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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Sbornik: Mathematics is the English cover-to-cover translation of the Russian monthly journal Matematicheskii Sbornik. This is the oldest Russian mathematical journal, in publication since 1866. Since the beginning of 1995 Sbornik: Mathematics has been published in London jointly by the London Mathematical Society, Turpion Ltd, and the Russian Academy of Sciences. Sbornik: Mathematics is published bimonthly, each issue being made up of two issues of Matematicheskii Sbornik translated into English. The journal publishes only original research papers containing full results in the authors field of study.





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Editorial Board



Editor in Chief:
A A Gonchar, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Deputy Editor:
P L Ul¡¯yanov

Executive Secretary:
S P Suetin

Editorial Board:
A T Fomenko, A K Gushchin, A S Mishchenko, A N Parshin,
A M Stepin, V M Tikhomirov, V V Voevodin.

Editor of the English Edition:
G G Gould, School of Mathematics, University of Wales, UK


Editor in Chief:
A A Gonchar, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Deputy Editor:
P L Ul¡¯yanov

Executive Secretary:
S P Suetin

Editorial Board:
A T Fomenko, A K Gushchin, A S Mishchenko, A N Parshin,
A M Stepin, V M Tikhomirov, V V Voevodin.

Editor of the English Edition:
G G Gould, School of Mathematics, University of Wales, UK



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