

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Aims and Scope:

SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research is an international journal welcoming papers on the fundamental and practical aspects of the structure-activity and structure-property relationships in the fields of environmental science, agrochemistry, toxicology, pharmacology and applied chemistry. A unique aspect of the journal is the focus on emerging techniques for the building of SAR and QSAR models in these widely varying fields. The scope of the journal includes, but is not limited to, the topics of topological and physicochemical descriptors, mathematical, statistical and graphical methods for data analysis, computer methods and programs, original applications and comparative studies. In addition to primary scientific papers, the journal contains reviews of books and software and news of conferences. Special issues on topics of current and widespread interest to the SAR and QSAR community will be published from time to time.

Abstracting and Indexing:

SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research is abstracted and indexed in BIOSIS and Science Citation Index - the current impact factor is 2.044.

Instructions to Authors


It is essential that authors prepare their manuscripts according to established specifications. The effectiveness of the search capabilities offered by electronic delivery will depend upon the care used by authors in preparing their manuscripts. Therefore, contributors are strongly encouraged to read these instructions carefully before preparing a manuscript for submission, and to check the manuscript for compliance with these notes before submitting it for publication.


One original and three copies of the manuscripts should be submitted to James Devillers, CTIS, 3 Chemin de la Gravière, 69140 Rillieux la Pape, France. Supply all the material (three copies) necessary to assess the statistical validity of the analyses. Submission of a paper to SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research will be taken to imply that it represents original work not previously published, that it is not being considered elsewhere for publication, and that if accepted for publication it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in any language, without the consent of editor and publisher. It is a condition of acceptance by the editor of a typescript for publication that the publishers acquire automatically the copyright in the type- script throughout the world.

Manuscripts should be written in English. Authors whose native language is not English are strongly advised to have their manuscripts checked by an English-speaking colleague prior to submission.

Papers should be typed with double spacing and wide (3 cm) margins on good quality paper. Every page of the manuscript should be numbered in the lower right-hand corner.

The first sheet should only contain the title of the article, the name of the author (including the initials of his (her) first names), the department, institution, city and country. At the bottom of this page give an abbreviated title (for running headlines) of up to 40 characters. Indicate by an asterisk the author to whom all correspondence should be addressed.

The second sheet should contain an abstract of 100 to 200 words and six key words. Key words should be written with lower-case letters (no capital) and separated by semicolons.


The headings should not be lettered or numbered.

Primary headings: Leave a blank line and start the heading at the left margin. Capitalize all of the letters of each word in the heading. Leave a blank line after the heading and begin the first paragraph after the heading with no indent.

Secondary headings: Leave a blank line and start the heading at the left margin. Capitalize the first letter of each main word in the heading. Leave a blank line after the heading and begin the first paragraph after the heading with no indent.

Tertiary headings: Leave a blank line and start the heading at the left margin. Capitalize the first letter of each main word in the heading, and print the heading in italic type. Leave a blank line after the heading and begin the first paragraph after the heading with no indent.

The headings for "Acknowledgments" and "References" are printed in lower-case letters and in italic.


All figures should be numbered with consecutive Arabic numbers, have descriptive captions, and be mentioned in the text. Keep figures separate from the text, but indicate an approximate position for each in the margin. Each figure should be identified on the reverse side by its number and the name of the first author.

Preparation: Figures submitted must be of a high standard for direct reproduction. Line drawings should be prepared in black (India) ink on white paper or on tracing cloth, with all lettering and symbols included. Alternatively, good sharp photoprints ("glossies") are acceptable. Photographs intended for halftone reproduction must be good glossy original prints, of maximum contrast. Clearly label each figure with author's name and figure number; indicate "top" where this is not obvious. Redrawing or retouching of unusable figures will be charged to authors.

Size: The preferred width of submitted line drawings is 20 to 23 cm with capital lettering 4 mm high, to accommodate reduction to single-column width. Photographs for halftone reproduction should be about twice the desired size.

Colour pages: There are a limited number of colour pages within the annual page allowance. However, authors should restrict their use of colour to situations where it is necessary on scientific, and not merely cosmetic, grounds. In addition, authors may pay to publish colour illustrations, but please consult the publisher regarding cost before submission.

Title: Print the word "Figure" and the figure Arabic number in bold type, include a space (with no period), and print the figure title on the same line, capitalizing the first letter of the first word. End the figure title with a period.

