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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries

Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries is a quarterly international journal which publishes review articles on varied aspects of fish and fisheries biology. The subject matter is focused on include evolutionary biology, zoogeography, taxonomy, including biochemical taxonomy and stock identification, genetics and genetic manipulation, physiology, functional morphology, behaviour, ecology, fisheries assessment, development, exploitation and conservation. however, reviews will be published from any field of fish biology where the emphasis is placed on adaptation, function or exploitation in the whole organism.
The aims of published reviews are first, to provide an up-to-date synopsis for research workers in the chosen field with an outline of the next problems which should be tackled, and secondly, to furnish the non-specialist fish biologist with an awareness and understanding of the field.
In addition to review articles, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries includes details of interesting papers given at recent conferences, book reviews and correspondence arising from the reviews.
The Journal caters for all those with an interest in fish biology and fisheries including those from universities and research institutes, fishing industries, local, regional and government institutions and international organizations.

Indexing/Abstracting Services

Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries is indexed/abstracted in Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts; Biological Abstracts; BIOSIS Previews; Current Contents/Agriculture, Biology and Environmental Sciences; Geobase/Geo Abstracts; The ISI Alerting Services; Science Citation Index Expanded



Instructions to Authors

InformationforAuthors/Kluwer Stylefile 

Kluwer LaTeX Stylefiles for Submission

If you are submitting your article in LaTeX, please use the most up-to-date versions of the stylefiles. These are available by downloading them from this page. Avoid using stylefiles acquired from other sources as these may not be correct or may be out-of-date. The current version is 1.3 and is dated 2000/04/29.

All Kluwer journals have a common submission format, which differs from the style of any particular journal. Formatting for this style is done using the kluwer.cls file, and its accompanying stylefiles.

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Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries (RFBF) is a quarterly international journal devoted to publishing review articles on contemporary issues and concerns in fish biology and fisheries. Reviews will be considered for publication from any aspect of the biology, ecology, and management of fish and fishing. Emphasis will be placed on broad perspectives concerning the impacts and efficiencies of fisheries science in analyses of adaptation, biological function, exploitation, and conservation of fish and fish communities. The aims of published reviews are first to provide a state-of-the-art synopsis for researchers and interested parties in the chosen field with testimony on current problems, proposed corrections, and future objectives. Secondly, these reviews are intended to provide a comprehensive overview of the history of the topic and a thorough understanding of the issues.

In addition to quarterly reviews, RFBF publishes special issues dedicate to unique topics, invited editorials, book and conference reviews, letters to the editor, and select announcements. Reviews: Methods and Technology in Fish Biology and Fisheries is a book series published in affiliation with RFBF. This book series is dedicated to the publication of larger review topics with multiple aspects and/or proceedings of symposia concerning methods and technologies in fish biology and fisheries.

RFBF caters to all readers interested in the various aspects of fish biology or fisheries, including those from universities and research institutes, resource management and conservation groups, the fisheries industry, professional biological societies, and local, regional, and international resource organizations. RFBF will consider manuscripts for publication concerning reviews of scientific methods, analyses, database structure or content, literature, policy, and/or approach. The journal welcomes manuscripts containing new research if they offer important synthesis, have a strong conceptual basis, and thoroughly review historic or contrasting ideas. Manuscripts providing significant technical details or novel methodologies should be submitted elsewhere.


Unsolicited review manuscripts must fall within the aims and scope of the journal and should not exceed 33 pages in manuscript length (including figures, tables and literature). Invited editorials, book and conference reviews, letters to the editor, and select announcements are published at the discretion of the editorial staff and the publisher. Ideas on topics appropriate for RFBF special issues (SI) or as a volume in the methods-and-technology book series must first be presented in outline form to the Editor in Chief for consideration for publication. Contributors should feel free to discuss subject and content with Dr. Nielsen at any time.

