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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Reviews in Chemical Engineering

The main aim of Reviews in Chemical Engineering is to develop new insights and to promote interest and research activity in chemical engineering and applied chemistry, as well as the application of new developments in these areas. The journal publishes authoritative articles of limited scope by leading chemical engineers, applied scientists and mathematicians. Long articles which review an entire field are also occasionally solicited. Because of the broad interest now shown in chemical problems which previously had a more limited appeal, Reviews in Chemical Engineering is sure to play a significant role in the growth of the field as a whole.

Instructions to Authors

These instructions are to help you prepare a manuscript that is suitable for submission to Reviews in Chemical Engineering.

Manuscripts for Reviews in Chemical Engineering may be submitted to any of the editors, preferably to the author¡¯s regional editor. Five copies of the manuscripts should be submitted along with a diskette copy (preferably Word for Windows, PC). A short Abstract (maximum length 200 words) is required for all papers. Authors should use the International System of Units and their standard abbreviations.

Your manuscript should be typed double-spaced, with the text either justified or flush left. Tables must have a short heading at the top and numbered with Arabic numerals. Figures must be clearly identified with captions, on separate pages with clear indications in the text where the figures are to be placed. Photographs should be sharp black and white prints with high contrast (glossy). Identify clearly where each photograph is to be placed in the text, and mark * to indicate top. Equations (see example below) should be preceded and followed by a blank line. If numbered, make sure that they are numbered consecutively. Equations should not be written by hand.

Pages should be numbered at the bottom. References must be numbered consecutively in order of their appearance. Both authors are cited when there are two and "et al." is used to cite a publication having more than two authors. For example: "Barnes et al. (1969, 1971) and Walters and Townsend (1968) explored the effects ...". A complete list of references must be compiled at the end of the manuscript including the year of publication, title of the book, volume number, and complete pagination.

Manuscripts will be sent for peer review, and accepted papers are subject to editing. A reprint order form will be sent with the page proofs, and must be returned with the corrected proofs. One copy of the journal and 25 reprints per article will be provided free of charge. Please indicate, with full address including telephone, fax, email, etc., the author to whom correspondence and the reprints are to be sent.

Editorial Board


Neal R. Amundson and Dan Luss
University of Houston
Department of Chemical Engineering
Houston, Texas
77004, USA
N. Brauner
Tel Aviv University
Dept. of Fluid Membranes and Heat Transfer
Faculty of Engineering
69978 Ramat Aviv, Israel

Editorial Board

Prof. J. Kost
Dept. of Chemical Engineering
Ben Gurion University
Beer Sheva, 84105  Israel
L. Gary Leal
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5080  USA
Eli Ruckenstein
State University of New York
Buffalo, NY
14260  U.S.A.
Pablo G. Debenedetti
Princeton University
Princeton, New Jersey 08544-5263  USA
Patrick L. Mills
DuPont Central Research & Development Experimental Station, Wilmington, DE 
19880  USA 
William B. Russel
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ
08544  U.S.A.
Thomas F. Edgar
University of Texas
Austin, Texas
78712  U.S.A. 
Manfred Morari
Automatic Control Laboratory
ETH Zentrum, ETL 129
CH-8902 Zurich, Switzerland
John H. Seinfeld
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA, 91125  U.S.A.
Gerhart Eigenberger
Institut fuer Chemische Verfahrenstechnik
University of Stuttgart,  D-70199 Stuttgart, Germany 
M. Narkis
Dept. of Chemical Engineering
Technion-IIT, Haifa
32000 Israel 
Jeffrey J. Siirola
Eastman Chemical Company
Kingsport, Tennessee
37662 U.S.A.
Gilbert F. Froment
University of Ghent
Rijksuniversiteit, Ghent
O.E. Potter
Monash University
Clayton 3168, Victoria Australia 
John Villadsen
Instituttet for Kemiteknik
Denmarks Tekniske 
Hojskole, Lyngby, Denmark
Prof. J.B. Joshi
Dept. of Chemical Technology
University of Mumbai
Matunga, Mumbai-400 019
John A. Quinn
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 
19104  U.S.A.
Arthur W. Westerberg
Carnegie-Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 
15213  U.S.A.
Yannis G. Kevrekidis
Princeton University
Princeton, New Jersey 08544-5263  USA 
Robert C. Reid
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA
02139  U.S.A. 


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