The titles and captions to all illustrations should be typed on a separate sheet of the manuscript.


Mathematical: Equations should preferably be typewritten, with subscripts and superscripts clearly shown. It is helpful to identify unusual or ambiguous symbols in the margin when they first occur. To simplify typesetting, please use: (1) the "exp" form of complex exponential functions; (2) fractional exponents instead of root signs; and (3) the solidus (/) to simplify fractions e.g. 3/4.

Chemical: Ring formulae, and other complex chemical matter, are extremely difficult to typeset. Please, therefore, supply reproducible artwork for equations containing such chemistry. Long reaction sequences should be designated as "Schemes" and treated like figures; i.e., keep artwork separate from the text, indicate in the margin an appropriate position, and supply a separate list of scheme captions. Where necessary, individual chemical formulae can be identified with bold Arabic numbers. Chemical equations referred to in the text should be indicated with Arabic numbers set over to the right in parentheses.

Marking: Where chemistry is straightforward and can be set (e.g., single line formulae), please help the typesetter by distinguishing between e.g., double bonds and equal signs, and single bonds and hyphens, where there is ambiguity. The typesetter finds it extremely difficult to identify which symbols should be set in roman (upright) or italic or bold type, especially where the paper contains both mathematics and chemistry. Therefore, please underline all mathematical symbols to be set italic and put a wavy line under bold symbols. Other letters not marked will be set in roman type.

Sizes and quantities should be expressed in Système International (SI) units wherever possible.

TABLES Number tables consecutively with roman numerals, and give each a clear descriptive caption at the top.

Title: Print the word "Table" and the table roman number in bold type, include a space (with no period), and print the table title on the same line, capitalizing the first letter of the first word. End the table title with a period.

Column heads: Print all column heads in italic type, capitalizing the first letter of each first word. The first column head is flushed left and others are centered to the column measure.

Body table: Mathematical numbers should be aligned with their symbols or decimal points. The first column text should be always flushed left and other column texts can be centered if necessary.

Presentation: Include a line space between the caption of the table and the column heads, another between the column heads and the body of the table. Captions included at the bottom of the table, should be ended with a period. Do not use vertical rules in tables.

DATA ANALYSIS Papers must include all the statistical parameters necessary to assess the validity of the analyses. They should contain the data tables. Names and sources of computer programs must be stated.

REFERENCES AND NOTES References are indicated in the text by baseline Arabic numbers in brackets. The full list should be collected and typed at the end of the paper in numerical order according to the following examples:

Journal articles:

(1) Hansch, C., Leo, A., and Taft, R.W. (1991). A survey of Hammett substituent constants and resonance and field parameters. Chem. Rev. 91, 165 - 195.


(2) Mackay, D. (1991). Multimedia Environmental Models. The Fugacity Approach. Lewis Publishers, Chelsea, p. 257.

Chapters from multi-authors books:

(3) Downs, G.M. and Willett, P. (1991). The use of similarity and clustering techniques for the prediction of molecular properties. In, Applied Multivariate Analysis in SAR and Environmental Studies (J. Devillers and W. Karcher, Eds.). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 247 - 279.

Abbreviation of journal names should follow the style of Chemical Abstracts or Physical Abstracts. Citations such as "personal communication", "unpublished work" etc., are not acceptable as numbered references but can be included in parentheses in the text. Do not use summaries as references.

It is assumed that with the development of the World Wide Web (WWW), authors and/or the publisher will propose distribution of articles or parts of articles on the WWW. If the author knows the HTTP address of a referenced article on the WWW, this information should be added at the end of the reference. Please use the following style:

[www http://www.blouk.com/article.html]

where http://www.blouk.com/article.html is the HTTP address.


Authors are encouraged to minimize the use of footnotes. A footnote may include the designation of a corresponding author of the paper, current address information for an author (if different from that shown in the affiliation), and traditional footnote content. Information concerning grant support of research should appear in a separate Acknowledgments section at the end of the paper, not in a footnote.

Acknowledgments of the assistance of colleagues or similar notes of appreciation also properly belong in an Acknowledgments section, not in footnotes.