Submission of Manuscripts

Manuscripts should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief, Dr. J.L. Nielsen as follows:

Dr. J.L. Nielsen
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries
Alaska Biological Science Center
1011 East Tudor Road
Anchorage, AK 99503

Manuscripts may be submitted to Dr. Nielsen electronically or as clear hard copies (4), including tables and figures (do not send original figures with initial submission). Conventional illustrations (i.e. pen and ink) and/or original photos may be submitted as clear photocopies for initial review. Manuscripts must be submitted exclusively to Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries and are accepted on the understanding that they have not been, nor will be, published elsewhere. If accepted for publication, all materials become the copyright of the Journal. Manuscripts should be accompanied by a cover letter giving signed permission to publish from all authors. In the cover letter, authors must indicate the number of words in the abstract and text separately. Permission to use published materials elsewhere will be granted upon request. All copies of the manuscript must be double-spaced throughout and complete with all figures and tables at the time of submission. Electronic submission is encouraged and should follow one of the journal styles (MS-DOS or LaTex) provided on the Kluwer Academic Publication web page http://www.wkap.nl/authors/jrnlstylefiles/ and follow the format given below and on the Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries homepage. Electronic submission using MS-WORD is encouraged. Electronic submission via e-mail (*.pdf attachments) will facilitate a timely turn-around of the manuscript. Three experts in the field usually review each manuscript and publication is dependent on the authors¡® address to the reviewers¡® comments and suggestions. Any manuscript that falls out of the journal¡®s policy or scope or is too long may be returned. The final decision to publish any material in the journal or book series rests with the Editor-in-Chief. There are no page charges.

Manuscript Format

Please follow these guidelines exactly. If you have questions feel free to contact Dr. Nielsen for advise. Electronic submission is not required, but is highly encouraged to speed the review process and facilitate appropriate temporal publication of articles following submission.


Use a laser-quality or ink-jet printer and opaque white paper (A4 or letter). Dot-matrix type and fanfold paper are not accepted. Authors should type only on one side of the paper, using 10-12 point text in Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier fonts. Leave at least 2.5 cm margins on all sides. It is mandatory that authors DOUBLE-SPACE EVERYTHING, including references, figure legends, and tables.

Manuscripts should be line-numbered whenever possible and all pages should be numbered sequentially, including title, tables, and figure legends. Do not use footnotes, addenda or explanatory notes. Used English spelling throughout as shown in the Oxford English Dictionary. The first time each fish species is mentioned in the text, the authors must give the appropriate Latin name and in parentheses (see Common and Scientific Names of Fishes, Fifth Edition 1991, American Fisheries Society Special Publication 20). Underline only to indicate italics. Italicize all Latin names appropriately, e.g.

Blue marlin (Makaira nigricans, Istiophoridae)

Organize your review as follows. Further details of the main sections are given below.

  • Title page (separate page)
  • Abstract (separate page with no more than 350 words)
  • Text of manuscript
  • Acknowledgements (optional)
  • References
  • Tables (separate pages)
  • Figure legends (separate pages)
  • Figures (separate pages)

Title page

The title of the paper should be distinct, descriptive, and precise. Titles must conform to the best style of scientific journalism and be suitable for indexing. Do not include taxonomic detail in your title unless absolutely necessary.

The title page must include:

  • Full title
  • Complete list of authors and their affiliations
  • Corresponding author¡®s e-mail, FAX and daytime phone number
  • List of key words (no more than 6)
  • Suggested running title (no more than 70 characters, including spaces)


Please submit a brief, concise abstract (not more than 350 words) suitable for indexing. Briefly summarize the salient findings and observations presented in the paper. Views and opinions, when necessary, should be presented lucidly and succinctly with the appropriate associations. Be informative, not redundant.

Text of the manuscript

All text should be line-numbered and organized into any or all of the following subsections depending on the nature of the review article:

  • Introduction (including scope or history of the issue)
  • Material and Methods (approach)
  • Findings/Results (use ¡®results¡® only if original, unpublished data are given)
  • Discussion (optional)
  • Summary/Conclusion

Use headings and subheadings that are informative and necessary to the context of the paper (e.g. Introduction on Nile Perch to Lake Victoria not The problem. There should be no more than four ranks of headings. Do not number section headings. Do not use abbreviations or anagrams without initial explanation of their meaning. Do not use footnotes, addenda, or explanatory notes. Used English spelling throughout as shown in the Oxford English Dictionary.

The final section of the review should provide a brief summary of the salient findings, views, and recommendations.


