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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing

The emphasis of the journal Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing is on disseminating the application of research to the development of new or improved industrially-relevant manufacturing technologies, equipment, and strategies. Preference is given to papers describing research whose initial feasibility has been demonstrated either in a real manufacturing enterprise or experimentally in a laboratory. Case-studies describing technology transfer and deployment from research institutions to industry or the implementation and scale-up of new technologies in industry, as well as review papers on topical issues in manufacturing, are equally encouraged.

Original papers are welcomed in the areas of rapid-response manufacturing, global manufacturing, flexible automation, mechatronics, computer-controlled machinery and processes, micromechanical systems, green manufacturing, biotech manufacturing, photonics manufacturing, nano manufacturing, robotics, rapid prototyping, concurrent engineering, life cycle engineering, CAD/CAM/CAE, integration of IT tools into manufacturing, and other fields involving unique manufacturing techniques.


Manufacturing engineers, design engineers, product development teams, control engineers, computer scientists and robotics engineers.

 Abstracting / Indexing

  • Applied Science and Technology Index
  • Current Contents/CompuMath
  • Current Contents/Engineering, Computing and Technology
  • Engineering Information Abstracts
  • Management Contents
  • Research Alert

 Cover Page

Instructions to Authors

Authors are requested to submit their original manuscript and figures with three copies to the appropriate editor.

Authors from Australia and Asia should submit to Professor Grier Lin, Center for Advanced Manufacturing Research, University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes Campus, Adelaide, SA 5095, Australia.

Authors from North America, Europe and all other regions should submit to Professor Andre Sharon, Fraunhofer USA, at Boston University, 15 Saint Mary's Street, Brookline, MA 02446, USA.

Authors should supply full contact details for at least three other researchers in the same field as the paper. Submission of a paper implies that it has not been published previously, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that if accepted it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language, without the written consent of the publisher.

Original papers, case studies, letters-to-Editor; invited state-of-the-art reviews and Editorials. Occasionally a special issue on a selected topic (see Aims & Scope for further details).

General: Manuscripts must be typewritten, double-spaced with wide margins on one side of white paper. Good quality printouts with a font size of 12 or 10 pt are required. The corresponding author should be identified (include a Fax number and E-mail address). Full postal addresses must be given for all co-authors. Authors should consult a recent issue of the journal for style if possible. An electronic copy of the paper should accompany the final version. The Editors reserve the right to adjust style to certain standards of uniformity. Authors should retain a copy of their manuscript since we cannot accept responsibility for damage or loss of papers. Original manuscripts are discarded one month after publication unless the Publisher is asked to return original material after use.

Text: Follow this order when typing manuscripts: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Main text, Acknowledgements, Appendix, References, Vitae, Figure Captions and then Tables. Do not import the Figures or Tables into your text. The corresponding author should be identified with an asterisk and footnote. All other footnotes (except for table footnotes) should be identified with superscript Arabic numbers.

Nomenclature: All mathematical symbols and Greek letters should be typewritten, with identification provided in the margin. Distinction should be made between capital and lower case letters; between the letter O and zero; between letter l, number 1 and prime; between k and kappa. Mathematical expressions should be formatted in a column width of 55 characters. Mathematical expressions will be typeset exactly flush with the right margin.

References: References should be typed triple-spaced. All publications cited in the text should be presented in a list of references following the text of the manuscript. In the text refer to references by a number in square brackets on the line (e.g. Since Du [1]), and the full reference should be given in a numerical list at the end of the paper.

References should be given in the following form:
[1] Oppermann M, Sauer W, Wohlrabe H. Optimization of quality costs. Robotics Comput Integrated Manuf 2003;19(1-2):135-140.
[2] Montgomery DC. Design and analysis of experiments. New York: Wiley, 2001.
[3] Asakawa N, Takeuchi Y. Automation of chamfering by an industrial robot; for the case of machined hole on a cylindrical workpiece. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1998. p. 2452.

Illustrations: All illustrations should be provided in camera-ready form, suitable for reproduction (which may include reduction) without retouching. Photographs, charts and diagrams are all to be referred to as "Figure(s)" and should be numbered consecutively in the order to which they are referred. They should accompany the manuscript, but should not be included within the text. All illustrations should be clearly marked on the back with the figure number and the author's name. All figures are to have a caption. Captions should be supplied on a separate sheet.
Line drawings: Good quality printouts on white paper produced in black ink are required. All lettering, graph lines and points on graphs should be sufficiently large and bold to permit reproduction when the diagram has been reduced to a size suitable for inclusion in the journal. Dye-line prints or photocopies are not suitable for reproduction. Do not use any type of shading on computer-generated illustrations.
Photographs: Original photographs must be supplied as they are to be reproduced (e.g. black and white or colour). If necessary, a scale should be marked on the photograph. Please note that photocopies of photographs are not acceptable.
Colour: Where colour figures are required, the author will be charged accordingly (further details of costs are available from Author Services, at Elsevier Science).

Tables: Tables should be numbered consecutively and given a suitable caption and each table typed on a separate sheet. Footnotes to tables should be typed below the table and should be referred to by superscript lowercase letters. No vertical rules should be used. Tables should not duplicate results presented elsewhere in the manuscript, (e.g. in graphs).

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Editorial Board


A. Sharon, Fraunhofer-USA, at Boston University, 15 Saint Mary's Street, Brookline, MA 02246, USA. Email: rlivant@fraunhofer.org


G. Lin, Center for Advanced Manufacturing Research, university of South Australia, Mawson Lakes Campus, Adelaide SA 5095, Australia. Email: grier.lin@unisa.edu.au


M.M. Ahmad, School of Science and Technology, University of Teeside, Middlesbrough, TS1 3BA, UK. Tel: 01642 342443, Fax: 01642 342401, Email: m.m.ahmad@tees.ac.uk
M. Hägele, IPA, Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung, Nobostrasse 12, D-70569 Stuttgart, Postfach 800 169, Germany. Fax: (+49) (711) 970 1008, Email: mmh@ipa.fhg.de
W.G. Sullivan, Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech, 119 New Engineering Building, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA. Tel: +1 540 231 6659, Fax: +1 540 231 3322, Email: sullivan@esper.com
A. Villa, Department of Production Systems Technology, Turin Polytechnic, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Turin, Italy. Email: villa@athena.polito.it

Editorial Board:

P.N. Akella, USA
H. Asada, USA
J. Ballieul, USA
T.O. Binford, USA
D.E. Bossi, USA
T. Broughton, UK
M.C. Caramanis, USA
G.M. Chryssolouris, Greece
P.J. Deasley, UK
S. Dubowsky, USA
E. Eloranta, Finland
K.-C. Fan, Taiwan
Y. Haesgawa, Japan
Yoshimi Ito, Japan
Kazuaki Iwata, Japan
T. Kanade, USA
Kunwoo Lee, Korea
Fei Liu, China
L. Luong, Australia
K.L. Mak, Hong Kong
K. McKay, Canada
Fong Aik Meng, Singapore
E.M. Merchant, USA
R.N. Nagel, USA
A.Y.C. Nee, Singapore
D. Nitzan, USA
G. Reinhart, Germany
R.D. Schraft, Germany
W. Seering, USA
D. Spath, Germany
G. Spur, Germany
N.P. Suh, USA
H. Van Brussel, Belgium
F.B. Vernadat, France
H.-J. Warnecke, Germany
M. Weck, Germany
P.K. Wright, USA
H. Wörn, Germany
Yuan-Chen Yu, Taiwan



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