Footnotes should be indicated in the text by the following symbols: * (asterisk or star), ?(dagger), ?(double dagger), ?(paragraph mark), ?(section mark), || (parallels), # (number sign). Do not use numerals for footnote call-outs, as they may be mistaken for bibliographical reference call-outs or exponents. Type each footnote at the bottom of the typescript page on which its text call-out appears.

Footnotes within a table should be indicated by the same symbols listed above. Reinitialize symbol sequence within tables. Type footnotes to a table directly beneath the table.


Text call-outs to figures, tables and other elements are the basis for searching articles on electronic delivery. Therefore, proper designation of text call-outs to figures and other elements is essential to the success of electronic delivery. When referring to a figure, table or other element within an article, always call the element by its full name: "See Table II", "Figure 1 illustrates...", "Refer to Scheme". Do not use ambiguous call-outs (for example, "1 illustrates...") that do not clearly denote the element being referred to.


The Editor and Publisher welcome article submission on disk. Disk files should be submitted with the final hard copy manuscript. The disk file and hard copy must match exactly.

When typing the article, do not include design or formatting information. Type all text flush left, unjustified and without hyphenation. Do not use indents, tabs or multi-spacing. If an indent is required, please note it by a line space; also mark the position of the indent on the hard copy manuscript. Indicate the beginning of a new paragraph by typing a line space. Leave one space at the end of a sentence, after a comma or other punctuation mark, and before an opening parenthesis. Be sure not to confuse lower case letter "l" with numeral "1", or capital letter "O" with numeral "0". Distinguish opening quotes from close quotes. Do not use automatic page numbering or running heads.

Tables and displayed equations may have to be rekeyed by the typesetter from your hard copy manuscript.

Articles prepared on most word processors are acceptable. If equations and/or scientific symbols have been imported into the article from another program, please provide details of the program used and the procedures followed. If author-created macros have been used, please use them as well.

Illustrations that are available in an electronic format are acceptable; please supply them on a separate disk. Please clearly indicate on the disk the file format and/or program used to produce them, and supply a high-quality hard copy of each illustration as well.

If more than one disk is submitted, please number each disk. Please mark each disk with the journal title, author name, abbreviated article title and file names. Retain a back-up copy of each disk submitted and pack the disks carefully before shipping.


Animations are limited to a time duration of 30 seconds. Animation should be submitted to the journal editor along with the manuscript. Animations in the following forms (in order of preference) can be accepted from authors:

Video tape

AVl or QuickTime files

A sequence of still images

The following formats can be accepted:

all uncompressed formats widely used on PC, Mac and UNIX

JPEG for colored and compressed images

TIFF with a group IV compression for black and white compressed images

FLI and FLC format from AutoDesk.

Authors who submit animations are requested to provide the following information:

Video tape-format used.

AVI or QuickTime files-version used, and system used for disk file creation.

Sequences of still images-format used, version and system used for disk file creation.

Authors who are unable to supply video tape, AVI or QuickTime file may provide the publisher with a set of sequential still images. Note that an animated sequence will consist of 13 to 15 still images per second of animation; e.g., if an animated sequence is 10 seconds in duration, it is made up of 130 images. Authors who are unable to submit in any of the above-mentioned formats are advised to contact the publisher to discuss other options prior to submission.

Animation should be mentioned in the text. Indicate an approximate location for the animation call-out in the margin.


Authors will receive page proofs (including figures) by air mail for correction, which must be returned to the Editor (and not to the typesetter) within 48 hours of receipt. Please ensure that full postal address, plus phone, fax and e-mail numbers, where available, are given on the first page of the typescript, so that proofs are not delayed in the post. Authors' alterations in excess of 10% of the original composition cost will be charged to authors.

Early Electronic Offprints:

Corresponding authors can now receive their article by e-mail as a complete PDF. This allows the author to print up to 50 copies, free of charge, and disseminate them to colleagues. In many cases this facility will be available up to two weeks prior to publication. Or, alternatively, corresponding authors will receive the traditional 50 offprints. A copy of the journal will be sent by post to all corresponding authors after publication. Additional copies of the journal can be purchased at the author's preferential rate of ?5.00/$25.00 per copy.


Fifty free reprints will be provided to the corresponding author of each paper. Additional reprints may be ordered by completing the appropriate form sent with proofs.


There are no page charges to individuals or institutions.

Editorial Board

Editor: James Devillers, CTIS, 3 Chemin de la Gravière, 69140 Rillieux La Pape, Franc


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