Acknowledge only persons or organizations critical to the development of the paper and state clearly and concisely their contribution to the manuscript. Acknowledgement of outside reviewers contributing to the manuscript before submission for publication is encouraged.


Cite only refereed, published work as far as possible. Use in press only when formal acceptance has been granted. Unpublished material (i.e. manuscripts in review, technical reports, proceedings abstracts, and summaries of raw data not previously published) should be designated in the text as unpublished dataor personal communications, and omitted from the reference list. Cite literature in the text by the Harvard name-and-year system, e.g. Nielsen (1994), Nielsen et al. (in press), Nielsen and Fountain (1999). Use et al. when there are three or more authors. Use a, b, etc. to distinguish papers by the same authors with the same date, e.g. Nielsen (1996a). Contributors are responsible for ensuring that all citations have matching and appropriate entries in the reference list and vise versa. Errors or incomplete citations may delay or prevent successful publication of a manuscript. Arrange all references alphabetically, by surname(s) of the author(s), then chronologically. List single authored papers first than list co-authored papers where the same author is listed as first-author. Arrange multi-authored references having the same first author chronologically. Abbreviate journal titles according to World List of Scientific Periodicals or the Periodical Title Abbreviations. If in doubt give the full title. Be sure to double-space all citations. The following examples illustrate the style required for references in RFBF, including new electronic reference citations.

Dunham, J.B., Peacock, M.M., Nielsen, J.L., Tracy, C.R., and Vinyard. G.L. (1999) Extinction risk assessment: Integrating genetic information. Cons. Ecol. [on line] 3(1):2 Available from the Internet URL http://www.consecol.org/vol3/iss1/art2

Quinn, T.P., Nielsen, J.L., Gan, C.A., Unwin, M. J., Wilmot, R., Guthrie, C., and Utter, F. M. (1996) Origin and genetic structure of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) transplanted from California to New Zealand: allozyme and mtDNA evidence. Fish. Bull. 94, 506-521.

Nielsen, J.L. (ed.) (1995a) Evolution and the Aquatic Ecosystem: Defining Unique Units in Population Conservation. American Fisheries Society Monograph Series No. 17. 435 pp.

Nielsen, J.L. (1995b) Variation in individual life history strategies in coho salmon from northern California. In Duncan-Vaughn, J. (ed.) Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Salmonid Restoration Federation Conference, Feb. 23-26, 1995, Santa Rosa, CA, pp. 40-41.

Nielsen, J.L. (1996) Anadromous Fishes of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. NOAA Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary web site address: http://color.mlml.calstate.edu/www/mbnms/docs92/fish.html

Nielsen, J.L., Fountain, M.C., and Crow, K. D. (1996) Molecular systematics of the McCloud River redband trout. California Department of Fish and Game Report FG5004-IF, Inland Fisheries Division, Sacramento, CA. 61pp.

Nielsen, J.L., Gan, C.A., Carpanzano, C., and Fountain, M.C. (1997) Mitochondrial DNA and nuclear microsatellite frequency differences in hatchery and wild Oncorhynchus mykiss from freshwater habitats in southern California. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 126, 397-417.

Nielsen, J.L. (1998a) Threatened Fishes of the World: Oncorhynchus mykiss nelsoni Evermann 1908 (Salmonidae). Environ. Bio. Fish. 51, 376.

Nielsen, J.L. (1998b) Scientific sampling effects: electrofishing California¡®s endangered fish populations. Fisheries 23, 6-12.

Nielsen, J.L. (1998c) Population genetics and the conservation and management of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). In Mather M. (ed.) Proceeding of Integrating Across Scales: Predicting Patterns of Change in Atlantic Salmon. Canadian Journal Fisheries Aquatic Science 55(Suppl. 1), pp. 145-152.

Nielsen, J.L., Crow, K.D., and Fountain, M.C. (1999) Microsatellite diversity and conservation of a relic trout population: the McCloud River redband trout. Mol. Ecol. (in press).

Winter, B. D. (1992) Determinate migratory behavior of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) parr. PhD dissertation, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 268 pp.


Tables must be double-spaced, on separate numbered pages (one table per page) at the end of the manuscript. Do not embed tables in your manuscript. Use horizontal lines sparingly, and no vertical lines.

