.

Abstracting Information:

Indexed/abstracted in: Allied and Complementary Medicine Literature (Amed); Biological Abstracts; Biotechnology Abstracts; Chemical Abstracts; CML RHEUMATOLOGY; Current Contents/Clinical Medicine; Current Contents/Life Sciences; Elsevier BIOBASE/Current Awareness of Biological Sciences; Energy Research Abstracts; EMBASE/Excerpta Medica; Index Medicus/MEDLINE; Medical Documentation Service; PEDro; Periodicals Scanned and Abstracted. Life Sciences Collection; PESTDOC; Reference Update; Research Alert; Review of Medical and Veterinary Entomology; Science Citation Index; SciSearch.

Instructions to Authors


The authors should supply the Editorial Office with a copy of the manuscript on disk together with three printed copies in any IBM or Macintosh word processing format. Figures should be supplied on disk, whenever possible, in either TIF or EPS-format. A high quality printout should also be supplied, particularly for color figures. Please indicate on the label attached to your disk, your name, address, and name of the word processing package used.

Alternatively, the files may be sent as attached files to the e-mail of the Editorial Office scandjrheumatol@akh.aaa.dk

Submission of articles to:

Editor Kristian Stengaard-Pedersen

Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology

Editorial Office, Building 3A, Aarhus University Hospital

Norrebrogade 44, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark

Manuscripts will be considered for pub­ lication with the understanding that they have not been published, accepted or simultaneously submitted else­ where. A written statement signed by the responsible author is compulsory. When submitting a paper, an author should always make a full statement to the editor about all submissions that might be regarded as duplic­ ate publication of the same or very similar work. The presentation of data in abstracts, in oral or poster sessions at meetings, does not constitute previous publication.


Manu­ scripts must be written in acceptable English, 12 point types, double-spaced (including references), size A4 with a left margin of 3 cm. The text should normally be divided into Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References, Tables and legends for illustrations.

The title page should contain a) the title of the article; b) name of each author (no academic degrees); c) affiliation to department(s) and institution(s) to which the work should be attributed; name and full address of the author responsible for correspondence. The abstract page should contain 1) structured abstract of 150 words or less, divided into the following sections: Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusion; 2) 3-10 key words; and 3) a running title not exceeding 40 letters and spaces.

The author must warrant that when­ ever appropriate, any patient or participant mentioned in the text or shown in a photograph has given informed consent to publication of such material. When informed consent has been obtained, it should be indicated in the published article.

Authors of research articles should, at the time of submission, inform the editors of any financial arrange­ ment they may have with companies whose products are mentioned in the manuscript. Such information will be held confidential while the manuscript is under review and will not influence the editorial decision. The manner in which this information is to be communicated in the journal will be discussed after acceptance between the editors and authors.


Acknowledge only persons who have made substantial contributions to the study. The source of support in the form of grants, equipment and drugs should also be mentioned here.


Number references consecutively, in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text, by arabic numerals in parentheses (1).

The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the style used in Index Medicus and adapted to the Vancouver style/rules

(available at: www.icmje.org ). For references to manuscripts accepted but not yet published, designate the journal and add (in press). Information from manuscripts submitted but not yet accepted should be cited in the text as (unpublished observations). List all authors when six or less; when seven or more, list only the first six and add et al.

Examples in text

As Derksen (3) and Lund (8) have reported.

As Goei and Cats (4) have described ...

As several authors (2,7- 9.15)...


Belt EA, Kaarela K, Lehto MUK. Destruction and arthroplasties of the metatarsophalangeal joints in seropositive rheumatoid arth­ ritis. Scand J Rheumatol 1998;27:194-6.


Emery P. Considerations for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug therapy: benefits. Scand J Rheumatol 1996;25 Suppl 105:5-9.


Maddison PJ, Isenberg DA, Woo P, Glass DN, eds. Oxford textbook of rheumatology, Vol. 1. Oxford, New York, Tokyo: Oxford University Press, 1993.

Choy EHS, Panayi GS. Therapeutics of the future. In: JJF Belch. RB Zurier, eds. Connective tissue diseases. London: Chapman & Hall. 1995:355-77.



Tables should be numbered in series (roman numerals) and must be cited in the text in sequence. Each table, with an appropriate brief legend, comprehensible without reference to the text, should be typed on a separate page and three copies submitted.


Submit three complete sets of figures (one of which must be original) professionally drawn and/or photographed. All illustrations must be cited in sequence . Letters, numbers, and symbols should be large enough to remain readable after the figure is reduced to the width of one column. Each illustration should have a label on the back giving its number, the author's name and an arrow indicating the top.

The legends for illustrations should be listed on a separate page in numerical order and should contain brief but comprehensible explanations.

Photographs should be in the form of glossy prints. Three prints are preferable; but the original and two photocopies are acceptable if they are of sufficient quality.

Color print charges to be met by the author.


Any non-standard abbreviations (to be avoided if pos­ sible) should be properly defined in the text the first time they are used. List of acronyms published in the first issue each year.

Short papers and case reports

These are limited to no more than five typewritten pages, including maximum three figures and/or tables and max­ imum 15 references. Give a very brief abstract, 3-10 key words and a short running title.

Letter to the Editor

Short communication of two typewritten pages, maybe one figure/table, and a minimum of references.


The publication of supplements is governed by special rules which can be obtained from the Editorial Office. The editors do not undertake revisions of supplements. Responsibility for the contents rests with the authors.



Editorial Board


Kristian Stengaard-Pedersen - Aarhus, Denmark


Ulrik Tarp - Aarhus, Denmark

Editorial Assistant:

Dorit Sylvest - Aarhus, Denmark

Contact details:

Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology
Editorial Office, Bldg 3 A
Aarhus University Hospital
Norrebrogade 44
DK-8000 Aarhus C
Tel: +45 8949 4411
Fax: +45 8949 4412

Editorial Board:

Björn Gudbjörnsson - Reykjavik, Iceland
Gunnar Husby - Oslo, Norway

Marjatta Leirisalo-Repo - Helsinki, Finland
Frank A. Wollheim - Lund, Sweden


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