Each table must have an Arabic number (sequentially based on their citation in the manuscript) and a concise title that explains all of the information given in the table. Put all sources, technical details, etc. in the caption rather than in footnotes whenever possible. Put values to be compared in columns, not rows. Tables must be fully self-explanatory, so that they can be understood without reference to the text.

Figure Legends

Number each figure (Arabic) in order of mention in the manuscript. List an informative legend (double-spaced) for each figure on a separate, numbered page sequentially. Figure legends should be concise and able to be understood without reference to the text (e.g. explain all abbreviations). Put all necessary information in the legend and avoid keys drawn on the figure.


Send illustrations on separate pages at the end of the manuscript. Do not embed illustrations or figures in the text. Send good quality photocopies (one for each copy of the manuscript) of line drawings, photos, x-ray images, micrographs, computer-generated illustrations or maps in your first submission. Retain the original artwork until you submit a revised manuscript following review and acceptance of the paper. Always use scale bars to indicate reference size, magnification, map distance, etc.

Submit original photographs (upon acceptance of your manuscript) as glossy black-and-white prints, mounted on lightweight white card stock with protective overlays if possible. Attach to the back a label indicating top, figure number, and authors name. If possible, group suitable photographs on one plate. The maximum area for a halftone is 210 X 140 mm. Color figures can be reproduced if the author agrees with the published to pay for the extra cost of color reproduction. Line drawings should be prepared in black India ink, on rag-bond paper, drawing board, drafting film, or graph paper ruled in light blue. Use a laser printed for computer-generated graphics. Allow for 2:1 (linear, not area) reduction of all figures. Use at least 0.25 mm thick lines for illustrations. Use upper and lower case letters with capitals at least 4 mm high in all graphs or illustrations. Do not submit drawings wider than 260 mm. Use clear, high quality lettering for hand labeling of figures.

Units, Symbols, and Mathematics

Metric units are required in all measurements. SI symbols should be used throughout. Follow standard mathematical notation in formulae. Explain any special characters.

Manuscript Proofs

The publisher will send page proofs to the first author unless otherwise stated on the title page of the manuscript. Proofs must be corrected within three days of receipt. Alterations in proof other than correction of printers errors may be charged to authors. There will be no proofs for submissions to the Letters section.


Authors will receive 25 free reprints (sent to the corresponding author) following publication. All authors will be given the opportunity to order more copies upon the return of proofs.


Submission of a paper to Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries or Reviews: Methods and Technology in Fish Biology and Fisheries will be taken to imply that it represents an original unpublished text, not under consideration for publication elsewhere. By submitting a manuscript authors agree that the copyright for there is transferred to the published if and when the article is accepted for publication. The copyright covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article, including reprints, photographic reproductions, microfilm or any reproduction of a similar nature, and transactions.

Written permission to publish illustrations must be obtained by the author before submission and any acknowledgement should be included in the figure captions (use the format reproduced with permission from Nielsen 1996 unless the copyright holder asks otherwise).

Editorial Board
Jennifer L. Nielsen
U.S. Geological Survey, Alaska Biological Science Center, Anchorage, USA

Editorial Board:
Devin M. Bartley, FAO, Rome, Italy; Howard Bern, University of California, Berkeley, USA; Stephen Blaber, CSIRO Marine Research, Cleveland, Qld., Australia; James Bohnsack, Southeast Fisheries Center, Miami, FL, USA; Moira M. Ferguson, University of Guelph, ON, Canada; Lee A. Fuiman, University of Texas Marine Science Institute, Port Arkansas, USA; Ray Hilborn, University of Washington, Seattle, USA; Ikuo Hirono, Tokyo University of Fisheries, Japan; Nicholas F. Hughs, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA; Ewa Kamler, Inland Fisheries Institute, Piaseczno, Poland; Steven J. Kennelly, NSW Fisheries, Cronulla, Australia; Robert M. McDowall, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Christchurch, New Zealand; Carlos A. Moreno, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile; Yvonne J. Sadovy, University of Hong Kong, PR of China; Deanna J. Stouder, U.S. Forest Service, Olympia, WA, USA; George F. Turner, University of Southampton, UK


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